59+ Inspirational Messages – Words of Wisdom

59+ Inspirational Messages

Inspiration comes in many forms, here you will find a collection of inspirational messages containing content about God, faith and overall Christian inspiration. Uplifting and thought provoking messages that are inspirational and reflect Christian values.

The Bible is a perfect example of a story that has been communicated over generations. Some of these stories have been passed down, while other messages are new. May these inspirational messages be a reminder about the important things in life and give you thoughts to reflect on.

  1. “A sure way to grow closer to Christ is to search out stories of His work in the lives of others.” Mark J. Musser, Searching for More
    Inspirational Sayings
  2. “All great art is the expression of man’s delight in God’s work, not his own.” John Ruskin
    Inspirational Quotes for Work
  3. Never forget the three most powerful resources you always have available to you:� love, prayer, and forgiveness. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
    Christian Quotes about Life
  4. “But even with the inspiration of others, it’s understandable that we sometimes think the world’s problems are so big that we can do little to help. On our own, we cannot end wars or wipe out injustice, but the cumulative impact of thousands of small acts of goodness can be bigger than we imagine.” Queen Elizabeth II, Christmas Message 2016
    Inspirational Quotes
  5. Through faith we understand The things we cannot know  E. Margaret Clarkson

  6. Through faith we understand
    The things we cannot know –
    The hidden pattern God has planned
    And why each thread is so.
    E. Margaret Clarkson, Through Faith
    Poems of Faith
  7. Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different. It’s accepting the past for what it was and using this moment and this time to help yourself move forward. Oprah Winfrey
  8. The Easter message not only has to be believed, it has to be felt, for the mind alone cannot grasp it all. Steve Pease, The Easter Story
  9. I’ve come to believe that life is an infinite healing journey, packed full of lessons and juicy gifts. Some of us know this already and we’re on the path: accelerating, healing, manifesting and experiencing miracles every day. Jody Shield, Lifetonic.
  10. What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what sort of person you are. C. S. Lewis
  11. We do not know what God’s plan is for us, but we know He has one. Our job is to pray, trust Him, and wait on His perfect timing. Miss Ava, Season of Joy: Forty Days of Blessings
    Quote of the Day
  12. God wants us to be ever moving forward so we can discover the fullness of the life He came to provide. And as people who follow Him, we want to go forward too. We desire all the fullness of life that God offers to us. Doug Fields, Fresh Start
    Poems about Life
  13. Give me the Love that leads the way The Faith that nothing can dismay   Amy Carmichael

  14. Give me the Love that leads the way
    The Faith that nothing can dismay
    The Hope no disappointments tire
    The Passion that’ll burn like fire
    Let me not sink to be a clod
    Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God,
    Amy Carmichael
    Prayer Poems
  15. Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews 1:14 (NIV)
    Encouraging Bible Verses
  16. Behold! The Lord is risen! Who would have thought it true?
    Those great, far fetched predictions! Is that what God can do?
    Greta Zwaan, He Did It
    Easter Poems
  17. Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

  18. Be thankful when you don’t know something,
    for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
    Author Unknown, Be Thankful
    Thanksgiving Poems
  19. “The Bible also tells one story with consistency. It was written over a 1,500-year time span, on three continents, and by 40 authors people from every walk of life, like kings, shepherds, fishermen, and tax collectors. Yet the Bible tells one story from beginning to end: God’s love and salvation for man and how he came into this world through Jesus Christ. It’s an amazing example of the power of God to write that story for our lives.” Rick Warren
  20. Achievement doesn’t occur incidentally. Most personal stories of overcoming adversity talk about individuals who carefully buckled down from humble beginnings while never surrendering or thinking back. Will turman, How To Work From Home Successfully.
    Work From Home
  21. “God wants to empower you to make the profound decisions necessary as you near the end of life. Continue to live life with an open hand because God has a wonderful way of interrupting the lives of those who remain open to Him. He hasn’t quit using you yet.” Martha Evans Sparks, Strength for Today
  22. I have complete confidence that God is able to take care of any situation and provide an answer to any question or problem. Charles Stanley

  23. “I have complete confidence that God is able to take care of any situation and provide an answer to any question or problem – He has all the resources of the universe to draw upon in helping each one of us through any type of crisis if we will trust Him.” Charles Stanley, Finding Peace
  24. Sunday, a day of rest declared by God for our benefit; appreciate the day and rest. Byron Pulsifer
    Sunday Quotes
  25. “By the time I embraced my vocational identity as a pastor I had realized that pastors and poets have a lot in common: we use words with reverence, get immersed in everyday particulars, are wary of abstractions, spy out the glories of the commonplace, warn of illusions, attend to the subtle interconnections between rhythm and meaning and spirit.” Eugene H. Peterson, Holy Luck
    Inspirational Poems
  26. “There will always be someone around the corner ready to steal our joy or betray us like Judas, but like Jesus, we know that we do not have to worry because He has endured that for us as well.” Ralene Berry, As I Encourage You, I Encourage Myself
  27. May the birth of Christ the Saviour renew hearts . . .

  28. May the birth of Christ the Saviour renew hearts, awaken the desire to build a future of greater fraternity and solidarity, and bring joy and hope to everyone. Happy Christmas! Pope Francis, Christmas message for 2017
  29. Everything you say to a person is filtered through his frames of reference, biases, and preconceived ideas. What remains is ultimately the message that he understands. Thomas Erikson, Surrounded By Idiots
  30. When we give joyfully to the work of the Lord, we discover for ourselves what Jesus meant when He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35). Who wouldn’t want to be blessed by God? Dr. David Jeremiah
  31. But God’s grace is also exhibited when wehumbly bow before Christ in repentance and faith,for then we find forgiveness. Thank God for Hisgrace, for without it we would have no hope! Billy Graham, Hope for Each Day
    God’s Grace Quotes
  32. “Each person’s God-given gifts are different from those of another.” Paul and Tracey McManus
    The 7 Great Prayers
  33. I believe that God provides for all of our needs; nothing is coincidental. Erin Odom

  34. “I believe that God provides for all of our needs; nothing is coincidental.” Erin Odom, More Than Just Making It
  35. Although our New Year’s resolutions may quickly crumble, God’s plans never fail. If we’ll make it our goal this year to learn to walk in His way rather than our own, we may be surprised what He will do. Instead of fretting over a decision, we’ll learn to trust, rest, and wait on Him Charles Stanley
    New Year
  36. “Generosity flows from an understanding that all that we have, are, and ever will become is not ours to possess, and it results in sharing what we’ve been given with others for the advancement of the kingdom and the glory of God.” Chris Willard, Contagious Generosity
  37. “The Old Testament is the best commentary on the New Testament ever written. There we learn why Jesus had to come, why He taught what He did, and why He worked miracles.” Dr. Stephen Lennox, God With Us
  38. Testimonies help others.

  39. “Testimonies help others. They build your faith and also serve as witnesses to God’s power to bring you out of trouble.” Scott Gordon, Tough Times Cannot Last Forever
  40. “Offering a small token in the form of a sympathy gift can be a useful way to express your caring, helping to brighten a dark time for someone who is grieving. Small gifts whether in the form of a card or other token can be a useful vehicle for letting them know that they remain in your thoughts and prayers, and a helpful means for you to stay in touch and connected during the time that they are hurting.” Michelle Pommells, The Etiquette of Sympathy
  41. “If we open our hearts to the influence of God, if we allow God to rule our lives, God will transform us and enable us to grow toward wholeness, to love generously and to be true to ourselves and in that way to be faithful to God.” Noel Cooper, Gospel Overtures
  42. “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. God’s invisible army is at your service, and God can see you through.” Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bumps Are What You Climb On
  43. When life's broken places lead us to Jesus, ultimately we will find hope. Renee Swope

  44. “When life’s broken places lead us to Jesus, ultimately we will find hope.” Renee Swope, Encouragement for Today
  45. “Fortunately, the Word of God does not just spotlight problems – which it must do – it also offers us amazing solutions.” Michael Caputo, Bible Study
  46. “We are children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Just these words alone, if only partially understood should summon mountain moving faith, hope, comfort and encouragement in us, His children.” Greg Winfield, Encouragement
    Words of Encouragement
  47. “Grace in the New Testament is in some respects one of its greatest words. It always means two things – God’s favor and His blessing; His attitude and His action.” W. H. Griffith Thomas
    God’s Grace Quotes
  48. Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. Rabindranath Tagore

  49. “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.” Rabindranath Tagore
  50. Walking in the gift of the word of knowledge is all about discovering who you are and who God is and experiencing an intimate relationship with Him. Micah Level, Words Of Knowledge
  51. He has risen. Three words that can wipe away all the loss and grief of the past days. Three words that change everything. Mike McKinley, The Resurrection in Your Life
  52. “God’s Word not only teaches us how to get joy, but it’s also a powerful source of joy in itself. It is God’s special, personal love letter to each of us, and nothing brings joy like a love letter.” Gaylyn Williams, Gratitude Encourages Joy: How to Unlock God’s Gift of Lasting Happiness
  53. God is love and He loves you and we are precious to Him.  Mother Teresa

  54. “God is love and He loves you and we are precious to Him. He called us by our name. We belong to Him. He has created us in His image for greater things. God is love, God is joy, God is light, God is truth.” Mother Teresa
  55. “Don’t mess up God’s craftsmanship. Learn to love what and who God made you. Carolyn Denise Owens, Timeless Wisdom: Lessons From Our Ancestors
    Be Yourself
  56. “For the past thirty years, I’ve studied the Bible, the major world religions, philosophy, and multitudes of near-death experiences. I’ve concluded that the core common elements of near-death experiences (NDEs) are a gift from God to color in the picture revealed by the prophets and Jesus.” John Burke, Imagine Heaven
  57. “Having a belief in God, a higher power and the faith that if we believe in our actions and the actions of other all of our prayers can be answered.” Alexander Neal, Prayer
    Prayer Quotes and Sayings
  58. The peace that comes from consulting with God and receiving His divine wisdom is a powerful hug. David DeNotaris

  59. “When we pray, we relax, reflect, and renew our commitments to God. The peace that comes from consulting with God and receiving His divine wisdom is a powerful hug.” David DeNotaris
  60. “There is something – Someone-inside us who tells us there is more to life than sitting in the boat. You were made for something more…. There is something inside you that wants to walk on the water – to leave the comfort of routine existence and abandon yourself to the high adventure of following God. John Ortberg, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat
  61. … generosity is not just (or even mostly) associated with giving money. It’s a quality, one of the personality traits of God we reflect as we become more like Christ. Rene Schlaepfer, Richer Life
  62. There is nothing that is impossible for the Lord -  even when it seems all is lost. Angus Buchan

  63. There is nothing that is impossible for the Lord – even when it seems all is lost. We can be confident putting our trust in Him, because He has the power to turn everything around. Angus Buchan, Living a Mighty Faith
  64. Health, not gold and silver, is wealth Joe De Sena, Spartan Fitwaelth link to workout
  65. Your own power along with your Control Thought can guide you to control your ego. Roy F. Messier, The Power of Control Thought
  66. Justice is always served. And I am all about justice. Verl D. Wheeler, Justice Is Served
  67. God is not committed to our comfort. He is committed to our character. Only God can exchange the ashes of our sin for the beauty of His forgiveness and grace. Mary Sutherland
  68. Remember the message is always the same and not complicated. It is that God loves you as well as me. He does not pick favorites. He showers you with graces that are needed for you and you alone. Barbara Arbuckle, With God’s Grace
    Quotes about Books
  69. God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near. Revelation 1:3 (NLT)
    God Blessings
  70. What message does your heart most want you to hear today? Clare Josa, The Little Book of Daily Sunshine
    Inspirational Thoughts
  71. Knowing God is for you will change your whole perspective on life. You’ll stop thinking of God as someone looking down from Heaven, ready to yell “Gotcha!” anytime you mess up. Rick Warren

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Longer Inspirational Messages

I Am Not Afraid – Let one of your life goals be – I am not afraid. If you truly trust in God there is no reason to be afraid. Read the inspirational message by of George Matthew Adams written in 1918.

Life Worth While – This inspirational message contains thoughts, poems and quotes on things that make life worth while.

Solomon’s Words For The Wise – Solomon was the King of Israel for 971 to 931BC. He is thought to be the wisest man who has ever lived. If you read …

A New Year’s Message from 100 Years Ago – This letter written by John Ruskin was published over 100 years ago but one can still draw wisdom and application from its message.

Start and End Your Day with Optimism – How do we start or end a day with optimism?

Happiness Versus Joy– Is there a difference between happiness and joy?

Trusting God And Not This World -Do we trust God or do we trust things of this world. An interesting question, while we may answer one way, what do our actions demonstrate.

Reliability of The Bible – There are numerous articles and books that suggest or directly challenge the reliability of the Christian Bible. Read this message for inspirational thoughts on this topic.

Defense Of The Christian Faith – Can the Christian faith be defended?

Choices We All Make Them – A message of inspiration.

Responsibility for Happiness – Where to find happiness

The Coach Of Life – Life coaches seem to be popular today. But the coach that gives us more …

Ability Refocused – Questioning your ability? Read this inspirational message.

Behavioral Success – Success and what it means

Let Me Always – A short but hopefully a good reminder to count our blessings

Too Blessed to Be Stressed – An inspirational saying that has meaning, one which reminds you to count your blessings.

Church For Dreams – Read this message and see if you agree with the comments on the church.

The Paradox Of Life – A message filled with wisdom

Components Of Christianity – Have you ever asked the question, what does Christianity mean.

Doubt Replaced Through Faith – What is the difference between faith and doubt.

Some Learning From The Bible – Be inspired by the inspirational messages and learnings from the bible.

Words of Life – There is much guidance from the bible that helps us through life.

Major Human Capacities – Encouraging words on using your capacities to the fullest.

Motivational E-Books– We can gain motivation from many different places.

Motivational Rocks We all influence others in many different ways.

Chaos And Life – Life has its moments when we all feel overwhelmed by the issues of living.

The Little Lamb– We hope this message reminds you to help others.

What We Do Not Know – How often do we judge people by our own preconceived notions

A Scary Day For Dad – An inspirational message about valuing life.

Treasures Abound– What are the best treasures?

Live Each Day– One way to live each and every day.

Results By Action Or Inaction– Finding results in finding peace.

Human Relations Unavoidable– How do you deal with people you dislike

Bear The Burden – We all face burdens or challenges in our lives – about helping one another.

Adversity and God– We all face adversity in our lives. How does God help us deal with adversity.

The Friend Recipe – There is always one constant friend you have no matter what the situation.

Prayer Continued – Is church the only place where prayers count?

Pray for Your Children – Every parent and grandparent pray for their children.

To Bake Or Not– An inspirational message to inspire you to be all that you can be

Messed Up – Throughout our lifetime we all mess up at one point or another

Too Late – A story that reminds us that God is with us through difficult times

Anxiety To Be Overcome – About time with God, and how to conquer anxiety and stress

A Story Of Guardians – God works in mysterious ways which we may not fully understand

What Do You Want– Read this before answering the question of what you want.

The Spouse You Want– While we sometimes wish for things, we need to look within …

Thoughts Of Psalm 23 – We can all read this Psalm and come away with different thoughts

Refuge From Storms – How do we prepare for the storms of life

The Pumpkin Christian– An interesting analogy of pumpkins and Christians.

A Newsletter Ad To Use– one of the ads in the newsletter caught my attention.

A Computer And Life – What does a computer, life and God have in common.

Give Yourself A Test– Reflect on this inspirational message

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