83 Christmas Greetings
Take the time to send Christmas greetings and wishes to friends old and new; to family close and far. Use these Merry Christmas greetings for your card or messages. It is a time when we express our love and appreciation for each other. We hope you enjoy our collection of greetings and wishes, and that you find ones that you want to share with the people in your life.
You may also find words in our collections of Christmas poems, Christmas quotes, or Christmas message that you wish to share with others.
New Christmas Greetings for 2020
- Wishing you the warmest of Christmas greetings. Sit back and enjoy the carols, fill your belly, love one another and most of all be thankful.
- Greetings! May peace, love and joy be yours this holiday season and all year long!
- Greetings for the season with hopes for a happy holiday!
Madeleine Mayfair, What Should I Write? 101 Holiday Wishes for Greeting Cards - Seasons greetings! Wishing you and your family all things bright and beautiful this Christmas!
- Wishing you and those that you love dearly a very happy Christmas filled with an abundance of health and happiness.
- Wishing you a “flurry” of Christmas good wishes.
J. Beverly Daniel - Wishing you the warmest of Christmas greetings, you will be in our thoughts during this special holiday.
- Merry Christmas to a wonderful friend. You are very special to me, and I wish you a very special Christmas, let it be filled with joy and love.
- Merry Christmas, I hope this Christmas you have all the blessings which you deserve and that the year to come is prosperous and bright!
- Season’s Greetings to all my favorite people. Wishing all of you a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!
- Merry Christmas to everyone, It’s been a tough year and it’s time to enjoy the well deserved festive period! Seasons greetings to everyone I love.
- Season’s Greetings! Have yourselves a well-deserved break and have a fantastic new year!
- Best wishes to my lovely friends and family. Merry Christmas to you all.
- Greetings of the season and best wishes. I have had a fantastic year and I couldn’t have had that without you all.
- Seasons greetings and warm wishes to my best friend.
- Greetings of the season to my lovely boss (most of the time). I look forward to working with you in 2021.
- Greetings to all my best friends. I wish you a wonderful festive season and have a merry Christmas.
- Greetings sent to you from the heart, i wish you a merry Christmas from all the family.
- This greeting is sent with love and prayers for a blessed Christmas to you and the family
- Sending Season’s Greetings to all of you in every part of the world.
- Season’s Greetings to the people of U.S. and the rest of the world
- Though coming at the end of the year, Christmas is a symbol of birth and a new beginning, it is a time to remember others, gather around us all that we love, put aside problems and face the future with renewed confidence.
The Postal Record - To the most wonderful people in my life, a very Merry Christmas with love from my heart.
Christmas Greetings Poems
There is no reason to be displeasing
Your day should be filled with joy,
To be without there is no doubt
I’ll be there to ease the drought.
Do not despair if you find out
That blessings will always work out.
May this Merry Day be stuffed so full
That you will find you have a tableful. - Christmas is for hearts to love
And voices to sing.
For on that day in Bethlehem
Was born the Christ, the King.
Iris Lane Franklin, Christmas
Christmas Poems For Kids - We wish, oh wish upon this Christmas day,
For happiness and joy that are beyond dismay.
For all to see and witness from
Our family to yours will always come.
Merry Christmas! - Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and a New Year greeting of such:
You are like a shining light
Enthusiasm and you are so bright
The coming year holds good things for you
We can see it in all you do. - In the spirit of this Christmas Day,
we pray that time will find you well.
Amongst the snow drifts that cover the street,
We hope that we will someday meet.
Upon this day so long ago,
The birth of Jesus cast a glow.
It comes to us who owe so much
We hold our faith in our clutch
Blessings of the Christmas Season be upon you. - If every day could be Christmas what a different world it would be
We would find peace and joy and happiness for all to see
Our wish for you this Christmas is that
every day in the New Year is as special as this one. - With heartfelt love my wish to you,
For joy and peace be yours so true.
Goodwill to those with which you meet,
So you may dash sadness to defeat.
Upon this Christmas Day,
May blessings always come your way. - Don’t be alarmed if you can’t find your Christmas tree,
It probably decided to hide from thee.
But don’t despair
You could lose your hair.
So blessed you are to feel so young,
I know that your complaint is a slip of the tongue.
On this day I wish for you,
That all your blessings will show their true. - May the best gifts of Christmas be yours:
The gift of love. The gift of hope.
The gift of joy. The gift of peace.
The gift of happiness.
The gift of Jesus!
Kate Summers
Short Christmas Poems - Here’s to the year past and friends who have left us.�
Here’s to the present and the friends who are here.�
Here’s to the Holidays and the New Year
and the new friends who will join us.Emily Post
Friend - Christmas is not just one day
For those who believe The Way.
It is for us a daily feast,
That all who yield do so in peace.
Warm greetings and love to you this Christmas Day. - May you spread cheer this Christmas year,
To those who strive but live without cheer.
We give thanks for all we receive
So we may share because we believe.
May God’s Blessings be upon you. - Keep Calm and Wait For Santa
Author Unknown
Funny Christmas Quotes - May this card find you in good health, and may your Christmas bring good memories with lots of love.
- Over the year life gets so busy, but at Christmas, those who are dear to us come to mind. I am writing you to say even though we get busy, you are always in my thoughts. Wishing you the Merriest of Christmas’s!
- Upon this day my wish for you is bountiful splendor in all you do.
The season of gladness and joy rings out my wish for you is happiness throughout. - Salutations and great joy to you this Christmas Day. We hope you have lots of time to play. Our very best to you and yours, with warmth and gladness that endures throughout the year.
- May your children have visions of candy canes and may you have snowflakes falling on your head Don’t forget that Santa checks to make sure you are in bed. Merry Christmas
- Jesus is the reason for the season.
Christmas Saying - During this festive season filled with excitement, delicious cookies, and favorite dishes,
I wish you fond memories of family and friends that will give all of your wishes. - It’s not hard at all to wish you a very Merry Christmas. You are the one who adorns my space with warmth, cheer and kindness year round.For you, I wish your Christmas Day be full of happiness, friendship and joy.
- I was looking for an inspirational quote to send in this card, and I realized the best thing to say is just to say: “Merry Christmas, I love you!
- The thought of not being with you at Christmas makes me feel sad.
But we will be together again and for that, I am very glad.
May the warmth of the season and the love that we share
Remind you that there are those who always care. - Christmas in faith and action put the real meaning to Christmas. Be true to the real meaning of Christmas and share love, cheer, and hope to those less fortunate by sharing your good fortune.
- May the peace that Jesus brings fill your heart and home this Christmas.
- It is with warmth, gratitude, and joy that you have a safe, happy and joy-filled day.Merry Christmas
- Merry Christmas to you and to yours. May you be surrounded by all the things that bring Christmas cheerMay it bring all things that you hold dear.
- These gifts cannot be purchased in a store, nor can you buy them with money. The gifts of peace, joy and lasting happiness are the giftsI pray for you this season.
- Sending you Christmas blessings for the season and the coming year.
- Have a holly jolly Christmas this year.
- May the feeling of togetherness, the closeness of friends, the love of your family and God’s blessing fill your spirit this Christmas season.
- May this Christmas be filled with the joy of family so cherished divine.
- May God’s peace fill you this Christmas, may you have a blessing of hope, and may your faith be strengthened at this amazing time of the year.
- The season of Christmas is one where we love to give, one that we celebrate with friends and families, one that everyone seems friendlier and full of love. May the love of the season fill your heart and your home.
- The years may have separated us in distance but not in thought.While it may not be possible to be together this Christmas Season,it does not mean that I’m not there in spirit. My wish for you is stuffed full of good cheer, good health for the coming year.
- Here’s wishing that every family member (uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews) the very bestChristmas that each of you deserves. You all mean so very much to us andso we send our love and good cheer for this Christmas season.
- Well wishes and warmth of the season be yours this Christmas.
- May you find joy in Christmas may it fill your heart and home.
- Christmas is that time of year when family and friends rejoice. Let us not forget to count each and every blessing that we may have taken for granted. It is with these thoughts of remembering how much you do for us that we want to thank you for always being there throughout the entire year. With love and appreciation, Merry Christmas.
- May you find this Christmas bright with cheer and richly abundant with the many pleasures of good fellowship.
- May the spirit of the first Christmas enter all of our hearts now and throughout the coming year.
- This time of year reminds us to acknowledge all the goodthings in our lives. So, it is to you we tip our hat giving youthanks for all you are and do. Have a great and joy-filled Holiday Season.
- May the lights of Christmas shine bright and may the brightness remain with you all year long.
- It’s hard to find the right words to express how we feel about youespecially at this joyous time of year. Your kindness, warmth and unselfish attitude has and always will be such an encouragement to our family.May the joy and peace of this Christmas be with you and your family.
- During this special Christmas season, may you have eyes of joy, and the excitement that a child does, be full of joy and good tidings to all those you meet. Enjoy and take pleasure in the Holiday season.
- Our prayer this Christmas season for you and your family is that you see God’s promises being fulfilled and that you feel His many blessings in your life.
- This Christmas greeting comes to you with love for all you do each and every day throughMay you be blessed during this season and the whole year too.
- This greeting card is filled with wishes of peace, happiness and joy during this season of celebration.
- Thinking of you this Christmas and wishing you the love the world feels at this time of year.
- On this Christmas, we send you many good wishes
If I could cook I would send you many delicious dishes
But what means more to me my dear
Is together we will spend Christmas this year. - May the joy of Christmas Day linger like a blessing in the hearts of all. And may the whole year be gladder, sweeter, brighter.Helen Keller
Joy - When I think of some folks often, seems as though I ought to say
Something more than words whose meaning, is for just a single day,
So with hearty Christmas greetings that are really most sincere, –
Here’s a world of happy wishes for each day through all the year.
The Gleaner
New Year Quotes - This day for Christ we celebrate, who was born at this time;
for which all Christians should rejoice, and I do sing in rhyme.
When you have given God thanks, unto your dainties fall:
Heaven bless my master and my dame, Lord bless me and you all.
Author Unknown
Christian Quotes about Life - I am thinking of you to-day, because it is Christmas, and I wish youhappiness. And to-morrow, because it will be the day after Christmas,I shall still wish you happiness; and so on, clear through the year.Henry vanDyke, The Spirit of Christmas
Hapiness - Happily for all mankind, the spirit of Christmas survives travail and suffering because it fills us with hope of better things to come. Let us then put our trust in the unerring Star which guided the Wise Men to the Manger of Bethlehem. Let us hearken again to the Angel Choir singing: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”With hope for the future and with faith in God, I wish all my countrymen a very Merry Christmas.Harry S. Truman
Hope - And this holiday season, let us reaffirm our commitment to each other, as family members, as neighbors, as Americans, regardless of our color or creed or faith. Let us remember that we are one, and we are a family.President Barack Obama
Diversity - I pray that your life is filled with God’s peace this Christmas. Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy. Guard your heart and mind and keep your focus on the birth of Jesus as you begin to prepare for the Christmas holidays.Mary Southerland
Life - And so I wish you all, young and old, wherever you may be, all the fun and enjoyment, and the peace of a very happy Christmas.Queen Elizabeth II

More Greetings for Christmas Cards
Christmas Greetings and Wishes of Others
We hope you have enjoyed these Christmas greetings and we hope you have a brilliant end to your year. For more greetings please click on the link below or scroll back to the top of the page for more festive pages!
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