41 Unconditional Love Quotes
What is unconditional love? Let these unconditional love quotes give you answers.
Giving unconditional love is the best type of love. You will see that in the words of the authors of these quotes.
Unconditional love can be applied to all relationships in our lives – our spouse, our partner, our children, our friends and even our co-workers. You can see unconditional love in your pets – no matter what we do or don’t do they love us.
- “Love is unconditional: it is neither aroused nor diminished by the other’s value or qualities; it is a spontaneous gift that seeks nothing for the giver.” Simon May, Love: A History
Love Quotes - The greatest power that mankind could ever achieve is the power of unconditional love. This is when people love with no limitations, conditions or boundaries.Tony Green, Unconditional Love
Greatness - Unconditional love is the greatest gift of all. Sylvia Massara
Short Quotes - The hardest thing in the world for a human to accept is pure, unconditional, true love and acceptance. We’re conditioned to believe that love and acceptance have to be earned in some way.Fredrica, Unconditional Love
True Love Quotes - True love will never make you a fool. Unconditional love will always win. Rita Jacobsen, Love Quotes
Inspirational Quotes - Since we receive God’s unconditional love, it is up to us to love unconditionally too, and this means being able to receive. Cathy Grant, The Journey
Quotes About God’s Love - ….when we know that even one person loves us unconditionally, we feel a connection to everyone else.Greg Baer, Real Love
Feeling - No amount of money, success, ambition, compatibility, eagerness orgood intention can give meaning to or sustain your relationship like unconditional love can.Dr. Dwayne L. Buckingham, Unconditional Love
Relationship - My love for you overflows like a stream of waterfall. You may make mistakes and we may fight but I will always love you unconditionally, just as you are. Tanisha Lakes
I Love You Quotes - Unconditional love is not beyond us.Stephen C. Rose
Words of Encouragement - Unconditional love is the greatest gift we can ever give. Amy Leigh Mercree
Giving - But if I love you “just because,” then my love is unconditional and I can and will love you no matter what you do or don’t do.Marci Shimoff; Carol Kline Love For No Reason
Short Love Poems - Learn to love without any conditions, help without any expectations and to live without any regrets.Anurag Prakash Ray
Regret - The only way love can last a lifetime is if it’s unconditional. Stephen Kendrick
Life Quotes - I had to learn to love me unconditionally before I could love others with equal love and purity.Kenyatta Arnette, Love’s Unconditional
Love Yourself Quotes - The only love worthy of a name is unconditional. John Powell
Short Love Quotes - “When you realize how much God loves you – with an extravagant, irresistible, unconditional love – then his love will change your entire focus on life. If we don’t receive God’s love for us, we’ll have a hard time loving other people.Rick Warren
God Quotes - To love everyone unconditionally does not mean to give everyone your unconditional time. Sometimes, to love completely, we must never see someone again. This, too, is love. This is giving someone the freedom to exist and be happy, even if it must be without you.Vironika Tugaleva
Freedom - There are no words to express the depth of my love for you. Just when I feel that my heart is so full that it will burst, my love for you grows even more.Fredrica, Unconditional Love
Romantic Love Poems - Intense love does not measure, it just gives.Mother Teresa
Famous Quotes - When someone truly loves you, even if they leave, you feel that they leave for you, and not against you. When you love that person too, then and then alone, She will return and be with you forever.Codrin Tapu, Teachings On Being
Miss You Quotes - No one in your life will ever love you as your mother does. There is no love as pure, unconditional, and strong as a mother’s love. Christiane Northrup, Mother Daughter Wisdom
Mothers Love - Unconditional love is the gate that lets abundant happiness enter your home, and your heart, and stay there, forever. Nathan Workman
Happiness - Unconditional love is the magic bridge that spans the generations: we love them unconditionally, and they love us back without reservations. It’s a two-way experience. It grows the children and gentles the grandparents.Jane Isay, Unconditional Love
Grandparents Day - Real love is not a feeling; it is giving without remembering and receiving without forgetting. It is not something to search for; it is something to hand out. Kevin Horsley, The Happy Mind
Good Morning - Wholesome self-esteem is cultivated by practicing skills linked to the three building blocks of self-esteem: unconditional human worth, unconditional love, and growth. Glenn R. Schiraldi, The Self-Esteem Workbook
Self Esteem - I will live this day as if it were Christmas. I will be a giver of gifts and deliver to my enemies the gift of forgiveness; my opponents, tolerance; my friends, a smile; my children, a good example, and every gift will be wrapped with unconditional love.Og Mandino, Mission: Success
Christmas - Unconditional love, on the other hand, loves without the need for recognition or validation. Those who love unconditionally are driven by the reality of their own experiences constantly remembering what it took and how much it cost for others to love them in their respective conditions.Kenyatta Arnette, Love’s Unconditional
Experience - The ultimate mystery of our lives may be God’s unconditional love for us.Antony F Campbell, God First Loved Us
God is Good - “When you wrap your child warmly every day with layers of your unconditional, healthy love before you send him out into the world, he will rarely feel the cold chill that often comes with life’s changing seasons.” Shadonna Richards, Think and Be Happy
Children - Unconditional love is about loving, irrespective of the results or the performance. It is about loving no matter what.Darryl Cross, Growing Up Children
Family Love - “If your child is secure in the knowledge that you love them no matter what then raising them becomes easier.” James R. Morrison, Parenting
Knowledge - True unconditional love will never spoil a child because it is impossible for parents to give too much of it. Gary D. Chapman, The 5 Love Languages of Children
Parents - “Children deserve to be loved and to know they are loved. They deserve to be cherished and to know they are valuable.” Dave Ramsey; Rachel Cruze, Smart Money Smart Kids
Word of Encouragement for Kids - If you are a father, let your kids know, in plain English, that you love them. Tim Russert, Wisdom of Our Fathers
Father - Show and tell your child how much you love them and they will love you back in return. David Bishopson, How to Discipline a Child
Words of Encouragement for Men - Imagine what our lives would be like without our pets, the furry, feathered and finned creatures who bless our lives with unconditional love and fill our days with humor, joy and sometimes even with plops and puddles.Brian J. Lowney, Pet Tales to Warm the Heart
Blessed - Dogs don’t make judgments about physical appearance or abilities, and they don’t care how big your house is or what you do for a living. They care about the quality of your character and your capacity to love. Elizabeth Eiler, Swift and Brave
Character - I have a very old and very faithful attachment for dogs. I like them because they always forgive. Albert Camus, The Fall
Forgiveness - A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself. Josh Billings
Funny - The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love unconditionally as a dog.Author Unknown
Change The World
Quotes About Loving Children Unconditionally
Quotes About Pets Unconditional Love
Love Quotes
It is our hope that these unconditional love quotes have encouraged you to love unconditionally. May they be an encouragement and an inspiration to you.
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