The Power You Can Not Buy
Author: Byron Pulsifer, © 2011
Who do you know who has a lot of power? Maybe you know some famous business leaders who own and run large corporations worth millions of dollars or you may know some famous politicians, successful authors, or individual speculators in real estate who have made it big. Each of these types of people probably have buying power beyond what you ever imagined, or professional power to influence the policies or events of a country, or even the power to make or break careers as they see fit.
A Different Kind of Power
But, I want to talk about a different kind of power and one that I believe is worth a lot more than you may realize.
This is the kind of power that successful people know about from first hand experience, and the kind of power that cannot ever be taken from you.
It is the kind of power that can change lives for the better, or make an everlasting mark on the well being of many around them. So, what kind of power is this? Where can you get it? Is it available to only the chosen few?
A Short Story To Demonstrate
Let me tell you a short story to demonstrate what this power is and is not.
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to conduct a two and one half day seminar. This was a motivational and life-changing seminar basically designed to assist people in changing their lives, breaking through their own personal barriers that were preventing them from achieving what they really wanted from life.
It was always fascinating to see and meet the seminar attendees. Some of them couldn’t wait to get started, others were skeptical about what they would get for their money, and others attended reluctantly often being coerced or brow beaten to attend by spousal pressure.
This last group was always the most challenging to work with – you probably know the type. They sit there with arms crossed (a negative body language signal) and with what was a seemingly permanent scowl on their face, and forever looking around without seemingly focusing on what was being said or, minimally participating in any of the specific exercises meant to help them build positive mechanisms and behaviors to conquer old habits and thoughts.
And, at the end of this particular seminar . . . . .
Read the rest of The Power You Can Not Buy Page 2
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