How To Achieve A Heaven on Earth

How To Achieve A Heaven on Earth

Book Review
How To Achieve A Heaven on Earth
101 insightful essays from the world’s greatest thinkers, leaders, and writers
Edited By John E. Wade II
Reviewed by

Is there truly such a thing as heaven on earth? Is it something that is achievable? These two questions came to mind as I started reading this book. This book contains essays on many topics: peace, security, freedom, democracies, prosperity, spiritual harmony, racial harmony, ecological harmony, health, moral purpose and meaning, and individual paths to heaven and earth. And as you read these essays, written by people from all walks of life, you will start seeing how heaven can be achieved on earth.

Is A Heaven On Earth Possible?
John Wade II writes in his preface, “I believe that if we – one by one, million by million, billion by billion – would all accept this challenge, the world would progress immensely. Think about the words and use them to motivate yourself to reach out to love and help others.” After reading the book and reflecting on the essays, it is clear that we could find heaven on earth.

Is A Heaven On Earth Achievable?
After reading all the essays heaven on earth is something we can all help to achieve. You will learn from the experiences of the authors, you will find ideas and suggestions that can be implemented to achieve a heaven on earth.

This book is one which you can read from front to back, or you can pick it up, open it and just read one essay. The essays are short and to the point. The preface written by John Wade II is a great summary of why and how the book came about. Certainly a book that will inspire you and give you lots to think about.

We highly recommend this book; you will find it inspiring and full of ideas. You will find ideas that you can put into motion to make a heaven on earth. You can obtain the book from Amazon – How to Achieve a Heaven on Earth

Inspirational Quotes about Heaven:

“The choices that we make in life have the potential to create heaven on earth, hell on earth or something in between.” Greg Tharpe, The Godsend

“You have the key, the choice to give your care and healing forth, to make, with love, a little bit of Heaven, here on Earth!”John McLeod

Music, the greatest good that mortals know, and all of heaven we have below.” Joseph Addison

“Focus on happiness, not discontent. Thank God for the gifts that are heaven sent.Catherine Pulsifer, Let God Guide You

“Remember good, remember truth, remember Heaven’s above you.”Priscilla Leonard from Outlook, found on Send A Drop Of Kindness

“Earth’s crammed with heaven.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“Dance as though no one is watching you, love as though you have never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, live as though heaven is on earth.” Souza

“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” John Bowring

“Heaven often seems distant and unknown, but if he who made the roat thither is our guide, we need not fear to lose the way.”Henry VanDyke

“Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place we must find.” Wayne Dyer

“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?Robert Browning

“Heaven is like the life of Jesus with all the conflict of human sin left out.”Henry Van Dyke

“Heaven will be inherited by every man who has heaven in his soul.”Henry Ward Beecher

“On earth there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it.”Jules Renard

“The main objective of religion is not to get a man to heave, but to get heaven into him.”Thomas Hardy

“Heaven means to be one with God.”Confucius

“Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.”Moore

“The glory of the star, the glory of the sun – we must not lose either in the other. We must not be so full of the hope of heaven that we cannot do our work on the earth; we must no be so lost in the work of the earth that we shall not be inspired by the hope of heaven.”Phillips Brooks

“Earth’s crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God.”Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“Heaven is the soul finding its own perfect personality in God.”Phillips Brooks

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