Responsibility And Luck
Author: Byron Pulsifer, ©2012
No matter where you look, there always seems to be lucky individuals. These people just seem to have it all. They have the great jobs, the big house, and the fancy and expensive furniture and take a lot of vacations every year. Every time you look around, they have more and more. Why do they have all the luck?
The Rest Of Us
Then, there are the rest of us. It doesn’t seem fair. We work everyday but just never seem to get ahead. There is always something that takes as much as we get. The kids, the dentist appointments, clothes, or even with no kids, the home repairs, the car breaks down and on it goes. Is there something so vastly different in our lives that luck never seems to visit?
Is It Really Luck
The real difference, however, is not really about luck but it is instead about taking the responsibility for creating your own luck. I know this isn’t what you want to hear. I know you really want to find out the secret to creating good luck but, in fact, I’ve already told you. The real truth is that we are the creators of our own luck – it doesn’t come from a magic stone, or a secret formula for playing the lottery or any such intangible that one can think or dream of.
Everyone one of us probably knows a rich kid that we met in school, and envied their life. They had everything they wanted and were always the first ones to have their own brand new car purchased for them by daddy. But, have you ever wondered what happened to them over the years after they left school and went out on their own. Did this good luck of family wealth follow them through life?
An Example
Several years ago, I happened to speak with a good friend of mine who attended the same high school where we both knew a couple of these rich kids, the kids that had it all and then some. They were the most popular in school with all kinds of friends wanting to hang out with them. Well, it also seemed like they would be the ones to go onto higher levels of education to the colleges or universities. My friend went to one of those high school reunions some fifteen years after we left to go on with our own lives.
I was very surprised to learn that the two males that I thought would take the world by storm had been involved in a quite different storm. Both of these young males had the opportunity to get what they wanted and certainly did not have to worry about finding money for university. In fact, they could go wherever they wanted, or they could have been financed to start their own businesses. The long and short of their story is that both failed miserably. One unfortunately became an alcoholic and lost everything and is now living with his parents again. The other didn’t go to university for more than one year before being kicked out and is now working in a local grocery store in the stock department. What happened to them? Why did they fail so badly? Did their luck run out?
The Real Truth
The real truth is that their so-called luck was not something they made, or had anything to do with – their parents supplied it. The difference is that they never took responsibility for their own lives, their own future, and their own path through life. Luck is nor more than what we create and without taking responsibility for our own lives, our own destiny, luck will fail us.
Inspirational Quotes for Reflection:
“When it comes to luck, you make your own.” Bruce Springsteen
“If you truly live in the present moment, you must have faith that the future will take care of itself.” Amy Pattee Colvin
“If you don’t take charge of shaping your own destiny, others will apply their agenda to you.” Eric Allenbaugh
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