Thought of The Day March 2022
Be inspired by our thought of the day for your month of March 2022! Read our current Thought of The Day. You may also enjoy our Quote of The Day.
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Thought of the Day: March 31, 2022
Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more.
Bob Marley
Bob Marley Quotes
Thought of the Day: March 30, 2022
Put out positive vibes to the universe and watch the universe respond in kindness.
James W. Williams, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Good Vibes Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 29, 2022
Silence is ever speaking, silence is never-ending speech, silence is the true teaching, suited only for the most advanced seeker. Others require words to explain the truth, but the truth is beyond words. It doesn’t admit of explanation.
Lokesh Babu, The True Self – Unlock the Chaos in You
Silence Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 28, 2022, 2021
If young people are not taught that violence is never the answer, the cycle of abuse will continue.
Luigi Esposito, Kelly Concannon Mannise, Peace and Social Justice Education on Campus
Violence Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 27, 2022
Being stressed out is like attempting to keep a ball in the air with one eye shut, one hand behind our back, and hopping on one foot.
Hannah Eichler, The Golden Key to Brilliancy
Stressed Out Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 26, 2022
Motherhood is a journey with many different paths to choose from. No two women will travel the identical one. Even the way you mother each of your own children will be different. That is part of what makes being a mother so wonderful.
Kimberly Garrow, A Mother’s Journey
Motherhood Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 25, 2022
Building a career is as much about knowing what you don’t want to do and steps that can be perceived as a failure are really the stepping-stones to success. All experience is valuable.
David J. Bennett, Richard C. Jennings, Successful Careers beyond the Lab
Career Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 24, 2022
At the end of the day, the most important question is: Did you try your best?
Janine Vance, The Power of Isolation: Silence is Golden
Try Your Best Quotes
Thought of the Day: March 23, 2022
Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
-Sofia Villarreal, Life Is…A Journey Worth Fighting For
Life Lessons Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 22, 2022,
Laugh at yourself often, admit your imperfections, and work against taking yourself too seriously.
-Steven Walfish, Jeffrey E. Barnett, Jeffrey Zimmerman, Handbook of Private Practice
Be Yourself Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 21, 2022,
When you follow your heart, you make wiser choices out of sound judgment.
-Tonya Hardwick-Whitted, Where Is Your Faith?
Follow Your Heart Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 20, 2022
Remember to enjoy the journey of life. Don’t be so hung up on getting to the finish line that you miss the journey of getting there.
-Faith Davis, Letting Go
Enjoy The Journey Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 19, 2022
Trust your gut feeling; it is your best guide.
-Rand S. Clark, 59 Rules for Bosses to Live by and Keep Your Sanity!!!
Gut Feeling Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 18, 2022
Risk takers have the courage to work on the toughest problem and greatest difficulties. They make the heavy list and if they fail they have the satisfaction of trying. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”
-Pastor James Ulrikson, Gracious God
Taking Risks Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 17, 2022
But having a kind heart toward yourself lightens the pain of failures and faults, provides the space in which you can grow, and lays a good basis for loving relationships with others.
-Kathleen McDonald, Awakening the Kind Heart
Kind Heart Others
Thought of the Day: March 16, 2022
The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.
-Kalpana Chawla
Perserverance Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 15, 2022
Negative people have a way of bringing misery with them. As the saying goes, “misery loves company.”
-Elizabeth A. Philips, As The Scarlet Tanager Sings: Elizabeth A. Philips
Negative People Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 14, 2022
Your imagination is the vehicle that will take you to grand places. Where do you want to go and what do you want to experience? The imagination knows no limits.
-Dr El March, The Law of Attraction
Imagination Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 13, 2022
Mindfulness unlocks the mind that has been imprisoned by overuse of the driven– doing mode of mind.
-John D. Teasdale, J. Mark G. Williams, Zindel V. Segal, The Mindful Way Workbook
Mindfulness Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 12, 2022
People who live in a cocoon, and avoid taking chances, will miss opportunities.
-Robert T Gofourth, Hack the Corporate Ladder
Inspirational Thoughts
Thought for the Day: March 11, 2022
Know that your thoughts carry energy and vibration with them which makes them manifest in your life. Think positively and attract all the magnetism and positive energy that is around you. Thoughts carry a powerful force.
-Frances Mahan, A Journey into the Mind
Inspirational Thoughts
Thought for the Day: March 10, 2022
Be like the river that flows around all obstruction, accepting them while slowly reshaping them.
-P.M Johnson, The Apollo Stone Series
River Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 08, 2022
There’s something about the rain that makes me feel the magic in my veins seeping through the pain allowing me to breathe bringing me peace and reaching my sanity maybe, I’m the flower that needed a little watering to grow properly.
-Ariele Tee, Silent Muse Poetry: A Tale of Heartbreak and Becoming
Rain Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 08, 2022
A positive attitude makes you focus on solutions and success, rather than on setbacks or stress.
-Samy Azer, Navigating Problem-based Learning
Positive Attitude Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 07, 2022,
Today you may feel like a failure, but you are not. Failure is an action—not an attribute.
-Eddie Tim Roberts, Repositioned for Greatness: Finishing Stronger Than You Started
Failure Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 06, 2022
A righteous man, a man who practices humanity, does not seek life at the expense of his humanity; on the contrary, there will be occasions when he will give his life to realize his humanity.
-CALIXTO LîPEZ HERNçNDEZ, Confucius, Ethics and Government
Practice Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 05, 2022
Some things in life you just have to accept gracefully.
-Jerald W. Berry, Twelve Days in May
Acceptance Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 04, 2022
Are you a survivor or a victim? Are you lost or are you saved? So much hinges on your answer.
-Leonaura Rhodes, Beyond Soccer Mom
Confidence Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 03
We should learn from animals the lesson of love, kindness, care and compassion.
-Rajani Tewari, Road Towards World Peace
Meaning of Life Quotes
Thought of the Day: March 02
No matter what your past is like, your destiny is worth fighting for—so rise up, search, and fight!
-Rickey Jaikaran, Is Your Destiny Calculated?
Nature Quotes
Thought for the Day: March 01, 2022
Learn to be grateful for what you have. You cant say grateful without saying great. To be great at anything we have to stop and give thanks to the things we have in our life.
-Gage Bustos, How to live the the life you were destined to live
Grateful Quotes
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