Those Who Smile Will Win In The Battle of Life
An inspirational thought about smiling, full of wisdom. Written in 1909 but full of wisdom applicable to today. This article was orginally published in the Published in The Washington Herald on August 15th, 1909.
Written By The Optimist
Smiles do not always reflect the innermost secrets of the soul, but the man who wears a smile is the man who is brave enough to hide his sorrows and his vexations from the world, and putting on a cheerful front, goes forth to fight life’s battles – and to win.
The Value Of A Smile Is Measured By The Need
Sometimes the sight of a smiling face changes the whole trend of your mind. If you have been worrying over money matters, business cares, or have household anxieties which are bothering you constantly, you need a smile. If the face of your neighbor is plunged in gloom and you have only him in look at, the world seems very black indeed. I his countenance is wreathed in smiles, no matter how badly you yourself may feel, there is somehow the suggestion of a break in the darkness and through that sunny smile the silver lining of the cloud peeps through.
What A Wonderful Thing A Smile Is!
Some one, whose name I cannot for the moment recall, has described very beautifully a baby’s smile, and has said that it breaks into a thousand piences, whcich the fairies gather up and use for jewels. Unhappy indeed is the man or woman to whom a baby’s smile cannot appeal, who cannot feel the heart expand under its sunny infection.
What A Helpful Thing It Is, Too!
The man who can go about his daily tasks with a smile on his face is the man who will be successful in those tasks. It makes very little difference to the smiling optimist whether he encounters snags while in the performance of his duty; he has a cure for them. He just smiles and the cares vanish. Inwardly he may have his misgivings, but the world shall never know that. He is determined to win, and he feels that the world loves a winner, but that it has no use for a hard loser. So he smiles on and eventually wins, and when the world praises his endurance and his pluck he still smiles and knows that the real reason for his success is the smiling heart and cheerful countenance that he kept toward his fellowmen.
You Can Use A Smile Anywhere
I know, my fellow-optimists, that none of you wish to be the possessor of a chronic grin, but if you accustom yourself to smiling, the smile will become something more than a mere facial contortion. The smile comes for the heart and is seen first in the eyes. Look into a man’s eyes when he smiles and you will see what is behind the smile. Unfortunately a smile is sometimes a mask for hypocrisy, for as Shakespeare says: “A man can smile and smile and be a villain.” But such a man is soon discovered, for appearances are deceitful, but a man’s acts will always find him out.
I know that the members of The Washington Herald Optimist Club know how to smile. They couldn’t be optimists otherwise, and into the club of cheerful, smiling members we invite the heartsick and the weary, so that we can teach them to smile. We want to show them that this earth is a good place to live in, that the whole face of nature is one broad and genial smile, even though sometimes the storms gather and the smile is hidden from view. Does not Lander say: “A smile is ever the most bright and beautiful with a tear upon it. What is the dawn without the dew? The tear is rendered by the smile precious above the smile itself.”
Smiling Through Tears Is A Sure Sign Of The Smile’s Triumph. .
No matter how deep the sorrow, the smile follows after as surely as the next morning follows the night.
Smiles Make Lighter The Burdens Of Life
All humanity is oppressed with some kind of labor; often the yoke is more than human nature can endure. It is then that the value of a smile is enormous. The faintest ray of sunshine in the lives of those who toll and slave and whose lives are sorrowful and heavy brings lightness to the load.
Fellow-optimists, You Know How To Smile
Teach your neighbor that he must not entirely depend upon the smile of others for help, but that the smiles must come from within himself. Smiles with surely help him to win.
Inspirational Quotes about Smiling
Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.
Les Brown
Your smile is like the sunrise In the way it brightens the night to dawn
Nicholas Staniszewski, Goodnight Poems
Don’t worry about what to wear today. Your smile goes with every outfit.
Author Unknown
A smile tinges and tingles the check and brow, brightens the face, wears curls at the corners of the mouth, and fires the eye.
Minnie Marshall
A smile is very essential for everybody. Life without smiles is hopeless. When stricken in despair, how delightful it is to greet smiling faces. It renders invigoration for the soul.
M. A. Greene
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