25 Ugly Quotes
We hope you enjoy our collection of ugly quotes.
The word ugly has been around forever and a day. It is used to describe appearance and personality and to put people down. If you have ever been called ugly, you will understand that this word cannot be taken lightly and it will probably live with you for a long time.
We hope you find some inspiration and perhaps humor from our ugly quotes and that next time somebody calls you ugly you give them something to think about!
- Ugly is an ugly four-letter word.
James Luther Adams, The Grotesque in Art and Literature
Short Quotes - Actually, nothing is born ugly. ugly is something we create by our attitude and behavior.
Edward L. Boye, Musings
Attitude Quotes - Being ugly was punishment enough, but I am a better human being because of it.
Gail Ylitalo, Ugly Opal
Positive Attitude Quotes - The ugliest people can say some of the ugliest things
Jovon Middleton, Hear My Struggle, Feel My Pain & Enjoy My Rhymes
Wise Quotes - The beautiful exterior is just a facade for the ugly person inside.
Rick Higginson, Cardan’s Pod
Encouraging Quotes - Although all evil is ugly, not all ugliness is evil.
Frederick Ferre, Frederick Ferré, Living and Value
Meaningful - What is ugly is beautiful, and What is beautiful is ugly: ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair.
Franz Fitzsimmons, John Mannion, English & English Literature
Beautiful Quotes - Sometimes, what is beautiful is ugly, and what is supposed to be ugly is beautiful.
Deb Caletti, The Fortunes of Indigo Skye
Believe in Yourself - You know that you are not ugly, so don’t answer to it. Protect yourself and don’t accept any form of verbal abuse.
C. Rich, Completely You
Quotes To Live by - You can be beautiful but ugly on the inside, or ugly on the outside and beautiful on the inside, and so on.
Julie MacLusky, Robyn Cox, Teaching Creative Writing In The Primary School
Be Yourself - How you think you look may not be (in your opinion) an accurate reflection of how we feel on the inside. We might feel beautiful on the inside and feel that we look ugly on the outside, or the opposite.
Pamela Baron Waldbauer, Revealing You
Overcoming Obstacles - Many things in nature look rather plain or even ugly on the outside, but have beautiful “treasures” on the inside.
Learning to Listen
Nature - If the architect build houses that are unstable, we can prop and rivet them; if they are ugly on the outside, we are told to beautify them within.
Andrew PAUL (A.B., M.B.), Observations on diseases of the lower bowel
Example - If we say, Evil is really evil, it is like saying, Ugly is really ugly—a false appearance is a false reality:- we simply throw away the means of our life.
James Hinton, Selections from Manuscripts
Life - No matter how ugly you are, you can always get a cup of coffee. Big cup or small cup? It doesn’t matter. Your coffee doesn’t talk to you.
The Ultimate Book of Blonde, Brunette, and Redhead Jokes
Coffee - Another reason why we call many objects ugly, is the fact of their being disagreeable to sense. But disagreeableness is by no means incompatible with true beauty.
The American Catholic Quarterly Review
Beauty - Yes, ugly has to do with behavior—with the way people adhere or don’t adhere to the highest ethical and moral standards; with the way they treat other people; and with the way they handle disagreements, disappointment, and defeat (or the prospects of defeat).
The Good, the Bad,& the Ugly
Helping Others - You are not ugly, fat, or have bad luck. Somebody will always love you (self), and you are not weak. Doubting your worth will keep you in the same cycle that you may have been in before because you are not doing anything to change it.
Sharif K. Rasheed, Women, Are You Serious?
Motivational - You are not ugly at all! As a matter of fact, you are the most beautiful flower that has ever grown in this whole valley, and you have a soul that matches your external beauty.
Cándida R. DeVito, Secrets of Forbidden Love
Inspirational Quotes - Self esteem can really wear on you and if you are used to seeing the bad and the ugly for so long, it’s hard for you to realize the good has begun to peer through.
Shyrle Benjamin, True Lives…Real Dreams
Self Esteem - But we can’t hate the ugly person because he is ugly, the rude person because he is rude, and the unreliable person because he is unreliable. Some who we find ugly are beautiful in the eyes of others.
Nossrat Peseschkian, Psychotherapy of Everyday Life
Clarity - We may dream—with the help of our television of a more affluent life. The unloved person may dream of his lovers, the unsuccessful person may dream of his conquests, and the ugly person may dream of being beautiful.
Joseph A. DeVito, Communication
Smart - Being ugly is not outside of us but inside of us. And that’s why I keep reiterating that we’re working with our minds.
Richard Kostelanetz, Esthetics Contemporary
Mindset - After all, the notion of something outside of us being ugly is not outside of us but inside of us.
Adobe Magazine – Volume 10
Mental Health - I have learned that what most people call the ugliest people, some of the strangest people, and even some of the most different people in the world end up being, the most beautiful people to lay the naked eyes upon.
Heather Maria Ramirez, Godmother Quotes of Haterology 101
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