38 Attitude Quotes for Girls
If you are a girl then read our attitude quotes for girls for encouragement and for motivation to be the best you can be.
Being a girl is difficult at times. Growing up in a society that demands instant gratification and sometimes unrealistic demands is not easy for girls.
Share these quotes with the girls in your life.
- Beautiful people are not always good but good people are always beautiful. Imam Ali
Beautiful Quotes
Girls this is a great quote to remember. - You are who you are, and nothing can change that. You’re beautiful just as you are. Karen FlahertyBe Yourself
- Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Michelle Obama
- One part at a time, one day at a time, we can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves. Karen Casey, Each Day a New Beginning
- “By the way, if you do not have anyone in your life who will be honest with you and give you an attitude adjustment when you need it, find someone.” Willow Cross, Getting Over It
Not only girls, but all of us need people in our lives that will be honest with us! - “Laughter also provides a sense of well-being, contentment, joy, and boosts your spirit and the attitude of those around you.” Sandra V. Abell, Feeling Good About You
Laugh every day girls and you will see a change! - Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. Kahlil Gibran
Life Quotes
Such truth in this quote! Girls always remember it is not what happens but how we deal with it. - Don’t ever think you will never get out of the circumstance. Looking at it with a negative attitude will never get you anywhere. Christopher Epstein, Self Esteem
Never Quit
Nothing last forever, even though sometimes we feel like it will. Girls, keep your thoughts positive. If you are always focusing on the bad then you will never see the good. And there is always good, we just have to look for it. - “Words have even more power when you believe in them. What you say has the potential to change your attitude and your whole way of thinking.” Jason Scotts, Mental Strength & Positive Attitude
Girls sometimes have a tendency to say things because they are hurt, however, once said you can never take it back. - “Altering your attitude to include gratefulness and gratitude in your everyday life will remove any kind of jealousy or sadness you might feel.” Dianne Kane, Anger Management for Partners
Girls in your dairy include 3 things that you are grateful for each day. By doing this you will find gratitude becomes a habit. - Before tasting success, you are likely to face many setbacks and failures. But the trick is to never let go of your enthusiasm, perseverance and positive attitude. Joseph Parker, The 33 Golden Rules
Wise words for both girls and boys. We all face setbacks and failures however if we learn from them we will find success.
Failure - You can’t go back to the past, you can’t erase yesterday, you can’t determine what tomorrow holds, but you can look in a different direction starting right now. You can seize what appears as a negative demise to journey forward. Vivian Jokotade, Fresh Start
Future - “It’s interesting to see that some people have less than others, but have a better attitude and go through life with peace of mind and a happy mood more often.” Rita Chester, Complaining
Happy - “Those who learn how to overcome failure become stronger. Let’s face it we are all confronted with failure. The difference is how we deal with it.” Catherine Pulsifer, Accepting Failure
Overcoming - Everyday I awake with a smile on my face, a prayer on my lips, and with an attitude of gratitude for another day of life. Amber Rain, Happiness: How to Stop Feeling Depressed, Hopeless, Lonely, Sad and Be Happy
Gratitude - Simply ask yourself “what will happen today that is truly great” orsome similar question that fills you with an optimistic attitude towards the events you will encounter each day. Ilya Alexi, Mind Over Money
Optimistic - We don’t have to let the things we cannot change take control of our lives. Just because we cannot change something doesn’t mean we must give it control of life. That’s where attitude comes in. Ethan Hunter, Maya Angelou: 24 Powerful Lessons And Insights From Maya Angelou
Quotes about Change - A great attitude becomes a great day which becomes a great month which becomes a great year which becomes a great life. Mandy Hale
Great Quotes about Life - However, when you make the decision to avoid associating with negative people your own attitude will start to change for the better. Alex Uwajeh, The Power of Positive Affirmations
Negative People Quotes - There are the four key cornerstones of a successful person: talent, character, attitude, and skills. Honoree Corder, Vision to Reality
Agree with Honoree four keys, but girls, I think the most important key is attitude. You can have talent, character and skill but if your attitude is not positive then success may not find you! - In the end, we can’t always control what goes around us, but we do have full control over our own reactions and attitude toward it. Steve Gold, Anthony Robbins’ Key Concepts for Success
Inspirational Quotes - Cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy about what will happen in the future, regardless of what occurred in the past. Stephen Hall, Emotional Mastery
Positive Attitude - If you think you can’t, you won’t. Michelle C. Ustaszeski
What does your attitude reflect – can or won’t? - You see, perception is everything. What matters most is not how your life looks to you but how you choose to look at your life. Deirdre A. McClarin, Optional Optimism
Quote of The Day - “Positive and negative attitudes are both contagious.” Pantea Kalhor, Rules of Change For the Better
Negativity Quotes
Girls, which are you – positive or negative? - Your attitude is a choice. If you desire to make your day a masterpiece, then you need to have a great attitude. John C. Maxwell, Make Today Count:
Choices - Keep your attitude positive even when issues arise, find the good and move on. Kate Summers
Moving Forward - Riding a bike takes both attitude and skill. If you believe that you will fall, then you will certainly fall. However, if you decide to forget about your fear of falling and failing, and instead focus on the joy of the ride, you will no doubt find yourself pedaling at top speed, enjoying the wind in your hair. Sarah Brooks, Self Esteem
Fear - Don’t let others ruin your day, it is your choice the attitude you choose, which will result in a good day or a bad day. Byron Pulsifer
Good Day Quotes
The keyword here is “choice”. Girls you control the choice you make. - Shine within you so that it can shine on someone else. Let your light shine. Oprah Winfrey
Famous Quotes about Life
Oprah is certainly an example to all girls. Her attitude could have been very different, however, she has been an inspiration to many girls and women. - “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem.” Captain Jack Sparrow
Girls a good quote to reflect on – is it the problem or is it your outlook? - No life is so hard that you can’t make it easier by the way you take it. Ellen Glasgow
Short Inspirational Quotes
Ellen Glasgow’s quotes holds much wisdom. Girls think of how you react to disappointing situations. If you change your thinking your attitude will also change for the better. - If you are always trying to be normal, you’ll never know how amazing you can be. Maya Angelou
Amazing Quotes - It’s amazing what you can accomplish with the right attitude and motivation. Marie Clapsaddle, Become a Tech-Active Senior
Motivational Quotes - Life goes by fast. Enjoy it. Calm down. It’s all funny� Everyone gets so upset about the wrong things. Joan Rivers
Keep Calm - Most Girls think that every boy they don’t like is not good but they didn’t see the inner soul of them. Udayveer Singh
Good - As Henry Ford famously stated, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Drew Scott Pearlman, The Four Faces of Transformation
Famous Quotes
Our beliefs will determine the outcome of any situation. If we don’t think we can do it we will not. But if we think we can, then we do! - Every new day that comes, it’s a chance to restart and jumpstart your life.
Dash Trembley, I AM Unconditional Love
New Day Quotes
No matter what your attitude was yesterday, no matter what your day was like yesterday, today is a new day!

Attitude Quotes
Words of Encouragement for Women
Inspirational Quotes for Students
We hope these attitude quotes for girls are ones have inspired you. And ones that you will share with other girls!
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