147 Best Rainbow Quotes to Put Color In Your Day, Inspirational Words of Wisdom

147 Best Rainbow Quotes to Put Color In Your Day

All the colors of the rainbow means ‘the whole spectrum’. Which is why the rainbow has been adopted by the LGBTQ community. Let’s take a moment to enjoy diversity and inclusion, rather than exclusion. Since the time of Noah, the rainbow has had a special significance. In the bible, it’s God’s promise that he won’t flood the world again. It has also taken on meaning for the beauty of color (imagine a world in black and white!). Rainbows are a special gift and when you see one, you’re witnessing a phenomenon that all of mankind has witnessed and marvelled over for millennia.
Enjoy these inspirational rainbow quotes. We hope they bring some sunshine into your life!

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Published by: Ben Gillison

    Best Rainbow Quotes to make you Smile

    Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. Maya Angelou

  1. Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
    Maya Angelou
  2. You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down.

  3. You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.
    Charlie Chaplin
  4. When it looked like the sun wouldn’t shine anymore, God put a rainbow in the cloud.
    Maya Angelou, Rainbow in the Cloudsunrise
  5. I cannot build a mountain or catch a rainbow fair but let me be what I know best – A friend who’s always there.
    Sandra Lewis Pringle, If I Could Catch A Rainbow

    Best Friend

  6. Each one of us has the possibility, the responsibility, the probability to be the rainbow in the clouds.
    Akṣapāda, Maya Angelou’s Celebration of Words
  7. Don't miss all the beautiful colors of the rainbow while looking for that pot of gold.

  8. Don’t miss all the beautiful colors of the rainbow while looking for that pot of gold.
    Linda J T, Oceans of Wisdom
  9. Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its color appear.
    Unknown author
    Life Quotes
  10. Every time you see a rainbow, see a sunset, or see those little stars, you know that we are here.
    Micah OBrien, Coquina Key
  11. Love is like a rainbow In so many different ways. Both are very beautiful, Both brighten up our days.
    Dawn Colclasure, Love is Like a Rainbow
    True Love
  12. Sometimes it’s important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.
    Douglas Pagels
    Take A Break

  13. We know that rainbows are beautiful, special, inspiring, larger than life, almost mystic, and that seeing them makes us happy and inspires us with awe.
    Lynn DellaPietra, Perspectives on Creativity
    Happy Quotes
  14. Without the art of persistence, there can be no gold at the end of the rainbow. …although the building blocks of the art of persistence are basic, it takes a special determination in order to bring the pieces of the puzzle in place.
    R.L. Adams, The Art of Persistence
  15. The rainbow will be My sign to you that I always keep my promises. Every time you see a rainbow, remember I am with you. I will never leave you again.
    B&H Kids Editorial, The 365-Day Storybook Bible, Padded
    Encouraging Bible
  16. It occurred to us both that laughter and tears, like sunshine and rain, often come together. Sometimes, they make a rainbow, and rainbows bring a message of hope, faith, and optimism.
    Lynn Johnston, It’s the Thought That Counts
  17. If the brevity of life is perceived as a breath in winter, the bloom of a beautiful flower in spring, or the sudden appearance of a rainbow in fall, each can be defined as much by its presence as by its absence.
    E. Richard Atleo, Tsawalk
  18. Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. John Shirley Weekend
    John Shirley
  19. Notice the rainbows after the rain. And when rain gets you down, create your own sunshine because you are the only one who can.
    Cyndie Spiegel, A Year of Positive Thinking
  20. Life has a lot of grey and sadness, look for the rainbow and frame it. There is beauty in everything, sometimes you just have to look a little harder to see it.

  21. Life has a lot of grey and sadness, look for the rainbow and frame it. There is beauty in everything, sometimes you just have to look a little harder to see it.
    Charlotte Kitley
    Life Is Beautiful
  22. Since time began humans have recognized the magic of a rainbow. It offers a promise from the universe that there are new and better things to come.
    Diana Cooper, ‎Kathy Crosswell, The Keys to the Universe
  23. Too often in my life promises turned out to be as far away as rainbows, beautiful for a moment and then gone.
    Virginia Andrews, Girl in the Shadows
  24. The rainbow was created by God for the human race. It was a promise, a comfort, and a glorious splendor.
    Michaela Lunsford, Redeeming the Rainbow
  25. I enjoy the rainbow and the butterfly. I enjoy the water sound, the breeze, and the sky. It’s a wonderful place where you should fly.
    Tomadir Khalfalla, Dawn Over the Moon
  26. People spend too much time looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, never stopping long enough to enjoy the rainbow… not realizing the gold is in the rainbow itself.
    Joe Barfield, Chem Storm
    Enjoy Life
  27. Take time to enjoy the rainbow. Take time to enjoy the singing birds. Take time to enjoy the trees. Take time to enjoy the flowers.
    Reginald Gentry, Letting Go of your Pharaohs
    Little Things
  28. Enjoy the rainbow dance and the beauty as it is. Don’t expect more or less, and stop wasting your time looking for the end of the rainbow and for that pot of gold.
    Mr. John, The Black Book
    Time Quotes
  29. Everything is beautiful like a rainbow to outward view. And man’s life is just like the rainbow; life too appears and then suddenly disappears.
    R.S.SURENDRA, Bahubali
  30. We are all different and colorful, but when we come together, we become more beautiful like a rainbow.
    Vander Tavares, Multidisciplinary Perspectives
  31. My rainbow is everything, My rainbow is always with me, My rainbow adds charm to my life, It teaches me that life is beautiful like a rainbow.
  32. The blessing you received from one another is ever-beautiful like a rainbow that appears from the heavens after a summer shower; it is lovely as seeing two who joining as one in life.
    Robert Nacke, Window to My Heart
  33. You will make it! You will be known in a unique way, and you will climb higher and reach for the impossible. You will be filled with beautiful colors, and your life will be beautiful like a rainbow.
    Olly Sanya, Self Celebration
  34. Things happen in the natural order without an agent; no one acts to create something beautiful like a rainbow, and no one acts to create an earthquake either.
    Mark D. White, Doctor Strange and Philosophy
  35. Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. (Ezekiel 1:26‐28)
    Ken Abraham, ‎Jim Bakker, Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse
  36. The throne of God, as seen by John, was wrapped around with a rainbow. It described a perfect circle, a circle, of course, being recognized as an emblem of perfection.
    John Phillips, 100 Devotions for Pastors and Church Leaders
  37. The beauty of the rainbow which moves always in front of us; always beautiful, never reached.
    Alec A. Beadle, Links of Inspiration
  38. Rainbows have long been a source of inspiration both for those who would prefer to treat them impressionistically or mathematically.
    John A. Adam, Rays, Waves, and Scattering
  39. What would you change if you could follow your dreams, seek out the mysteries of your life and share your treasures with those you love? That is ultimately the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that will fulfill us and give our lives depth of meaning.
    Jenifer Zetlan, The Incredible Power of Inspiration
  40. We gaze at the beauty created by a rainbow. We cherish the beauty of flowers, gardens, the stars, waterfalls, and the list goes on as to those items of beauty that we seek to gaze upon for inspiration.
    Effie Darlene Barba, Ultimate Inspiration-God’s Plan of Love
  41. Each life impacts the next, expanding like a rainbow’s arc through dimensions beyond our knowing.
    Barbara Sinor, Tales of Addiction and Inspiration for Recovery
  42. Sending you a day full of sunshine, a heaven filled with rainbows, and a pocket full of dreams. May the future ahead of you be as wonderful as you are. Judith Wibberley

  43. Sending you a day full of sunshine, a heaven filled with rainbows, and a pocket full of dreams. May the future ahead of you be as wonderful as you are.
    Judith Wibberley
  44. Rainbows are a special gift from the Heavens. When you are on the right path, having accomplished the right thing, having set it into motion in order to complete your mission, the Divine presents you with gifts. Look around you. See the gifts.
    Kaushalya Kuwadekar, Beyond Shirdi
  45. Sunshine and raindrops, with winds that gently blow, There is more to a rainbow than most folks know. Now make a wish quickly, before it fades too soon, it’s sure to be granted before the next new moon.
    Ellen Dugan, The Enchanted Cat
  46. For every rainbow you find with two ends, I wish you two stars from above. For every tear you brush from a cheek, I promise you kindness will follow.
    Jack Canfield, ‎Mark Victor Hansen, A 5th Portion of Chicken Soup for the Soul
  47. If I have to scour the countryside for every rainbow and fairy to find that magic, I will.
    Ava Miles, A Breath of Jasmine
  48. Won’t your father miss you, and look for you, and let down another rainbow for you?
    L. Frank Baum, The Complete Wizard of Oz Collection
    Miss You
  49. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by life, I look for the rainbow. No matter how bad things may seem, the rainbow for me is a sign that things will be all right.
    Ken Regan, God Made the Rainbow
  50. If the clouds dominate your day, look for the rainbow. If I understand it correctly, God makes rainbows.
    C. E. Harwell, The Parson Says
  51. Look then when thou goeft to prayer, for the throne; and that thou mayest not be deceived with a fancy, look for the rainbow too. The rainbow, that is, as I have said, the personal performances of Christ thy Saviour for thee.
    John Bunyan, Delphi Complete Works of John Bunyan
  52. Look up in the clearing and you’ll see— Always look for the rainbow, There’s one in every sky. Always look for the rainbow, Don’t let it pass you by. Always reach for the stars, Never give up on your dreams.
    Marilyn Myers, It’s All Left up to Time
  53. And always look for the rainbow, see the good and the joy it brings, Always look for the rainbow, find the joy in the song it sings.
    Forrest Phelps-Cook, Reflections from the Heart
  54. God’s Word is full of promises, so lift your eyes and look for the rainbow. It will brighten your heart, dry your tears, and restore your faith.
    Catherine Galasso-Vigorito, God Will Do the Rest
  55. There is something about the rainbow that makes us just feel better about things. It makes us want to share it too: we’ll point it out to companions and even strangers.
    Charlie Connelly, Bring Me Sunshine
  56. To avoid tears, one laughs, but the sunshine of laughter and the tears of sorrow mingle to produce a magnificent rainbow of human joy.
    All India Radio (AIR), New Delhi,
  57. That rainbow of joy is both the promise and the sign of the presence of a universal spirit — the God we have come to know.
    Evelyn Mandel, The Art of Aging
  58. If we do not search for the rainbow of love your frequencies of energy will not bring forth the whole heart of the universe.
    Donna Lynn, Dial Love
  59. A rainbow is a blessing at the end of the rain, As you watch the water run down the drain.
    Bill Gulden, In the Eyes of a Poet
  60. Today, when a rainbow appears after a cleansing rain, we know that the Holy People have returned.
    Luci Tapahonso, A Radiant Curve
  61. Even in the cruelties of life, you must always be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud. One last thing, always remember to turn your struggles into triumph.
    Matthew Sanders, ‎Courtney J. Owens, Sporadic Thoughts
    Life And Struggles
  62. When the sun shines again after the rain, it is the time when a rainbow appears in the sky, beautifying the peaks of the mountains.
    Chiu Yong Poon, Folktales of Love From China
  63. Even as you remind yourself of your promises when a rainbow appears, may we remind ourselves of our promises to you and to others.
    Cheryl D. Edris, The Inescapable Presence
  64. Everyday is an adventure and blessing to live. For after the rain; there’s a rainbow to brighten the day.
    Alaric Alexander Watts, The Poetical Album: And Register of Modern Fugitive Poetry
  65. So again, the gloomy days only show that there will be those times too in ones lives and the rainbow takes the place of the sun to keep the remembrance of love and good until once again the sun shines.
    Pauline E. Petsel , Spiritually Yours
  66. Success is the reward at the end of the rainbow, but only if you can plan for and achieve it.
    John (Jack) Callahan, Success in Motion
  67. Like we are colored like the colors of the rainbow!! The color of experience in life, they explain life! Every sorrow reminds me to paint in the colors of happiness. Every emotion smells of colors, smells of life!
    Sneha Khakkar, The Scribbled feelings
  68. Every time you see a rainbow appear in the sky, it is a reminder that no matter what you have gone through, you have survived it.
    Ayesha O. Daniels, A Pocket Full of Hope
  69. The sunlight dances off the ice, and what should be white sparkles like the colors of the rainbow.
    Ozmioz Mak, Geocache of the Rainbow Bull
  70. Shine your soul with the same egoless humility as the rainbow and no matter where you go in this world or the next, love will find you, attend you, and bless you.
    Aberjhani, Journey through the Power of the Rainbowhumble
  71. When there is love in the heart there are rainbows in the eyes, which cover every black cloud with gorgeous hues.
    Henry Ward Beecher, ‎Edna Dean Proctor, Life Thoughts
  72. Every time you see a rainbow in the sky, a short word of thanksgiving is in order: God is merciful and his mercy endures forever.
    Larry R. Helyer, Mountaintop Theology
  73. To free the butterflies, which signify beauty, transformation and immortality, one must open to the message of the rainbow which represents higher consciousness.
    Pamela Eakins, Tarot of the Spirit
  74. Every time you see a rainbow, you will have hope.
    Tom Hughes, Down to Earth
  75. Every time you see a rainbow it is connecting, it is like a bridge with the earth and the other world.
    Tryntje Van Ness Seymour, When the Rainbow Touches Down
  76. You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don’t know it, all of that doesn’t even matter.
    Ameera Aman, Dream Catchers
    Love Yourself
  77. She realized the significance of little things like rainbows the sun, moon and the stars.
    Shyane Xavier, Heart of a Lion
  78. Even rainy days are beautiful and you can see droplets of water shine like prisms and then you see a rainbow. Rainbows are the most exquisite.
    Rev. Dr. Ann Cutler, Beautiful in His Sight
  79. The day when you least expect it, a beautiful double-arched rainbow will appear. Whether it performs for a few minutes or a few seconds, you stop where you are and behold its majestic measure of beauty – for you may never have the opportunity again.
    Charles C. Case
  80. Short Rainbow Quotes

    Here is our collection of short rainbow quotes that are perfect little inspirational messages for a loved one to brighten up their day!

    The darker the cloud the brighter the rainbow.

  81. The darker the cloud the brighter the rainbow.
    Ian Toppin, Biblical Patriarchs and Their Legacy of Family
  82. Remember, to make rainbows you need sun and rain. Catherine Pulsifer

  83. Remember, to make rainbows you need sun and rain.
    Catherine Pulsifer,
    To Make Rainbows You Need
  84. Let rainbows fill your heart with love.
    Kerry Clancey, ‎Scarlet Fink, Scarlet and Nevaeh Bodhi the Garden of Love
  85. Did you know a rainbow is a promise of good things to come?
    Stella Bagwell, Taming a Dark Horse
  86. If you don’t ask for what you want you’ll be chasing rainbows all your life.
    Linda J T, Oceans of Wisdom
  87. So don’t be afraid to let them show, Your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow.
    Akasha White Wolf, Rainbow Medicine
  88. If You Want the Rainbow, Welcome the Rain.
    Anne O’Neil
  89. Maybe you should wish at the end of your rainbow to find happiness or health.
    Fay Risner, The Rainbow’s End
  90. The most beautiful things in the world are the most useless, like the lilies, butterflys and the rainbows. M. K. Soni

  91. The most beautiful things in the world are the most useless, like the lilies, butterflys and the rainbows.
    M. K. Soni
  92. Fill your life with emotions, as there are colors of rainbow.
    Parineeta Das & Ritika Lath, VIBGYOR
  93. There is a great mystery behind the rainbow.
    The Pentagon
  94. The color of her love bears the substance of God’s rainbow.
    Chris Harper, Inspiration Vitamin for Christian Mothers
    God’s Love
  95. A rainbow is a promise made before time grew old. It’s a mysterious magic place hiding a pot of gold.
    Moira Andrew, Rainbow Year
  96. Rainbows are beautiful and so is our nation
    Martha Cooper, William L. Nothstine, Power Persuasion

    Quotes to Live by

  97. Make a wish upon the pastel rainbow that greets you in the early morning drizzle.
    Joanie Erickson, ‎Jeanine Cogan, Lesbians, Levis, and Lipstick
    Good Morning Images
  98. For every rainbow that ends, there’s a new beginning, and it’s really faith that made a rainbow appear.
    Gay Tamares, Building the Faith in God’s Mercy and Compassion
    New Beginnings
  99. In pursuit of good fortune, I follow the rainbow and draw closer to the place where it touches the earth.
    Paul Zolbrod, Diné Bahane
  100. Where the road goes I will travel I will not look for a sign I will follow the rainbow.
    Gloria Grantham, Inspirational Poems from Glory
  101. One of nature’s most magical and beautiful moments, the rainbow.
    House Beautiful – Volume 145
  102. Like the colors of the rainbow when the people come together they seen even more beautiful.
    Stephanie Feeney, Hawaii Is a Rainbow
  103. Rainbows Beautiful and inspiring, rainbows never fail to take my breath away.
    Theresa Cheung, How To Find Heaven
  104. Where Love resides
    You’ll find a rainbow too
    Soft colours that enhance
    And Hope renew
    John McLeod, Where Love Resides
    Short Love Poems
  105. If you want to see a rainbow you have to learn to see the rain. Paulo Coelho

  106. If you want to see a rainbow you have to learn to see the rain.
    Paulo Coelho
    Great Quotes About Life
  107. Rainbow after the Storm Quotes

    Sometimes the best thing about a storm is the rainbow that follows afterwards. This can be the same in life aswell, often when we have been through something difficault the sky will eventually clear and the sun will come out, meaning things will get easier.These storm quotes have been carefully selected to inspire you to be patient and give you hope on the darkest of days.

    Sooner or later, however, the storm ends, the sun appears, and perhaps there is even a rainbow to brighten the day.

  108. Sooner or later, however, the storm ends, the sun appears, and perhaps there is even a rainbow to brighten the day.
    John Shuman, III, Art Glass Identification & Price Guide
  109. Keep your head up and stand tall If you feel like your hurt will never end Just know that in a storm- there’s always a rainbow around the bend!
    Naomi Kingery, Sugar-Free Me
    Keep Going
  110. Once upon a time, the rainbow visible in the sky after a storm represented all the colors there were. Our earth was designed that way.
    Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow
    Nature Quotes
  111. Say “Thank You” because your faith is so strong that you don’t doubt that what ever the problem, you’ll get through it. You’re saying thank-you because you know that even in the eye of the storm, God has put a rainbow in the clouds.
    Oprah Winfrey
  112. In life, it’s not about waiting for the storm’s to pass… it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.
    Viviene Greene
    Life Lessons
  113. Which rainbows are the ones that potentially have that pot of gold at the end or which ones will remain covered by the storm clouds?
    G E Larrisey, Chasing Rainbows
  114. Whatever storms we face, each of us can be a new Noah, and stand on deck in our new world and look for rainbows. But for now, how about some free time – maybe.
    Don C. Davis ThB BA Mdiv, New Tomorrows
  115. We are rainbows driven between storms, our mouths stunned into silence, guiltless, inexcusable, and loving.
    Adrianne Marcus, Faced with Love
  116. While we may not be able to speak colorful hues of hope into tomorrow’s rainbow, we can speak hope, faith, and encouragement into the lives of those whose storms has yet to pass.
    David C. Hammond, Legacies of Valor
  117. The Best Rainbow Quotes For Kids

    Kids love the magic of rainbows, with all of their beautiful colors and the joy that they bring. When a child see’s a rainbow their jaws drop and they stare at them in awe. This collection of inspirational rainbow quotes will encourage children to find the beauty in every day and embrace their uniquness.

    To the children of the world. Those who fail to see the beauty within....they are beautiful, and that we are all part of a great rainbow. Lisa Silva, Rainbow

  118. To the children of the world. Those who fail to see the beauty within….they are beautiful, and that we are all part of a great rainbow.
    Lisa Silva, Rainbow
  119. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
    Lyman Frank Baum
  120. Don’t worry, Wormy, the rainy season is coming soon and the most beautiful rainbow is going to come just for you.
    Olga Villa, Wormy, the Hairy Caterpillar, and the Rainbow
    Inspirational Quotes for Kids
  121. Rainbows appear and disappear as if by magic and they make the world appear brighter and more beautiful, but you can never touch or hold the glowing arch of colored light
    Stephanie Feeney, Hawaii Is a Rainbow
    Inspirational Thoughts
  122. More Rainbow Quotes

    Here are some more rainbow quotes that we hope will brighten your day.

  123.  Seeing rainbows brings you happiness and good fortune.
    Linda J T, Oceans of Wisdom
  124. I still find rainbows beautiful and inspiring, but I appreciate that there’s more to a rainbow than mere refraction of light.
    Ian Stewart, Letters to a Young Mathematician
  125. Chasing rainbows. Like her father, she was definitely a rainbow chaser, always hoping for something better, knowing that if she could just hold on and follow her rainbow to its end, she would find a pot filled with more than gold.
    Ann Lynn, Dreamer
  126. The sun was shining bright and strong into his face, and through his half-closed eyes he saw rainbows, beautiful little rainbows, everywhere. Aspirations, on a weekday.
    Chambers’s Journal
  127. Of all of the results of weather, rainbows are perhaps the most beautiful.
    Robynne Eagan, ‎Tracey Ann Schofield, Weather Wise!
  128. Look at the rainbow and praise him who made it; it is exceedingly beautiful in its brightness. It encircles the sky with its glorious arc; A spring rainbow stops me in my tracks. I always feel as though I’m witnessing a miracle.
    Vinita Hampton Wright, ‎Margaret Silf, ‎Ginny Kubitz Moyer, Daily Inspiration for Women
  129. Rainbow I heard a woman say that when things grow grey and your life is filled with nothing but despair, don’t give up and walk away.
    Dr. Lennox G. Seales, The Broad Highway
  130. My heart leaps up when I behold / A rainbow in the sky
    Philip Coleman, On Literature and Science
  131. Therefore, when we see a rainbow, let us examine our own hearts and lives so as to never again fill the Lord’s heart with pain.
    Jim Reimann, Evening by Evening
  132. Rainbows are God’s miracles and butterflies are His joy.
    Jacquelyn Sturge, Live, Love, Laugh with Me Through Poetry A to Z
  133. You see the rainbow and you are the rainbow. It is a closed vibrational endless ellipse. You are here in one place receiving the vibration, and you are at the same time out there being the vibration.
    Ruth Hildegard Henrich, Be!
    Law of Attraction
  134. From a spiritual standpoint, the rainbow symbolizes you in complete balance, for you are the rainbow. You have one half in the spirit realm and the other half in the physical realm.
    Terry L. Newbegin, Genesis
  135. Without you I am nothing, in your arms I know I am safe, You keep me warm, on the coldest of days, You have made me complete on so many levels, you have been the prince that carried me away, You are my rainbow on them cold and rainy days.
    Shadow Duffield, The Expressions Of Life
  136. Just as I was feeling at a loss about which way to turn, and dark clouds loomed in the skies above me, suddenly a ray of light filtered down to illuminate this crossroads of my life. Sunlight and raindrops came down simultaneously, holding up a rainbow to brighten my life.
    Peng Xueming, Mom
  137. Rainbows don’t hide in tears.
    Danielle Nicole Bienvenu, Le Beau Coeur~The Beautiful Heart
  138. We must believe and look for rainbows— The freedom was just miles away.
    The Secret Holocaust Diaries
  139. We are rainbows gone astray; we are oceans lying still.
    The Northwestern Lutheran
  140. God looks for the differences to make us more beautiful. The rainbow is just one example.
    Kessa Reuben, Journey Through the Rainbows
  141. If none of these work, then I hope for a friendship where we can make each other laugh and love all the colors we see in each other, on the days we are rainbows as much as on the days we are shades of grey.
    Nikita Gill, The Girl and the Goddess
  142. We are rainbows just before darkness, playing colors before night arrives. Even the lightest of Mozart’s sonatas has the same drop of sadness because sooner or later the final chord will be played.
    Rubem A. Alves, The Poet, the Warrior, the Prophet
  143. I created rainbows to remind you of My promise that I will never leave you.
    Sheri Rose Shepherd, ‎Tyndale, My Beautiful Princess Bible
  144. Dr. Hill’s goal was to communicate clearly a philosophy and practice of individual achievement that would stimulate lasting happiness. His inner knower guided him to find his own life’s rainbow.”
    Mark Victor Hansen
    Napoleon Hill Quotes
  145. You've the beauty of every great sunset, each rainbow that colours the sky. You're the closest there is to perfection, and the greatest wonder in life. George Stanworth, Beautiful Love Poems

  146. You’ve the beauty of every great sunset, each rainbow that colours the sky. You’re the closest there is to perfection, and the greatest wonder in life.
    George Stanworth, Beautiful Love Poems
    Valentines Day
  147. I understood that the rainbow path was quietly growing wider, and that the people who walked it were growing in strength and skillful means. On that mountain in that moment my heart steadied with a powerful peace.
    Steven McFadden, ‎Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo, Legend of the Rainbow Warriors
  148. There is no fear in understanding others for in that understanding you will only find Love on the other side of the Rainbow.
    Sharon Kay Robinson, The Other Side of the Rainbow
  149. God is in the rainbow; can’t you see?
    T.L. Willis, God Is in the Rainbow
  150. Like the color of the rainbow visible in the cloudy sky, each individual has an aura and halo emerging from the body.
    Das, Business Communication and Personality Development
  151. The rainbow is God’s guarantee in His unfailing faithfulness that the earth will never again be destroyed by the flood of water
    (Gen. 9:8-17)
  152. It is the dream that gives us the journey…but, the journey that gives us the joy! Debbie Dixon,  Over The Rainbow

  153. It is the dream that gives us the journey…but, the journey that gives us the joy!
    Debbie Dixon, Over The Rainbow
    Inspirational Quotes
  154. Just like a rainbow appears as a blend of 7 different colors, True love manifests in a human being at every step of human existence.
    AiR, True Love is Bliss Not Just a Kiss
  155. And will we paint a rainbow with all its promise or dull the canvas sadly seen?Each day brings its own colours to be chosen, mixed,Pigments of joy, happy moments, smiles and laughter. . .
    John McLeod, Awakening
    Motivational Quotes
  156. In a mist the colors fade to hues with no distinction, black and white rainbows form to challenge life’s direction. Karen Robineau,  Black And White Rainbows

  157. In a mist the colors fade to hues with no distinction, black and white rainbows form to challenge life’s direction
    Karen Robineau, Black And White Rainbows
    Chasing Dreams
  158. A multicolored arc in the sky is just a rainbow to a layman but a poet has greater capacity to receive sense impressions about it to express his powerful feelings.
    Lucas Smith, Poet: Most Successful Poets of all Time
  159. Oh, why are you always so optimistic?  We might as well wish for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Sian Williams,  Journey to the End of the Rainbow

  160. Oh, why are you always so optimistic? We might as well wish for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
    Sian Williams, Journey to the End of the Rainbow
  161. Can you make a rainbow? Well, maybe not but there are a lot of other things you can do with your talents if you believe that you can despite what others may have discouraged you from doing
    Byron Pulsifer, Can We Make A Rainbow
  162. May the sun always shine on your window pane;
    May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain…An Irish Friendship Wish
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  163. Wishing you a rainbowFor sunlight after showers …
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