David DeNotaris Quotes Page 3
“It is hard to give a hug without receiving one in return.”
David DeNotaris
Funny Quotes about Life |
“As you know, life is an echo; we get what we give.”
David DeNotaris
Life |
When I was growing up, I remember my mother saying, “Your friends are like elevators; they will bring you up or down – the choice is yours.”
David DeNotaris
Friends |
. . .the three things that stop people more than anything else does from achieving their goals: criticizing, complaining, and blaming. These are the three horsemen of failure.
David DeNotaris
Failure |
We cannot be successful on our own. We need the help, support, and encouragement of those around us.
David DeNotaris
Success |
When we find out that someone believes in us, it is powerful. Notice the word we in the word power. We are in power.
David DeNotaris
Inspirational Quotes |
We must have the courage to let go of the past if we are going to grasp the future.
David DeNotaris
Courage |
One day someone is going to come to you and ask how you did it. Because you were creative, because you persevered, because you persisted through the resistance, you will be able to hold your chin up and help someone else overcome.
David DeNotaris
Perseverance |
A thought can be like a cloud just floating by, but a dream sticks to our minds like Velcro and becomes part of us.
David DeNotaris
Dream |
When our mind is in a practical state, just dealing with the information at hand, problems seem insurmountable, worries seem powerful, and life seems difficult. When we turn our mind to possibilities, the load seems lifted.
David DeNotaris
Possibilities Quotes |
The secret to life is to love who you are – warts and all.
David DeNotaris
Be Yourself |
Let go of the fears, worries, and doubts. If you have to write them down on a piece of paper and burn them, do it. Have a funeral for your fears, worries, and doubts. Let them rest in peace so that you can live, work, and play in peace.
David DeNotaris
Fear |
When we understand why we want something, fear and doubt will still show up, but we have the courage, momentum, and reasons to overcomethe resistance.
David DeNotaris
Quotes about Overcoming |
People are busy accomplishing their own dreams, so your dreams are left up to you. When you decide – that’s a key word – to take care of your dreams, things start to happen.
David DeNotaris
Decision |
“There are two ways to build the tallest building in town. You can tear down everyone else’s building, or you can build a strong foundation and use great support.”
David DeNotaris
Greatness |
“Don’t let people discourage you from living your dreams.”
David DeNotaris
Discouraged |
“Share your dreams with people who will help you make them happen.”
David DeNotaris
Sharing |
“When our energy level is up and our minds are open to possibilities, greatness just happens.”
David DeNotaris
Opportunity |
“..there are no quick fixes and that we must not just go thorough a problem but grow through a problem.”
David DeNotaris
Challenges |
“Some people lighten a room when they walk in it, and others lighten a room when they leave it.”
David DeNotaris
Positive |
“I have learned that everyone has something to offer; we just have to figure out what that some is.”
David DeNotaris
Motivation |
“No matter who you are, you have strengths.”
David DeNotaris
Believe In Yourself |
“Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to show people that they can be involved, regardless of who they are or what physical limitations they have.”
David DeNotaris
Confidence |
“The best nation in the world is our imagination.”
David DeNotaris
Imagination |
“I have found that the imagination does not work to its full potential when we are lying on the couch doing nothing, but when we are with like-minded people.”
David DeNotaris
Work |
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