Thought of The Day Febuary 2021

Thought of The Day Febuary 2021

Be inspired by our thought of the day for your month of Febuary 2021! Read our current Thought of The Day.  You may also enjoy our Quote of The Day.

And if for special occasions in Febuary, then consider these thoughts for the special day:

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Thought for the Day: February 28, 2021
Healing doesn't mean that we get to rewrite our experiences and choose a different story. But what we have the power to choose is how the story ends. Debra Fileta, Are You Really OK?
Healing doesn’t mean that we get to rewrite our experiences and choose a different story. But what we have the power to choose is how the story ends.
Debra Fileta, Are You Really OK?
Healing Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 27, 2021
Make sure you live life to the fullest. It doesn't matter if you are a billionaire or broke—life is a precious commodity. Determine what your purpose is on this earth. Once you are sure of your mission, seek to accomplish it.  Joseph Smith, The Battle Between Faith and Fear
Make sure you live life to the fullest. It doesn’t matter if you are a billionaire or broke—life is a precious commodity. Determine what your purpose is on this earth. Once you are sure of your mission, seek to accomplish it.
Joseph Smith, The Battle Between Faith and Fear
Live Life Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 26, 2021
music is the bridge between heaven and earth. Paul Kraus,Surviving Cancer
Music is the bridge between heaven and earth.
Paul Kraus,Surviving Cancer
Music Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 25, 2021
To renew our mind is to recondition our mind. Yvonne Ruke Akpoveta, The Change You Want! Change Your Mindset, and Change Your Life
To renew our mind is to recondition our mind.
Yvonne Ruke Akpoveta, The Change You Want! Change Your Mindset, and Change Your Life
Mindset Quotes

Thought of the Day: February 24, 2021
Our journey here on earth is short and the only thing we can look forward to have is eternal life in heaven where all cares and sins are obliterated and there is perfect union with god.
Our journey here on earth is short and the only thing we can look forward to have is eternal life in heaven where all cares and sins are obliterated and there is perfect union with god.
Christine D’Sylva, Footprints In the Sand
Heaven Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 23, 2021
Generosity creates wonderful opportunities to evolve as a spiritual being; it helps us open our hearts and minds and to interact with others with greater depth and integrity. Stephanie Harrison, 22 STRATEGIES TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE
Generosity creates wonderful opportunities to evolve as a spiritual being; it helps us open our hearts and minds and to interact with others with greater depth and integrity.
Stephanie Harrison, 22 Stratagies to Transform Your Life
Generosity Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 22, 2021
Life is full of secrets and also full of mysteries – seek to know them.
Chukwuemeka E. Onyejinduaka, Good Proverbs and Quotes of Chukwuemeka E.O.
Life is full of secrets and also full of mysteries – seek to know them.
Chukwuemeka E. Onyejinduaka, Good Proverbs and Quotes of Chukwuemeka E.O.
One Line Quotes on Life

Thought for the Day: February 21, 2021
The Law of Attraction is no secret. Believe in the possibilities of manifestation, and decide to attract only positive outcomes. Be careful what you ask for. You will eventually get it. Think positive!
The Law of Attraction is no secret. Believe in the possibilities of manifestation, and decide to attract only positive outcomes. “Be careful what you ask for. You will eventually get it. Think positive!”
Cynthia Brian, Be the Star You Are!
Law of Attraction Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 20, 2021
Now you have an opportunity to reverse the process. You can heal your hurt and set yourself free inside. As you do this, you restore the love that you are. Bill Ferguson, Heal the Hurt That Runs Your Life
Now you have an opportunity to reverse the process. You can heal your hurt and set yourself free inside. As you do this, you restore the love that you are.
Bill Ferguson, Heal the Hurt That Runs Your Life
Hurt Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 19, 2021
Life's adventure is important. It is important to live each day to its fullest, whatever life brings you. Jaycee Dugard, A Stolen Life
Life’s adventure is important. It is important to live each day to its fullest, whatever life brings you.
Jaycee Dugard, A Stolen Life
Adventure Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 18 , 2021
The secret to living a happy and creative life is to be always prepared to take life's little lemons and turn them into soul-refreshing lemonade. David Baird, Make Lemonade Out of Lemons
The secret to living a happy and creative life is to be always prepared to take life’s little lemons and turn them into soul-refreshing lemonade.
David Baird, Make Lemonade Out of Lemons
Secret Quotes

Thought of the Day: February 17, 2021
Sometimes we must strive just to live another day. Sometimes when you least expect it, your dream will be there. Lena Garcia,  Inspirational Words
Sometimes we must strive just to live another day. Sometimes when you least expect it, your dream will be there.
Lena Garcia, Inspirational Words
Inspirational Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 16, 2021
Remaining positive, looking for ways to respect ourselves and others, finding things we can approve of, and generally looking for a positive perspective creates a positive spiral that opens the imagination to positive solutions. Stephen G. Barkley, Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching
Remaining positive, looking for ways to respect ourselves and others, finding things we can approve of, and generally looking for a positive perspective creates a positive spiral that opens the imagination to positive solutions.
Stephen G. Barkley, Quality Teaching in a Culture of Coaching
Positive Quotes

Thought of the Day: Febuary 15, 2021
Thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has defeated death and reconciled me to the Father. Quigg Lawrence, Blinded by the Light
Thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has defeated death and reconciled me to the Father.
Quigg Lawrence, Blinded by the Light
Thank God Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 14, 2021
True love is choosing to love even when you don't feel like it. Every single day. True love is saying sorry for the one-millionth time. True love is always searching for ways to serve the other.Jefferson Bethke, ‎Alyssa Bethke, Love That Lasts
True love is choosing to love even when you don’t feel like it. Every single day. True love is saying sorry for the one-millionth time. True love is always searching for ways to serve the other.
Jefferson Bethke, ‎Alyssa Bethke, Love That Lasts
Unconditional Love Quotes

Thought for the Day: Febuary 13, 2021
A key to understanding your purpose is to understand yourself.Jamel W.H Gross, Quicksand
A key to understanding your purpose is to understand yourself.
Jamel W.H Gross, Quicksand
Purpose Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 12, 2021
Believe in yourself, and you can replace doubt and fear with a surge of happiness and a sense of well-being.John G. Deaton, A Medical Doctor's Guide to Youth, Health
Believe in yourself , and you can replace doubt and fear with a surge of happiness and a sense of well-being.
John G. Deaton, A Medical Doctor’s Guide to Youth, Health, and Longevity
Believe In Yourself Quotes

Thought of the Day: February 11, 2021
The unreported news about those who fly solo is that the most successful often fail at three or four enterprises before finally establishing a going concern. (Persistence makes perfect.)
The unreported news about those who fly solo is that the most successful often fail at three or four enterprises before finally establishing a going concern. (Persistence makes perfect.)
Robert W. Price, Entrepreneurship
Persistence Quotes

Thought of the Day: February 10, 2021
What people say is impossible is just an opinion, not a fact. There are far too many examples in history of people doing what conventional wisdom dictated was impossible to ever believe anyone can definitively say something is impossible. Business News Publishing, Summary
What people say is impossible is just an opinion, not a fact. There are far too many examples in history of people doing what conventional wisdom dictated was impossible to ever believe anyone can definitively say something is impossible.
Business News Publishing, Summary
Opinion Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 9, 2021
For Thy love is not like man's love that must be proved by his acts toward Thee. Oh no, Thy love is beyond all proof.Soren Kierkegaard, The Prayers of Kierkegaard
For Thy love is not like man’s love that must be proved by his acts toward Thee. Oh no, Thy love is beyond all proof.
Soren Kierkegaard, The Prayers of Kierkegaard
True Love Quotes

Thought for the Day: Febuary 8, 2021
Genius is more than intellect: it is inspired instinct. Samuel Smiles, Life and Labor
Genius is more than intellect: it is inspired instinct.
Samuel Smiles, Life and Labor
Genius Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 7, 2021
Let go of the past, but keep the good memories.Michelle McKinney Hammond, Get Over It and On with It: How to Get Up When Life Knocks you down
Let go of the past, but keep the good memories.
Michelle McKinney Hammond, Get Over It and On with It
Past Quotes

Thought for the Day: Febuary 6, 2021
And then America happened. A place where destiny was not a destination, but a journey to be shared and shaped and remade by people who had the gall, the temerity to believe that, against all odds, they could form “a more perfect union” on this new frontier.
If one analyzes death, one realizes that death is not the end. It is just a bend to transcend. There is something beyond. While death happens, life also happens, and there seems to be a de nite connection between the two.
Barack Obama, Commencement Address at Knox College, June 4, 2005
Destiny Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 5, 2021
Read and reflect, study books and minds, let your philosophy be practical, and your practice philosophical.Rhode Island. Board of Education.
Read and reflect, study books and minds, let your philosophy be practical, and your practice philosophical.
“Rhode Island, Board of Education
Books Quotes

Thought of the Day: February 4, 2021
Reading about the past will make you understand the present and accordingly build the future. Near East/South Asia Report - Issue 2778
Reading about the past will make you understand the present and accordingly build the future.
Near East/South Asia Report – Issue 2778
Reading Quotes

Thought of the Day: February 3, 2021
Feel really good, and the law of attraction will handle all the rest.Paul Harrington. The Secret to Teen Power - Google Books Result
Feel really good, and the law of attraction will handle all the rest.
Paul Harrington, The Secret to Teen Power
Law Of Attraction Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 2, 2021
The potential of the future is in the present moment. Chogyam Trungpa, The Future Is Open: Good Karma, Bad Karma, and Beyond Karma
The potential of the future is in the present moment
Chogyam Trungpa, The Future Is Open: Good Karma, Bad Karma, and Beyond Karma
Potential Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 1, 2021
We must look to the future with fresh hopes' and new ideas.Lucien Gregoire, Murder in the Vatican
We must look to the future with fresh hopes’ and new ideas.
Lucien Gregoire, Murder in the Vatican
Hope Quotes

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