Let these quotes about inspiring others remind you of the impact you can have in positively helping others in life’s journey.
Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison
Inspire others; make others believe that they can do it too. Helping others reach their dreams and get to the point in their life where they are finally happy with everything is the moment I live for.
Eshraq Jiad, Going From Nothing To Everything

Inspiration can come to us at any time and from many sources….. The story of someone who has succeeded in spite of difficulty can stir our emotions.
Jim Rohn, The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle
We either inspire or are inspired by others. In other words, some people give you confidence; when you are depressed, they encourage you. Then there are others, who pull you down. But only those people become successful who master the art of building up others.
Joginder Singh, Be a Winner
Inspiring others to be the best that they can be is a great gift to give others.
Rev. Charles Thomas Comella, The Way, the Truth, and the Life: The Way
Whatever comes my way, I address it with a willingness to learn, to grow, and to bring a leadership that can inspire others to do the same.
A group of Authors, Women Who Inspire
Your state of mind and attitude will undoubtedly affect other people. When you can look on the bright side of life, you will inspire others to do the same
Steve Jefferson, Dave Morrow, Building Blocks to Leadership for Young Boys of Color
When you embrace your strengths and start to make something out of what you have, then you also begin to be an inspiration to others.
Jennifer N. Smith, Self-Love
Confident people inspire other people with the sheer power of reliable communication.
Kellie Sullivan
Great leaders can inspire their people to unprecedented feats, convey grand visions of the bright future that beckons, rally the people to heroic efforts in defense of their country or their beliefs.
Will Peters, Leadership Lessons
The stories of past courage can define that ingredient – they can teach, they can offer hope, they can provide inspiration.
Rock Bankole, How to Be Happy

Successful men and women have used positive thinking to inspire thousands.
Creed McGregor, Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness
Therefore, no one can take you down his or her path and similarly you cannot lead somebody else down yours. All we can do is simply inspire others to listen and develop their intuition by listening and following ours.
Michael Hetherington, Developing Your Intuition
As leaders we should be inspirational, generous, forgiving, supportive and set an example for our followers.
Richard Hill Ph D., The Academic Coach
Your testimony can be a blessing and inspiration to those who hear it; your testimony can often help to bring others to belief, repentance and salvation.
Clive Nicholson PhD
Inspiration and motivation may come from others, but true inspiration comes from within.
Catherine Pulsifer
Inspire others to new levels of achievement by using positive encouraging feedback and ideas.
Meir Liraz, How to Improve Your Leadership and Management Skills
Finding inspiration in the success of others is a common way to find motivation to follow through on your goals.
Ronald Valentino, Habits
I can write all I want, but sometimes, the most inspirational thoughts simply come from looking at how others have done it.
Christian Olsen, How to Forgive
Rewards can inspire others to action while punishment motivates others negatively. Negative motivation is pressure or force and makes a person resent what he is doing, taking away from success motivation.
Dorothy Wehunt, Rise Up to Yourself
We are surrounded by infinite amounts of opportunities to inspire other people and bring total joy into our lives at the same time.
Frank Arrigazzi, TIP TOP Spiritual Lessons
Where there is no vision, the people won’t follow. Vision for a better future is the great motivator.
Hans Finzel, The Top Ten Leadership Commandments

When you share your experiences with other people, you help take away their fears.
Rick Warren
I eventually discovered that a rare combination of creativity, inspiration and motivation was a perfect blend that had the capacity to affect people’s lives positively.
Stephen Obasun, Unleash Your Energy
Skilled communicative coaches know how to gather and learn about information as they talk, transferring expectations and ideas, and inspiring with their goals, visions, and ideal actions.
Tuan Luu, Coaching
When we hear what God has done with others, it inspires us and expands our hearts with greater faith, vision, and purpose.
Matt Brown, Awakening
An inspired leader inspires others to lead with enthusiasm and energy. He takes everyone with him like a team leader.
Commander VK Jaitly, We Can! We Can!
One great way to give back to your community while at the same time letting them know about your business is to become a mentor.
Cathrine Lugo, 50 Things to Know about Freelancing
. . . inspirational individuals who can be sources of motivation about healthy aging and are great examples for people interested in aging back.
Sofie K, Aging Back
Sometimes a person just needs a little inspiration or a different thought to get them propelled in the right direction.
Tondeleya Allen, The Blessed Woman Endeavor
There’s nothing that inspires that deep sense of belonging like shared empathy!
Brene Brown, Daring Greatly
If you have dreams or goals in life, reaching them becomes necessary. They become important, not only to provide for your family but to inspire and set a good example for your child.
S. J. Baker, Parenting The Strong-Willed Child
Heroes give us inspiration, they fuel us, and we reference them in our minds when thinking of decisions, possibilities, and direction in our lives.
Sarah Bowling, How to Keep Your faith in an Upside Down World
I like making a difference and helping others directly and indirectly. I’m committed to inspiring others to live a life that aligns with who they are and what they believe in.
Louise Reed, 5 Ways to a Simpler Life
Mentors are those who pull you forward. They’re people above you in social status, career, love life, and overall goal achievement. They’ll show you the ropes, but they’ll also inspire you to do more, dream bigger, and believe in yourself.
Evan Tarver, The New Meaning of Rich
The biggest risk-takers of today and the noblemen of tomorrow. The successful ones often time become inspiration to the world, someone people strike to be like.
Amar Hasic, Entrepreneur Royale Most Successful Entrepreneurs
Help others gain a different perspective on the challenges they face along with providing inspiration for new ideas.
Joe Hinchliffe, Average Joe’s Secrets to Personal Development
When you invest money in an item, you are motivated to use it, and your willingness to learn will inspire others around you to offer their help.
Marie Clapsaddle, Become a Tech-Active Senior
Give 200% in everything that you do, and you’ll inspire others to do so as well. By working and doing your best, you’ll be proud of yourself and have no need to envy other people.
Ryan Help, Overcoming Insecurity, Jealousy and Anxiety in Relationships
It has always amazed me how powerful a few simple words can be. In the office I have often shared inspirational quotes with patients to lift their spirits and help them to refocus on the positive.
Joe Tichio, Greatest Inspirational Quotes
“IQ” is a standard that has very little relation to a person’s unique ability to profoundly love and inspire others.
Jennifer Noel Taylor, Love Incorporated
No matter what goal you want to achieve, surround yourself with people on a similar level to inspire and motivate each other.
Martin Meadows, Confidence
We can all call to mind people who either have been or who are presently important role models for us. And when we learn from their words and actions ways in which we can improve our own existence and that of others, we regard them as inspirational.
Dave Farnham, Snippets Of Inspiration
Study to be inspired — and to inspire.
Michael Caputo, Bible Study
I also wanted to be an inspiration to everyone so that anyone who was not living their dream or up to their full potential could understand that it doesn’t matter where you’ve come from or what you’ve been through, you can be successful and live up to your potential.
TiTi Ladette, The Pink Elephant in the Middle of the Getto Workbook
We inspire others by our way of being, and by relating to the world, more so than by what we say or do.
Michael Hetherington, 15 Sure Signs That You Are On The Right Path
Even though I didn’t feel like I had much to show yet, I was still an inspiration because my persistence at fighting for my dreams was encouraging to others.
Tamara Rasheed, Breaking Free
. . . as a leader you are a source of inspiration and are to be a beacon of reliability for others to look to in times of distress.
Michele Morgan, Work Ethics
When we raise positive children that have learnt to invest time and energy into other people, they will inspire others to do the same and the ripple effect of our good deeds will exponentially grow!
Ellen Trump, Frugal Kids
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.
John Adams
The entrepreneurial world is full of examples of people who started small, whose passion and ability to inspire the imagination of others resulted in attention and energy flowing towards them.
Teresa de Grosbois; Karen Rowe, Mass Influence
Staying calm under pressure is one of the qualities noticed by your senior management and can be a very valuable asset. It will not only help you but inspire others to keep a level head during the deadlines.
Prachi Prabhu, Manage Your Image Like A Pro
Leadership is about inspiring and enabling others to do their absolute best together to realize a meaningful and rewarding shared purpose.
George B. Bradt; Jayme A. Check; John A Lawler, The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan
I wanted to have an impact, set an environment for well-being and the rejuvenation of spirit that I now enjoyed, to inspire and be inspired, and to be a catalyst for change and transformation.
John Felitto, The 90-Day Game
My best advice for finding inner happiness is to reach outside yourself, to use your talents and brains and personality to make life better for someone else.
Nick Vujicic
You can force the people to obey; you cannot force them to understand.
Even the shortest of quotations can convey the most powerful of messages, provide meaningful perspective, and impart hard-won wisdom.
Paul Ayoub, Inspire Me!
Begin to shine and glow in your community and touch the lives of others around you with the gifts and talents God has placed in you.
Tunji Ogunjimi, Glory Realm Living
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