Accountability Quotes Page 2
Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison
- “You are accountable for your actions, your decisions, your life; no one else is, but you.” Catherine Pulsifer
Inspirational Quotes - “Ask anyone in charge of managing people to define their number one leadership challenge, and they’re likely to tell you that it’s achieving accountability for performance.” Di Worrall, Accountability Leadership
Challenge - “Accountability is a key concept in moving an organization forward, especially in a challenging business climate.”Cindy Tucker
Future - “A fire officer lives and breathes accountability to his superiors, the men under his command who dare to go with him into the most dangerous situations, and his community. Most of all, he is accountable to himself for his decisions. Without accountability, there is no fire service.” Lieutenant David Kahn
Dare - “But, getting people to be accountable requires that you stop trying to impose accountability on them. If you try to force them to be responsible, they’ll only resent your demands, and I guarantee they’ll fight back, sometimes in ways you can see, but most often in ways you can’t.” Robert Lebow; Randy Spitzer, Accountability
Anger - Accountability is what binds high-performance organizations. It is contagious and sets a company up for success. Tal Bevan
Enthusiasm - “Great leaders understand that talented people thrive in a culture where accountability is a support system for success.” Daniel Pink
Success - “Accountability truly is the cultural infrastructure required to drive high levels of corporate performance.” Paul Eisman
Motivational - “When accountability is present, people keep their eyes on a very clear prize. They know what they are working toward and how they are going to get there.” Henry J. Evans, Winning With Accountability of High Performing Organizations
Goals - “Leading is attractive because it means you hold yourself accountable for things greater than yourself. It also means the burden of any outcomes are on you.” Brian Maddox, The Reframe
Leadership - “It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable.” Moliere
Choices - “Life is not accountable to us. We are accountable to life.” Denis Waitley
Life - “I am responsible. Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life. Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.” Walter Anderson
Attitude - “We are accountable for our decisions in our personal life so why shouldn’t we be just as accountable in our work life.” Catherine Pulsifer
Work - “We are accountable only to ourselves for what happens to us in our lives.” Mildred Newman
Quote of The Day - “A good coach will hold the team accountable for both their actions and their results.” Catherine Pulsifer
Leadership vs Management - “Compromise is usually bad. It should be a last resort.If two departments or divisions have a problem they can’t solve and it comes up to you, listen to both sides and then pick one or the other. This places solid accountability on the winner to make it work. Condition your people to avoid compromise.” Robert Townsend
Listening - “If we want unity, we must all be unifiers. If we want accountability, each of us must be accountable for all we do.” Christine Gregoire
Words of Encouragement - “My belief is that personal freedom cannot grow beyond personal responsibility. The more people that learn to be fully accountable for their lives, the more freedom each of us can enjoy and the more fulfilling all of our lives will be.” Reed Konsler
Believe - “God does not want us to do extraordinary things; He wants us to do ordinary things extraordinarily well.” Bishop Gore
God - To be accountable or to be a victim is one of those elemental decisions that everyone needs to make. Simply, the former leads you to a happier and more rewarding life. Rob Pitfield
Happy - Our character is a composite of people we have watched, experiences we have had, but completely relies on the decisions that we make. Scott Schwab, Standing Accountable
Character - So you’re living in a world that gives you the chance to build your life as you please, but at the same time holds you responsible for what happens to you and for what you have done until now. Andy Hertz, Life, The Best Birthday Gift
Poems about Life - It would be hard to conceive of a society where blame and righteous anger play no part. Without blame, moral codes, whatever their provenance, would be unenforceable and legal structures unsustainable. If we look at the origins of the term ‘blame’ it is rooted in ancient ecclesiastical moralizing and disapproval – blasphemare – ‘speaking evil of’. Blame is therefore a curious paradox: necessary and functional, but also deflective and destructive. Stephen Fineman, The Blame Business
Blame - In democratic institutions, accountability to the American public and its elected representatives is a vital and unique concern. It would be troubling, in other words, if policy were made by officials with little or no connection to the public. Steven J. Balla, Bureaucracy and Democracy
Trouble - What I look at nowadays are things like how, even if an organization is beautifully designed around accountability, what really makes it hum is a genuine commitment from the people who are being held accountable. I am particularly intrigued by what it feels like to be wholly committedrather than being just a little committed, and intending to do something without any serious commitment rather than having no commitment at all – even when there is accountability. Art Horn, Throw Your Stuff Off the Plane
Commitment - There is a reason that “accountability” continues to top the critical needs list of most organizational leaders. These leaders are keenly aware that accountability is the essential ingredient that allows individuals, teams, and organizations to soar and leave the competition in their wake. Mike Evans, Achieve with Accountability
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