Thought of The Day Febuary 2020

Thought of The Day Febuary 2020

Be inspired by our thought of the day for your month of Febuary 2020! Read our current Thought of The Day.  You may also enjoy our Quote of The Day.

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Thought for the Day: February 29, 2020
You have to be willing to experience yourself, to know your own instincts and needs, to be guided by the natural course of your life, with love and grace and peace of mind. Lana Bordelstein, Live your fullest life.
You have to be willing to experience yourself, to know your own instincts and needs, to be guided by the natural course of your life, with love and grace and peace of mind.
Lana Bordelstein, Live your fullest life.
Experience Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 28, 2020
The goal of becoming a fine artist is a worthy one and that simple truth is a gross understatement. Art engulfs this world and enriches it with meaning. Bob Arrigo, Developing the Artist Within You
The Core Self is where possibility exists. It’s this deep inner core where a creative force resides waiting to be activated by the power of intention.
Bob Arrigo, Developing the Artist Within You.
Meaningful Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 27, 2020
Is it time to let your inner sunshine out to play today? Clare Josa, The Little Book of Daily Sunshine.
Is it time to let your inner sunshine out to play today?
Clare Josa, The Little Book of Daily Sunshine.
Sunshine Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 26, 2020
The spark that can ignite a trend towards global gratitude is the zeal of men and women who discover that grateful living makes life meaningful and fulfilling. Robert Emmons, The Little Book of Gratitude.
The spark that can ignite a trend towards global gratitude is the zeal of men and women who discover that grateful living makes life meaningful and fulfilling.
Robert Emmons, The Little Book of Gratitude.
Gratitude Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 25, 2020
Conversely, the less stuff we have to worry about, the more nimble we become—and the better able to embrace new opportunities and experiences. To regain our freedom, we simply need to lighten our loads. Francine Jay, Miss Minimalist.
Conversely, the less stuff we have to worry about, the more nimble we become—and the better able to embrace new opportunities and experiences. To regain our freedom, we simply need to lighten our loads.
Francine Jay, Miss Minimalist.
Life Goals Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 24, 2020
Hope means hoping even when things seem hopeless. Richard Daly, God's Little Book of Hope.
Hope means hoping even when things seem hopeless.
Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope.
Hope Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 23, 2020
Wherever you look, animals are out there, loving each other, feeling each other’s pain and enjoying each other’s company. Peter Wohlleben, The Inner Life Of Animals.
Wherever you look, animals are out there, loving each other, feeling each other’s pain and enjoying each other’s company.
Peter Wohlleben, The Inner Life Of Animals.
Feeling Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 22, 2020
It’s easy to get frustrated when things aren’t going well, especially with watercolour. Often beginners tend to use too much water resulting in weak and washed out paintings that can quickly quash enthusiasm. Steven Cronin, Watercolour Painting Made Simple.
It’s easy to get frustrated when things aren’t going well, especially with watercolour. Often beginners tend to use too much water resulting in weak and washed out paintings that can quickly quash enthusiasm.
Steven Cronin, Watercolour Painting Made Simple.
Frustration Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 21, 2020
The Core Self is where possibility exists. It’s this deep inner core where a creative force resides waiting to be activated by the power of intention. Todd Herman, The Alter Ego Effect.
The Core Self is where possibility exists. It’s this deep inner core where a creative force resides waiting to be activated by the power of intention.
Todd Herman, The Alter Ego Effect.
Possibilities Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 20, 2020
On earth we have the pain without the reason. In heaven we have the reason without the pain. Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope.
On earth we have the pain without the reason. In heaven we have the reason without the pain.
Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope.
Heaven Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 19, 2020
Life is so much easier when you don’t resist it, when you stop hitting the brakes. Annemarie Postma, The Power of Acceptance.
Life is so much easier when you don’t resist it, when you stop hitting the brakes.
Annemarie Postma, The Power of Acceptance.
Life Goals Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 18, 2020
Believe recovery is not just possible, but expected. I'm sick and tired for the notion that addiction is impossible to overcome. It most assuredly is not. Leo Enhart, The Sacred Quest Of Recovery.
Believe recovery is not just possible, but expected. I’m sick and tired for the notion that addiction is impossible to overcome. It most assuredly is not.
Leo Enhart, The Sacred Quest Of Recovery.
Recovery Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 17, 2020
This is the beauty of meditation. The superpower. The judo move. What you see clearly cannot drive you. Ignorance is not bliss. Dan Harris, Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics.
This is the beauty of meditation. The superpower. The judo move. What you see clearly cannot drive you. Ignorance is not bliss.
Dan Harris, Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics.
Ignorance Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 16, 2020
Will power is, indeed, a great force in the world. Tenacity of purpose is in most cases a guarantee of ultimate success. Higar 301, Ultimate Positive Thoughts About Life
Will power is, indeed, a great force in the world. Tenacity of purpose is in most cases a guarantee of ultimate success.
Higar 301, Ultimate Positive Thoughts About Life.
Willpower Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 15, 2020
Believe in yourself, God made you in His image, Reflecting His nature, To be the master Of all life on earth, sky, and sea. Darlene Burgess Davis, Stir Your Soul. Believe in yourself, God made you in His image, Reflecting His nature, To be the master Of all life on earth, sky, and sea. Darlene Burgess Davis, Stir Your Soul.
Believe in yourself, God made you in His image, Reflecting His nature, To be the master Of all life on earth, sky, and sea.
Darlene Burgess Davis, Stir Your Soul.
Believe In Yourself Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 14, 2020
The simple presence of a pet can offer a lightness and a joy, a sense of connection, and an invitation to be uninhibitedly ourselves in a way that is both unique and priceless. David Michie , Buddhism for pet lovers.
The simple presence of a pet can offer a lightness and a joy, a sense of connection, and an invitation to be uninhibitedly ourselves in a way that is both unique and priceless.
David Michie , Buddhism for pet lovers.
Joy Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 13, 2020
Meditation is about learning to simply be present with whatever arises in our mind and awareness. Michael Smith, Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety.
Meditation is about learning to simply be present with whatever arises in our mind and awareness.
Michael Smith, Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety.
Learning Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 12, 2020
True understanding of what the ego is will immediately begin to dissolve it then we can see it is no longer an enemy to be defeated, but simply the animalistic part of ourselves that allowed us to survive up until this point. Helen Hamilton, Dissolving The Ego.
True understanding of what the ego is will immediately begin to dissolve it then we can see it is no longer an enemy to be defeated, but simply the animalistic part of ourselves that allowed us to survive up until this point.
Helen Hamilton, Dissolving The Ego.
Self Motivation Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 11, 2020
When you master your mind and your deep unconscious abilities, you will move ahead faster and achieve more in a shorter period for time than perhaps you could even imagine today. Brian Tracy, Transform.
When you master your mind and your deep unconscious abilities, you will move ahead faster and achieve more in a shorter period for time than perhaps you could even imagine today.
Brian Tracy, Transform.
Mindset Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 10, 2020
There are many ways to process, organize, and spread information, and it is only recently that science has become open-minded enough to treat all these different methods with wonder and amazement rather than dismissal and denial.Frans de Waal, Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are?
There are many ways to process, organize, and spread information, and it is only recently that science has become open-minded enough to treat all these different methods with wonder and amazement rather than dismissal and denial.
Frans de Waal, Are We Smart Enough To Know How Smart Animals Are?
Openminded Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 9, 2020
To change yourself in ways that make you more open, empathetic, and creative. This kind of change demands commitment. It’s also the most rewarding effort you can make for your career, and for becoming the person you want to be. Natalie Canavor, Workplace Genie.
To change yourself in ways that make you more open, empathetic, and creative. This kind of change demands commitment. It’s also the most rewarding effort you can make for your career, and for becoming the person you want to be.
Natalie Canavor, Workplace Genie.
Career Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 8, 2020
One for the greatest motivations for forgiveness is knowing that it's you who will be the primary beneficiary when you do it. Forgiveness is for you. Barbara J Hunt, Forgiveness Made Easy.
One for the greatest motivations for forgiveness is knowing that it’s you who will be the primary beneficiary when you do it. Forgiveness is for you.
Barbara J Hunt, Forgiveness Made Easy.
Motivational Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 7, 2020
The more we are aware for the present moment, firmly grounded in it, and acting from it, the better life is in all regards. Michael Smith, Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety.
The more we are aware for the present moment, firmly grounded in it, and acting from it, the better life is in all regards.
Michael Smith, Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety.
Motivational Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 6, 2020
Briefly but regularly reviewing how you work will help you to promote clearer thinking in the work itself. Graham Allcot, How To Be A Productivity Ninja.
Briefly but regularly reviewing how you work will help you to promote clearer thinking in the work itself.
Graham Allcot, How To Be A Productivity Ninja
Work Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 5, 2020
We’ve always needed kindness . . . But I believe right now . . . kindness is more important than ever.
Bernadette Russell, The Little Book Of Kindness
We’ve always needed kindness . . . But I believe right now . . . kindness is more important than ever..
Bernadette Russell, The Little Book Of Kindness
Encouraging Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 4, 2020
Mindfulness, simply defined, is nonjudgmental awareness for the present moment. To experience the world mindfully is to observe it (both the external and internal) without evaluation, in the here and now, with no expectation or mandate to change it.
Shala Nicely, Everyday Mindfulness for OCD
Mindfulness, simply defined, is nonjudgmental awareness for the present moment. To experience the world mindfully is to observe it (both the external and internal) without evaluation, in the here and now, with no expectation or mandate to change it.
Shala Nicely, Everyday Mindfulness for OCD
Change The World Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 3, 2020
You are not the voice inside your head. There is a gap, a space, a silence when that voice shuts up. And this is a space worth exploration.
Frances Trussell,  You Are Not Your Thoughts
You are not the voice inside your head. There is a gap, a space, a silence when that voice shuts up. And this is a space worth exploration.
Frances Trussell, You Are Not Your Thoughts
Transformation Quotes

Thought for the Day: February 2, 2020
We’ve seen the power of our subconscious beliefs and how they change our physical and emotional reactions and can be the blueprint for our past and the future.
Karl Dawson, Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life.
We’ve seen the power of our subconscious beliefs and how they change our physical and emotional reactions and can be the blueprint for our past and the future.
Karl Dawson, Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life.
Quotes About The Future

Thought for the Day: February 1, 2020
Even if you become the ‘perfect’ person you think you ought to be, you will still criticise yourself. You cannot impress the critic in your head so much that he or she shuts up. That’s why you need self-compassion.
Padraig O’Morain, Kindfulness
Even if you become the ‘perfect’ person you think you ought to be, you will still criticise yourself. You cannot impress the critic in your head so much that he or she shuts up. That’s why you need self-compassion.
Padraig O’Morain, Kindfulness
Not Perfect Quotes

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