79 Freedom Quotes
Personal liberty. Freedom. It’s a right that our forefathers waged war to maintain. It’s the one thing that – like good health – we rarely appreciate, until it’s gone. Have you ever been locked up unjustly, with no end in sight? Have you been subjected to oppression or had loved ones taken away from you? I haven’t, but I know that if I had, I’d appreciate my freedom a whole lot more than I do now. Our ability to live our lives freely; to live where we want to live, to work where we want to work and to love whom we want to love – is something precious and to be kept safe. Tyrannical governments – who seek to control and manipulate the individual – have always shown themselves to be morally bankrupt in the end. So let’s celebrate our freedom – our opportunities! I hope you are encouraged and inspired by this collection of Freedom Quotes; may they remind you to treasure the gift of Freedom and Liberty for all.
- Appreciation is recognizing how everything, even the most painful struggles and challenges, can serve to provide you greater freedom and fulfillment.Derek Doepker, Why You’re Stuckappreciation (linik to life and struggles)
Appreciation - The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better. George Orwell
Happiness - I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free .� so other people would be also free. Rosa Parks
Inspirational Quotes - The journey to freedom begins with the self.Gede Parma, By Land, Sky & Sea
Acceptance and Self-Acceptance Quotes - Freeing your mind of your old thoughts and fixing on the moment is how the journey to freedom begins.Stewart Bitkoff, A Commuter’s Guide to Enlightenment
Moment Quotes - We all have the freedom to choose and change. Our choices that we make in our life are very important.Judy A. Killian, Discover the Magic of You
Decision Quotes - Therefore, true financial freedom is merely a state of being whereby all of your obligations are taken care of for you as you go through your journey on the path of life.John C. Borg, Everything You Need To Know About Financial Independence
Journey - Many successful people, particularly solopreneurs, are driven by financial or location independence, freedom to do what they love doing, or a desire to have a lifestyle they enjoy. Joanna Jast, Laser-Sharp Focus
Successful - Lest we forget the wars that were fought to give us freedom Cody Lynch, My Thoughts on Remembrance Day
War - Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful for all of our blessings, and may we never forget to give thanks for the freedom we enjoy.Catherine Pulsifer
Thanksgiving - Self-forgiveness is an act of reclaiming your freedom from the past. Sandi Amorim, The 100 Day Promise
Forgiveness - A friend is someone who allows us the space and the freedom to be. Debbie Alicen
Friend - Those who live today remember those who do not. Those who know freedom remember today those who gave up life for freedom. . . . We could not forget them. President Ronald Reagan, 1988
Veterans Day Quotes - You cannot conquer Ireland. You cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom. If our deed has not been sufficient to win freedom, then our children will win by a better deed. Patrick Henry Pearse, Irish Teacher
Irish Quotes and Sayings - For many, retirement is a time for personal growth, which becomes the path to greater personal freedom. Robert Delamontagne
Retirement - Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. Woodrow Wilson
Words of Encouragement - All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. Winston Churchill
Simplicity - We cannot choose to have a life free of hurt. But we can choose to be free, to escape the past, no matter what befalls us, and to embrace the possible.Edith Eva Eger, The Choice
Hurt - So many men have fallen, so many lives were lost;
The price to pay for freedom exacts a heavy cost.
Greta Zwaan, Remember
Veterans Day Poems - Living out God’s truth will require a great deal of courage and humility. But if we will follow Jesus in learning to extend grace, if we will cultivate a forgiving spirit, we will find a greater sense of peace and freedom than we have ever known before. Douglas Connelly, Forgiveness: Making Peace with the Past
Jesus - Each day procrastinated could be an additional day of risk for you that your life will be shortened, your freedom taken away, or that your dreams will not have a chance of coming true.Bill Tharp, Empowering Secrets of Success
Procrastination - …there is such a thing as perfection…and our purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth…. Each of us is in truth an unlimited idea of freedom. Everything that limits us we have to put aside.Richard Bach
Famous - Once you realize that you are beautiful just the way you are, you can begin to find freedom in your life and learn to look past the pictures of what the world wants you to be. Frankie Robinson
Being Yourself - If you can believe what God teaches in the Bible and learn to actually do things this way, then you enter into a wonderful peace and freedom. Joan Boney, Taking Thoughts Captive
Peace - There’s a special kind of freedom sisters enjoy. Freedom to share innermost thoughts, to ask a favor, to show their true feelings. The freedom to simply be themselves. Author Unknown
Sister - ….we learn to prize freedom when we are in danger of losing it!Robert Schuller
Best - Let the trails that bore my ancestors blood and tears, and the chains that bound their freedom serve as reminders to all, of our hate and savagery against one another, and ensure its trust that we as a people choose never to repeat such ignorance. Jacqualine Williams Rippy
Ignorance - What happens to people who stop fearing the future and step out in faith? They find freedom. You can lock them up, you can beat them, but you can’t take their joy and their courage away, because their joy and courage don’t come from something changeable, like circumstances. Wayne A. Mack, Courage: Fighting Fear with Fear
Faith - Between adversity and our response is a space. In that space are the power and freedom to choose to crumble, or to elevate both ourselves and others, as these two authors do by sharing their work with us. Stephen R. Covey
Adversity - For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Nelson Mandela
Respect - Our attitudes determine whether we experience peace or fear, freedom or limitation, and to a large extent, whether we are well or sick. Gerald G. Jampolsky, Teach Only Love
Attitude - It is in your best interest to recognize that there is a difference between being responsible and taking responsibility. You Have the Freedom and Power to Choose Christopher Avery, The Responsibility Process
Accountability - Freedom is a necessity for happiness and you cannot truly be happy if you limit yourself with boundaries of fear or social conduct. Scott Michaels, Color Me Happy
Happy - Your freedom is your ability to choose what you give your attention to, what you believe, what you commit to, where you devote your energy, and the kind of person you will be. Neville Berkowitz, How To Live In The Now
Choices - Information is the currency of democracy. Thomas Jefferson
Knowledge - I’ve learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom – how great is that? Soledad O�Brien
Fear - Excess possessions have the power to enslave us physically, psychologically, and financially. Stuff is cumbersome and difficult to transport. It weighs on the spirit and makes us feel heavy. On the other hand, every time we remove an unnecessary item, we gain back a little freedom.Joshua Becker, The More of Less
Daily Motivation - Perhaps the oldest dilemma of the Christian faith is the apparent contradiction between the sovereignty of God and the freedom of man. R. C. Sproul, Can I Know God’s Will?
Chirstian Quotes about Life - Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. George Orwell
Cool - The best road to progress is freedom road. John F. Kennedy
Progress - A part of fate is the freedom of man. Forever wells up the impulse of choosing and acting in his soul. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Fate - But in real life, nothing is certain like that. Each individual is a freedom, an unknown freedom. It is impossible to predict, impossible to expect. One has to live in awareness and in understanding.Osho, Courage
Mindfulness - Take each day for the real gift it is; enjoy each day and add a joyful thought or a laugh or a simple appreciation to sit for a moment and enjoy the expression of freedom that it entails.Byron Pulsifer, A Car Accident
Good Day - . . . by developing a positive mindset, you get freedom from all the negativity inhabiting your mind. Benjamin Smith, Mindset: How Positive Thinking Will Set You Free
Mindset - Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.George Washington
Growth - If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking – is freedom. Dwight Eisenhower
Funny - With a view from above, your world becomes vast, dreams become infinite and freedom sours at last. So, if you have a dream, you have already begun to rise, just step a bit higher and grab hold of your prize. Michelle C. Ustaszeski
Dream - In the 21st century it is a rare treat to be un-contactable for any length of time. Bask in the anonymity and freedom!Chas Newkey-Burdon, Running Cheaper Than Therapy
Workout - The simple act of being aware gives you tremendous freedom. Your freedom will be even greater if you share with others how you experience your awareness.Susan M. Campbell, Getting Real
Lies - Justice is the vital principle of civil society, and the offspring of justice is freedom of the press. The right to bring the government’s actions under examination is an inalienable right that no nation can give up without ceasing to be a nation.Jon Cowans, Modern Spain
Justice - A society that does not recognize that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom. Fredrich August von Hayek
Diversity - As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Abraham Lincoln
Famous Quotes about Life - Breaking certain connections in your life will set you free. Jerry Dorsman; Bob Davis, How to Achieve Peace of Mind
Habit - Freedom to worship in the church of your choice,
To kneel at God’s altar and humbly rejoice
Eldred Herbert, Count Your Blessings
Inspirational Poems - Accountability implies a freedom to do something; it moves beyond the mere absence of interference or coercion and implies a definite sphere within which an individual can act to get things done. In this sense such a person is free to make a positive contribution to their organization. Brian Dive, The Accountable Leader
Organization - God does not choose the actions of people, He give you the freedom to choose your actions.Greg Tharpe, The Godsend
God - For those of us who live in a democracy, we need to appreciate what that freedom entails compared to millions of others who live in fear, reprisals and tyranny. Byron Pulsifer, Experiences Throughout Life
Encouraging - Clouds are very, very free.Bob Ross
Wonder - Sometimes the knowledge you’ve been given in school or by an elder – ‘this is just the way it is’ – keeps you from accomplishing because it traps you in a box in your mind and limits your freedom to deliver. Yanni
Moving Forward - There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life — happiness, freedom, and peace of mind — are always attained by giving them to someone else. Peyton Conway March
Generosity - For children, summer spells freedom.S. L. Garber-Ortiz, Chasing Summer: How Many Shoes Has My Soul Walked In?
Summer - Knowing ourselves is our birthright. Knowing ourselves is our freedom. Knowing ourselves is no one else’s business. Knowing ourselves is nirvarna.Chobo, Melody and Silence: The Selfish Bodhisattva
Finding Yourself - We must emancipate ourselves before we emancipate others.Karl Marx, Marx on Religion
Philosophy - Free yourself from the past and step forward into your future.Arian Sarris, Healing the Past: Getting on with Your Life
Past - Perhaps the best way to achieve freedom in your life is to remember this guideline: Never place TOTAL reliance in anyone other than yourself when it comes to guiding your own life. Wayne W. Dyer, Pulling Your Own Strings
Cute Life Quotes - You can never enjoy freedom in business, if you are not prepared for a big or small change. Life may not always be the same. Edward Eddington, Power of Habit By Lifestyle Entrepreneurs
Change - Sobriety is freedom from this slavery. Getting sober means freedom from craving, and craving is suffering. Happiness will come from sobriety, as will health and wealth. All the pieces of your life that have fallen to the floor will be picked up and reassembled, better than before. You will start growing again. You will improve. Paul Trammell, Alcoholics Not Anonymous, a Modern Way to Quit Drinking
Life and Struggles - Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi. Oprah Winfrey
Books - However, in an age when the talk is of customer service excellence and empowerment of employees, think of accountability as defining the boundaries of the decision-making freedom an individual enjoys within an organization. Brian Dive, The Accountable Leader
Organization - The focus on what constitutes success in Western democracies also points to success as being one of attaining that which others do not yet have. Catherine Pulsifer, Living The Dream
Success - Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.Martin Luther King Jr., I Have A Dream
Discipline - If you assume that there is an instinct for freedom, there are opportunities to change things, there’s a chance for you to contribute to makinga better world. That’s your choice. Noam Chomsky
Change The World - For children, summer spells freedom.S. L. Garber-Ortiz, Chasing Summer
Summer - Knowing ourselves is our birthright. Knowing ourselves is our freedom. Knowing ourselves is no one else’s business. Knowing ourselves is nirvarna.Chobo, Melody and Silence
Finding Yourself - The experience of democracy is like the experience of life itself-always changing, infinite in its variety, sometimes turbulent and all the more valuable for having been tested by adversity. Jimmy Carter
Experience - Real freedom involves the clarity of seeing what is, and it is only when clarity is there, that there is action without conflict.Joel Kramer, Passionate Mind
Clarity - The key to embracing our freedom is in recognizing and dealing with the issues of the soul.Derik Overly, Issues of the Soul.
Soul - Control-based thinking says that controls establish accountability. But freedom-based thinking says that controls stifle accountability and that only by trusting people will accountability become a reality.Rob LeBow, Randy Spitzer, Accountability: Freedom and Responsibility Without Control
Control - Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it. Kevyn Aucoin
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