Thought of The Day September 2021

Thought of The Day September 2021

Be inspired by our thought of the day for your month of September 2021! Read our current Thought of The Day.  You may also enjoy our Quote of The Day.

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Thought for the Day: September 30, 2021
Meanwhile, hard work trumps talent, and achievement comes to those who endure. Mathew A White, ‎Gavin R. Slemp, ‎A. Simon Murray
Meanwhile, hard work trumps talent, and achievement comes to those who endure.
Mathew A White, ‎Gavin R. Slemp, ‎A. Simon Murray
Achievement Quotes

Thought of the Day: September 29, 2021
In an ever-changing world, having the ability to adapt your thinking in response to the change around you makes you a much sought after thought leader.
In an ever-changing world, having the ability to adapt your thinking in response to the change around you makes you a much sought after thought leader.
Warren Cass, Influence
Ability Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 28, 2021
Children are the gift that keeps on—taking? Chasing Women Without Leaving Your Seat
Children are the gift that keeps on—taking?
Chasing Women Without Leaving Your Seat
Children Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 27, 2021
Trust God for he has a plan. As in this case, trust is often coupled with patience. L. B. E. Cowman, Streams in the Desert for Kids
Trust God for he has a plan. As in this case, trust is often coupled with patience.
L. B. E. Cowman, Streams in the Desert for Kids
Trust God Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 26, 2021
A best friend is marked by their honesty and at the same time , their utter acceptance of you with no judgement. Zöe Wheddon, Jane Austen's Best Friend
A best friend is marked by their honesty and at the same time, their utter acceptance of you with no judgement.
Zöe Wheddon, Jane Austen’s Best Friend
Best Friend Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 25, 2021
I must have been born with wanderlust in my veins because there always seems to be something calling to me that I never quite seem to find. Lois Helmers, ‎Gerald Harding Gunn, The Ghosts of Kennesaw Mountain
I must have been born with wanderlust in my veins because there always seems to be something calling to me that I never quite seem to find.
Lois Helmers, ‎Gerald Harding Gunn, The Ghosts of Kennesaw Mountain
Wanderlust Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 24, 2021
Seize the day and become everything you want. Seize the day and change your fate. Oronde Ash, 17 to Life
The meaning of life is family, love, and the goodness in your heart that you give to other people.
Oronde Ash, 17 to Life
Seize the Day Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 23, 2021
We must always have compassion. We must never intentionally cause another person pain or suffering. We must refrain from causing confusion or suspicion. Ken Ludden, Mystic Apprentice Master Volume with Dictionary
We must always have compassion. We must never intentionally cause another person pain or suffering. We must refrain from causing confusion or suspicion.

Ken Ludden, Mystic Apprentice Master Volume with Dictionary
Compassion Quotes

Thought of the Day: September 22, 2021
Holding an open mind ready to explore new ideas, ready to learn new things makes us more able to move with change, and one thing does really seem to be true, that is - that life is change. Connie Tyler, Dancing the Deep Hum, One Woman's Ideas about How to Live in
Holding an open mind ready to explore new ideas, ready to learn new things makes us more able to move with change, and one thing does really seem to be true, that is – that life is change.

Connie Tyler, Dancing the Deep Hum, One Woman’s Ideas about How to Live in
Ideas Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 21, 2021
Personal development is not to impress others but to impress yourself. Litan Bhowmik, Think Big And Live To Make It Possible
Personal development is not to impress others but to impress yourself.

Litan Bhowmik, Think Big And Live To Make It Possible
Personal Development Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 20, 2021
The way we support each other, the way we show our love to each other throughout the day, it's the little things that keep us going strong. Dr. Larry Katz, The Joy Pyramid
The way we support each other, the way we show our love to each other throughout the day, it’s the little things that keep us going strong.

Dr. Larry Katz, The Joy Pyramid
Little Things Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 19, 2021
Live for the moment, don't worry about tomorrow! Sure, today is a gift to live, enjoy and be merry.
Live for the moment, don’t worry about tomorrow! Sure, today is a gift to live, enjoy and be merry.

Donald Hendrickson, The Solution gift
Enjoy the Moment Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 18, 2021
Through exploration we not only find answers to the questions we ask, we sometimes find answers to questions which, at the time, we may not have been looking at or looking for.  Mike Ollerton, The Mathematics Teacher's Handbook
Through exploration we not only find answers to the questions we ask, we sometimes find answers to questions which, at the time, we may not have been looking at or looking for.
Mike Ollerton, The Mathematics Teacher’s Handbook
Explore Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 17, 2021
Accept the power of you and enjoy the journey of your life. Clara Penner, Gentle Steps on the Journey of a Healing Heart
Accept the power of you and enjoy the journey of your life.
Clara Penner, Gentle Steps on the Journey of a Healing Heart
Enjoy the Journey Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 16, 2021
 Culture is to people what water is to fish. It is everywhere, it is necessary, we use it to propel ourselves forward and navigate.
Christian Muntean, Conflict and Leadership
Culture is to people what water is to fish. It is everywhere, it is necessary, we use it to propel ourselves forward and navigate.
Christian Muntean, Conflict and Leadership
Culture Quotes

Thought of the Day: September 15, 2021
We must live life everyday to the fullest as if today was the very last day of life. Moses Durazo, How Magnets Saved My Life
We must live life everyday to the fullest as if today was the very last day of life.
Moses Durazo, How Magnets Saved My Life
Live Life Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 14, 2021
To live in harmony is to gain the joy everlasting, the contentment that is based upon the real value of life, and that satisfaction that grows larger and better for every day that passes by. Dr. Robert C. Worstell, editor, ‎Christian D. Larson,  Ideal Made Real - Secrets to the Law of Attraction
To live in harmony is to gain the joy everlasting, the contentment that is based upon the real value of life, and that satisfaction that grows larger and better for every day that passes by.
Dr. Robert C. Worstell, editor, ‎Christian D. Larson, Ideal Made Real – Secrets to the Law of Attraction
Harmony Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 13, 2021
True Love blooms when the realization of truth overtakes the ignorance of a relationship that is based on an attraction or attachment. AiR, True Love is Bliss Not Just a Kiss
True Love blooms when the realization of truth overtakes the ignorance of a relationship that is based on an attraction or attachment.
AiR, True Love is Bliss Not Just a Kiss
True Love Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 12, 2021
This innate potential is locked away within your self-energy system. Using this potential is going to bring immense joy to you, because you are connecting to self-purpose. David Router, Conversations Through My Soul of Presence
This innate potential is locked away within your self-energy system. Using this potential is going to bring immense joy to you, because you are connecting to self-purpose.
David Router, Conversations Through My Soul of Presence
Potential Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 11, 2021
When you are wise and strong you control the human chess board. A wise conqueror establishes his self on his own control. Authur Streets,The Day You Were Chosen
When you are wise and strong you control the human chess board. A wise conqueror establishes his self on his own control.
Authur Streets,The Day You Were Chosen
Wise Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 10, 2021
The meaning of life is family, love, and the goodness in your heart that you give to other people.
The meaning of life is family, love, and the goodness in your heart that you give to other people.
Vibe – Volume 2, Issues 1-3
Meaning of Life Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 9, 2021
Finding your way is a strength, a power, and a freedom. Christian Michael Steele MD, Mastering the Power of Life
Finding your way is a strength, a power, and a freedom.
Christian Michael Steele MD, Mastering the Power of Life
Power Quotes

Thought of the Day: September 8, 2021
Be a good person and good things will happen to you; show people love and they will show love to you; play by the rules and good guys will always win. Humble the Poet, Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life
Be a good person and good things will happen to you; show people love and they will show love to you; play by the rules and good guys will always win.
Humble the Poet, Unlearn
Good Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 7, 2021
Dance can change your life. You will learn to have more fun and have a life worth living. Carleen Breskin Clarke, But I Can Still Dance
Dance can change your life. You will learn to have more fun and have a life worth living.
Carleen Breskin Clarke, But I Can Still Dance
Dance Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 6, 2021
Without balance in your life, you can't live. Without balance in your life, you'll never get happiness in your life. Birister Sharma, AWAKE YOUR SLEEPING SOUL!
Without balance in your life, you can’t live. Without balance in your life, you’ll never get happiness in your life.
Birister Sharma, Awake Your Sleeping Soul!
Balance Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 5, 2021
The possibilities are unlimited because we are unlimited. Allow your self the space to experience the things necessary to be transformed. Tai Archbold, Faces of Sickness
The possibilities are unlimited because we are unlimited. Allow your self the space to experience the things necessary to be transformed.
Tai Archbold, Faces of Sickness
Possibilities Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 4, 2021
Emotions are a part of our soul, often spoken of as expressions of our heart. Russell J. Snyder,m Emotions: The Controlling Factor in the Church
Emotions are a part of our soul, often spoken of as expressions of our heart.
Russell J. Snyder,m Emotions: The Controlling Factor in the Church
Emotion Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 3, 2021
Home is wherever you make it, whether you dine alone or dine together or sleep only on one side of the bed, leaving room for the unexpected future. Laurie Perry, Home Is Where the Wine Is
Home is wherever you make it, whether you dine alone or dine together or sleep only on one side of the bed, leaving room for the unexpected future.
Laurie Perry, Home Is Where the Wine Is
Home Quotes

Thought for the Day: September 2, 2021
 Love is born with a dark and troubled face, Love is born when hope is dead and in the most unlikely place. Cardinal George Pell,  Test Everything
Love is born with a dark and troubled face, Love is born when hope is dead and in the most unlikely place.
Cardinal George Pell, Test Everything
Sad Love Quotes

Thought of the Day: September 1, 2021
I believe that life has a turning point—a point at which we either grasp our opportunity to experience awesome or we let it slip away. Jim Smith, Jr., From Average to Awesome
I believe that life has a turning point—a point at which we either grasp our opportunity to experience awesome or we let it slip away.
Jim Smith Jr, From Average to Awesome:
Opportunity Quotes

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