35 Not Perfect Quotes

35 Not Perfect Quotes

Let these not perfect quotes remind you that none of us are perfect. We all make mistakes, we all encounter failure, but how we view these things will make a big difference in our lives.

  1. I remind myself that I am human and that God made me this way for a reason, and I remind myself to keep persevering. Hence, I’m not perfect and it’s okay.Dolores Ayotte, I’m Not Perfect and It’s Okay
  2. If the only dream we have is of a perfect life, we are doomed to disappointment since such dreams simply cannot come true in the real world.Tal Ben-Shahar, Being Happy: You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Lead a Richer, Happier Life
  3. Never ever believe that each task must be done perfectly. Lindsay J. Hallie
    Never ever believe that each task must be done perfectly. We are humans and we all are bound to make mistakes, whether a few or many, little or big, or rarely or frequently.Lindsay J. Hallie, Positive Thinking
  4. When renewing our hearts, we must be gentle with ourselves; after all, no one is perfect. At the same time, to really make positive changes we must be honest so we can avoid repeating mistakes.Ellen Miller, The One Year Book of Inspiration for Girlfriends
  5. Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie – not perfect but who’s complaining? Robert Brault
  6. There is no such thing as a perfect family. Behind every door there are issues, the difference is accepting and encouraging each family member as they are not as we would like them to be.Catherine Pulsifer
  7. Perfect people? No. Perfect messes? You bet. Yet God used them. A surprising and welcome discovery of the Bible is this: God uses failures. Max Lucado
  8. You are not a perfect daughter and you will never be. But put us together and we will be the best mother and daughter we would ever be. Zoraida Pesante
  9. We all go through life needing to be open and honest with our own limitations recognizing that we are not perfect beings.Byron Pulsifer, The Two Pots We Have
    Inspirational Quotes

  10. We are not perfect, forgive others as you would want to be forgiven.Catherine Pulsifer
  11. The truth is that the perfect mom/perfect child concept is a myth. The only perfect parent is God, and look at the trouble He had with His kids, Adam and Eve.Cheri Fuller, What a Son Needs From His Mom
  12. Parents are not perfect, nor are they saints. Dads and moms make mistakes all the time. How you handle these situations will be an important life lesson for your children. Bethany Bridges, How to Be a Good Dad
  13. Probably the biggest thing you can do for yourself when you are trying to learn a new skill is give yourself permission to be imperfect. You are going to make mistakes when you first start, and you may find that you goof up in embarrassing times, but that is no reason to not see it through.Adrienne Stevens, Psychology
  14. I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more. Angelita Lim
  15. Wanting to always be perfect and procrastinating on tasks you see as challenging for fear of failure to achieve perfect results is a recipe for physical and emotional problems.Brian Karr, A Self-Help Cure For Procrastination
  16. Once I learned that it’s ok to be wrong and not perfect but look to the Lord who is perfect and loving, life started to get much more fun and peaceful. Brian L Summy, It’s Not About Me, It’s About God
  17. Questions focus our thinking. Ask empowering questions like: What’s good about this? What’s not perfect about it yet? What am I going to do next time? How can I do this and have fun doing it?Charles Connolly
  18. Everyone makes mistakes, however young or old and none of us are perfect. Estella Eliot
    Everyone makes mistakes, however young or old and none of us are perfect. Estella Eliot, Positively Christian
  19. …the path to great confidence is not in becoming invincible, flawless, and seemingly perfect. But rather, it is in embracing your humanity, in all its messy glory and tender vulnerability. Dr Aziz Gazipura PsyD, The Art of Extraordinary Confidence
  20. Safe people are individuals who draw us closer to being the people God intended us to be. Though not perfect, they are “good enough” in their own character that the net effect of their presence in our lives is positive. Henry Cloud, Safe People
  21. Perfect people? No. Perfect messes? You bet. Yet God used them. A surprising and welcome discovery of the Bible is this: God uses failures. Max Lucado
  22. I can’t imagine moving out of this life without leaving behind a healthy family – not a perfect family, but generations who will continue to love each other. Our family isn’t perfect, but I couldn’t be more thrilled with every one of them. Best of all, we enjoy each other. Gary Smalley, Let’s Do Family Together
    Words of Encouragement
  23. A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Dave Meurer
  24. There are no perfect husbands. There are no perfect wives. There are no perfect marriages. Too often we feel we’re the ONLY ones dealing with challenges in marriage. You’re no different than any other couple out there trying to make oneness happen with two imperfect people. Jill Savage, No More Perfect Marriages
  25. Not every day will be perfect but the majority of your days should be filled with so much passion for your work you forget it is actually work. Sandra Leon, Supercharge Your Life
  26. No one is perfect, and we all understand that, but when we decide to make that lifelong commitment, we need to weigh the cost and know God is holding us accountable for the commitments we make. Dr. Kenton D. Wiley, I Know I’m Married But
  27. No one is a perfect human being. To me, it is impossible to be perfect. This does not mean, however, that imperfections should stand in the way of being good friends with another. Byron Pulsifer, Beyond The No Fault Friend
  28. We aren’t perfect people, but with the grace God supplies, we’re doing our best to raise our children in an atmosphere that is heavily seasoned with grace, mercy, compassion, structure, wisdom and love that we believe find their source in Christ.John Stange, What did Jesus say about Marriage?
    God’s Grace
  29. There are no perfect people who can say to the world, “I don’t need anybody else.” We need each other. We were made to work in teams! Rick Warren
  30. Life isn’t perfect but we all have a chance, an opportunity or a right to embrace each new day to do many things. We can decide to make it a great day, or we can simply squander it with pettiness, old grudges, or dwelling on previous mistakes. Byron Pulsifer, Happiness Is A Choice
  31. No family is perfect, but God can rebuild broken walls and restore lost dreams. By the grace of God we must do all we can to keep families strong and full of the hope that comes from fulfilling God’s ideal. Dr David Jeremiah
  32. Parents are not perfect, nor are they saints. Bethany Bridges
    Parents are not perfect, nor are they saints. Dads and moms make mistakes all the time. How you handle these situations will be an important life lesson for your children.Bethany Bridges, How to Be a Good Dad
  33. Life is about striking the perfect balance and since nothing in life is perfect, we have to do the best with what we got.Anquanette Gaspard, Blink & You Will Miss It
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  34. Since children have inherited imperfect parents, the likelihood of mistakes being made is inevitable.Jack Stoltzfus, Apology: The Gift We Give Our Young Adults
  35. God doesn’t require us to be perfect. All He asks is that we keep trying and taking steps to improve. Joel Osteen

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