53 Quotes about Love and Life
In a relationship? Single? Or perhaps, It’s Complicated? Love and life can feel complex at times, but be encouraged! We already have all we need to enjoy love in our lives; it may be from a friend, a child, a parent, a friend, or from your lover … It’s a basic human need and bringing more love into our lives is something we should all try to do. So how do we do that? Well it’s simple, if we want more love – by the law of cause and effect – we have to give more love. You sow what you reap; and that’s a fundamental law of the universe. If we want more heat from a fireplace, we have to put in more wood; you don’t sit in front of the fire and say ‘give me more heat and then I’ll give you more wood’. It doesn’t work that way. GIVE more love, to receive more love. Maybe think of ways we can give more love in our lives today. Write it down if it helps keep you on the right track. And read these Quotes about Love and Life. Celebrate all your loving connections and be thankful for your unique life and how it’s unfolding. Life is a journey and we hope that yours will be filled with love!
- Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. Oscar Wilde
Life - “Love is a life. Love is heat but it is so sweet.
When two lovers meet it love is complete.” Jennifer, Romantic love poems
Encouraging Poems - I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone. J.R.R. Tolkien
Short Love Poems - Our families are different than they used to be! And our challenge is to love the family we have. Sue Boardman, Grandmothers Are In Charge of Hope
Change - Life is too short not to express your feelings of love you must confess. Show appreciation and for those you care, let your love be known so they are aware. Catherine Pulsifer
Appreciation - “Nothing in life is worth, turning your back on, if you love it.” Albert Camus
Quote of The Day - Maybe you don’t need the whole world to love you, you know. Maybe you just need one person.” Kermit the Frog
Funny - Falling in love is the most important incident of life and it makes people ambitious dreamers and generates a capability to imaging your first date, long before it happens in reality and time you spend together. D Mishra
Dream - The life of Jesus shows what it means to love. Jane Gilgun, Stories and Poems About Mothers
Inspirational - “As you travel through life, your dreams will guide you, determination will get you there, and love will provide the greatest scenery of all.” Michelle C. Ustaszeski
Motivational Poems - “Of all the forces that are exerted on us over our lifetime, at least for me, love has been the most powerful of all.” Yanni
Words of Encouragement - If we aim to love ourselves, and practice to love ourselves, then not only do we live a positive life full of happiness, but also shine more love and happiness onto other beings. Florence Stone, Buddha quotes and thoughts
Positive Life - When life itself has become a prayer, we are connected to that source of love and life. Brian Hardin, Reframe
Power of Prayer - When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too. Paulo Coelho Quotes about Love and Life
Best - In any area of life where we struggle to make a breakthrough, you can be sure love is not at the centre of it all. Henk Kruger, 21 Biblical Success Secrets
Challenge - From this day forward, let your words shape a wonderful life for you. Let them speak of love, peace, forgiveness, blessing and healing. Grant Dean, Practical Step to an Awesome Life through changing your words
Good Day - “Love should be your top priority, primary objective, and greatest ambition. Love is not a good part of your life; it’s the most important part. Rick Warren
Ambition - To be fully loved is something many of us strive to attain in life. We work on making ourselves lovable through how we look, what we do for others, or how we perform in this world. Sarah Young, Jesus Calling
Motivational - If you want love then show love. If you want encouragement then encourage others. You will attract what you give and it will compound as you continually apply it in your life. David Khalil, Principle 7: The Power of Giving
Giving - God has given us an incredibly wide range of words, life experiences and testimonies to help us grow closer to Him and to learn to both love Him and love other people. Ron Oltmanns, Starting a Journey with Jesus
God’s Love - “Believe and trust yourself to have love in your life
Love yourself to able me to love back,
that’s life.” Judit Regev, Love poems and more
Trust - The world cries out for genuine love, love which heals, unites, and encourages. David Jeremiah, The Joy of Encouragement
Encouraging Quotes - You may be surprised when I say love is a choice. It is a choice. A lot people make the mistake of thinking love is natural. Anthony Aries, Relationship Rescue Workbook
Mistake - Dogs are unique because they love us. That conclusion sounds obvious. It’s not. Clive Wynne, Dog Is Love
Animal - “Life without love is like a tree without blossom and fruit. Kahlil Gibran
Funny Quotes about Life - “So if you are in high school no matter freshman, or junior or whatever, try to focus on your learnings and grades. You will have all your life to search for the right person on like they call it soul mate.” E Stoyanova
Learning - “If you’ve been feeling a little down, a little anxious, a little fatigued, a little worried �. come home to God. He’s the one who made you, who created you, who’s watched every moment of your life, who knows everything about you and still loves you, who forgives you and says, ‘Come home to my peace and strength’.'” Rick Warren
Feeling - “Special people in our life sometimes can become our family, it doesn’t mean they have to be blood related, it means appreciating those who care and love you.” B. B. Butler
Family - “If you move through life helping, caring, forgiving, you will always have you’re your own special fan club – it is those who love and respect you no matter if others you have helped may not.” Catherine Pulsifer, Always Care
Helping Others - “In our families, parents save so their kids will have a great foundation for living a better life; because they love them.” Pinkie Bagele Taolo, The Letter: Destiny revealed
Destiny - “For anyone who has lost a loved one, the path to renewal is long and hard. Reshaping a new life must begin one step at a time.” Byron Pulsifer, Hopes and Dreams
Death - You choose to ignore negativity; you choose to love, help and give generously. You choose long term dreams over immediate gratification. You choose to live a great life. Rahul Badami, Affirmations: 4 Reasons why Affirmations don’t Work
Choices - Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love�but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love. Mandy Hale
Moving Forward - If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Mother Teresa
Famous - If we focus on giving love, the getting will take care of itself, and there’ll be no time for concern about rejection, imagined or otherwise! Don McArt, The Mental Makeove
Focus - “I believe that God sent us Grandparents as our legacy from above
to share the moments of our life as extra measures of His love.” Author Unknown
Poems about Life - “Family life is too intimate to be preserved by the spirit of justice. It can be sustained by a spirit of love which goes beyond justice.” Reinhold Niebuhr
Inspirational Sayings - “If you want to truly be happy in life, you need to love without condition, and without limit. Love like love is all you have to give, and give like you are truly in love.” Joseph Fisher, 24 Brilliant Teachings And Lessons From Mother Teresa
Quotes to Live By - “Being in love is a unique emotional experience which can define us, enhance us and underpin the purpose of life itself.” Nick Fletcher, Lost Avenues and other love poems
Purpose - “Acknowledging that you have caused everything that happened and is happening in your life is the first step to genuinely love yourself.” Veronica Smith, Loving Yourself
Accountability - “The more you love the least deserving on your list, the more your life will change.” Mike Dooley
Great Quotes about Life - “If you choose to walk in love and keep a positive, faith-filled focus, your trials will actually graduate you to a higher level of operative grace-life following that season.” Patricia King, Dream Big
Positive - From time to time, it�s important to remind them that we still love them just as much as we ever did, regardless of the circumstances. Carole Saad, Kids Don’t Come With a Manual
Family Love - “We are on a journey through life and I believe it is love that is the vehicle that transports us on this journey. Love is how we find out who we are and what does or doesn’t bring us joy.” TJ Gibbs – The Love Coach Get Ready For Love
Joy - “It’s the give-and-take thing that makes life wonderful and keeps us safe, strong and sane in this crazy world. Be always ready to give love.” K.M. Kassi, Stress Management
Being Strong - Walking sheds away the casing of reserve that clings to us in our everyday exchanges. When people walk together in nature, on the beach or on the mountain, this opening up happens with even greater ease � you must have noticed this too. Hugh O’Donovan, Mindfull Walking
Sunset Quotes - But our minds did not evolve to make us �feel good� so we could tell jokes, write poems, or say �I love you.�Our minds evolved to help us survive in a world fraught with danger. Russ Harris, The happiness trap
Good Quotes - “Real love doesn’t just love someone who’s lovable. That’s easy. Real love loves the unlovable. Real love is patient with the irritable people in your life.” Rick Warren
Patience - “The whole purpose of life is to love God and love people. But what does this actually look like? It looks like serving the real needs of real individuals.” Jonathan Daugherty, Purity 301: Serve
God - Being loving is a way of life. We do rather than speak, especially when love is complicated and entangled. Julie Yarbrough, Grief Light
Healing - We have to love our neighbours, and to do good to all. Our actions are to be geared towards people, not structures; relieving needs, not removing causes; showing compassion, not pushing for reform. Brian Johnston, Exploring Issues of Life
Compassion - We all want to believe in love, but many have lost faith. Our past tells us that faith in love is fools gold. Yet, life without love makes life purposeless. Tito Tinajero, Love Poems For Valentine’s Day
Valentines Day
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