60 Responsibility Quotes

60 Responsibility Quotes

Find Responsibility Quotes that will encourage you to live life to the fullest. We are all responsible for our own action, our own choices, and our own life. May these inspirational quotes remind you of that!

I LOVE being responsible for my outcomes….Isn’t being responsible great!?” Who says that? I’ll tell you who -> The person who has truly ‘owned’ their actions and is looking forward to the results of their actions. Think about this phrase – there can be no personal Liberty without personal Responsibility. In other words; if you want to be free, you’d better be responsible. This is a defining principle of all success doctrines; you SOW and then you reap, you put fuel INTO the fire and then (and only then) do you feel the warmth, you put the work into the business (perhaps when you don’t feel like it) and THEN you reap the financial rewards down the line.

Taking responsibility for our thoughts, actions, beliefs (yes – those too!) and choices keeps us out of the victim / self-pity mindset and aligns us with one of the immutable laws of success – cause and effect. Taking responsibility for things and truly owning them helps us get stronger. May these inspirational quotes about responsibility remind you of that!

Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison

    In order to win and succeed in life, responsibility is so important. This is a part of being an adult and learning how to be responsible for everything
Tonya R. Owens, How to Win and Succeed in Life

  1. In order to win and succeed in life, responsibility is so important. This is a part of being an adult and learning how to be responsible for everythingTonya R. Owens, How to Win and Succeed in Life
  2. Taking responsibility for yourself first, you can then take responsibility for who and what you are. Fresh Perspectives

  3. Taking responsibility for yourself first, you can then take responsibility for who and what you are.Fresh Perspectives
    Self Motivaton
  4. Freedom without responsibility is like weight without gravity in physics � a logical impossibility. Robert C. Solomon, It's Good Business

  5. Freedom without responsibility is like weight without gravity in physics � a logical impossibility.Robert C. Solomon, It’s Good Business
  6. If you can take responsibility for your own life, then you will begin to realize that you can change it, H. K. Abell, Being Human

  7. If you can take responsibility for your own life, then you will begin to realize that you can change itH. K. Abell, Being Human
    One Line Quotes on Life
  8. No matter who betrays or rejects you, only you can take responsibility for your mental attitude. John Hagee, God's Two-Minute Warning

  9. No matter who betrays or rejects you, only you can take responsibility for your mental attitudeJohn Hagee, God’s Two-Minute Warning
    Mental Health
  10. Responsibility is demonstrated by actions and deeds; not by words or information inserted in some glossy magazines or corporate websites. Samuel O Idowu, ‎Walter Leal Filho, Professionals ́ Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility

  11. Responsibility is demonstrated by actions and deeds; not by words or information inserted in some glossy magazines or corporate websites.Samuel O Idowu, ‎Walter Leal Filho, Professionals ́ Perspectives of Corporate Social Responsibility
  12. Start to reflect on your life after you accept, act, and take responsibility for your life. C. Payne, Attitude Within the Workplace

  13. Start to reflect on your life after you accept, act, and take responsibility for your life.C. Payne, Attitude Within the Workplace
  14. By choosing to take responsibility for your life, you will immediately gain an increased power to achieve your greatest potential. Skip Downing, On Course

  15. By choosing to take responsibility for your life, you will immediately gain an increased power to achieve your greatest potential.Skip Downing, On Course
  16. Each one of us is responsible for the world - each one of us must give a hand to build our world in a humane manner, crossing faith, fate and family.
Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice

  17. Each one of us is responsible for the world – each one of us must give a hand to build our world in a humane manner, crossing faith, fate and family.Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice
    Change the World
  18. Many of us do not consider the impact of our homes and offices on the environment � either positive or negative � but buildings are responsible for more than one-third of global energy use and in most countries are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.
.United Nations Environment Programme

  19. Many of us do not consider the impact of our homes and offices on the environment � either positive or negative � but buildings are responsible for more than one-third of global energy use and in most countries are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.United Nations Environment Programme,Unep 2010 Annual Report
    Climate Change
  20. Accountability, is the state or condition of being accountable or responsible. That is right. We are responsible for what goes on in our heads. John Vaulkner, Accountability at a Moment’s Notice
  21. Take responsibility for yourself; it�s very rewarding.Amanda Green, Living with depression and anxiety
  22. The game is my life. It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace. Michael Jordan
  23. We have a responsibility to influence the people in our lives to be the best possible people they can be: �Therefore encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thess. 5: 11). Henry Cloud, John Townsend; How to Have That Difficult Conversation
  24. Deliberately take the responsibility to change your life because you can; yes you can!Okorote Emmanuel, Don’t Take Care; Take The Chance!
  25. Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. Les Brown
  26. Take responsibility for your own learning and for the learning of those around you.Don Meyer, Basketball Skills & Drills
  27. Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together. Napoleon Hill

  28. Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together. Napoleon Hill
    Quote of The Day
  29. If it’s never our fault, we can’t take responsibility for it. If we can’t take responsibility for it, we’ll always be its victim.Richard Bach
    Words of Encouragement
  30. We are the only ones responsible for what goes on in our lives. We can make excuses and blame others, but we are responsible to and for ourselves. Iyanla Vanzant, Acts of Faith
  31. Taking responsibility is a commitment to own your life, to self-leadership, growth, and freedom. Christopher Avery, The Responsibility Process:
  32. The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision. George Eliot
  33. Happiness is your responsibility. If you depend or wait for other people to make you happy you will always be disappointed. Byron Pulsifer, Responsibility for Happiness
  34. A leader’s most important responsibility is identifying the biggest challenges to forward progress and devising a coherent approach to overcoming them.Richard Rumelt, Good Strategy Bad Strategy
  35. Accepting complete responsibility for your life means that you refuse to make excuses or blame others for anything in your life that you’re not happy about. Brian Tracy, Focal Point
  36. We live in a culture of blame. People will blame anyone or anything for their misery sooner than take the responsibility to own it and make it better. Dr. Henry Cloud; Dr. John Townsend, It’s Not My Fault
  37. “Accepting responsibility for your actions, WINNING
    Always having an excuse for your actions, LOSING.”Catherine Pulsifer
  38. If you believe that it is someone else’s responsibility to fix whatever needs fixing, you remain part of the problem, and, therefore, just a culpable as everyone else who believes someone else should shoulder the burden of initiating change.Byron Pulsifer, What Is Zest For Life
  39. To achieve life mastery and be worthy of a life well lived,we must take action, ownership, and responsibility for our choices. Will Craig, Living the Hero’s Journey
  40. Until the great mass of people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained.Helen Keller
  41. Quitting and blaming have become more common in today’s culture rather than perseverance and responsibility.Dr. Rob Bell; Bill Parisi, Don’t “Should” On Your Kids
  42. Marriage is an exciting and eventful type of transition. Going from an independent individual to being responsible for someone else’s needs, wants, and wishes requires an enormous paradigm shift in thinking. Robert Mitchell, Transition: Life’s Unavoidable Reality
  43. The ego�s responsibility is to ensure that for better or worse our inner will shall be realized and fulfilled.Remi Meyer, The power of ego – master your life!
  44. Some naysayers will claim the sky is too blue, the grass too green, the air too fresh or the water too clean. But, let’s face it, respect for the environment is everyone’s responsibility. Catherine DeVrye, The Gift of Nature
  45. While you may have many other responsibilities in life like your family, work, school or relationships, you should also learn to relax and play. Christopher Michaels, Think Positive
  46. So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other. President Barack Obama
    4th of July Quotes
  47. Responsibility is a grace we give ourselves. Kristen Moeller

  48. Responsibility is a grace we give ourselves. It is not something imposed from outside of us. We have a say in how our life goes. Kristen Moeller, Waiting for Jack
    Live Life
  49. What is ‘the blame game’ you ask? Well, simply put, it’s not accepting responsibility and blaming others for outcomes that you don’t care for in your life. Joseph E. McGuire, The Great Blame Game Escape
  50. The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. Denis Waitley
  51. If you will analyze those who cry “no opportunity” you will find that they are using this as an alibi for their own unwillingness to assume responsibilities and use their minds.Andrew Carnegie, The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie as Told to Napoleon Hill
  52. The child who is secure in the love of the parents while learning to be responsible, will journey on to become the kind of adult for whom the parents would have wished.Darryl Cross, Growing Up Children
  53. I’ll be honest with you that I’ve come to find that in my own life, but I’ve tried to accept my responsibility to myself, and responsibility for myself, and to face up to my difficulties. Francis Brennan, Counting My Blessings
  54. Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation. C. Everett Koop
    Make a Difference
  55. You have a great responsibility as a mother to love and nurture your child, to give your child everything it needs to grow strong and healthy, not just physically but also emotionally.Carol Rigby, A Mother’s Worth
    Family Love
  56. Responsibility changes everything. The moment we decide that we are the ones who are capable of and responsible for changing things everything shifts. John B. Izzo, Stepping Up
  57. Luck is nor more than what we create and without taking responsibility for our own lives, our own destiny, luck will fail us. Byron Pulsifer, Responsibility And Luck
  58. We must govern our own lives, and when our thoughts and actions become destructive it is our responsibility to alter or abolish them and to institute new habits as the foundations for a freer, happier life. Brendon Burchard, The Motivation Manifesto
  59. As a man, you need to be aware that marriage requires your involvement at every step of the way and that you cannot shy from responsibility. Barney Fraser, How To Be A Good Husband
  60. The fundamental principle of coaching spirit is the belief that a person has great potential and as a coach, it is your responsibility to nourish that potential so they can achieve the combined goals. Brad Peterson, Coaching
  61. The Bible tells us that when we’re faithful in the little things that God gives us to do then He will bring increased blessings and responsibility into our lives. Bill Vincent, Glory: Increasing God’s Presence
  62. Remember, you are responsible for your future, so take charge and turn your life into whatever it is that you want it to be. Sharlene Snow, New Years Resolutions
    New Year
  63. Now, when I feel I am not measuring up in life, I ask what it would take to make me feel good, and I do it. I take responsibility for my own emotional and spiritual work and allow others to do the same whatever way they choose. Patricia Heller, If You Hear the Message Three Times, LISTEN
  64. ...attitudes are difficult to change and ultimately are the responsibility of each person. Gary Schulz

  65. Skills can be taught and developed, but attitudes are difficult to change and ultimately are the responsibility of each person. Gary Schulz, God’s Creation of Work
  66. You and I need to be the decision makers in our own lives and careers. It is also our responsibility to allow and encourage others to do the same. Jay Rifenbary, No Excuse!
  67. 21 is the age of responsibility. Give it a few months and you will be wondering why you were in such a hurry to get here. Author Unknown
    21st Birthday Quotes plus 30th, 40th, 50th
  68. Fully accepting, loving, and being yourself allows you to be 100% authentic. This means being fully responsible for yourself. John Felitto, The 90-Day Game
    Being Yourself
  69. Faith is no irresponsible shot in the dark. It is a responsible trust in God, who knows the desires of your hearts, the dreams you are given, and the goals you have set. He will guide your paths right. Robert Schuller
    Trust God
  70. Dare to take chances, follow your dreams, risk it all, fall in love, believe in yourself, ask questions, let go, make mistakes, start over, speak the truth, take responsibility, find happiness, live for today. Author Unknown
    Taking Chances
  71. Take responsibility, trust and have faith in yourself that you can offer the world something that no one has ever known. Paul Martens, Unlocking Potential
  72. If you are a Christian and happen to become wealthy, you have a biblical responsibility to be rich in good deeds, to be generous to others and to make sure that your hope is within Jesus Christ and not in your money. Matthew Paulson, The Ten-Year Turnaround
    Christian Quotes about Life

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