55 Vision Quotes
Let these vision quotes remind you to think about the direction in which you wish to see your life go. Having a vision for our life can help focus us and give us a positive outlook.
Once you have a vision, set your goals and take determined action to turn your vision into a reality!
- We are not stuck in the ruts of destiny, we have the power to break free, clear our vision and see a new life for ourselves. Tony Clark
Motivational Quotes - Although my circumstance was homeless, my vision wasn’t! Eric Thomas
Future - “Success! Such a magical word – like gold or love or Shangri-la, it conjures up different but always enticing visions in the minds of all of us.” Og Mandino, Og Mandino’s University of Success
Words of Encouragement - Setting goals allows you to paint a vision of what you wish your future to be. Catherine Pulsifer
Goal Setting - It will help you to weave your vision into a new reality for yourself in which you are becoming someone who is consistently able to turn an idea into income by taking disciplined and inspired action. Annabel Melnyk, Turning Ideas into Income
Inspirational Quotes - The wonderful thing is that vision is greater than baggage. Stephen Covey
Funny - When you visualize, then you materialize. Denis Waitley
Cool - If you have no vision of yourself in the future, then you have nothing to live for. Les Brown
Hope - If we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel’s heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence. George Eliot
Life - A dream is simply the mind’s vision of what one wants or what would satisfy one’s vision of reality. But, a dream is nothing more than a vision without any substance of reality. Catherine Pulsifer, Living The Dream
Quote of the Day - Goal-setting helps distinguish relevant from irrelevant stuff. With clear vision, you are able to prioritise. Joanna Jast, Laser-Sharp Focus
Focus - Always speak well of yourself and consistently visualize your life working out as you want it. Andrew Matthews, Being Happy!
Believe In Yourself - That glorious vision of doing good is so often the sanguine mirage of so many good minds. Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
Good - Some visionaries foresee an economy based entirely on giving. That would be the ideal way to heal the excesses of unfettered capitalism (and many other woes), but the basis for universal giving can only be expansion beyond our present sense of self. Deepak Chopra
Giving - Wherever you find a prosperous business, you will come upon some individual who has Creative Vision. Napoleon Hill, How to Own Your Own Mind
Success - The world of great opportunity is available now, as it has always been, only for those with great vision. Andrew Carnegie
Opportunity - Following the vision of a better world he (Walt Disney) developed in his early years, he managed to create new reality meant to help people escape from the worries of everyday life. The steps he made and the actions he took transformed the world of animation and entertainment forever. Michael Winicott, Walt Disney: Creativity Lessons
Worry - Maybe you have an unfulfilled dream or vision to do something significant for the Lord. You may have become discouraged and are about to abandon the vision God placed in your heart. If so, please do not give up. You can be sure that what God tells you to do, He will, in His appointed time, enable you to do. Bill Bright, I Just Saw Jesus
Discouragement - Leaders should create a vision and set clear expectations. Monitoring outcomes is natural, and leaders should be able to identify behaviors that contribute to performance. Ryan Caradonna, Jake Caines, Debunking the Leadership Myth
Helping Others - It doesn’t matter how fast you can go, it doesn’t matter how much passion you have, and it doesn’t matter how much energy you put into something. If you don’t have a vision and clarity on the destination you want to reach, you’ll simply never get there. Dean Graziosi, Millionaire Success Habits
Passion - A personal vision statement allows you to look forward to the future with positive expectations for yourself. It helps you stay focus and will help you make decisions for future activities. Catherine Pulsifer, Write Your Vision Statement
Positive - Knowledge is love and light and vision. Helen Keller
Knowledge - If you knew the thoughts God has concerning you, the plans He has for you, the blessing He is ready to release upon you if you walk in His ways, you would forsake all others and follow the vision and purpose for which He sent you here! John Ndeere, Prepare for Success
God - By having a clear vision, even a short vision of what will happen in the future. We will be less worried and feel a little bit confident, and calm because we can manage our life in the world that is changing every second. Ly Nguyen, Time Management
Decision - Successful people must know that those he or she chooses to be on his or her team must share her vision. They must all be able to work toward a common purpose.” Joe Allen and David Donaldson, How to be Successful
Purpose - The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision. George Eliot
Tolerance - The brotherhood of man is usually thought of as something unattainable, the vision of a dreamer. The truth is that brotherhood exists now and has always existed. The brotherhood of man is here. It is not a fancy but a fact. It is not a dream but a reality. Wilferd Peterson
Brotherhood - Sometimes, creative visions can rise to the surface from dreams. Justin Todd, How to Create Anything Despite Limitations
Dream - When I saw it working that day in 1954, I felt like some latter-day Newton who’d just had an Idaho potato caromed off his skull. That night in my motel room I did a lot of heavy thinking about what I’d seen during the day. Visions of McDonald’s restaurants dotting crossroads all over the country paraded through my brain. Ray Kroc
Good Day Quotes - Giving our visions and stories and characters to become friends to others lifts not only ourselves but the world and all its futures. Richard Bach, Writer Ferrets
Inspiring Others - The first step to making changes in your life is to have a clear vision of what you hope to accomplish in the future. Barbara Gain, How to Love Yourself
Accomplishment - I think there is something, more important than believing: Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren’t enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision. W. Clement Stone
Believe - A vision gives you a general direction for life while a process goal is part of the dream that you are accomplishing by taking specific actions today. Thomas Abreu, Science of Success
Goals - Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference. Joel Barker
Time - Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Andrew Carnegie
Teamwork - Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. Napoleon Hill
Achievement - God grant me these: the strength to do some needed service here; the wisdom to be brave and true; the gift of vision clear, that in each task that comes to me some purpose I may plainly see. Edgar A Guest, A Plea
Prayer - Imaging, the forming of mental pictures or images, is based on the principle that there is a deep tendency in human nature to ultimately become precisely like that which we imagine or image ourselves as being. Norman Vincent Peale, Positive Imaging
Daily Motivation - A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power. Brian Tracy
Famous - I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires. Kahlil Gibran
Encouragement - Positive change begins with relinquishing the chains of past experience, past careers, past relationships or past complaints. Change for the better commences with the desire to do, to start taking steps towards that vision of a new life. Byron Pulsifer
Change - The qualities of a great man are “vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character”. Dwight Eisenhower
Integrity - A man to carry on a successful business must have imagination. He must see things as in a vision, a dream of the whole thing. Charles Schwab
Imagination - Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Melody Beattie
Peace - Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change – this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress. Bruce Barton
Progress - The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
Angel - People with extreme confidence do not let temporary setbacks slow them down. They have a clear vision of what they want, and they go get it. Beau Norton, Extreme Comprehensive
Confidence - Don’t focus on where you are today, keep positive vision and see yourself accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your destiny. Joel Osteen
Destiny - They want leaders who inspire them with a vision for a better world and show them how to go there. Adam Burns And Sandra Banks, Leadership Basics
Inspiring Others - Do not occupy yourself with regrets of past mistakes or worries about the present. Rather, be more occupied with your visions for the future during your working years. Eugene C. Onyibo, Working Years will soon be Over
Mistakes - The only thing separating you from your grandest vision is courage. Christie Ruffino, Treasured Tribes
Courage - The leaders of tomorrow will have to establish a real vision and a sense of values for the organizations they wish to lead. Dale Carnegie, The Leader in You
Leadership - Whether you’re starting a new business or leading a team in a business that’s already been established, it’s important to get employees invested in the vision and future of the company. Alex Langer, Effective Leadership
New Start - . . . a leader is someone who has a drive, commitment and most importantly, a vision and skill set to transform an idea into an innovation. Daniel Transon, The Leadership Challenge
Commitment - Building a shared vision. This can be achieved through empowering individuals to create a common single image of the future and the organization. Max Cesar King, Make Winners!
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