80 Possibilities Quotes
Let these possibilities quotes inspire you to see the possible not the impossible. Imagine the possibility of life if you achieved all that you are capable of.
- Never lose hope, there are always possibilities if you just look for them. Catherine Pulsifer
Hope - The greatest masterpieces of art or music and even some of the greatest scientific discoveries were made possible because people followed their urgeor inspiration. Jaya Ramachandran, Bounce Back with Power
Inspirational Quotes - The optimist turns the impossible into the possible; the pessimist turns the possible into the impossible. William Arthur Ward
Quote of the Day - With God all things are possible. Jesus of Nazareth
Jesus Quotes - With a positive attitude it is possible to turn situations of failure into success. Dan Miller, Positive Attitude – Key to Success
Positive Attitude - Anything is possible once you believe you are worthy of achieving it. Jason Pockrandt, The Confident Father’s Guidebook
Self Worth - Practice looking forward to possibilities. Shadonna Richards, RN
Practice - Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. St. Francis of Assisi
Take Action - Every new day begins with possibilities. Ronald Reagan
New Day - Innovation is the belief that there is a way to do everything and, if that is so, there is a better and best way to do everything. Michael E. Gerber
Inspirational Quotes for Students - Many people simply settle for finding some level of contentment with their ‘lot in life.’ They’ve long ago given up on their dreams. And most people never consider the possibility that life is something they can control. But it is Neale Donald Walsch
Giving Up - Sunday is a day to look at what you thought was previously impossible and push it forward into the the present where it becomes possible. Byron Pulsifer
Sunday Quotes - Silence made it possible to raise every sentiment toward the most perfect state.Robert Cardinal Sarah, The Power of Silence
Silence Quotes - “You were born and with you endless possibilities, very few ever to be realized. It’s okay. Life was never about what you could do, but what you would do.” Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
Birthday - Go for the impossible. I always tried to find my own limits. So far I did not find them, so my universe is in constant expansion. Paulo Coelho
Growth - Sometimes I believe it is best to take the child’s approach to life, which assumes no limitation at all. Children set out to do things without knowing that they are not supposed to be able to do them. Les Brown
Cute Life Quotes - At the end of the day, effective mission statements balance the possible and the impossible. They give people a clear sense of the direction to profitability and the inspiration to feel they are part of something big and important. Jack Welch, Winning
Vision - The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility. Charles F. Kettering
Cute Quotes - If we truly believe that we serve almighty God, then nothing is impossible with him. Kari Hackett, Skywriting
Trust God - Its been called different names and all these names rightly describe the age in which we live in, I call this era the age of possibility. Okorote Emmanuel, Don’t Take Care; Take The Chance!
Taking Chances - Write a manifesto that inspires and empowers you to fulfill your dreams and truly design a life on your own terms. Frame it on your wall as a reminder that YOU are possible. Zephan Moses Blaxberg, Life Re-Scripted
Encouraging - If I haven’t any talent for writing books or newspaper articles, well, then I can always write for myself�. I want to go on living even after my death! And therefore I am grateful to God for giving me this gift, this possibility of developing myself and of writing, of expressing all that is in me, Anne Frank
Personal Development - Whatsoever you have done is nothing in comparison to that which you can do. And nothing is whatsoever you can do in comparison with that which you are. Yoda
Believe In Yourself Quotes - We live in a world of nearly endless possibilities and have more opportunities at our fingertips than any generation before us. Every place can be travelled to, every adventure can be lived, and every industry can be disrupted. We just have to do it. Everything seems possible, and yet, we dream big and do little.Simon Lieberum, The Actioin Gap
Adventure - “In retirement as in most walks of life, an open-mind that is receptive to new possibilities proves to be your best asset as you forge ahead and redesign your life to meet your new needs.” Belinda Tucker, Creative and Cheap Retirement Lifestyle Options
Retirement - In my opinion, it’s more important to know where you are, where you’re going and from whom you’re seeking advice. Seek advice from those who have done what you want to do �from forward-thinking people who push the boundaries and know anything is possible when you apply yourself. Bob Proctor
Graduation - Let this Thursday be filled with possibilities – be aware of the opportunities around you, don’t just go through the day, live the day with your eyes and your mind open. Catherine Pulsifer
Thursday Quotes - With your entire focus on your goal, you will reach levels of achievement that you never thought possible. Catherine Pulsifer
Goals - With trust, true relationships are possible, and become a source of comfort and happiness. Realistically, with trust, almost anything is possible. Joe Navarro
Trust - If you travel the earth, you will find it is largely divided into two classes of people – people who say “I wonder why such and such is not done” and people who say “Now who is going to prevent me from doing that thing?” Winston Churchill
Optimistic - A real conversation opens up new possibilities. By talking with one another, we can arrive at an answer we never anticipated,resolve a situation that’s got stuck and decide on a new direction. Sarah Rozenthuler, Life-Changing Conversations
Communication - Don’t allow anyone to denigrate or inhibit your lofty aspirations. Your dreams can take you much higher and much farther than anyone ever thought possible! Buzz Aldrin, No Dream Is Too High
Life Lessons - Even if you are not looking at things the wrong way, simply looking at things a different way can bring new possibilities to your attention. David A. Hunter, How To Find Your Passion
Passion - We can learn to be what it is we’re meant to be
We can learn to grab our dreams and look for all possibilities
Joe Crone, We Can Move the World
Good Graduation Songs Learning - Nothing is impossible when you apply the thoughts necessary that support your positive mindset. Scott Allan, Drive Your Destiny
Mindset - By cultivating gratitude you eventually expand your internal sense of what is possible, regardless of seeming obstacles and challenges you go through. Veronica Smith, Loving Yourself
Challenge - If you think something is impossible you will block yourself from creating it – deciding possibilities is not your job! A.D Largie, Mind Body Energy
Motivational Quotes for Kids - Self-esteem is a huge piece of my work. You have to believe it’s possible and believe in yourself. Because after you’ve decided what you want, you have to believe it’s possible, and possible for you, not just for other people. Then you need to seek out models, mentors, and coaches. Jack Canfield
Coaching - Impossible is a word humans use far too often. Jeri Ryan
Best Quotes - But the ordinary rules cannot be worked until we have decided whether miracles are possible, and if so, how probable they are. C. S. Lewis, Miracles
Miracle - I believe people like you will do extraordinary things when given the chance, turning some of the most entrenched, seemingly intractable situations of our day into something hopeful, something� Possible. Stephan Bauman, Possible
Greatness - Give yourself permission to believe in possibilities. It truly is the cornerstone of success. And it’s a powerful antidote to those who are trying to push us in the direction of negativity and fear. Leeza Gibbons, Fierce Optimism
Fear - But ultimately, abundance is about creating a world of possibility: a world where everyone’s days are spent dreaming and doing, not scrapping and scraping. Peter H. Diamandis, Abundance
Future - If you focus on the possible when you experience difficult situations, YOU CAN positively change your outlook, reduce your stress, and concentrate on achieving things that otherwise may not have been possible.” Catherine Pulsifer
Focus - Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe. Gail Devers
Determination - If you practise turning your attention inwards again and again, then you can find peace � no matter how turbulent the outside is.Johanna Schuh Naikan, The World of Introspection
Meditation - Nothing in this world is impossible to a willing heart. Abraham Lincoln
Encouraging Poems - We must look ahead and see the possibilities for our children if the restof the world comes to be dominated by concentrated force alone–even thoughtoday we are a very great and a very powerful nation. Franklin Roosevelt
Children - Nothing paralyzes our lives like the attitude that things can never change. We need to remind ourselves that God can change things. Outlook determines outcome. If we see only the problems, we will be defeated; but if we see the possibilities in the problems, we can have victory. Warren Wiersbe
Quotes about God - It’s the way you think about yourself and your possibilities that, more than anything else, determines your successes. Brian Tracy, The Science of Motivation
Success - I will just create, and if it works, it works, and if it doesn’t, I’ll create something else. I don’t have any limitations on what I think I could do or be. Oprah Winfrey
Never Quit - Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish. Jean de La Fontaine
Words of Encouragement - More colorfully and memorably, C. S. Lewis once explained that a miracle is something unique that breaks a pattern so expected and established we hardly consider the possibility that it could be broken. Eric Metaxas, Miracles
Change - The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react. George Bernard Shaw
Decision - A dream is the bearer of a new possibility, the enlarged horizon, the great hope. Howard Thurman
Dream - “Dwell in possibility.” Emily Dickinson
Daily Motivation - You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. there are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind. Darwin P. Kingsley
Positive ThinkingSome of the world’s greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible. Doug Larson
Accomplishment - I cannot discover that anyone knows enough to say definitely what is and what is not possible. Henry Ford
Famous Quotes about Life - May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
St. Theresa’s Prayer
Poems of Faith - Never believe anyone who says your dreams and goals are impossible, because they are in fact possible. Therefore the difference between where you are right now and where you aspire to be is in your ability to dare to dream, dare to do it! Seanaphoka Tsapi, The Greatness In You
Dare - I do have one intention, and that is to open your life up to a realm of infinite possibilities… It is my desire that you live free from the restrictions and limits, which the world and you have placed on yourself. It is my desire that you think, like there never was a box to begin with. Hitesh Surujbally, The Universe Has Not Decided
Poems about Life - Our aspirations are our possibilities. Samuel Johnson
Dream - If there is a sense of reality, there must also be a sense of possibility. Robert Musil
Daily Inspiration - I believed that anything was possible, or at least because I didn’t put together everyone else’s “facts” and believe that winning was impossible. Yanni
Believe - Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the believer. So believe the answer will come. It will. Norman Vincent Peale
Problem - The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. It wasn’t the answer. It just gave us a glimpse of the possibility. John Lennon
Responsibility - No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities-always see them for they’re always there. Norman Vincent Peale
Positive - Believe in the power of possibilities. Believe you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Shadonna Richards, R.N., A Gift of Hope
Quotes to Live By - It’s kind of fun to do the impossible! Walt Disney
Famous Quotes - Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’! Audrey Hepburn
Funny Quotes about Life - Life is a bundle of possibilities if you just look for them. Catherine Pulsifer, Life Is No Bed of Roses
Life - If you believe you can, then the universe will open up a world of possibilities and opportunities for you. Melissa Perry Moraja, Empower Your Soul
Opportunity - Those who are mired in doubt fear to take action, to take any meaningful steps to go beyond but those of faith see only possibilities where obstacles are viewed as the necessary hurdles to go beyond. Byron Pulsifer, Doubt Replaced Through Faith
Meaningful - Do not listen to nay-sayers, or those who may be envious or jealous of your intentions. See the possibilities. Catherine Pulsifer, Can We Make A Rainbow
Jealousy - Your possibilities are endless. Tony Clark
Attitude Quotes - Problems are the greatest reflection of possibilities to be and that failures are the best teachers in the world. Catherine Pulsifer, The World Is Our Classroom
Teacher - When our mind is in a practical state, just dealing with the information at hand, problems seem insurmountable, worries seem powerful, and life seems difficult. When we turn our mind to possibilities, the load seems lifted. David DeNotaris
Worry - One of the fundamental keys to success and inner peace is allowing yourself to be open to the infinite array of possibilities in your life. Wayne Dyer, 21 Days to Master Success and Inner Peace
Peace - The world is full of hopeful analogies and handsome, dubious eggs, called possibilities. George Eliot
Motivational - “I wouldn’t say anything is impossible. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and put the work and time into it.” Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimming medalist
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