Choices Quotes Page 2
- “Your attitude can take you forward or your attitude can take you down. The choice is always yours!” Catherine Pulsifer
Attitude | - “People expect things from you, therefore you are a victim to peoples’ expectations.This is not true; you have the choice to live your life exactly as you please.” Dan Amerson, Self-Improvement
Words of Encouragement | - In principle each of us is free. What we decide is our own choice.Piero Ferrucci, Your Inner Will
Encouraging | - The outcomes we experience in life are largely dependent on our choices and actions.Jay Rifenbary, No Excuse!
Inspirational Quotes | - Decades later, with much psychological research and brain study behind us, we can now say that as well as being the best choice, this ‘optimism’ often does affect the outcome in certain instances – as it changes your actions and feelings.James Borg, Mind Power 2nd edn
Optimistic | - We cannot lead a choiceless life. Every day, every moment, every second, there is a choice. If it were not so, we would not be individuals.” Ernest Holmes
Graduation Quotes | - Life has a tendency to just happen. But it happens because we make choices. The life you create and design for yourself is going to accumulate from the choices you make over time. Bill Gates
Poems about Life | - Choose to be optimistic, it feels better. Dalai Lama
Good Day | - Failure is simply an event that transpires. It has no bearing on your future prosperity or success. It has no bearing on your past.The only relevance failure has is what you choose to give it. Vic Johnson, Failure Is Never Final
Future | - Trust is a function of choice. Trust grows in hearts that have often been broken open by pain. Iyanla Vanzant, Trust: Mastering the Four Essential Trusts
Trust | - “Even the best parenting tips won’t guarantee that children will make right choices. God has given each person a will.”Scott Turansky, Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes… in You and Your Kids
Children | - “While people may be quite aware of their early life challenges, they still may be seriously unaware of how their choices in people, environments, decisions, behaviors, and attitudes are connected to those experiences, and how those choices are the major factor in their current predicaments and unhappiness.”Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Bad Childhood—Good Life
Challenges | - “It’s all about the words you choose. What you say can make all the difference in how your customers view you and your company.”Renee Evenson, Powerful Phrases for Effective Customer Service
Customer Service | - “We design our lives through the power of choices.”Richard Bach
Life | - Work/ life balance is at best an elusive ideal and at worst a complete myth, today’s senior executives will tell you. But by making deliberate choices about which opportunities they’ll pursue and which they’ll decline, rather than simply reacting to emergencies, leaders can and do engage meaningfully with work, family, and community.Joshua Osenga, 12 years a Cubicle Slave
Balance | - A well crafted personal philosophy that clearly captures your life’s vision and mission will enable you to make better choices and lead a more inspired life.Abraham Mutwol, 27 Inspiring Life Lessons from Nelson Mandela
Vision | - “If you’re in business today, you really have two choices: either you can decide to compete on price alone and hope you can maintain a cost structure ture to generate a profit, or you can provide magical moments that create value for your guests.” Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson
Experience | - “Regret is a universal emotion. We all make wrong or foolish choices, or something or someone does something hurtful to us, and we regret it.” Dave Ferguson; Jon Ferguson, Starting Over
Regret | - “People make better choices and perform at a higher level when they know they are being watched by others. The reasoning is simple -when you are held accountable for your actions, you will work harder.” S. J. Scott, The Accountability Manifesto
Accountability Quotes | - “Powerful people take responsibility for their lives and choices. Powerful people choose who they want to be with, what they are going to pursue in life, and how they are going to go after it.” Danny Silk, Keep Your Love On
Motivational | - “Happiness is a choice.”
Happiness | - Choice! The key is choice. You have options. You need not spend your life wallowing in failure, ignorance, grief, poverty, shame, and self-pity.Og Mandino, The Choice
Grief | - And Friends we are so very often selfish in our ways,
we close our eyes to nature’s light, the warm sun’s golden rays;
you have the key, the choice to give, your care and healing forth,
to make, with love, a little bit of heaven here on Earth!
Johm McLeod
Inspirational Poems | - Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. Every day you have to renew your desire to succeed. Daniel Milstein, Rule #1, Don’t Be #2
Dream | - But what if I told you that the small choices you make today – like how you interact with your boss, or whom you invite to dinner – could change what happens next? Bruce Wilkinson, A Life God Rewards
Encouraging | - “It is about choices we make. And how the direction of our lives comes down to the choices we choose.” Catherine Pulsifer
Destiny | - “Before my accidents, there were ten thousands things I could do. I could spend the rest of my life dwelling on the things that I had lost, but instead I chose to focus on the nine thousand I still had left.” W. Mitchell
Focus | - “All my life, whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it.”Harry S. Truman
Wise | - “How you react to situations is your personal choice. It is your decision, and yours alone, to determine the importance you give to any situation.”Catherine Pulsifer
Decision | - Remember we CAN choose our thoughts. Start to choose to be solution orientated, totally responsible for what happens in your life and nurture positive thoughts.Bernadette Dimitrov, The HoHOHo Factor
Positive Thinking | - Maybe you’ve heard that money can’t buy happiness, but that’s a lie. Money can buy happiness if you know what to buy. The problem is that we have too many choices and so much temptation. Quite often, we make the wrong choice. Anita Dhake, Operation Enough!
Problem | - Retiring early is not about saving as much money as you possibly can. Of course, you want to have a cushion that affords safety, freedom, and a better chance of staying healthy, and saving andinvesting your money wisely matters – I’d be crazy to say otherwise. But it’s also about the life you’ve been building for yourself, the choices you make, and the activities you pursue. Wes Moss, You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think
Retirement | - “The remarkable thing we have is a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.” Charles Swindoll
Change | - “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.” William Jennings Bryan
Achievement | - “You have the power to choose your moods and control your feelings. Your mind controls your world as you see it.” Shadonna Richards, A Gift of Hope
Stress | - The amazing part is that the love and commitment God has towards you notwithstanding, He greatly respects the freewill that created you with. He will never force maturity, or indeed anything else upon you. That is your choice to make! John Ndeere, Prepare for Success
God | - On the other hand, the more we choose the next right thing based on what we love, and less on what we can handle, we are likely to have many sources of sufficiency and nourishment. Wayne Muller, A Life of Being, Having, and Doing Enough
Passion | - I had to dig very deep and make the conscious choice to believe � to believe in myself and the possibility of living a different life. A lot of questioning, countless tears, and a huge collection of joyful moments later, believing has helped me see. Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
Believe | - One of the gifts that God gave all of us is choice; the choice to do good or to do evil; the choice to think and act positively or to live negatively. Paul and Tracey McManus, The 7 Great Prayers
Positive | - Improved good health and happiness can be yours. Wealth � you can get it. Power � you have it within you. But you must decide whether you are willing to pay the price to extract and use the success principles necessary to acquire these riches to life. The choice is yours and � yours alone. W. Clement Stone
Health | - I have often thought that if heaven had given me choice of my position and calling, it should have been on a rich spot of earth, well watered, and near a good market for the productions of the garden. No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden. Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson Quotes | - The way to make it in life is to know that you will learn something from failure, and that you have the power to choose whatever you want to do with your newly-found knowledge. Sean Clive, How I Made It In My Life
Failure |
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