Success Quotes Page 4

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  1. “There are no short cuts to success. Each step is vital and along with each step comes the need to remain focused on the end goal. Just remember this: there never was a successful hockey goal scorer who took his eyes off the puck and neither can you.” Byron Pulsifer, Smart Objectives
    Inspirational Quotes
  2. Getting along with other people helps you succeed on the job and may even be as important as your ability to do the job itself.Albert Ellis, How To Control Your Anger Before It Controls You
  3. Some people will see success always related to money and status and other people may see success as taking one step at a time or to live every moment to its fullest.Yael Philosof, Inspirational Book
  4. A success story does not just happen, it has to be made. Elma N. Collins

  5. “A success story does not just happen, it has to be made.” Elma N. Collins, Reaching the Peak in 20 days
    Inspirational Stories
  6. “But what I consider my crown of success is the happiness and pleasure that my victory has brought to dear Teacher. Indeed, the success is hers more than mine: for she is my constant inspiration.”Helen Keller
  7. “Every success is mixed with a failure in some area! When one area of our life makes us feel like a failure, there is a likelihood that we will give ourselves to the place where we feel like a success and avoid those places where we feel like a failure.”James B. Richards, Wired for Success, Programmed for Failure
    Personal Development Quotes
  8. “Success is not a genetic or inherited factor; success is a state of mind developed through understanding that risk, perseverance, dedication and the ‘never quit’ attitude are the key elements in combination that lead to masterful achievement.” Byron Pulsifer, Discouraged, Downtrodden, and Anguish
    Never Quit Quotes
  9. “There are three powerful reasons for learning to provide great customer service: greater job satisfaction, reduced stress and hassle, and enhanced job success.”Robert Bacal, Perfect Phrases for Customer Service
    Customer Service Quotes |
  10. “The fact is that your character, your thinking, and your beliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of your success.”T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
  11. The most successful people have one trait in common. . . perseverance. Byron Pulsifer

  12. “I fear the popular notion of success stands in direct opposition in all points to the real and wholesome success. One adores public opinion, the other, private opinion; one, fame, the other, desert; one, feats, the other, humility; one, lucre, the other, love; one, monopoly, and the other, hospitality of mind.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
  13. “Leadership at all levels must support team efforts openly and without reservation if it expects teams to succeed.” Deborah Mackin; Deborah Harrington-Mackin’ The Team-Building Tool Kit: Tips and Tactics for Effective Workplace Teams
  14. “With the competitive society that we live in today, team and leadership skills are a must for any business to experience success.”Steven E Dunlop, Team Building
    Experience   |
  15. Compromise: not an easy task, but in any partnership, being able to compromise is essential to its success.Anton Robbins, Marriage: The Expectations Of Marriage In a Modern World
  16. “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.”Ralph Waldo Emerson
  17. “If you’re climbing the ladder of life, you go rung by rung, one step at a time. Don’t look too far up, set your goals high but take one step at a time. Sometimes you don’t think you’re progressing until you step back and see how high you’ve really gone.” Donny Osmond
  18. “Success may or may not mean that you’ve acquired a lot. It does mean that you have become a generous person.” Robert H. Schuller, Success is Never Ending Failure is Never Final
    Helping Others
  19. “Everyone chooses one of two roads in life – the old and the young, the rich and the poor, men and women alike. One is the broad, well-traveled road to mediocrity, the other road to greatness and meaning.” Stephen R. Covey, The 8th Habit
  20. Men are born to succeed, not fail. Henry David Thoreau

  21. “Men are born to succeed, not fail.” Henry David Thoreau
  22. “Accountability stems from the tasks inherent in a role; it indicates what the person in that position has the authority to do within that role. Success in carrying out those tasks should lead to reward and recognition from the person or persons who set up the role in the first place.” Brian Dive, The Accountable Leader
  23. “Strive to be the greatest man in your country, and you may be disappointed; strive to be the best, and you may succeed: He may well win the race that runs by himself.” Benjamin Franklin
  24. “Most barriers to your success are man-made. And most often, you’re the man who made them.” Frank Tyger
  25. “Everyone visualizes whether he knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success.”Genevieve Berhrend
  26. “The easiest way to look at any task is to break it down into little bits and by doing so, the little bits are now able to be gobbled up one bite at a time without thinking about all the little bits.” Byron Pulsifer
  27. If you determine your success through dollars and cents, then you will never be happy. Byron Pulsifer

  28. “If you determine your success through dollars and cents, then you will never be happy.” Byron Pulsifer
  29. “There are of course many people who are quick to acknowledge good fortune’s contribution to their success.”Robert H. Frank, Success and Luck
  30. “Organize your difficulties and problems. Then you will have half the solution, and the rest will come more surely and easily.” Norman Vincent Peale, The Positive Principle Today
  31. “If we are to attain higher levels of success, we must abandon the excuses and put all of our focus and attention on achieving our goal and stick with it until it is done.” Demond Jackson, The 101 Most Powerful Success Quotes for High Achievers
  32. “Everyone has his own favorite definition of success, and you should, too, for the express purpose of becoming successful on your own terms rather than on someone else’s.”Richard A. Franks, B.S., D.C., Prepare For Success!
  33. “No matter who you are or how much you know, you will not succeed unless you are a salesperson. You must sell your services. You must sell your knowledge. You must sell your personality. You must sell yourself.”Napoleon Hill, Selling You!
  34. “For me, having a plan is all about setting myself up for success and setting proper goals is the first step in the plan.” N.C. Garcia, Yesterday Plus
  35. “When our way of thinking is one of confidence, this reinforcement becomes crucial in not only developing but also maintaining the mindset one needs to achieve success.”Rohen Phoenix, Confidence
  36. “While mentors pull you forward, peers are a measuring stick for yourself. They’re the people you want to keep up with, who encourage you to stay on the narrow road to success.” Evan Tarver, The New Meaning of Rich
    Words of Encouragement
  37. When you set out to accomplish something, recognize that slow, steady progress over time can lead to big success. Erica Hudson

  38. “When you set out to accomplish something, recognize that slow, steady progress over time can lead to big success.”Erica Hudson, How To Achieve Your Goals
  39. “At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” Jane D. Hull
  40. “Commonly, goals are used to improve our health, relationships, finance, career or business success, and overall happiness. Sometimes goals are set for us, as in a work situation, but most of the time, of course we determine our own goals.”K.C. Rowntree, Smart Goal Setting
  41. “Self-knowledge is the best way to achieve success in your personal and professional life.”Frank Daley, How to Find Yourself
  42. “Having a basic knowledge of a balanced nutrition is critical for your success in the gym.”Scott Sanford, Why Working Out Matters
  43. “Success is not about being a genius or getting lucky. Success is about how you think of yourself when you look in the mirror. Your mindset will ultimately determine your success rate.”Elijah A. Grant IV; Derick T. Brown Jr., Win At Life
  44. Confidence, whether it's an inherent personality trait or a self-improved attribute, is an invaluable element to our success. Kevin McComas

  45. “Confidence, whether it’s an inherent personality trait or a self-improved attribute, is an invaluable element to our success.”Kevin McComas, Confidence
    Self Esteem
  46. “The one supremely difficult thing in business is salesmanship. Goods can be manufactured on formula, but it takes a man to sell. He who can sell is a success – others may be.” Elbert Hubbard, Little Journeys To The Homes Of The Great, Vol. 11
  47. “Convince yourself that you have the ability to make it and start small. This resolution is going to dwarf every inhibition and make your roadto success a smooth ride.”Pastor J.A. Clarkson, 10 Habits Of A Successful, Spiritual and Lasting Relationship
    Quote of the Day
  48. “The energy of unconditional love expressed as forgiveness towards ourselves and the world has the power to create miracles in our health, relationships, and success in the world.”Sean PI, Forgiveness: The Miracle of Forgiveness
  49. “Many times those who are not successful resent those who are and believe that somehow success was handed to those who have achieved much.”Kevin Allen, 10 Guiding Principles of The Ethical Entrepreneur

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