46 Be Kind Quotes
Be inspired by these be kind quotes. Two simple words but doing what they say can change the world. Think of how you feel when people are kind to you, and imagine if we all were kind to others what an impact that would make on our society!
Last edited 21/02/2021
- There are opportunities every day to be kind.Barb Walters, Kindness Grows
Words of Encouragement - We are wired to be kind. It�s our deepest nature. Jaime Thurston, Kindness
Inspirational Quotes - The path to our happy place starts with one choice: whether or not to be kind. Shaunti Feldhahn, The Kindness
Kindness Quotes - Being kind requires the willingness to open your heart, and it also requires a conscious and sincere effort to be kinder than you already are.Tara Cousineau PhD, The Kindness Cure
Quote of The Day - Saying a kind word is such a simple thing, and yet it can change a life. Buffy Andrews, A Grandmother’s Legacy
Quotes about Change - “Kind words will unlock an iron door.” Turkish Proverb
Funny Quotes - “Even when you are hurt being kind to others will help the hurt.” Catherine Pulsifer
Hurt - “Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.” Proverbs 12:25 (NIV)
Encouraging Bible Verses - We will not be remembered by our words, but by our kind deeds.” Author Unknown, A Great Life Lesson
Life Lessons - Don’t shy away from passing on a kind word to a stranger. Anna Everitt, How to Make Friends Anywhere
Helping Others - “When someone is kind enough to give you a gift, their generosity and good intentions should be rewarded with an enthusiastic thank you note.” Sharon Paskoff, Easy Eloquence
Thank You - “An empathic person is a good listener, patient, understanding, and kind.” Laura Raskin, Marriage: How To Rescue Your Marriage
Patience - “In the moment of being kind, something takes over. We act kindly because something inside us knows it’s the right thing to do.” David R. Hamilton PhD, The Five Side-effects of Kindness
Motivational Quotes - “Be kind to everyone. Not just the popular people.” Norah Deay, How To Become The Go-To Person
Diversity - “A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.” Washington Irving
Smile Quotes - “Nice thoughts said aloud, a gentle touch, a kind smile, or a sincere thank you are just a few examples of the little things that matter so much.” Markoc Petkovic, 47 Little Love Boosters For a Happy Marriage
Example - “We nourish the bodies of our children and friends and employees, but how seldom do we nourish their self-esteem? We provide them with roast beef and potatoes to build energy, but we neglect to give them kind words of appreciation that would sing in their memories for years like the music of the morning stars.” Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People
Self Esteem - Can you hop on social media and find two people who need a kind word? Just offering our presence to another person is a gift of generosity that cannot be measured. Jessie Clemence, Stressed
Generosity Quotes - Be kind to everybody. Be kind to yourself.William Saroyan, The Laughing Matter
Positive Energy - Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really love.Danielle Marie, Straight from the Heart:
Finding Yourself - Be kind to yourself instead of beating yourself up over things that didn’t work out, remind yourself of your successes.Ann Marie Radaskiewicz, Writing for the Real World
Mental Health - No drug or dope can take the place
Of peace within the mind,
Of those who have the friendly grace
To be gentle, just, and kind.
Edith H. Shank, Gentle, Just and Kind
Motivational Poems - If you hear a kind word spoken
Of some worthy soul you know,
It may fill his heart with sunshine
If you’d only tell him so.
Author Unknown, Pass It On
Encouraging Quotes - “Being unselfish is not just putting others before ourselves. It’s being generous, kind, and considerate. It’s treating others the way you yourself want to be treated.” Paul Williams, Gratitude and Trust
Gratitude Quotes - “When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.” Harold Kushner
Change The World Quotes - “Think about yourself and the people who surround you most often. What kind of words are you speaking?” Grant Dean, Practical Step to an Awesome Life through changing your words
Daily Motivation - Make your life be a great one, one of positivity, unlimited dreams, and, never forget, be kind, you can’t always rewind. Jason Hall, Captain Dad’s Treasure Map
Quotes about Life - “Being kind also means you are being strong.” Kelly Stone, Dear Every Kid
Inspirational Quotes for Kids - “What struck me most during my research was how relatively easy it is to create positive emotions by making simple choices,such as being more kind to yourself.” M. P. Neary, Free Your Mind
Choices - “Focus on being a kind person every day for a month, make sure that nothing comes out of your mouth that is not kind, focus on having kind thoughts and watch how much your life changes.” Steve Williams, Grit, Discipline, Perseverance
Focus - “Being mindful allows you to think of others’ situations and problems. Walking by someone you don’t know his or her story, but you have the ability to be kind and mindful of him or her.” Kellie Sullivan, Mindfulness
Mindset - “No more will I skip a day, or erase it from my mind. I’ll take each moment of each day, and be thankful and kind.” Catherine Pulsifer
Quotes to Live By - “He who sees a need and waits to be asked for help is as unkind as if he had refused it.” Dante
Attitude Quotes - “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.” Henry James
Poems about Life - Sometimes, in order to be kind, we first have to learn to look after ourselves.Piero Ferrucci, The Power of Kindness
Graduation Quotes - Helping others, encouraging others, are often acts of being kind that have more meaning than you may realize.” Catherine Pulsifer
Meaningful Quotes - “Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.” Robert Brault
Truth - “Life can seem ungrateful and not always kind.
Life can pull at your heartstrings and play with your mind.
Life can be blissful and happy and free.
Life can put beauty in the things that you see.”
Unknown, Life’s Tug Of War
Inspirational Poems - “Always be kind, loving and true with others and those dear to you.” Catherine Pulsifer
Love - “Always act, behave, and take action towards other people, or situations, as you would want to be treated. Remember, model the behavior you would expect from others, and don’t be swayed from these convictions by those seeking to belittle your actions.” Byron Pulsifer, You Will Never Be Sorry
Action - Kind words can conquer. Proverb
Daily Inspiration - “If you are kind to others you are kind to yourself, and if you are kind to yourself you are also kind to others.” Piero Ferrucci, The Power of Kindness
Brotherhood - “You can sooth angry feelings by being kind and using kind words instead of lashing out.” Byron Pulsifer, Some Learning From The Bible
Feeling - “A kind person carries within their consciousness a constant concern for their fellow human beings.” Stefan Einhorn, The Art of Being Kind
Compassion - “Being kind creates connection, happiness and success, whereas being nice leads to anger, frustration, alienation, even addiction.” Marcia Sirota, Be Kind, Not Nice
Success - “Be kind to those that meet you as you rise, you may pass them again as you fall.” Irish Proverb

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