Problem Quotes 53 to 93
- Every problem has a gift for you in its hands. Richard Bach
Motivational Quotes About Life - Another habit that we must have, is to not just give step-by-step advice, but allow the facilitation of freedom for those that we are inspiring to figure problems out on their own, with our guidance. Nathan Neil, Inspire Greatness
Inspirational Quotes - Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in this world, but has not solved one yet. Maya Angelou
Famous - We have a problem. “Congratulations”‘ But it’s a tough problem. “Then double congratulations.” W. Clement Stone
Funny Quotes - Don’t look directly at the problem, look at what the problem is growing inside you: strength, character, perseverance, patience, and faith. Scott Gordon, Tough Times Cannot Last Forever: Getting Through Difficult Seasons
Character - The truth is, the problem is not actually the problem – it’s the view point you’ve taken in regard to the problem that is causing you stress. Robin H-C, Life’s in Session!
Stress - By focusing my attention on the solution to the problem rather than the problem, I was able to quickly turn what seemed like a major crisis into an opportunity. Les Brown, Up Thoughts For Down Times
Focus - Thinking that another problem is around the corner is a sign of negative thinking and will act as a self-fulfilling prophecy. David DeNotaris
Positive Thinking Quotes - People would be treated fairly; I would always think, “If I were this person, how would I want to be treated?” To this day, when I am searching for a solution to a people problem, I ask myself that question. Mary Kay Ash, The Mary Kay Way
Questioning - We are so busy focusing on what is wrong in the world, as evidenced by our complaints, that we are perpetuating these problems. Will Bowen, A Complaint Free World
Complain - There is almost no problem that can�t be solved by learning, doing, or creating. Problems are opportunities in disguise. Guy Bieber, Potential
Opportunity - So often, I have seen people waste energy by moaning and groaning about a problem. Yet, if they just realigned their attitude and focused on the solution or on the opportunity, the challenge would not seem as big as they think it is. Catherine Pulsifer
Attitude - You’re tackling a problem but haven’t a clue;
it’s out of your league but what do you do?
You’ve tried every angle but always fall short
you bring it to God and give a report
Greta Zwaan, God Doesn’t Hear Me
Prayer Poems - The problems we face today cannot be resolved using yesterday’s ways of thinking.Mary-Elaine Jacobsen, The Gifted Adult
Thinking - When we succeed in blaming someone for our problems, we still are no closer to a solution for them. Dr. Henry Cloud; Dr. John Townsend, It’s Not My Fault
Blame - Let God into Your daily routine and help you solve your problems Ben Lance, Prayer: 81 Powerful Prayers for Connecting with God Everyday
God - We love to sink our teeth into problems and ask, “What’s wrong?” It’s an old-school model that sorely needs transformation. Pam Grout, E-Squared
Change - If each one of us would find a way to give back to the world, we would solve many of the problems that we face. Lucas Bailly, Self Improvement
Mindset - Although you can’t control your husband or wife, you can do your part to make the marriage better. When you approach your relationship difficulties as problems that can be solved, you can show the other person that you are interested in making the marriage work. Sarah Riedel, Marriage: The Unbroken Marriage
Marriage - Problems are why you have running water and insulation in your home. Plumbing was created because of a problem. Toothbrushes were invented because of a problem. Bill Burnett, Designing Your Life
Motivational - Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them. Henry Ford
Time - There is always something you can do about any problem; even it if is just changing your perspective on how you feel about the problem. David DeNotaris
Optimistic - Everyone who achieves success in a great venture, solves each problem as they came to it. They helped themselves. And they were helped through powers known and unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They keep going regardless of the obstacles they met. W. Clement Stone
Success - When we set an important goal for ourselves, we present to our minds a problem to be solved, a challenge to be successfully fulfilled. Earl Nightingale
Successful - There is one certainty regarding every trial you will ever face: God is still in control. You haven’t encountered the one problem He can’t fix. Seas still part and mountains still crumble at His command. Billy Graham, Hope for Each Day
Hope - My years in and out of hospitals also gave me an important insight: other people had problems too. I learned that there were far more debilitating conditions than mine. Sean Stephenson, Get Off Your “But”
Appreciatioin - In essence, when you finally come to know and understand the world of spirit on an intimate basis, you will see clearly that all problems are illusions in that they are concocted by our minds because we have come to believe that we are separate from our source, which I call God, but you can label it any way that you prefer. Wayne Dyer, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
Spiritual - May your troubles be less and your blessings be more and nothing but happiness comes through your door. Irish Blessing
Blessed - As you grew, we helped you find solutions. As you leave, always remember there is a solution to every problem. Byron and Catherine Pulsifer, As You Grew
Graduation Poems - If a man could have just half of his wishes, he would double his troubles. Benjamin Franklin
Wish Quotes - You won’t find a solution by saying there is no problem. William Rotsler
Quote of The Day - The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr
Challenge - It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It’s that they can’t see the problem. G. K. Chesterton
Words of Encouragement - If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. African Proverb
Proverbs - The “how” thinker gets problems solved effectively because he wastes no time with futile “ifs” but goes right to work on the creative “how.” Norman Vincent Peale
Work - The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny. Albert Ellis
Life - Before you can consider a problem water under the bridge, you must first patiently work on removing the dam. Michelle C. Ustaszeski
Patience - I believe through learning and application of what you learn, you can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle and achieve any goal that you can set for yourself. Brian Tracy
Believe - If we medicate fear with angry outbursts, drinking binges, sullen withdrawals, self-starvation, or viselike control, we exclude God from the solution and exacerbate the problem. Max Lucado
Fear - If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem. Richard Bach
Happiness - If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you. Calvin Coolidge
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