Thought of The Day July 2020
Thought for the Day: July 31, 2020
Happiness is not appropriate for every occasion, and negative emotions can focus the mind, send important signals to other people, and lend a seriousness and profundity to life.
Juliet Adams, Mindful Leadership For Dummies
Regret Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 30, 2020
Thoughtfulness is romantic, there’s no doubt about that.
Lucinda Love, How To Make A Woman Fall In Love
Inspirational Thoughts
Thought of the Day: July 29, 2020
Love that the whole world is moving; it was for this purpose that the universe came into existence, and every grasping at happiness, every reaching out of the soul toward objects, ideas and ideals, is an effort to realize it.
Napoleon Hill, The prosperity Bible
Quotes About Ideas
Thought for the Day: July 28, 2020
Altruism, according to Comte, implies “the elimination of selfish desire and of egocentrism, as well as leading a life devoted to the well-being of others
Mattheiu Ricard, Alturism.
Ego Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 27, 2020
With no ability to feel emotions, life would be reduced to a gray, mechanical ritual from cradle to grave. Be grateful that you can feel emotions!
Dr Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code
Emotion Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 26, 2020
When failure happens, acknowledge its existence. Embrace the failure.
Stephen Power, Self Discipline
Failure Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 25, 2020
The more you can create and set positive, clear and joyful habits around how you start and end your day, the better the day itself will become.
Samantha Clarke, Love It Or Leave It
Creativity Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 24, 2020
Happiness is not appropriate for every occasion, and negative emotions can focus the mind, send important signals to other people, and lend a seriousness and profundity to life.
W.Gerrod Parrott The Positive Side of Negative Emotions
Negativity Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 23, 2020
If I don’t need your approval now, I am free to do my absolute best in every situation without worrying about what will happen next.
Oli Doyle, Mindful relationships
Best Quotes
Thought of the Day: July 22, 2020
The egoic sense of self is simply an energetic mass of beliefs, conditioning and habits of thought that have taken on a life of their own with the investment of our belief.
Helen Hamilton, Dissolving The Ego
Habit Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 21, 2020
Why is it that outsiders always have insight But insiders rarely have outsight?
Karla McLaren The Language Of Emotion
Vision Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 20, 2020
Stay in the moment and cherish each one.
Gary Sturgis, Finding Your Way From Grief To Healing
Short Inspirational Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 19, 2020
Believe me when I tell you that initially, absolutely everybody feels as if they are about to die when they so much as break into a light trot.
Bryony Gordon, Eat, Drink, Run
Funny Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 18, 2020
If you lose a game, remind yourself that you’re bound to win some other time and that there are other, more important things in your life.
Anne Doherty, Big ideas for curious minds
Dissapointment Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 17, 2020
The feeling that a heart beats for you and there are eyes that look out just for you is one of the warmest and most pleasurable feelings.
Jason McAllister, Getting The Love You Want
Feeling Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 16, 2020
Every life situation presents a blank canvas or a block of marble that we can sculpt and train on, so that over a lifetime we can master our craft.
Jonas Salzgeber
Cute Life Quotes
Thought of the Day: July 15, 2020
Live every day as though it’s a valuable blessing, since it is.
M. D Debwa, The Power Of Motivation
Blessed Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 14, 2020
We need to take control of our lives in order to experience the incredible beauty and wonder of a life beyond what we think we know.
Randy Kolibaba, The Lies Behind The Truth
Beauty Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 13, 2020
Many people struggle to realize their ambitions because they spend too much time thinking and too little time doing and looking.
Michael Matthews, The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation
Ambition Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 12, 2020
Feeling Lonely gives us the time we need to reflect on our pain, which is something we cannot bury or ignore.
Deborah Manley, For The Love Of Grief
Alone Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 11, 2020
In humility, we seek help from God to cleanse us and fill us with new strengths.
Stephen Arterburn M.E.D, David Stoop, A Bible Centered Approach To Taking Back Your Life
God’s Grace Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 10, 2020
If properly used, prayer can be a powerful aid to inner peace.
Jerry Dorsman and Bob Davis, How to Achieve Peace of Mind
Prayer Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 9, 2020
A child needs to feel confident that our love is unconditional, regardless of whether their behaviour fits with how we’d like them to behave.
Carole Saad, Kids Don’t Come With a Manual
Children Quotes
Thought of the Day: July 8, 2020
Go ahead and turn off your computer whenever you WOULD have left the office – trust that you did your best, and save the ten hour days for emergencies.
Sanya Weathers, Working From Home for Newbies
Positive Quotes for Work
Thought for the Day: July 7, 2020
The human mind is our lifetime’s treasure so I believe that we must do all that we can to develop a healthy and sound mind.
Rajiv Chelladurai, Wisdom Workout
Healing Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 6, 2020
We are not workhorses to be whipped into productivity each day. We are luminous souls who deserve to enjoy the gorgeous experience of being human.
Ashley Ellington Brown, A Beautiful Morning
Long Quotes About Life
Thought for the Day: July 5, 2020
Authentic happiness and significance rely on knowing that who you are and everything you would like, and most importantly, knowing your true value concerning whatever you need to give the world.
Kaori Gallagher, Ikigai
Self Worth Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 4, 2020
Where there is freedom, there is my country.
Benjamin Franklin
Freedom Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 3, 2020
Every human being strives for significance, but people always make mistakes if they do not recognize that their significance lies in their contribution to the lives of others.
Jane Nelsen , Positive parenting for today’s busy parent
Mistake Quotes
Thought for the Day: July 2, 2020
Standards or principles to live by are all equal in this way: they are abstractions of the mind, summations based on past experience, not experience itself.
Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty
Experience Quotes
Thought of the Day: July 1, 2020
The renewing of our mind is crucial to our success in life since it has the potential to make or break us.
Rajiv Chelladurai, Wisdom Workout
Life Goals
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