60 Optimistic Quotes – Inspirational Words of Wisdom

60 Optimistic Quotes

Feeling optimistic? You should be! You’re living at an amazing time to be alive; there are fewer people living in extreme poverty globally than at any time in human history and violent crime and murder rates are a fraction of what they were only a few generations ago. We’re living in a time of more prosperity and peace on earth unimagined by our ancestors, a golden age that mankind has been dreaming about for centuries. So no matter what your problems or worries, be thankful that you live in such a time and be optimistic and hopeful about the future! Things really ARE getting better. Live expectantly and optimistically and you’ll find that you’ll begin to see the good in every situation. Enjoy these optimistic quotes. I think they’ll definitely help you enjoy your day and put a spring in your step!

    To find optimism, look for the good things in life.

  1. To find optimism, look for the good things in life.”
  2. Be Optimistic - People want to be around others who view life as a 
positive venture. Ace McCloud

  3. Be Optimistic – People want to be around others who view life as a positive venture.” Ace McCloud, Coaching: Coaching Strategies
    Inspirational Quotes
  4. I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else. Winston  Churchill

  5. I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else. Winston Churchill
  6. I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else. Winston  Churchill

  7. Gratitude makes you happier and more optimistic, improving your health and relationships and boosting your overall well-being. Brenda Nathan, Gratitude Journal
  8. Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation
 of courage and true progress. Nicholas M. Butler

  9. Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.” Nicholas M. Butler
  10. “Optimism: A cheerful frame of mind that enables a tea kettle to sing though in hot water up to its nose.” Author Unknown
    Funny Quotes
  11. “The optimist looks at the horizon and sees an opportunity; the pessimist peers into the distance and fears a problem.” William Arthur Ward
  12. Jealousy has a secret side effect that most people do not associate with it: it causes you to become a pessimist. Eric Monroe, Stop Being So Jealous!
  13. Whether your day was full of progress or crushing setbacks, optimism is the choice to value experiences and continue believing better will come. Zander Tsadwa, 13 Months of Sunshine
  14. . . . don't listen to the defeatists. Helen Mayhew

  15. . . . don’t listen to the defeatists. Instead, accept the encouragement of the hopeful, the optimistic, and the people who dream. Helen Mayhew, Assert Yourself
    Words of Encouragement
  16. . . . studies have shown that people who are the most optimistic at the beginning of a project or goal are not necessarily the most likely to be successful. Janet Springer, Unbreakable Willpower
  17. I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. Walt Disney
    Inspirational Quotes about Life and Struggles
  18. “Love, truth, and the courage to do what is right should be our own guideposts on this lifelong journey. Martin Luther King, Jr., showed us the way; he showed us the Dream – and we responded with full hearts. Martin was an optimist.” Coretta Scott King
    Martin Luther King Jr.
  19. “Hope isn’t the same as optimism. It isn’t the belief that something bad will turn out well. It’s the absolute confidence that every part of your life ultimately makes sense regardless of how it turns out this side of eternity.” Rick Warren
    Famous Quotes about Life
  20. “Optimism can move big trains even when the engine pulling it is very small. I hope as you pull some of the big trains in your life, you’ll be like the Little Engine and persevere. Eventually, you’ll make it over the mountain and laugh, and smile, and cheer on the way down.” Buffy Andrews, A Grandmother’s Legacy
  21. “Optimism can be more powerful than a battery of artillery or squadron of tanks. It can be contagious and it’s necessary to being a leader.” General Rick Hillier
  22. “Be more optimistic. Pessimism is a kind of behavior that you learn. Hoping for the best and believing that everything is going to be fine in the end helps to reduce stress.” David Brown, Habit Stacking
    Hope Quotes
  23. “It is necessary to completely retrain our thought processes to reject pessimistic or contrary thoughts.” Quirky Grandma, Love the Person You See in the Mirror!
    Positive Attitude
  24. “Would we choose our environment, and were desire in human undertakings synonymous with endowment, all men would, I suppose, be optimists. Certainly most of us regard happiness as the proper end of all earthly enterprise.” Helen Keller, Optimism
  25. “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.” Sir Winston Churchill
  26. I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one�s head pointed toward the sun, one�s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.
    Nelson Mandela Quotes
  27. “I never saw a pessimistic general win a battle.” Dwight Eisenhower
  28. “The habit of looking on the bright side of every event is worth more than a thousand pounds a year.” Samuel Johnson
    Positive Thinking Quotes
  29. “Building a practice of gratitude is the best way I know to create an optimistic approach to life. Start each day by lying in bed for five minutes and mentally acknowledging what you are grateful for.” Silken Laumann
  30. “When you’re focused on finding a positive angle to challenges or looking for the bright side to life, you find yourself being more optimistic.” Alex Uwajeh, Taming the Tongue
  31. “If I regarded my life from the point of view of the pessimist, I should be undone. I should seek in vain for the light that does not visit my eyes and the music that does not ring in my ears. I should beg night and day and never be satisfied. I should sit apart in awful solitude, a prey to fear and despair. But since I consider it a duty to myself and to others to be happy, I escape a misery worse than any physical deprivation.” Helen Keller
  32. Learning to think positively, to be an optimist, is like strengthening a muscle. Krista

  33. “Learning to think positively, to be an optimist, is like strengthening a muscle.” Krista “KK” Weatherspoon, 50 Things To Know
  34. “And he (Walt Disney) was resourceful and optimistic enough to persevere in the face of loss and failure – indeed, early on, he suffered a series of bad breaks that seems a reverse mirror image of the dazzling successes that followed.” Timothy S. Susanin, Walt before Mickey
    Walt Disney Quotes
  35. “As a smile can literally relax and lighten a tight face (it takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown), so an inner smile can help relax a tight mind. It is a small way in which to make the optimist’s choice.” Candy Paull, The Heart of Abundance
  36. “Positive thinking, simply put, can be defined as the process of taking on an optimistic lens in order to manage stress in a better manner.” Jessica Minty, Codependency
  37. “Recent studies have found that people tend to behave more nicely and feel more generous if they are in a clean smelling room. This means you will feel more positive and optimistic about the world in general if you just keep your home clean.” Linda Westwood, Healthy Habits Vol 3
  38. “. . .it is important that you stick with people who are positive and cheerful. Even if you were once a negative thinker, spending more time with them will transform you into an optimistic person.” Stephens Hyang, Positive Thinking
  39. Optimists choose to look at life from a positive perspective with hope and the belief that they are capable of achieving whatever they desire. They understand that what is and what can be are not necessarily the same. Deirdre A.McClarin, Optional Optimism
  40. “A positive attitude adopts an optimistic view of life in which every situation, circumstance or challenge is seen as a means of creating positive results, no matter how bad it is, while a negative attitude possesses a pessimistic view of life, no matter how good it is.” Stephen Obasun, Unleash Your Energy
    Life Quotes
  41. “Can you imagine what a pessimist who lived only 200 years ago would think about the world we live in? Airplanes, electricity, automobiles, television, remote controls, the Internet, fax machines, telephones, cellular phones, and so on – and all available to us because of that spark of open-mindedness that allowed progress, growth, and creativity to flourish. Wayne Dyer 21 Days to Master Success and Inner Peace
  42. “Make sure that your mind only entertains the constructive, positive and optimistic thoughts. Dispel negative thoughts and caution yourself with the utmost awareness on the fact that positive and negative cannot and will never ever coexist at the same time in the same place.” Paul Odafe Akpomukai, Life without Stress and Pain
    Inspirational Thoughts
  43. “If you give it a little thought, it is optimism, as well as hope, that’s kept all of us going – all throughout the ages.” Shana Jahsinta Walters, Fall In Love With Yourself In 60 Minutes Or Less
    Poems of Hope
  44. “A great workplace clear-out can have many advantages for you and your colleagues. A clear workplace creates a optimistic working atmosphere and means that you can higher focus.” Geoffrey Lucas, Habits of Highly Effective People

    “People who begin a task or go through it with an optimistic perspective tend to find themselves being more successful than those who doubt or believe in failure before even starting.” Ronald Valentino, Habits

  45. “Researchers have found that optimistic people live longer, live healthier, have more energy, have more successful careers, make better decisions, are more productive, are less stressed, have healthier relationships, and (not surprisingly) are much happier than pessimists. Darrin Donnelly, Relentless Optimism
  46. Be appreciative, optimistic and positive about life. Maggie Thompson

  47. “Be appreciative, optimistic and positive about life.” Maggie Thompson, Codepency
  48. Optimism is not just a philosophical viewpoint. It’s not irrational cheerfulness, and it’s not blind positivity. Optimism is a powerful and pragmatic strategy for accomplishing goals and living a fulfilling life. Bert Jacobs, Life is Good
  49. There is another kind of optimism that has built civilization. It could well be called deep optimism. Deep optimism has strong roots in the goodness of God. It is anchored in love, hope, courage and faith. The deep optimist responds heroically to every test. He realize that he cannot control everything that happens to him but that he can control his response to what happens to him. Wilfred Peterson
    Quotes about God
  50. “People don’t want to be around those who are in the dumps. Be friendly and cheerful. Learn to develop an optimistic spirit.” Carl Sommer, Teen Success in Career and Life Skills
    Negative People
  51. “I think to be successful on both a personal and professional level you need to be a REALISTIC OPTIMIST: a person who takes in full account the reality of any situation and then using the THE POWER OF OPTIMISM, creates the energy and commitment necessary to achieve higher levels of performance or strives to find an effective solution.” Robert Stevenson, Raise Your Line
  52. “If you truly want to exit the comfort zone and live a life that makes you truly happy, you can start by changing your attitude and adopting an optimistic outlook on life.” Zak Khan, Break Out
    Comfort Zone
  53. “Being a pessimist closes the door to a learning opportunity while being an optimist opens wide the door for a better future, one of personal and professional development.” Jeff Ribman, Fail Better the Next Time
  54. “You see, I am an optimist still, rejoicing in the good that comes out of evil.” Helen Keller
  55. “Optimists and pessimists, both are thinkers. But they are two different types of thinkers. Optimists hope for the best whereas pessimists always think the negative aspect of everything.” Commander VK Jaitly, We Can! We Can!
  56. Optimalists… derive great emotional benefit, and are able to lead rich and fulfilling lives, by accepting reality. Because they accept failure as natural – even if they do not enjoy failing – they experience less performance anxiety and derive more enjoyment from their activities. Tal Ben-Shahar, Being Happy
  57. “The optimist sees a glass that is half-full, and the pessimist sees a glass that is half-empty. If we really want to understand a situation or problem, then we need to see both sides.” Rudi Zimmerer, Enjoy Your Life Now!
  58. “Deep down, despite their chuckles, people like to see other people lead hopeful, optimistic, authentic lives that they hope to someday emulate if only they had the strength of character.” Justin Todd, How to Create Anything Despite Limitations
  59. Be optimistic: Everyone around you in the office will be always tensed due to the work pressure. Exude positivity and make your optimism infectious. Prachi Prabhu, Manage Your Image Like A Pro
    Motivational Quotes for Work
  60. You need to keep your emotions in balance, treading that fine line between commitment to your goals and disappointment when they do not come to fruition, whilst still being optimistic and positive about the future. Tom Laurie, Goal Setting
  61. ...with positivity and optimism, it is much easier to turn your problems into opportunities for growth. Ilya Alexi

  62. “Also, with positivity and optimism, it is much easier to turn your problems into opportunities for growth.” Ilya Alexi, Mind Over Money
    Personal Development Quotes
  63. Above all, it’s important to be optimistic and enthusiastic when developing ourselves and those around us. Richard Hill, PhD: The Academic Coach
  64. The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time, will undermine everything they do, and are their own fault. The optimists, who are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world, think about misfortune in the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback, that its causes are confined to this one case. Martin E.P. Seligman, Learned Optimism
  65. Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute. George Bernard Shaw Quotes
    Funny Quotes about Life
  66. It’s important to be optimistic and proud of who you are. Show yourself the respect you deserve.People enjoy being around others who are positive and confident. Zane Rozzi, Always Know What to Say Next
  67. The way you look at life can determine your success. As they say, look on the bright side. Have an optimistic attitude. Catherine Pulsifer
  68. Happy and positive people have a stable sense of optimism, and they choose to maintain this no matter what situation lies ahead. Because of their choice to remain positive and optimistic, they interpret failures only as opportunities to grow and learn. Carla Loving, Recovering From Control Issues

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