Thought of The Day March 2021

Thought of The Day March 2021

Be inspired by our thought of the day for your month of March 2021! Read our current Thought of The Day.  You may also enjoy our Quote of The Day.

And if for special occasions in March, then consider these thoughts for the special day:

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Thought of the Day: March 31, 2021
 Love is an unfailing medicine, which sustains the heart and brings new life into it. Sawan Singh (Satguru), 
Philosophy of the Masters.
Love is an unfailing medicine, which sustains the heart and brings new life into it.
Sawan Singh (Satguru), Philosophy of the Masters
Love Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 30, 2021
In order to live out the true meaning of your potential, it is important to adopt as a philosophy of life the theme of optimism. James M. Rankin, The Optimistic Manifesto
In order to live out the true meaning of your potential, it is important to adopt as a philosophy of life the theme of optimism.
James M. Rankin, The Optimistic Manifesto
Optimism Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 29, 2021
Little by little the threads of habit, which become the threads of fate, are surely and deftly woven. They are, at first, as flimsy as the filmy lines of a spider's web, but in the course of time they become as strong as the stoutest shackles of steel.
Little by little the threads of habit, which become the threads of fate, are surely and deftly woven. They are, at first, as flimsy as the filmy lines of a spider’s web, but in the course of time they become as strong as the stoutest shackles of steel.
Proceedings of the … Minnesota State Conference of Charities and Correction 1908
Fate Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 28, 2021
Work hard, stay humble, and follow your heart. Jess C Scott, Self (Seven Heavenly Virtues Anthology)
Work hard, stay humble, and follow your heart.
Jess C Scott, Self (Seven Heavenly Virtues Anthology)
Humble Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 27, 2021
When we learn to prioritize our inner wealth – our peace, health, happiness and love for ourselves – we can enjoy the physical world without being attached to anything. Blake D Bauer, You Were Not Born to Suffer
When we learn to prioritize our inner wealth – our peace, health, happiness and love for ourselves – we can enjoy the physical world without being attached to anything.
Blake D Bauer, You Were Not Born to Suffer
Priorities Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 26, 2021
The free spirit is free of convention and tradition. He will not consent to anything simply because “this is how it's been done. David Bzdak, ‎Joanna Crosby, ‎Seth Vannatta, The Wire and Philosophy”
The free spirit is free of convention and tradition. He will not consent to anything simply because “this is how it’s been done.”
David Bzdak, ‎Joanna Crosby, ‎Seth Vannatta, The Wire and Philosophy
Free Spirit Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 25, 2021
Acknowledge that your fitness is under your control an: that you have the power to take charge of your health.
Acknowledge that your fitness is under your control an: that you have the power to take charge of your health.
Hispanic Network Magazine
Fitness Quotes

Thought of the Day: March 24, 2021
Hibernating within your motivation will be the authentic you; your distinction. Vincent T. Williams, ‎Coach Williams, How Do I Reach My True Destiny
Hibernating within your motivation will be the authentic you; your distinction.
Vincent T. Williams, ‎Coach Williams, How Do I Reach My True Destiny
Authentic Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 23, 2021
Learning is key to the development of human capabilities and the success of their societies. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and the Workforce
Learning is key to the development of human capabilities and the success of their societies.
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and the Workforce
Learning Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 22, 2021
True beauty is imageless, since beauty is the same as goodness, and goodness has no image. Kin Yip Louie, The Beauty of the Triune God
True beauty is imageless, since beauty is the same as goodness, and goodness has no image.
Kin Yip Louie, The Beauty of the Triune God
Beauty Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 21, 2021
Like an onion, with every challenge we meet, we peel off another layer. As each layer is shed, we come closer to the heart. Polly Higgins, Dare To Be Great: Unlock Your Power to Create a Better World
Like an onion, with every challenge we meet, we peel off another layer. As each layer is shed, we come closer to the heart.
Polly Higgins, Dare To Be Great: Unlock Your Power to Create a Better World
Challenges Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 20, 2021
Knowledge is all around us for us to perceive, to accept and to assimilate as we choose. Raymond Hansen, The Messengers
Knowledge is all around us for us to perceive, to accept and to assimilate as we choose.
Raymond Hansen, The Messengers
Knowledge Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 19, 2021
 The battle without can never be won if you lose the war within yourself . Honesty has the power to destroy fear. David Baird, A Thousand Paths to Happiness
The battle without can never be won if you lose the war within yourself . Honesty has the power to destroy fear .
David Baird, A Thousand Paths to Happiness
Honesty Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 18, 2021
Gods grace makes provision for our past, our present, and our future. Nathi Zondi, I Live by Grace: The Power of God's Grace
Gods grace makes provision for our past, our present, and our future.
Nathi Zondi, I Live by Grace: The Power of God’s Grace
Gods Grace Quotes

Thought of the Day: March 17, 2021
The power of prayer is so great that it can even change nature, save people from life-threatening dangers, and abolish a bad decree that was declared upon a person. Mayer Birnbaum, Pathway to Prayer
The power of prayer is so great that it can even change nature, save people from life-threatening dangers, and abolish a bad decree that was declared upon a person.
Mayer Birnbaum, Pathway to Prayer
Power of Prayer Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 16, 2021
A good attitude laced with frequent laughter is the key to a happy, healthy, pain - free life. Linda Mason Hunter, The Healthy Home
A good attitude laced with frequent laughter is the key to a happy, healthy, pain – free life.
Linda Mason Hunter, The Healthy Home
Laughter Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 15, 2021
Life's crossroads are not always clearly marked, and sometimes they do occur long before we gain perspective. James Spade, THE DUALITY OF HIS LIFE
Life’s crossroads are not always clearly marked, and sometimes they do occur long before we gain perspective.
Crossroad Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 14, 2021
The procrastinator spends a lifetime in the twilight zone between thinking and doing. Dental Economics - Volume 89, Issues 4-6 - Page 14
The procrastinator spends a lifetime in the twilight zone between thinking and doing.
Dental Economics – Volume 89, Issues 4-6 – Page 14
Procrastination Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 13, 2021
A key to understanding your purpose is to understand yourself.Jamel W.H Gross, Quicksand
As you start transforming your life, often your purpose becomes clearer and your need to live it every day increases in importance.
Carolyn A. Brent, Transforming Your Life through Self-Care
Purpose Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 12, 2021
A positive mind is very likely to cause a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. Ratan Budhani, 101 Mantras for Living with Really Happier Experiences in Life
A positive mind is very likely to cause a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes.
Ratan Budhani, 101 Mantras for Living with Really Happier Experiences in Life
Positive Life Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 11, 2021
For a small moment, life overtook us and we lost sight of our need to push each other as people, because that too is a form of support. Life is sometimes a challenge. Jack Canfield, ‎Mark Victor Hansen, ‎Amy Newmark, Chicken Soup for the Soul
For a small moment, life overtook us and we lost sight of our need to push each other as people, because that too is a form of support. Life is sometimes a challenge.
Jack Canfield, ‎Mark Victor Hansen, ‎Amy Newmark, Chicken Soup for the Soul
Moment Quotes

Thought of the Day: March 10, 2021
The eagle does not escape the storm, it simply uses the storm to lift it higher. In fact, it rises on the very winds that bring the storm. Lois Evans, Seasons of a Woman's Life
The eagle does not escape the storm, it simply uses the storm to lift it higher. In fact, it rises on the very winds that bring the storm.
Lois Evans, Seasons of a Woman’s Life
Storm Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 09, 2021
Each age and stage of life is full of unique potential. Richard H. Gentzler, An Age of Opportunity
Each age and stage of life is full of unique potential.
Richard H. Gentzler, An Age of Opportunity
Unique Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 08, 2021
Kiss goodbye to Winter and Welcome the rising, warm Spring Sun. Carolyn Emerick, ‎Various Authors, Mythic Dawn Issue 1
Kiss goodbye to Winter and Welcome the rising, warm Spring Sun.
Carolyn Emerick, ‎Various Authors, Mythic Dawn Issue 1
Winter Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 07, 2021
And life will throw you challenges consistently. See them as a gift. They can all teach you valuable lessons and none can stop you from achieving your own greatness—from living your dream. John McGrath, You Don't Have to Be Born Brilliant
And life will throw you challenges consistently. See them as a gift. They can all teach you valuable lessons and none can stop you from achieving your own greatness—from living your dream.
John McGrath, You Don’t Have to Be Born Brilliant
Healing Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 06, 2021
Do your creative visualization every day. Think positively and have patience. You will gain your goals. Raymond Buckland, Practical Candleburning Rituals
Do your creative visualization every day. Think positively and have patience. You will gain your goals.
Raymond Buckland, Practical Candleburning Rituals
Patience Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 05, 2021
Remember, you'll know when it's time to take a leap of faith when the pain of staying put exceeds the fear of the unknown. Lissa Rankin, Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself
Remember, you’ll know when it’s time to take a leap of faith when the pain of staying put exceeds the fear of the unknown.
Lissa Rankin, Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself
Faith Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 04, 2021
Understanding who you are and why you are here will give you the tools to live your best life every day. Sarah Megan Spencer, Vibrational Alignment
Understanding who you are and why you are here will give you the tools to live your best life every day.
Sarah Megan Spencer, Vibrational Alignment
Best LIfe Quotes

Thought of the Day: March 03, 2021
The ultimate measure of success in life is peace. Peace is serenity, prosperity and satisfaction in each area of life with freedom from persistent hostility, worry and discontent even in adverse times. E. R. Reid (Eleanor Reid), Live For Results: From Purpose to Plan to Destiny
The ultimate measure of success in life is peace. Peace is serenity, prosperity and satisfaction in each area of life with freedom from persistent hostility, worry and discontent even in adverse times.
E. R. Reid (Eleanor Reid), Live For Results: From Purpose to Plan to Destiny
Prosperity Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 02, 2021
Without values, life becomes a series of meaningless events, and death a shattering experience. Dr. M. Soundararajan, Values of College Students with Reference to Some Selected Variables
Without values, life becomes a series of meaningless events, and death a shattering experience.
Dr. M. Soundararajan, Values of College Students with Reference to Some Selected Variables
Values Quotes

Thought for the Day: March 1, 2021
You should enjoy your retirement and do all of those things that you promised your spouse you'd do after you retired.Think about all those trips you planned and all those places you wanted to see.
John T. Cross, How to Enrich Your Retirement
You should enjoy your retirement and do all of those things that you promised your spouse you’d do after you retired.Think about all those trips you planned and all those places you wanted to see.
John T. Cross, How to Enrich Your Retirement
Retirement Quotes

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