Customer Service Quotes Page 3
“A competitive edge = excellent customer service.” Catherine Pulsifer
Preparation |
“Unless you have 100% customer satisfaction…you must improve.” Horst Schulz
Just A Customer |
“Customer service skills help you keep your happy customers happy, help prevent customers from becoming unhappy and taking out their frustrations tions on you, and help you deal effectively and quickly with customers who are upset and unhappy.” Robert Bacal, Perfect Phrases for Customer Service: Hundreds of Tools, Techniques, and Scripts for Handling Any Situation
Happy |
“When you get rid of the fear that sits behind most human interactions, you will find an authentic core of confidence that drives great service.” Richard S, Gallagher, The Customer Service Survival Kit: What to Say to Defuse Even the Worst Customer Situations
Fear |
“Never underestimate the power of the irate customer.” Joel Ross
Anger |
“Service standards keep rising. As competitors render better and better service, customers become more demanding. Their expectations grow. When every company’s service is shoddy, doing a few things well can earn you a reputation as the customer’s savior. But when a competitor emerges from the pack as a service leader, you have to do a lot of things right. Suddenly achieving service leadership costs more and takes longer. It may even be impossible if the competition has too much of a head start. The longer you wait, the harder it is to produce outstanding service.” William H. Davidow
Leadership |
“If the shopper feels like it was poor service, then it was poor service. We are in the customer perception business.” Mark Perrault
Attitude |
“Whatever your business is, talk to your customers and provide them with what they want. It makes sense.” Robert Bowman
Words of Encouragement |
Every great business is built on friendship. Author Unknown
Friendship |
“Forget about the sales you hope to make and concentrate on the service you want to render.” Harry Bullis
Hope |
Good customer service, even after the sale, can lead to many referral sales. Matthew Moore, Sales: The Art Of Sales
Good |
Great value proposition is vital for any business hoping to clearly communicate to customers why they are different, superior, and worth purchasing from. Angel A. Cataluña, Basic Influencing and Persuasion
Influence |
Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect. W. Clement Stone
Positive Attitude |
If you are in a customer service role, your smile makes people a lot more amenable to work with you and you will certainly find a lot fewer people who will take their frustration out on you. Byron Pulsifer
Work |
Trust is an important ingredient whenever a salesperson is attempting to win a customer over. Steve Gold, Elon Musk: The Business and Life Lessons Of A Modern Day Renaissance Man
Trust |
Mediocre outputs may mean downfall to the business since the customers always want the best products and services. Philip Vang
Wise |
Customer service training benefits everyone involved, from your customers to your employees to your management team. Well-trained employees are your key to success. When your employees know how to find the best solution for each customer, you increase your chances of developing loyal customers.Renee Evenson, Customer Service Training 101: Quick and Easy Techniques That Get Great Results
Personal Development |
When an employee is PREPARED, EQUIPPED, and ARMED with the RIGHT HABITS to address almost any situation, delivering exceptional customer service becomes easy. Robert Stevenson, Raise Your Line: Success Is About a Higher Line Mentality
Success |
Some people would argue that you could not be a Christian in today’s business world where the competition will eat you up if you do not participate in somewhat devious practices to beat your competitors. But, this argument is full of holes in that businesses of yesterday all had similar competition as today, and it has been demonstrated over and over again that dedicated customer service that embodies giving value and fairness to each customer far exceeds those practices where customers are only treated as a number or as an annoyance. Byron Pulsifer
Giving |
. . .the better you know your target customer, the better you can relate and communicate with them. Daniel da Silva Lay, From Idea to Launch
Communication |
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