Marriage Quotes Page 2

Marriage Quotes Page 2

Marriage is the combination of love, trust and commitment. Anna Parker, Marriage Help: How To Save Your Marriage From Divorce
Commitment   |

A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Dave Meurer
Inspirational Quotes  |  

God, the best maker of all marriages, Combine your hearts in one. William Shakespeare
God   |

Although there are many trial marriages... there is no such thing as a trial child. Gail Sheehy
Although there are many trial marriages… there is no such thing as a trial child. Gail Sheehy
Children  |

Well, it is important to understand that marriage is a process not an event, and it takes both parties to make a marriage work. Barry Gates, Marriage: Marriage Help,Tips and Secrets To Growing Together & Having A Happy Marriage
Inspirational Thought  |

It is possible to feel as if you are stuck in a rut in your marriage – as if you and your spouse simply lack the “raw materials” or “natural resources” of compatibility and intimacy skills to ever achieve anything even resembling happiness in your marriage and yet, with faith, realize that marriage becomes a source of profound joy, rich togetherness, and powerful witness. Gary Thomas, A Lifelong Love: How to Have Lasting Intimacy, Friendship, and Purpose in Your Marriage
Joy   |  

The formula for a happy marriage?  .... when you find a fault, don't dwell on it.  Jay Trachman
The formula for a happy marriage? It’s the same as the one for living in California: when you find a fault, don’t dwell on it. Jay Trachman
Funny Inspirational Quotes  |

Marriages are all happy – it’s having breakfast together that causes all the trouble.Irish Proverbs

Well, it is important to understand that marriage is a process not an event, and it takes both parties to make a marriage work.Barry Gates, Marriage: Marriage Help,Tips and Secrets To Growing Together & Having A Happy MarriagemarriageWith statistics showing 50% divorce rate in the USA, it takes more than love to make a successful marriage. Anton Robbins, Marriage: The Expectations Of Marriage In a Modern World
Short Love Poems   |  

A successful marriage is one in which both parties stay committed to each other during both good and bad times. Timothy Gray
A successful marriage is one in which both parties stay committed to each other during both good and bad times. Timothy Gray, Marriage: Help For Marriage Restoration: Simple easy steps to re-kindle any relationship
Time  |  

Research into marital relationships suggests that teaching people about functioning in a marriage, through pre-marital workshops and relationship development education, significantly reduces the likelihood that a relationship breaks under stress. Kaliska Choudhry, Marriage: Making Marriage Work, A Psychologists Practical Guide to Fixing Common Marriage Problems
Stress   |  

It is essential that you are aware that marriage is not meant to just unfold, but you have to be an active player on it by doing your part and even beyond your expected duties and responsibilities. Michelle Audet, Marriage: How To Be A Better Wife: The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Marriage For Women
Action   |  

Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can't help but smile on it.  Josh Billings
Marrying for love may be a bit risky, but it is so honest that God can’t help but smile on it. Josh Billings
Honesty   |  

Whether figurative (as in your legacy lasting generations), or literal (as in living together in an afterlife), believing in forever is essential if you want to take your marriage from good, to great, to grand. Ramona Zabriskie, Wife for Life: The Power to Succeed in Marriage
Good   |  

Marriages and families form the basis of a society, not just individuals, because it is in the home that people learn the best-remembered lessons, with which foundation they go through the rest of their lives. Christian Olsen, Marriage: Marriage Myths: 10 Marital Myths and Marriage Mistakes
Family   |  

If you want intimacy in your marriage, you must share life. Dr. Gary Chapman
If you want intimacy in your marriage, you must share life. Dr. Gary Chapman, Now You’re Speaking My Language: Honest Communication and Deeper Intimacy for a Stronger Marriage
Sharing   |  

The institution of marriage is a sacred one, and both participants need to put in equal effort to keep the spark alive. Barney Fraser, How To Be A Good Husband
Effort   |  

Cultivating a cherishing attitude toward your spouse will elevate your marriage relationally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. Gary L. Thomas, Cherish: The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage
Positive Attitude   |  

Marriage can be a beautiful experience; two people who are best friends....  Laura Raskin
Marriage can be a beautiful experience; two people who are best friends, lovers, and companions choosing to spend the rest of their lives together and commit to each other is a special kind of relationship that most of us hope to achieve. Laura Raskin, Marriage: How To Rescue Your Marriage
Friend   |  

Romance can be a beautiful part of a loving relationship. The Oxford Dictionary defines romance as “a feeling of excitement or mystery associated with love.” This is an aspect of marriage that you need to protect and nourish. Sarah Riedel, Marriage: The Unbroken Marriage – 10 Ways to Grow Together As A Couple And Save Your Marriage
Beauty Quotes   |  

Since everyone is different, every marriage will inevitably have conflicts. To some extent, your differences complement each other. Therefore, it is vital for you to learn to truly appreciate that. Alexis G. Roldan, Marriage: How To Rescue Your Marriage
Appreciation Poems   |  

Too often a good marriage is taken for granted ...  John Gottman
Too often a good marriage is taken for granted rather than given the nurturing and respect it deserves and desperately needs. John Gottman, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
Giving   |  

But reality certainly is nothing like a fairytale. Some marriages may appear to be magical like this, but every single married couple will come across issues throughout their union. Alexis G. Roldan, Marriage: How To Revive And Strengthen Your Marriage
Words of Encouragement   |  

By simply changing your model for marriage from contract to covenant you can increase not just the longevity of your marriage, but the quality of your marriage as well. Andrew Collins, Marriage: Good Relationship: How to be a Good Husband
Change   |  

Marriage is a sacred and special moment in everyone's life. Dr. Ashley Benett
Marriage is a sacred and special moment in everyone’s life. Imagine having to live and share everything with your special someone for the rest of your life – true bliss and happiness. Dr. Ashley Benett, The Ultimate guide to Fix you Marriage
Happiness   |  

A healthy, lasting relationship can only be built between two people who choose one another and take full responsibility for that choice. This choice must be based on who they are, what they want, and what they are committed to doing as individuals. Traditional marriage vows express the nature of this choice beautifully. Danny Silk, Keep Your Love On : Connection Communication And Boundaries
Choices   |  

There’s no question about it; marriage is not easy; it is a long and arduous journey for even the best of us. But the rewards of a happy marriage is one that everyone recognizes can be the most valuable in life; especially as we grow older. Sheila Butler, Happy Marriage
Happy   |  

Marriage is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity.
Marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. It is the mystery of living as one flesh with another human being (Ephesians 5:31-32). Henry Cloud; John Townsend, Boundaries in Marriage
Blessed   |  

How many problems in our society are because of selfishness? When marriages are falling apart, by and large, it is because of selfishness. Greg Laurie
Problem   |  

No matter what season of life you are currently in, shifting your focus from finding the right person to becoming the right person will help you make better relational decisions and will leave you with fewer regrets in the future. Andy Stanley
Future   |  

Marriage is a partnership where both parties must give and take. Catherine Pulsifer
Marriage is a partnership where both parties must give and take. Catherine Pulsifer
Tolerance   |  

Happiness in marriage begins long before you say, “I do.” By rediscovering and practicing the divine design for courtship before marriage, you’ll help ensure lasting love and fulfillment in marriage. Stephen Wood, The ABCs of Choosing a Good Husband
Husband   |  

Marriage is like a pair of shears, often times working in opposite directions, but punishing anyone that comes between them. Sydney Smith
Funny Quotes about Life   |  

The bonds of matrimony are like any other bonds - they mature slowly.  Peter De Vries
The bonds of matrimony are like any other bonds – they mature slowly. Peter De Vries
Wise   |  

The most important marriage skill is listening to your partner in a way that they can’t possibly doubt that you love them. Diane Sollee
Listening   |  

Selfless love is viewed as being crucial for the success of a marriage. R. C. Sproul, Can I Know God’s Will?
Success   |  

Your goal should be to have a marriage that everyone around you is envious of.  Amanda Thompson
Your goal should be to have a marriage that everyone around you is envious of. Amanda Thompson, The Perfect Husband For Your Wife – You!
Goal   |  

Women who take vacations say that they are happier with their marriages than those who do not. Sage Wilcox, The 2-Hour Vacation: Let Go and Relax, Reduce Stress and Anxiety, Gain Inner Peace, and Happiness
Vacation   |  

A marriage is about a partnership, a relationship where both of you are able to work together and make each other’s lives better… Cathy Pearson, How To Keep Your Man, And Be His ‘One And Only’
Work   |  

In marriage, there is nothing more important as the presence. Karen Clancy
In marriage, there is nothing more important as the presence. It even supersedes the presents that one may bring home every day. Karen Clancy, Resisting Temptation: Preventing Destruction of Your Relationship
Home   |  

You see, a deep friendship is the foundation of all happy marriages and some couples are able to create that deep friendship from day one. . . Kishore Dharma, Gossip Can Save Your Marriage
Friendship   |  

When the newness of a marriage has passed, all that remains is trust, honest, and respect. These are all part of why you fell in love in the first place. Ryan Tee, 21 Tips To Happier Marriage
Trust   |

Marriage is about talking through the differences and coming to a mutual compromise. Sandra Breeze
Marriage is about talking through the differences and coming to a mutual compromise. Sandra Breeze, The Stress Free Wedding
Communication  |  

Many people think the biggest obstacle to peace within their marriage is their spouse, not themselves. Thomas Bear, Christian Marriage
Peace   |  

Have a good and godly marriage that shows the world Christ’s love through how you sacrificially love and serve one another. Put each other first. John Stange, What did Jesus say about Marriage?
Love   |

Marriages touch all aspects of our lives. Wendy Hammond
Marriages touch all aspects of our lives. They are where we hope to find love and appreciation. Wendy Hammond, Leaving the Castle: Finding the Confidence to Start Over
Appreciation   |  

A truly successful marriage is one in which each partner has total complete confidence in their mate to have their best interests at heart. Chaim Bentorah, God’s Love for Us: A Hebrew Teacher Explores the Heart of God through the Marriage Relationship
Confidence   |  

We go into the marriage looking for a more complete “I,” not realizing that for this to happen, “I” has to be remade into “we”. Brian Hardin, Reframe
Reframe   |  

Success in marriage is much more than finding the right person, it is a matter of being the right person. Author Unknown
Success in marriage is much more than finding the right person, it is a matter of being the right person. Author Unknown
Attitude   |  

However, in closer relationships like marriages, forgiveness is more than just the reduction of negative feelings. Forgiveness becomes a way to prevent being estranged from one another. L. S. Louvain, How To Be Happy: The Wondrous Power Of Forgiveness
Forgiveness   |  

There are three major events in life; there is your birth, marriage, and raising children. Whatever the experience, people are most likely to look at it in light of whether they made the right or wrong choice, and how successful they were in the decision. John Barrett, SoS-Life Enhancement
Quotes about Life   |  

....a healthy marriage or committed relationship can profoundly improve all areas of your life. S.J. Scott
Learning how to build and nurture a healthy love relationship is one of the most important endeavors you will ever undertake – maybe the most important… a healthy marriage or committed relationship can profoundly improve all areas of your life.S.J. Scott, Mindful Relationship Habits: 25 Practices for Couples to Enhance Intimacy, Nurture Closeness, and Grow a Deeper Connection
Poems about Life   |  

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