20 Introvert Quotes
Be inspired by our words of wisdom about introverts!
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? A lot of people have the misconception that they have to be one or the other (interestingly, it’s not always the case you’re one or the other!). It’s easy to know and you can understand yourself better if you answer this question: ‘Does being around groups of people make you energetic, or does it exhaust you?’ ‘Do you prefer being alone or being by yourself?’ If you prefer being alone and get exhausted by groups of people, then you’re more introverted than extroverted. It means that you’ll be more prone to being withdrawn but it doesn’t mean you’re underconfident or neurotic. You can be a confident introvert! Introversion or extroversion are just indicators of where you get your energy. So enjoy and accept being introverted if that’s your home base of energy generation! Look after yourself and be pleased that you have a super power; self-generated energy!
- Introverts are word economists in a world of verbal obesity.
Michaela Chung, The Year of the Introvert
Funny Sayings - Life is noisy and busy. “Silence is a resource.”
Holley Gerth, The Powerful Purpose of Introverts
Silence Quotes - Did you know that… The best ideas often emerge in the depths of solitude?
Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Quiet Influence
Inspirational Thoughts - The introverted mind is otherwise active and is not anxious to speak.
M. M. Walia, Silence
Thinking Quotes - A quiet temperament is a hidden superpower
Susan Cain, Gregory Mone, Erica Moroz, Quiet Power
Wise Quotes - In solitude, you’re free to tune into your own inner monologue, rather than paying attention to what’s going on around you.
Jenn Granneman, The Secret Lives of Introverts
Freedom Quotes - You have the power of quiet, the edge of introspection, and the advantage of looking before you leap.
Arnie Kozak, The Awakened Introvert
Words of Encouragement - The first step towards achieving grace is to be quietly confident and feel at ease in any society.
Charles Godfrey Leland, The Art of Conversation
Confidence Quotes - Eastern cultures see introversion as a value and give it much esteem. Western cultures prefer extraversion. For a balanced, safe, and caring world, we must learn to value both.
John Weber, The Happy Introvert
Balance Quotes - I love being thought of as a happy introvert. Being alone is always relaxing for me. I am quite social for an introvert, but it always feels good when events are over and I can digest them alone
Jim campbell
Alone Quotes - When in my life minor problems arose, I always went within for the answer. I never reached out to others for what I should or should not do
Sunyata, an introvert
Be Yourself - Social convention has little meaning for me— I don’t know how to lock my mind on to a trend and wouldn’t want to. If an experience is going to mean anything to me, it must touch me deep inside.
Gus Wagele, The Happy Introvert
Deep - Through the practice of silence we gain knowledge of our spiritual nature and bring our outer nature into harmony with it.
Swami Paramananda, Books of Daily Thoughts and Prayers
Knowledge - It’s often been said that extroverts speak in order to think, whereas introverts think in order to speak.
Adam S. McHugh, Introverts in the Church
Communitcation - Introverts think before they act. They carefully weigh each option before rendering a decision.
Ndemdoh Stanley Otney Mbeseha, THE MYSTERIES OF ATTRACTION
Decision - Creativity happens when the mind is quiet and receptive.
Sophia Dembling, The Introvert’s Way
Mindfulness - Solitude is strength ; to depend on the presence of a crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he thinks.
Paul Brunton
Being Strong - The more powerful and original a mind , the more it will incline towards the religion of silence.
William Bloom, Soulution
Wisdom - Introverts crave meaning in everything so party chitchat feels like sandpaper to our brain.
Mohit Chhibber Mohit Chhibber, Life of an Introvert
Mindset - Introverts have a vibrant inner landscape.
Chris Webb, The Fire of the Word

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