68 Purpose Quotes
What is your purpose in life, your reason for being? Let these purpose quotes give you thoughts for reflection.
Have you ever stopped and thought about this question, why am I here? I truly believe that we all have a purpose. The question then becomes are we fulfilling this purpose?
May these quotes encourage and inspire you to discover your purpose in life!
Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison
- When you find your WHY, you don’t hit snooze no more! You find a way to make it happen!Eric Thomas
Funny Quotes about Life - We all have a purpose in life, and when you find yours you will recognize it.Catherine Pulsifer
Life - Success demands singleness of purpose. Vince Lombardi, Football Player and Coach
Football - Anything and everything you have experienced has been purposeful; it has brought you to where you are now.Iyanla Vanzant, Tapping the Power Within
Quote of The Day - Our lives matter. No matter what people tell you otherwise. God created everything for a purpose. Edric Prim, Check Your Pulse And See If Your Dream Is Still Beating
Words of Encouragement - ..retirees have an abundance of free time, and in part because for many people setting aside their career represents a significant loss of purpose, one that needs to be replaced to keep us feeling engaged in life.Patrick Foley, Winning at Retirement
Retirement - Find your purpose daily and live life to the fullest and never give up. M.D. Eger, No Excuse for Failure
Live Life Quotes - I believe we’re all put on this planet for a purpose, and we all have a different purpose. Ellen DeGeneres
Inspirational Quotes - Knowing your life purpose is the first step toward living a truly conscious life. A life purpose provides us with a clear goal, a set finish line that you truly want to reach. Simon Foster, What is My Purpose?
Goals - Discovering your purpose is the most significant thing you will do in your life, and you, your loved ones, and the world will be better off because you went on this journey.Mastin Kipp, Claim Your Power
Graduation - Live for something, have a purpose,
And that purpose keep in view;
Robert Whitaker, Don’t Drift
Graduation Poems - Nothing will divert me from my purpose. Abraham Lincoln
Focus - If we are to truly understand the point and purpose of our lives, we must first start to grasp the overarching storyline of the Bible. Matt Click, Famous Dad
Faith - It’s only when companies are clear about their purpose, have clearly communicated it, and it is understood by the team that companies can achieve both unity of effort and distributed decision making.Marc Koehler, Leading with Purpose
Decision - Understanding purpose is one thing, but recognizing the importance of having purpose is another. Everybody has a unique purpose in their life, whether it be to help others, provide for family, or be free. Ben Gothard, Achieve Greatness
Greatness - We don’t want confidence just for the sake of it; we want it for a purpose. We want it to help us achieve our goals, follow our dreams, or perform better in some domain of life, such as sports, business, music, the arts, public speaking, parenting, or socializing.Russ Harris, The Confidence Gap
Confidence - A lot of people are always desiring desiring many things in life not knowing what it is they are actually desiring for. The absence of desire also makes life very difficult since the one living as such cannot define his purpose in life.G. S Clason, The Success Code
Wish - Each of us is born for a purpose, and we want our lives to matter. I don’t think it’s unique to only some of us; it’s a longing of every human being.Garrett Gravesen, 10 Seconds Of Insane Courage
Make A Difference - Goals give you that sense of meaning and purpose, a clear sense of direction. As you move toward your goals you feel happier and stronger. You feel more energized and effective. You feel more competent and confident in yourself and your abilities.Brian Tracy, Goals!
Believe In Yourself - The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to make things better. Robert F. Kennedy
Famous - But sometimes a particular purpose can be squared with a particular career. It may take nothing more than reexamining your career, asking some questions, and discovering a purpose you have overlooked in the past.Vince Lombardi Jr., The Lombardi Rules
Question - We all want deep, purposeful and meaningful relationships. We all want love, joy, bliss and fulfillment. … The miracle is that we can all have it! All we need to do is overcome our fears and dare to seek our goals.Jack Canfield, Dare to Win
Fear - There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it. Napoleon Hill
Knowledge - By staying with the higher energies of optimism, forgiveness, understanding, reverence for Spirit, creativity, serenity, and bliss, your own purpose – which revolves around serving others and serving God – becomes fulfilled, and as a bonus, you create allies. Wayne Dyer, The Invisible Force
Optimistic - With strong motivation, you will feel energetic, focused, and happy. You’ll have a strong sense of direction and purpose, as well as a feeling that you’re moving towards your ideal future at a pretty good clip. When obstacles get in your way, you will cheerfully find ways to remove them or steer around them. James Adler, Motivation
Future - There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim. Napoleon Hill
Success - Dig deep enough in every heart and you’ll find it: a longing for meaning, a quest for purpose. As surely as a child breathes, he will someday wonder, What is the purpose of my life?Max Lucado, One God, One Plan, One Life
Encouraging - If you want to know what your purpose is, it is to make the most of your talents and skills for the greater good and that means starting with yourself. Tony Clark
Good - Feeling successful and living purposefully is important in any stage of life.David C. Borchard, Ed.D., NCC
Poems about Life - Once you are alive to the fact that you will die, you will intently do great work with a refined sense of purpose. Nature abhors a vacuum created by people who do not do work that helps humanity. Fanuel Oweke, Before You Turn 35
Work - Not everybody can identify a purpose in life. But when you do, and when you pursue it, you will be living the kind of life you feel you were meant to live. And what’s more, you will be happy. Steve Goodier
Happy - We must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don’t know where you’re aiming, you don’t have a goal. My goal is to live my life in such a way that when I die, someone can say, she cared. Mary Kay Ash
Death - Inspiration in life is born when we have a purpose. Daniel Longwe
Inspirational Sayings - Excuses, whether real or contrived, are the enemy of God’s Purpose. That’s why I have a fixed motto for my life that I have passed on to my children: “Just show up! No matter what the devil does to try to stop you – show up!”T. Adam McFaddin No Room for Excuses
Excuses - At a very early age, I developed a belief that we’re all here to contribute something unique, that deep within each of us lies a special gift.Tony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within
Life Changing Quotes - The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. Pablo Picasso
Appreciation - Perhaps the single most important ingredient in all of life for achieving happiness and fulfillment: Purpose Harvey Volson, Self-Esteem Mega Makeover
Happiness - One needs something to believe in, something for which one can have whole-hearted enthusiasm. One needs to feel that one’s life has meaning, that one is needed in this world. Hannah Senesh
Believe - God has a purpose for everything, and it’s a proper and a right purpose that will end up giving us more fuller love and compassion from the heart of God. Jimmy Davis, JOB
Compassion - No one wants to go through trials, but it’s a great comfort to know that they have a very important purpose in our lives. K. M. Logan, Counting It Joy, A Study of James 1:2-8
Challenge - Emotions can help you achieve your goals by motivating you and connecting you to your sense of purpose. Elles Lohuis, The Little Guide to Setting Intentions
Motivational - The number one purpose of a quote, at least in my opinion, is to make the reader think. When reading a quote, usually by thinking about it and letting it mull over in our minds we can come to a fuller understanding of what the person is trying to say. Joseph Geran III, The Ultimate Collection of Inspirational Quotes
Quotation - Actions are purposeful, and are taken in pursuit of goals to achieve a defined end. Barry Linetsky, The Business of Walt Disney and the Nine Principles of His Success
Action - Your purpose must be particular to you. This is the road less traveled. Your purpose cannot be someone else’s path, not your family’s path nor your friends’ path. Drew Scott Pearlman, The Four Faces of Transformation
Family - The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. Let everything happen to you. Rock Bankole, How to Be Happy
Experience - We are all born with a purpose. Some have the purpose to teach, some to create beautiful work of arts, some to create products,some to invent things, some to build huge edifices. Rafael Bettencourt, Decoding Happiness
Teacher - If somebody else made me, for his own purposes, then I shall have a lot of duties which I should not have if I simply belonged to myself. C. S. Lewis
Meaningful - For starters, making a positive contribution to someone else’s life says that you are worthwhile and have a purpose in life. Luke Gregory, Self Confidence
Positive - There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born and the day we discover why. William Barclay
Birthday - Your calling isn’t something that somebody can tell you about. It’s what you feel. It is the thing that gives you juice. The thing that you are supposed to do. And nobody can tell you what that is. You know it inside yourself.Oprah Winfrey
Being Yourself - By setting and pursuing goals, you have nothing to lose but a lot to gain. It has been scientifically proven that people who set goals are more fulfilled and positive about life. Having a purpose to wake up to each day will challenge us and give us meaning.Zoe McKey, Rewire Your Habits
Motivational Poems - But a growing number of organizations are springing up to help people define a positive purpose for life’s second, third or fourth act. Denise Logeland, 10 Things Every Family Should Know
Helping Others - One thing is for sure, though, without a purpose, without a stated direction, you can wander around this world and play at life and not accomplish anything of significance and meaning. Byron Pulsifer, The Defined Purpose
Accomplishment - Knowing your purpose gives your life meaning, simplicity, focus and motivation. It also prepares you for eternity. Rick Warren, Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life
Simplicity - Work is, to a real extent, what gives our lives meaning and purpose and provides us the motivation to get out of bed in the morning and helps us to put the aches and pains of aging in their proper perspective. Wallace R.Curiel, Thriftcraft
Age - But when you truly realize who gave you your child, why you do what you do and how you do what you do will totally change as you understand that none of this is about you and what you think and feel. It’s all about the purpose and plan of God for that child’s life. Joseph Woodley, No Generals In the House
Change - Once you determine that the important results you want are an expression of your life’s purpose, you cannot help but bring drive, dedication, and determination to each day’s efforts. You will be driven to act relentlessly to meet cherished goals, all the while feeling rewarded, satisfied, and even joyful in the process.Russell Grieger, Developing Unrelenting Drive, Dedication, and Determination
Determination - Our purpose is to live our lives in such a way that others see Jesus living in us and say, “Jesus is beautiful.” Michael D. Perkins, Identity Crisis
Beauty - TRULY, “thoughts are things,” and powerful things that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and a burning desire for their translation into riches, or other material objects. Napoleon Hill
Persistence - Experts cited the benefits of caring for your emotional needs through regular implementation of activities that inspire thoughts and feelings of joy, hope, passion, purpose, or general well being. Lisa Broesch-Weeks, Practical Bliss
Hope - Giving so that others may be helped is a purpose of life that we should all embrace. Byron Pulsifer, Giving Is Fun
Giving - God grant me these: the strength to do some needed service here; the wisdom to be brave and true; the gift of vision clear, that in each task that comes to me some purpose I may plainly see. Edgar A Guest, A Plea
Vision - The purpose of a business is to create a mutually beneficial relationship between itself and those that it serves. When it does that well, it will be around tomorrow to do it some more. John Woods
Customer Service - What a different story men would have to tell if only they wouldadopt a DEFINITE PURPOSE, and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming obsession! Napoleon Hill
Time - God planned for you to be here – right now – with a purpose. Paula White, Dare to Dream
God - You can have anything you want – if you want it badly enough. You can beanything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose. William Adams
Believe In Yourself - Listening and speaking are skills, and like all skills, they can be improved significantly with deliberate instruction and purposeful practice.Erik Palmer, Teaching the Core Skills of Listening and Speaking
Listening - Nelson Mandela had the purpose of emancipating non-whites in South Africa. It was this purpose that gave his life meaning. Paulo Braga, A Happy Life
Nelson Mandela Quotes

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