79 Wealth Quotes

79 Wealth Quotes

Let these wealth quotes give you thoughts about what it means to be wealthy. Having an abundance of love, or is it an abundance of cash or riches or it is health or is it a rare treasure.

Remember as the old saying goes health is wealth be sure to remember that on your way to fortune! 

Published by: Ben Gillison and Catherine Pulsifer

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    As you can see, wealth isn't necessarily about money;
 it is more the wealth that you have within your own soul and what 
comes out through your mouth and heart.  Catherine Pulsifer

  1. As you can see, wealth isn’t necessarily about money; it is more the wealth that you have within your own soul and what comes out through your mouth and heart. Catherine Pulsifer
    Words of Encouragement
  2. The body can be a source of wealth train it right for your health.  Jerry Brundies

  3. The body can be a source of wealth train it right for your health. Jerry Brundies
  4. Having talents, brains, or coming from a wealthy family does not guarantee you a rich life.  M. J. Mackenzie, Wake Up & Prosper

  5. Having talents, brains, or coming from a wealthy family does not guarantee you a rich life. M. J. Mackenzie, Wake Up & Prosper
    Quote of The Day
  6. If God has blessed and supplied us with an abundance of things and we see someone in need and do not help, how can we say we love that person?
 John Buttrick, Fighting Temptation

  7. If God has blessed and supplied us with an abundance of things and we see someone in need and do not help, how can we say we love that person? John Buttrick, Fighting Temptation
  8. Working hard, being patient and being full of determination is perhaps the most fulfilling way of becoming rich. Robert Gardner, Get Rich Slowly

  9. Working hard, being patient and being full of determination is perhaps the most fulfilling way of becoming rich. Robert Gardner, Get Rich Slowly
  10. If you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains as is. Egyptian Proverb
  11. The surest ways to build wealth over a lifetime is to spend far less than you make and intelligently invest the difference. But too many people hurt their financial health by failing to differentiate between their �wants� and their �needs.� Andrew Hallam, Millionaire Teacher
    Inspirational Quotes  
  12. … real worth is something that�s already in us. If we know that, we are already wealthy beyond measure. If we don�t, no amount of money, fame, or success can give it to us. CJ Kruse, The Power Of Self-Worth
    Self Worth  
  13. . . . wealthy families face the same life challenges as all families. Ellen Miley Perry

  14. What I’ve learned through these experiences is that wealthy families face the same life challenges as all families. Ellen Miley Perry, A Wealth of Possibilities
  15. Wealth is having enough. That means to some people, no matter how much they have, they can’t really be wealthy because they want more than they’ve got. Warren Buffett
  16. To die a lonely miser; what good are riches then?To find no place for comfort, or start this life again. Greta Zwaan, Doing Things My Way
    Christian Poems
  17. Wealth often removes a posture of dependence upon God. Chuck Livermore, Financially Faithful
  18. A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is wealthy but miserable. Self-centered people fail to extend grace by giving to others. Randy Alcorn, Grace: A Bigger View of God’s Love
  19. To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world. Michael Jackson
    Quotes about Love and Friendship
  20. Research shows that the wealthier, more educated, and healthier a nation, the less violence and civil unrest among its populace, and the less likely that unrest will spread across its borders. Peter H. Diamandis, Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think
  21. Teaching allows you to share your wealth while at the same time increasing your own wealth.
  22. If it is true that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, isn’t it also true a society is only as healthy as its sickest citizen and only as wealthy as its most deprived? Maya Angelou, Even The Stars Look Lonesome
    Inspirational Poems
  23. Wealth is the slave of a wise man. The master of a fool. Seneca

  24. Wealth is the slave of a wise man. The master of a fool. Seneca
  25. We are rich only if we control our wealth. If our wealth controls us, we are poor. M. K. Soni
    Thought of The Day
  26. We all face good times in our life, where we are prosperous. And yes to get to this position we do learn. But where the learning becomes greater is when we face adversity. Catherine Pulsifer, Adversity An Advantage
  27. We wish you happiness and healthAnd never forget that the important things are not wealth Catherine Pulsifer, The Best of Birthdays
    Birthday Poems
  28. Success does not necessarily mean wealth or great material gain or even professional accomplishment. It can include those things; but success must be defined uniquely by each individual in the climb. Joe Allen and David Donaldson, How to be Successful
  29. For only within love, and not with money, success or fame, do be become fully alive. Tito Tinajero, Love Poems For Valentine’s Day
    Valentine Poems
  30. Some people have amassed great wealth because they first feel love towards their fellow man and start businesses that help meet their spiritual needs, or growth needs. Bryon Pulsifer, What Comes First
  31. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill

  32. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill
  33. Count your health instead of your wealth;
    Love your neighbor as much as yourself.
    Author Unknown
    Quotes about Love and Life
  34. I want to go out with my head erect
    I want to deserve all men’s respect;
    but here in the struggle for fame and wealth
    I want to be able to like myself.
    Edgar A. Guest, Myself
    Motivational Poems   
  35. “If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.” Elbert Hubbard
  36. The first wealth is health. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  37. Sometimes it’s not the wealth you have but what’s inside you that others need. Author Unknown
  38. Let us not get so busy or live so fast that we can’t listen to the music of the meadow or the symphony that glorifies the forest. Some things in the world are far more important than wealth; one of them is the ability to enjoy simple things. Dale Carnegie
  39. Many people despise wealth, but few know how to give it away. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

  40. Many people despise wealth, but few know how to give it away. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  41. But here’s what you may not know: money buys happiness only to a certain point. After a certain level of wealth is achieved, a “plateau effect” occurs, resulting in a diminishing return on happiness. Wes Moss, You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think
  42. Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time. Margaret Bonnano
    Top Ten Quotes on Time
  43. While some unscrupulous pastors and teachers have, in modern times, grown wealthy by exploiting their followers, Jesus clearly didn’t engage in that behavior; He was largely homeless, and it seems that none of His followers ever became very wealthy, comfortable, or materially blessed due to their proximity to Jesus! Chase Thompson, .Easter: Fact or Fiction
  44. Riches enlarge, rather than satisfy appetites. Thomas Fuller
  45. Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you. Oscar Wilde
  46. May you have. . . Enough wealth to meet your needs Author Unknown, May You Have
    Daily Motivation
  47. It is better to live rich than to die rich. Samuel Johnson

  48. It is better to live rich than to die rich. Samuel Johnson
  49. The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have. Yiddish Proverb
  50. Like wealth, poverty also has the power to build us up and make us appreciate what we have, or it can break our spirits. S. Truett Cathy Wealth: Is It Worth It?
  51. One of these common denominators was that the wealthy people in his research had developed the habit of always seeking the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty. And they always found it. Brian Tracy, Get Smart!
    Quotes on Life Lessons
  52. I was born into it and there was nothing I could do about it. It was there, like air or food, or any other element. The only question with wealth is what you do with it. John D. Rockefeller
  53. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth. Napoleon Hill
  54. Infinitely more important than sharing one’s material wealth is sharing the wealth of ourselves – our time and energy, our passion and commitment, and, above all, our love. William E. Simon
  55. Being a somebody puts you out in front of life not behind it. You are able to decide what is important and what is not. You do not seek wealth for the sake of wealth but know how to use wealth, if you have it, to help the most people most often. Byron Pulsifer
    Helping Others
  56. You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy. Garth Brooks

  57. You aren’t wealthy until you have something money can’t buy. Garth Brooks
  58. For some, worldly riches are gained at the price of lost friends and broken families. For others, fortune remains forever elusive, while families remain precariously intact. For most, we remain forever in one of two categories – either poor, seeking to become wealthy or wealthy, seeking always to rediscover the happiness we had while we were poor. Jim Rohn Quotes, The Seasons of Life
    Poems about Life
  59. A man who was generous with his wealth. It has been reported that during his lifetime, Andew Carnegie gave away over $350 million of his money to help others. Catherine Pulsifer
    Andrew Carnegie
  60. Is happiness equated to wealth, money, possessions, or is it value you find in doing your job well, having a loving family, your health, and an inner peace? Byron Pulsifer
    Inner Peace
  61. God has ordained the blessing of prosperity to work through faith in Him and therein lies the greatest wealth. Jim Ballew, What God Says About
  62. Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  63. To be happy does not mean that you have everything in your life that you could possibly imagine as if you were fabulously rich. There are countless stories of wealth and fame that have lead to depression, unhappiness or even death. Catherine Pulsifer
  64. Excellence encourages one about life generally; it shows the spiritual wealth of the world. George Eliot
  65. Don't confuse wealth with success. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

  66. Don’t confuse wealth with success. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
    Inspirational Stories
  67. You’ll never find your true purpose or have lasting peace in your life making the pursuit of wealth or pleasure your god. Britt Gillette, Coming To Jesus
  68. The small courtesies which we often omit because we believe that they are of no value will some day seem larger to us than the wealth and the fame for which we struggle so hard. Take time to show love to your family. Billy Graham
  69. The bright spot here is that your value does not come from what you have or what you own or how many estates you have around the world or any of these materialistic things. Your value is who you are not what your wealth. Byron Pulsifer
    Being Yourself
  70. Our work aims to serve others, and contributes to increasing the health, wealth, comfort and insight of other beings in an honest and supportive way. Michael Hetherington, 15 Sure Signs That You Are On The Right Path
  71. Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness. Anne Frank
  72. “Happiness, wealth, and health are the three wishes we send to you.” A Birthday Wish
    Birthday Quotes
  73. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! Ecclesiastes 5:10

  74. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! Ecclesiastes 5:10 NLT
    Encouraging Bible Verses
  75. What I have discovered is that in order to flourish in business or in life, you not only need prosperity, you also need peace. Marlene Chism, Stop Workplace Drama
  76. You can be rich and famous and still end up being unhappy. Ryanne Knight
    Famous Quotes about Life
  77. Ironically, some of the richest people are actually the most stressed and the unhappiest people you’d ever meet. Paranoia, anxiety, fear, loneliness, etc. become more of residents than guests in their minds. Ryan Williams, Simplicity
  78. A man’s true wealth is the good he does in the world. Kahlil Gibran
  79. And, that wealth is not measured in dollar and cents but, instead, is measured in caring, kindness , and the appreciation and admiration of others who you meet and deal with in everyday life Byron Pulsifer
  80. If you are a Christian and happen to become wealthy, you have a biblical responsibility to be rich in good deeds, to be generous to others and to make sure that your hope is within Jesus Christ and not in your money.” Matthew Paulson, The Ten-Year Turnaround
  81. Money is a means to get through this world, but it cannot add a day to our lives. Thomas Nelson

  82. Money is a means to get through this world, but it cannot add a day to our lives. Thomas Nelson, Devotions for the Beach and Days You Wish You Were There
  83. When, eventually, I acquired wealth, I determined to use part of it as had the patrons of old – in sponsoring talents and projects that stood chances of adding to the happiness and betterment of the world. W. Clement Stone , The Other Side of Mind
    Motivational Quotes about Life
  84. I fear that in this thing many rich people deceive themselves. They go on accumulating the means but never using them; making bricks, but never building. George Eliot
  85. We often have differing associations with the idea of sharing wealth, yet the word philanthropy derives from the Greek word philanthropos, which means “humanity, benevolence, or loving of humankind.” Kathy LeMay, The Generosity Plan
  86. It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. Gandhi
    Best Quotes
  87. Despite what we’ve been taught, we don’t have to be rich, famous or distinguished to make our dreams come true. Sharon Cook and Graciela Sholander, Dream It Do It
  88. In society regulated by labor, dignity, wealth, and glory are objects of competition; they are the reward of the strong, Remy Debes, Dignity
  89. A fool and his money is soon parted. Old Proverb
    Fool and April Fools Quotes
  90. Poverty is turned into wealth; weakness into strength G. Hunt Jackson, Chimes from Heaven’s Belfry
    Weakness Quotes
  91. We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  92. Wealth has some pretty powerful side effects. If wealth were an over-the-counter medicine, there would be bold warnings printed on the packaging. Warning: May cause arrogance. While taking this medicine, extra precaution should be taken not to offend people. If taken for prolonged periods, may impair perception, causing hope to migrate. If you saw a commercial for wealth on TV, it would show pictures of happy people holding hands in the park. Meanwhile, the announcer would be listing all the ways it can ruin your kidneys, rot your stomach, cause sudden heart failure, and destroy your life. Andy Stanley, How to Be Rich
    Funny Quotes about Life

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