69 Best Discipline Quotes To Help You Stay In Control:

69 Best Discipline Quotes To Help You Stay In Control

All successful entrepreneurs, leaders or parents – have a healthy degree of self-discipline. Welching out on something isn’t even something they’ll consider. “If I said I’d do it, then I’ll do it” is their motto. Is that you? Can you ‘make’ yourself do things you know you have to do? Who wants to get up in the middle of the night to comfort a crying baby? Who wants to make sure they get back to that client, even when they’re dog-tired, at the end of a long day? I’ll let you into a little secret. NO ONE likes doing that stuff. The difference between the successful and the unsuccessful is that successful people ‘do the thing’ and then feel the motivation.

Don’t want to go to the gym? Too bad – you’re going. Don’t want to prospect for new sales? Just get 5 more done and then you can quit for the day. Don’t want to write that piece for the website? I’ll DO IT ANYWAY. Disconnect from your ‘off’ switch. Cut yourself off from any other outcome and DO WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO. For yourself and for your discipline ‘muscle’. The more you follow through for yourself, the stronger you’ll get. So be encouraged by this collection of discipline quotes and make that list and get it done!!

Page Contents:

Discipline Quotes (1 – 52)

Self-Discipline Quotes (52 – 69)

Published by: Ben Gillison

    Find what you love to do, and go do it. You will never be successful until 
you have a plan, and the discipline and determination to go
 through with that plan. Julius Williams, Rules To The Game

  1. Find what you love to do, and go do it. You will never be successful until you have a plan, and the discipline and determination to go through with that plan.Julius Williams, Rules To The Game
  2. The more I disciplined myself to take notice of�the good things in life, the more I began to�recognize�just�how much there is to be thankful for.
Krystal  Kuehn,  Giving Thanks

  3. The more I disciplined myself to take notice of�the good things in life, the more I began to�recognize�just�how much there is to be thankful for.Krystal Kuehn, Giving Thanks
  4. The satisfaction of seeing the incremental gains, through discipline 
alone, gives inspiration to apply the same methods in other areas of your life. Keith Hill Jr., Fighting Fear and Doing Discipline

  5. The satisfaction of seeing the incremental gains, through discipline alone, gives inspiration to apply the same methods in other areas of your life. Keith Hill Jr., Fighting Fear and Doing Discipline
    Inspirational Quotes
  6. The fact is, discipline is only punishment when imposed on you by someone else.� 
When you discipline yourself, it’s not punishment but empowerment. Les Brown

  7. The fact is, discipline is only punishment when imposed on you by someone else.� When you discipline yourself, it’s not punishment but empowerment.Les Brown
    Best Quotes
  8. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Jim Rohn

  9. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. Jim Rohn
  10. A disciplined person follows values stemming from their source - the self. Stephen Covey

  11. A disciplined person follows values stemming from their source – the self. Stephen Covey Jim Rohn
    Famous Quotes
  12. Knowledge can determine your persistence but when it is not put into practice through skills or properly applied through attitude then knowledge will be useless. Thelma Barnes, Practice Persistence
  13. Leaders are rarely born; they are made. Persistence and circumstance play a bigger role in developing a great leader than initial circumstances ever will, so it is this discipline that you must work on, building within your personality. Kula Sellathurai; Raymond Aaron, Action Leads to Success
  14. It is discipline that will help you follow through on the commitment you made on your wedding day. David Khalil, Principle 10
  15. Mentors are advocates, advisers, and role models. You do not need a degree in psychology or hours of special training to be a mentor. All that is required is the commitment to make a difference, the willingness to listen and hear, and the discipline to balance your heart and your mind. Thomas Dortch, The Miracles of Mentoring
    Make A Difference
  16. The best sort of character, however, cannot be formed without effort. There needs the exercise of constant self-watchfulness, self-discipline, and self-control. Samuel Smiles
  17. One-half of life is luck; the other half is discipline – and that’s the important half, for without discipline you wouldn’t know what to do with luck.Carl Zuckmeyer
  18. Many pet owners make the mistake of being too easy or too hard on their dogs. Harsh physical discipline is usually never necessary. But spoiling your dog and ignoring or even condoning problem behaviors is also a horrible idea.Fanny Doright, Boxer Dog Training Book
  19. Discipline takes courage and perseverance, but it pays off.Joan Price, Climbing the Spiritual Ladder
  20. The basis of positive discipline is to educate or raise children with love and firmness at the same time. It is giving him or her the opportunity to grow up in a home where freedom, love, and limits are allowed.Henry Quilaq, The Imperfect Parenting
    Family Love
  21. The future of their child depends on how they were raised at home. Thus, the foundation they receive from us is the same criteria they know well to discipline and raise their own child in the future. David Bishopson, How to Discipline a Child
  22. When you have strong self-discipline you will be prepared to overcome any kind of obstacles that you might encounter on your journey towards creating good habits. Ronald Valentino, Habits
    Quotes on Being Strong
  23. A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering. Dalai Lama
  24. If you don’t teach your child discipline, you are preparing him poorly for life.Bethany Bridges, How to Be a Good Dad
  25. Robert Collier said it best when he said, “All of us have bad luck and good luck. The man who persists through the bad luck, who keeps right on going, is the man who is there when the good luck comes, and is ready to receive it.” So next time you feel like you don’t have any luck, remember these wise words and keep on going – step by step, with enthusiasm, discipline and persistence, and you will find luck!Catherine Pulsifer, Good Luck On Your Test
  26. The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment. William Arthur Ward

  27. The price of excellence is discipline. The cost of mediocrity is disappointment. William Arthur Ward
    Quote of the Day
  28. Listening to each other, if you want to think for yourselves, requires discipline and the most profound attention for each other.Nancy Kline, Time to Think
  29. You are unique. That is nothing new, but the implications of this short statement are vast. You are unique and therefore, what works for you, what suits your body (your biology) will be different from what works for other people.Bernie Clark, Your body your yoga
  30. We might say that discipline doesn’t always help kids to become self-disciplined.Alfie Kohn, Unconditional parenting
  31. Practical wisdom is only to be learned in the school of experience. Precepts and instruction are useful so far as they go, but, without the discipline of real life, they remain of the nature of theory only. Samuel Smiles
  32. A disciple, the one receiving discipline, is not a prisoner or recipient of punishment, but one who is learning through instruction.Daniel J. Siegel, No-Drama Discipline
  33. One of the toughest things to get over when you are speaking of motivation and discipline is not to measure your success by the success of your peers.Felix Oberman, Developing Discipline and Motivation
  34. Discipline from a heart of compassion corrects the child.Derek Townsend, For The Love Of Truth: Possessing Your Eternal Life
  35. You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life.James G. Bilkey
    Words of Encouragement
  36. When we discipline ourselves by watching what we put into our hearts and minds, by doing the hard work of Bible study, by investing in prayer, and by faithfully surrounding ourselves with a group of like-minded believers, we begin to deepen and mature. Mark J. Musser, Finding the True You: Discover Who You Were Created to Be
  37. Our troops are capable of the best of discipline. If they lack it, leadership is faulty. A commander who cannot develop proper discipline must be replaced. Dwight Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe
  38. While all the other kids were out playing in the summer evenings, I had to be in bed at six-thirty. They did that to discipline me, but for me it was the wrong way to bring up a child. It gave me a feeling of frustration and of reaching-out-and-trying-to-please. I found the quickest and easiest way to do that was to make people laugh. I suppose you could say it led to my wanting to be an actress.Lucille Ball
  39. Your environments and settings matter. Set yourself up in an environment that encourages the building of self-discipline. Not one that sabotages yourself.Jordan Koma, Bad Habits
  40. Loving parents always discipline with love and encouragement and never as a means to devalue and humiliate to the point of feeling worthless.Rhonda Hart, Toddler Discipline
    Encouraging Poems
  41. Mental toughness is many things and rather difficult to explain. Its qualities are sacrifice and self-denial. Also, most importantly, it is combined with a perfectly disciplined will that refuses to give in. It’s a state of mind – you could call it character in action. Vince Lombardi
  42. It’s easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you’re a winner, when you’re number one. What you’ve got to have is faith and discipline when you’re not yet a winner. Vince Lombardi
    Motivational Poems
  43. Each person has the motivation and the drive to become self-disciplined if they put their minds to it and the time and effort that will be required for success. Mike C. Adams, Self Discipline
  44. Effective discipline is the willingness to force yourself to pay the price, and to do what you know you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not. This is critical for success. Brian Tracy, Time Management
    Quotes to Live By
  45. Successful, effective people are those who launch directly into their major tasks and then discipline themselves to work steadily and single-mindedly until those tasks are complete. Brian Tracy, Eat That Frog!
  46. It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people’s lives.Clint Eastwood
    Poems about Life
  47. When you are angry, it is easier for you to over discipline. Your anger may be perceived by your child as a personal attack.Lou Priolo, The Heart of Anger
  48. The purpose of discipline is self-discipline, and its best source is the full-time hovering presence of a grandmother. Grandmothers don’t spoil children; tired parents do. Florence King
  49. What I know for sure is that there is no strength without challenge, adversity, resistance, and often pain. The problems that make you want to throw up your hands and holler “Mercy!” will build your tenacity, courage, discipline, and determination. Oprah Winfrey
  50. Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid. Proverbs 12:1
    Encouraging Bible Verses
  51. Genius at first is little more than a great capacity for receiving discipline. George Eliot

  52. Genius at first is little more than a great capacity for receiving discipline. George Eliot

  53. … the reality is that self-discipline removes many of the self-created obstacles that stand between you and the level of success and achievement that you both crave and deserve. Thus, rather than it being self-sacrificing, self-discipline is actually self-promoting. A.C. Drexel, Self Discipline
  54. Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting and, of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. These are all lessons in life. Kristi Yamaguchi, Olympic Figure Skating medalist
    Life Lessons
  55. How do you limit yourself from the things that you love? And how do you know if you are over-consuming something? Depending on what it is that you are trying to limit, this will be a true test of self-discipline. Brad Ryan, Self-Discipline
  56. I taught myself discipline, the strictest kind of discipline.Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arnold
    Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes
  57. The undisciplined person falls into the same category as the lazy person who allows circumstances to control him rather than controlling circumstances.MaryAnn Diorio, PhD, You Were Made for Greatness!
  58. Once you set the goal , it takes fierce discipline to reach it. Sam Moore, American by Choice
  59. It’s nearly impossible to achieve focus and self-discipline separately. Being disciplined in your pursuit of long-term goals is only possible if you can consistently focus on the decisions and actions that lead to accomplishing those goals. Peter Hollins, The Science of Self-Discipline
  60. Self-Discipline Quotes

    We hope our self-discipline quotes inspire you to change your attitude and propel you towards success.

    The majority of us have bad habits, some big and some small, often these habits can be the roadblocks that prevent us from living our best lives!

    Not to worry, YOU have the power to change your fate, you must first learn to master self-discipline.Self-discipline isn’t the easy road, but who do you know that became successful sitting on the couch? If you learn to resist temptation and delay gratification and you will receive bigger rewards in the future!

    When you believe that you have the power within you to be self-disciplined you are already halfway there. Today is the day to start cultivating self-discipline and tomorrow is the day you will start reaping the rewards!

    A skill is a habit, in order to create a habit it takes common practice, discipline is a habit, so therefore you can create discipline. Be Sure , Create Your Self Discipline

  61. A skill is a habit, in order to create a habit it takes common practice, discipline is a habit, so therefore you can create discipline.Be Sure, Create Your Self Discipline
    Habit Quotes
  62. Self-discipline paves the way to turn your dreams into reality.Alex Garry, Self Discipline
  63. When you decide to become a more self-disciplined person, it’s very easy to find the motivation. The Power Of Self Discipline
    Motivation Quotes
  64. Self-discipline takes a lot of inner strength, which is why it is one of the hallmarks of good character.Ryan James, Self-Discipline
    Strength and Courage
  65. As long as you are self-disciplined enough to figure out what you need to learn so you can achieve a little bit more tomorrow, eventually, you’ll get there.RD king, The Power Of Self-Discipline
  66. Without such discipline, however, life becomes shattered, chaotic, and lacks in concentration. Erich Fromm, The Art of Lovingbooks.google.co.uk › books
  67. The most important single quality of success is self-discipline. Self-discipline is having the ability within yourself, based on your strength of character and willpower, to do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not. Brian Tracy, Flight Plan

  68. The most important single quality of success is self-discipline. Self-discipline is having the ability within yourself, based on your strength of character and willpower, to do what you should do when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.Brian Tracy, Flight Plan
  69. Respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline when you have both firmly under your belt then that provides the real power. Shikhar Tripathi, How to Become SuccessfuL
    Power Quotes
  70. Ultimately, self-discipline means being in charge of yourself.Hal Urban, Life’s Greatest Lessons: 20 Things That Matter look after yourself
    Self Motivation
  71. Self-discipline drives success. You must repeat the target behavior, whatever it is, every day until it becomes second nature. Until it becomes a habit. Automatic. It is about behaving your way to success. Kevin Hogan, ‎Dave Lakhani, ‎Mollie Marti, The 12 Factors of Business Success
  72. Good habits developed through discipline, fuel ambition and galvanise us to achieve our goals by taking action. Action generates energy for more action as we gather momentum to achieve our desires. Thus by habitually taking daily action we can overcome the regret of later years and reap the long-term rewards of self-discipline.Mabel Joshua-Amadi, Shatter Your Self-Doubt
    Desire Quotes
  73. It is hard to respect the self in the absence of self-discipline. Ezekiel Umo Ette, Ph.D., ANNANG WISDOM: TOOLS FOR POSTMODERN LIVING

  74. It is hard to respect the self in the absence of self-discipline. Ezekiel Umo Ette, Ph.D., Annang Wisdom
  75. Self-discipline is essential to the attainment of good values in life. It prompts to preserve good things in life. Ashok Gulla, Creating Values in Life
  76. An organized life is a disciplined life. Joaquim Manuel Andrade, Thinking Big, Creative Thinking, And Self-Discipline
    Organization Quotes
  77. Too much denial of oneself can lead to frustration and failure; too little self-discipline can lead to ruin.James Jones, Self-Discipline
  78. When your higher self takes back responsibility and you return to the path of purpose, intention and discipline, you also grow you personal power!Jim Koehneke MA �, Take Charge of Your Life
  79. Discipline is the unique step of intelligent thought and activity that puts a lid on temper, encourages success and deters failure, enhances health and curbs sickness. It's not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. Yomi Akinpelu, Blow the Cap off your Capability

  80. Discipline is the unique step of intelligent thought and activity that puts a lid on temper, encourages success and deters failure, enhances health and curbs sickness. It’s not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.Yomi Akinpelu, Blow the Cap off your Capability

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