Quote of the Day October 2020

Quote of the Day October 2020

Read the current Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 31, 2020

Humility is the true path towards peace, harmony and advancement to the divine end. Humility is civility. Humility is utility.Pratheek, Pratheek Praveen Kumar. My Time My World
Humility is the true path towards peace, harmony and advancement to the divine end. Humility is civility. Humility is utility.
Pratheek, Pratheek Praveen Kumar, My Time My World
Peace Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

If justice is worth dying for then killing for it is a greater value than peace.
Gandhi and Non-Violence. William Borman

We all have the ability to find peace and real happiness; however, this will be realised only when your mission is directed at living in a meaningful way and bringing good things to life.
Jennifer.E. Rhule. Find the Leader in You: A Guide to Discovering Your Unlimited Potential

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 30, 2020

Feeling loved depends on our ability to communicate emotionally.Jeanne Segal, Feeling Loved
Feeling loved depends on our ability to communicate emotionally.
Jeanne Segal, Feeling Loved
Emotion Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
After all, you construct the fabric of your reality based on your emotions and how you manage your energy. It’s all about alignment.
Sarah Prout, Dear Universe

When you deal with controlling, manipulative, or oppressive individuals, display as little emotion as possible.
Richard Werre, I Love My Work But, I Hate My Job

Quote of the Day: Thursday, October 29, 2020

To trust feels like the safest, most sure aspect of life.Susann Taylor Shier.Soul Mastery: Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul
To trust feels like the safest, most sure aspect of life.
Susann Taylor Shier,Soul Mastery: Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul
Trust Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Understand what makes you afraid and what makes you go , what gives you confidence in yourself that you can believe and trust yourself .
Robert Koppel, Howard Abell, The Outer Game of Trading: Modeling the Trading Strategies of Today’s Market Wizards

everyday heroes earn your trust by not talking behind your back, following through on commitments, telling the truth, having a high level of integrity, and being loyal in good times and bad.
Mark J. Britzman. The Lives and Legacies of Everyday Heroes

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, October 28, 2020

True love is without pride. Patrick T Gorman. The Unbroken Home - Page 58
True love is without pride.
Patrick T Gorman, The Unbroken Home – Page 58
Love Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Someday we’ll be together again. Just you and me. And I will always love you.
Belinda Austin.I Will Always Love You

My connection to the presence of love has been my guide, my protector, and my partner in the co-creation of my life.
Gabrielle Bernstein, Super Attractor.

Quote of the Day: Tuesday , October 27, 2020

We always have the ability to change the tone and quality of our experience, to shift how we feel about what is happening. Peter Fairfield,Deep Happy: How to Get There and Always Find Your Way Back
We always have the ability to change the tone and quality of our experience, to shift how we feel about what is happening.
Peter Fairfield,Deep Happy: How to Get There and Always Find Your Way Back
Quotes About Change

Positive Quotes for the Day:
My energy flows where my positive actions go. I embrace the positive flow of change within me and around me. I allow love to flow through me.

The biggest secret I have learned throughout this process is that the power to change our outcomes, to find a sense of inner peace, is inside of us right now.
Paige Oldham, The Mindful Guide to the Law of Attraction

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 26, 2020

By saying goodbye, you can gradually heal. The pain of grief will yield. You will no longer feel the sharp pains of grief 's knife. Dan C. Crenshaw, Furry Farewell Grief Handbook
By saying goodbye, you can gradually heal. The pain of grief will yield. You will no longer feel the sharp pains of grief ‘s knife.
Dan C. Crenshaw, Furry Farewell Grief Handbook
Goodbye Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
To the best of my ability, goodbye.
Dave Moyer, A Practical Handbook for Unlimited Spiritual Ability

Grieving allows the survivor to deal with the reality of loss and to say an appropriate goodbye to the loved one.
Thomas L. Underwood, PhD, ‎Christine Edmunds,

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 25, 2020

It's not enough to be very good if you have the ability to be great. Pam Farrel
It’s not enough to be very good if you have the ability to be great.
Pam Farrel
Ability Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You have the ability to choose your actions. You have been gifted with life and soul.
Ramon Luis, Catch The Wave.

Ability will get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.
Norm Stewart, ‎George Scholz, Basketball

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 24, 2020

Self-reflection is an attitude, an approach, and a practice. Dzigar Kongtrul, Helen Berliner
Self-reflection is an attitude, an approach, and a practice.
Dzigar Kongtrul, Helen Berliner
Practice Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

But if your pride is being a champion — practicing like a champion , playing like a champion , winning and losing like a champion — you will become a champion .
Dick DeVenzio

The simple practice of starting your day with clarity creates the momentum for you to connect the disparate events of your day into an integrated whole based on your intentions.
Phillip Moffitt, Emotional Chaos to Clarity

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 23, 2020

Let's enjoy life as best we can, as long as it last. That is what a true champion of life does!, mudo nandayo,the art of being champion of your life
Let’s enjoy life as best we can, as long as it last. That is what a true champion of life does!
Mudo Nandayo,The Art of Being Champion of Your Life
Life Is Beautiful Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Your life is precious, cherish and protect it.
Joyzy Pius Egunjobi, Be Blessed 5

Know that life is so beautiful and precious but that there is so much more to it if people would only allow themselves to see it.
Michael Feeley, ‎Sarah Feeley

Quote of the Day: Thursday, October 22, 2020

Don't let any opportunity pass you by as a hero, for this may be your day to respond by the depth of your character, the richness of your talent, and the significance of your career. Irving A. Fradkin, Dollars for Scholars: The Autobiography of Dr. Irving A. Fradkin, Founder of ...
Don’t let any opportunity pass you by as a hero, for this may be your day to respond by the depth of your character, the richness of your talent, and the significance of your career.
Irving A. Fradkin, Dollars for Scholars: The Autobiography of Dr. Irving A. Fradkin, Founder of …
Opportunity Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Democracy does not guarantee equality of condition … it also guarantees equality of opportunity.

Of all drinks wine is most profitable, of medicines most pleasant and of dainty viands most harmless; provided always that it be well tempered with opportunity of the time.
Plutarch, Charles Tovey – Wine and Wine Countries

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The hero's journey is not a summit to reach, but a summit that, when you reach it, shows you new summits in front of you waiting to be conquered.Victor Hugo Manzanilla.Awaken Your Inner Hero: 7 Steps to a Successful and Meaningful Life
The hero’s journey is not a summit to reach, but a summit that, when you reach it, shows you new summits in front of you waiting to be conquered.
Victor Hugo Manzanilla.Awaken Your Inner Hero
Journey Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Make certain of the direction of your thoughts and actions. They can either be destructive, or constructive. Both will eventually lead to a destination…worlds apart from each other.
Doe Zantamata, Karma

Roads easily traveled offer no travail and, therefore, no sense of achievement, because anything easily attained offers little value in return.
Joseph M. Marshall III

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Start to reflect on your life after you accept, act, and take responsibility for your life.C. Payne.Attitude Within the Workplace: An Eight-Step Healing Process
Start to reflect on your life after you accept, act, and take responsibility for your life.
C. Payne. Attitude Within the Workplace: An Eight-Step Healing Process
Responsibility Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Each one of us is responsible for the world – each one of us must give a hand to build our world in a humane manner, crossing faith, fate and family.
Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice

Many of us do not consider the impact of our homes and offices on the environment — either positive or negative — but buildings are responsible for more than one-third of global energy use and in most countries are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.
United Nations Environment Programme. Unep 2010 Annual Report

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 19, 2020

Working as a team, we can attack and solve the problems of our nation.Pat Williams, The Magic of Teamwork
Working as a team, we can attack and solve the problems of our nation.
Pat Williams, The Magic of Teamwork
Team Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The start is a wonderful moment. For a fleeting moment, it is as if mankind is joined together, we are totally one, facing the same direction.
Paul Tonkinson, 26.2 Miles To Happiness

If we can achieve more within our own businesses working as a team, then we can certainly achieve even more working together as an industry
Mitch Schneider, Building a Team

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 15, 2020

Great historians predict future currents and help us design a better future. We should reflect on and interpret our lives in this same way.Ilchi Lee.I've Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality ...
Great historians predict future currents and help us design a better future. We should reflect on and interpret our lives in this same way.
Ilchi Lee.I’ve Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality …
Future Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The relationship between human civilization and Earth has been utterly transformed by a combination of factors, including the population explosion, the technological revolution, and the willingness to ignore the future consequences of our present actions.
Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We …

Champions don’t think twice about their future. They know it’s going to come anyhow, and so they prepare for it.
Alpha A. Timbo. Ambition: the inside secrets as we journey towards our God given purpose

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 17, 2020

In a nutshell, actively managing your time brings lots of benefits. But getting to be a good time manager takes effort. Just like any other skill you need to develop it, Corinne Leech, Managing Time
In a nutshell, actively managing your time brings lots of benefits. But getting to be a good time manager takes effort. Just like any other skill you need to develop it.
Corinne Leech, Managing Time
Time Management Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:

It is easy for the lines to become blurred between work and home life when both occur under the same roof. For your sanity and your family’s happiness, draw the line and resist crossing it.
John Duffee, Work from home in 2020

If you want to be productive, you must create effective task management lists. Otherwise, you’ll waste a lot of time on things that keep you busy, but prevent you from actually accomplishing your goals.
Damon Zahariades

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 16, 2020

When we open our hearts to the voice of intuition, we come to the realization that the universe supports our growth and courageous expression in every moment. Maura McCarley Torkildson, The Inner Tree
When we open our hearts to the voice of intuition, we come to the realization that the universe supports our growth and courageous expression in every moment.
Maura McCarley Torkildson, The Inner Tree
Support Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
“Thank God for marriage. Thank God for my family. Thank God somebody supports me and patches me together so I can go to work the next day. This marriage thing is pretty all right.
Steve Hardy, Straight Talk No Chaser

We can change our behaviour even if we struggle to change our thoughts and emotions.
Dr Harry Barry, Anxiety And Panic

Quote of the Day: Thursday, October 15, 2020

Dealing with your own stress without coping with the stressed-out people in your life is like clapping with one hand. Ronald G. Nathan, ‎Marian R. Stuart,
Dealing with your own stress without coping with the stressed-out people in your life is like clapping with one hand.
Ronald G. Nathan, ‎Marian R. Stuart
Stressed Out Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
More than ever before, we all need special skills that give us the emotional resilience we need to survive in an increasingly stressed-out world.
Paul McGhee, Humor as Survival Training for a Stressed-Out World

In a stressful and competitive modern society that has fostered unworthiness, self-judgment and loss of the sacred for so many, the principles of Radical Acceptance articulated here are essential for reclaiming a joyful and liberated life.
Tara Brach, Radical Acceptance.

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Be bold, true and loyal!H. Irving Hancock, The Grammarschool Boys Collection
Be bold, true and loyal!
H. Irving Hancock, The Grammarschool Boys Collection
Bold Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Be BOLD! Break out of it today, and jump over one of the biggest mental barriers in your mind: the barrier of love from the point of pain.
Bridgette Murphy, Bold, Fierce, and Transformed

Stepping out is essential in our ability to be bold and live with authenticity in life.
Mike Robbins, Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Perseverance on the right track will naturally lead you towards maturity and prosperity.Mudo nandayo.The art of being champion of your life.
Perseverance on the right track will naturally lead you towards maturity and prosperity.
Mudo nandayo.The art of being champion of your life
Perseverance Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Know what it is that you want to create with a woman, and commit to that path.
Bruce Bryan

Heroes come in all shapes, colors and sizes. They demonstrate exemplary character. They show unshakable courage, perseverance, determination and selfless service.
Ray Madaghiele, Ray of Hope

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 12, 2020

A scattered mind does not have much power. When channeled, no matter what the object of observation is, the mind is very powerful.The Dalai Lama, Kindness, Clarity, and Insight
A scattered mind does not have much power. When channeled, no matter what the object of observation is, the mind is very powerful.
The Dalai Lama, Kindness, Clarity, and Insight
Mindset Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
For women, the route into motherhood asks that we are physically and emotionally able to surrender and to meet the euphoria, endurance and all the in-betweens it will bring.
Riga Forbes.Mindful Pregnancy & Birth: Nurturing Love and Awareness

Open your heart and mind to what the Universe intends to fill your time and energy with…or where it intends to take you.
Sandra Coyner, The Horizon is Here

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 11, 2020

Our hearts are drawn to hope as an eagle is drawn to the sky.LEWISS MEDES, KEEPING HOPE ALIVE
Our hearts are drawn to hope as an eagle is drawn to the sky.
Hope Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
What matters is that we never lose hope, never stop fighting for what we believe in, and always be open to change.
Tessa Hicks Peterson

All hope is gone, and all too soon, so is life itself.
June Hunt

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 10, 2020

 It takes strength and courage to stand by your decisions and see them through to the end. BJ Binning, Circumstances
It takes strength and courage to stand by your decisions and see them through to the end.
BJ Binning, Circumstances
Quotes About Strength and Courage

Positive Quotes for the Day:

If you can stay open-minded, you’ll find yourself in a wonderful new world of strength training.
Vince Kowalski, Super Strength

It takes courage, fortitude, and sometimes a conscious commitment to rehabilitate ourselves from grief.
Julie Yarbrough, Grief Light

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 9, 2020

Confidence is the most flattering thing in the world. The secret to achieving confidence is to have peace of mind and be comfortable in your own skin.Trish McEvoy: The Power of Makeup: Looking Your Level Best at Every Age
Confidence is the most flattering thing in the world. The secret to achieving confidence is to have peace of mind and be comfortable in your own skin.
Mordehay Trish McEvoy: The Power of Makeup: Looking Your Level Best at Every Age
Confidence Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
With a strong intuition you can build confidence in your life that you are always supported, have strong guidance that you can rely upon and feel safe.
Lisa K.Intuition on Demand: A step-by-step guide to powerful intuition you can trust

Heroes often embody the principles of great leadership: hope, confidence, and unshakable moral courage.
Frank J. Williams.Lincoln as Hero

Quote of the Day: Thursday, October 8, 2020

Living a simple life can be beneficial in a lot of different ways. It should teach the most important lesson of life: living within our means. Dr. Ali Raza Butt, Living Life While Working and Enjoying All the Blessings of life
Living a simple life can be beneficial in a lot of different ways. It should teach the most important lesson of life: living within our means.
Dr. Ali Raza Butt, Living Life While Working and Enjoying All the Blessings of life
Simple Life Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
But we are not snobs or elitists, and we love it when other people cook for us. We like simple food.
Mario Batali, Molto Gusto

Think of the Buddha, Jesus Christ, or Lao-Tzu. They have so many commonalities. One obvious commonality is that they all lived simple lives with few possessions.
Richard. L Haight, Inspirience

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Projecting self-assurance and being in control will cause others to trust you more. Richard Werre, I Love My Work But, I Hate My Job
Projecting self-assurance and being in control will cause others to trust you more.
Richard Werre, I Love My Work But, I Hate My Job
Self Worth Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Imagine yourself now taking care of your own self, like a mother cares for her child.
Guru Meditation, Guided Meditations for self Healing.

First, understand who you are. Second, understand your strengths. Third, determine how best to use these strengths. Fourth, discover your spirit within.Fifth, behave in ways that exemplify your Self. And, sixth, strive to make this world a better place.
Michael P. McNally

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Release, relax, let go, and recover your soul. Deborah Tyler Blais, Letting Your Heart Sing
Release, relax, let go, and recover your soul.
Deborah Tyler Blais, Letting Your Heart Sing
Recovery Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
We know through our research and nursing practice experience that emotional stability and resiliency improves outcomes in recovery from medical illness as well as psychiatric illness.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Psychiatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!

You should never feel hopeless. Your road to recovery will be very personal so take what works for you and leave out whatever doesn’t.
C.M. Fraser, Deppy to Happy

Quote of the Day: Monday, October 5, 2020

A champion understands that it's fine to savor an experience when it's positive, to remember it, to celebrate it. Bob Rotella, Bob Cullen, How Champions Think: In Sports and in Life
A champion understands that it’s fine to savor an experience when it’s positive, to remember it, to celebrate it.
Bob Rotella, Bob Cullen, How Champions Think: In Sports and in Life
Positive Life Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Every single moment you have a mood or a feeling. In this moment right now, the mood or feeling you are experiencing is causing you to emit or send out a negative or positive vibration.
Michael Losier, Law of Attraction

I am ready to begin this divine journey towards motherhood! I will do my best to maintain the purest of feelings, the most divine thoughts and the most positive attitude in me.
Nitika Sobti, Womb Conversation: Sharing the World Together

Quote of the Day: Sunday, October 4, 2020

The key to embracing our freedom is in recognizing and dealing with the issues of the soul.Derik Overly, Issues of the Soul.
The key to embracing our freedom is in recognizing and dealing with the issues of the soul.
Derik Overly, Issues of the Soul.
Freedom Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Real freedom involves the clarity of seeing what is, and it is only when clarity is there, that there is action without conflict.
Joel Kramer, Passionate Mind …

Control-based thinking says that controls establish accountability. But freedom-based thinking says that controls stifle accountability and that only by trusting people will accountability become a reality.
Rob LeBow, Randy Spitzer

Quote of the Day: Saturday, October 3, 2020

Health, not gold and silver, is wealth. Joe De Sena, Spartan Fit
Health, not gold and silver, is wealth
Joe De Sena, Spartan Fit
Inspirational Messages

Positive Quotes for the Day:

Your own power along with your Control Thought can guide you to control your ego.
Roy F. Messier

Justice is always served. And I am all about justice.
Verl D. Wheeler

Quote of the Day: Friday, October 2, 2020

Hate is a strong and powerful motivator. Indifference is a strong and powerful de-motivator. Mordehay Darwish, Israel Must Decide
Hate is a strong and powerful motivator. Indifference is a strong and powerful de-motivator.
Mordehay Darwish, Israel Must Decide
Hate Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Don’t label your feelings, don’t crave for more or different feelings, don’t hate your feelings and don’t wish they would away. Accept them.
Zsuzsanna Fajcsak-Simon, The Secret of Happiness Locked in Your Fears

Don’t forget that food should be enjoyed, regardless of your fitness goal, so don’t punish yourself with a dieting method you hate.
Christina Anstead And Clara Clark, The Wellness Remodell

Quote of the Day: Thursday,October 1, 2020

Do not identify with the mental content in your mind. It is not who you are. Jawara D. King, World Transformation
Do not identify with the mental content in your mind. It is not who you are.
Jawara D. King, World Transformation
Inspirational Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
By doing what inspires me, I can pursue what I am most passionate about and shape my own destiny.

Believing in yourself requires knowing that your life has value and that there is hope for you life. You must know now, that suicide is not the solution.
John H. Roy Jr.

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