71 Future Quotes

71 Future Quotes

We all look to the future for hope and to believe that things will improve. What does the future hold for us? What determines what will happen tomorrow? Read these quotes about the future for when you’re determining what your future may hold.

The future can offer us an expanded version of our current selves. We all hope that if we are ready to seize the opportunities that come our way, our lives will improve. This is a distinctly Human thing to do, in effect – we make a bargain with the future. IF we forgo certain things today (not eating that cake in the freezer, or going for a run, or saving that cash we were given instead of spending it), we will be rewarded in the future.

Delaying gratification is when we make a deal with our future selves.
If we are going to be kind to our future selves, we want things to be better over time, not worse – so we work to make things easier for ‘future me’. Drug addicts, slackers and dreamers all ‘live in the now’ – and unfortunately for them, they reap what they sow (they don’t sow anything, so their harvest is meagre).

When you look after ‘future you’ – you’re looking out for yourself, which is (hopefully!) a better version of you now. It’s a wonderful concept – to make a bargain with the future. So why not devote some time to thinking about what you want and what you’re going to have to do to get there, to make things that you want to happen, happen!?Your future will be made by the work you put in today – to move you one step closer to where you want to be.

Delay gratification and act now to start building the future you want! (TOP TIP: sitting back and hoping for the best is not the best strategy)

Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison

    You must predict the future and you must learn to act deliberately to control your destiny. Toni Lynn Chinoy, What to Do When It Rains

  1. You must predict the future and you must learn to act deliberately to control your destiny. Toni Lynn Chinoy, What to Do When It Rains
    Learning Quotes
  2.  We are always looking to the future; the present does not satisfy us. - Our ideal, whatever it may be, lies further on.
A Dictionary of Thoughts

  3. We are always looking to the future; the present does not satisfy us. – Our ideal, whatever it may be, lies further on. A Dictionary of Thoughts
  4. Champions don't think twice about their future. They know it's going to come anyhow, and so they prepare for it. Alpha A. Timbo, Ambition<br>

  5. Champions don’t think twice about their future. They know it’s going to come anyhow, and so they prepare for it. Alpha A. Timbo, Ambition
  6.  I believe that the future can be bright for us. John F. Kennedy

  7. I believe that the future can be bright for us. John F. Kennedy
  8. The past and present have much to tell us about the future, and the future will tell us much about the past. Stephen M. Millett, Managing the Future

  9. The past and present have much to tell us about the future, and the future will tell us much about the past. Stephen M. Millett, Managing the Future
  10. You never know the future will hold; only God knows!. Kevin L. Timmons

  11. You never know the future will hold; only God knows! Kevin L. Timmons
    God’s Plan
  12. The future will hold only the happiness that we build into it . The Garment Worker

  13. The future will hold only the happiness that we build into it. The Garment Worker
    Short Inspirational Quotes
  14.  Because of our focus on the future we will be better prepared to shape change. Ross S. Whaley, Focus on the Future - Page 28

  15. Because of our focus on the future we will be better prepared to shape change Ross S. Whaley, Focus on the Future – Page 28
  16. Learn to accept your past, whether good or bad. It happened! Just focus on not making the same mistakes again. Once you have accepted your past, you can live in the present and focus on the future to come.
Myra Hudson, A Mommy's Love

  17. Learn to accept your past, whether good or bad. It happened! Just focus on not making the same mistakes again. Once you have accepted your past, you can live in the present and focus on the future to come. Myra Hudson, A Mommy’s Love
  18. Thus, a focus on the future motivates people to make changes in the present. David Howe, The Compleat Social Worker

  19. Thus, a focus on the future motivates people to make changes in the present. David Howe, The Compleat Social Worker
    Best Motivational
  20. What you do today will determine your future. Catherine Pulsifer
    Words of Encouragement
  21. The prerequisite for motivation and success in any endeavor is a BIG vision for your future. If you’re stuck in the past, you’re really in trouble. B. N. Norton, Motivation Into Success
    Motivational Quotes
  22. The choices we make today create the future that we are dreaming of.
    Clare Josa, The Little Book of Daily Sunshine
    Inspirational Quotes
  23. What helps make your future a brighter one is if you’ll make the decision today to choose to be happy and thankful for the present, and just let the future be. Matt Morris, How To Live In The Present Moment
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  24. Faith and hope work hand in hand, however while hope focuses on the future, faith focuses on the now. David Odunaiya, How To Make Faith Work In Your Life
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  25. May the happiest days of your past, be the saddest days of your future. Irish Saying
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  26. Focusing on your future makes you realise more opportunities than ever. Kate Iroegbu, The Best Motivational Book Ever Written
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  27. Always keep looking forward,
    Looking back is never good.
    You want to look to the future,
    And that is something you should.
    Catherine Pulsifer, Each Day Is A Chance
    Motivational Poems
  28. What worked in the past isn’t going to work in the future. More is expected of leaders today. All of us need to start demanding more from ourselves as leaders. Vince Molinaro, The Leadership Contract: The Fine Print to Becoming an Accountable Leader
  29. We cannot predict the future. But we can create it. “I desire no future that will break the ties of the past.” George Eliot
  30. In this volatile business of ours, we can ill afford to rest on our laurels, even to pause in retrospect. Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future. Walt Disney
    Quotes about Change
  31. The longer you look back, the farther you can look forward. Winston Churchill
    Famous Quotes
  32. The American lives even more for his goals, for the future, than the European. Life for him is always becoming, never being. Albert Einstein, Ideas And Opinions
    Top Ten Quotes
  33. There are no guarantees or crystal balls for the future, and there’s no absolute way to know if you are or aren’t making the right decision. Give tomorrow the best possible chance that you can. Kenneth Dino, The 12 Commandments
  34. One of the best things about the future is that it comes one day at a time. Shelley F. Knight, Positive Changes
    Best Quotes
  35. So even in the midst of the enormous challenges we face today, I have great faith and hope about the future – because I believe in you. Barack Obama, Announces Presidential Exploratory Committee, Jan 16, 2007
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  36. With our words we can either bless our futures or we can curse our futures. Joel Osteen, I Declare
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  37. If you have no vision of yourself in the future, then you have nothing to live for. The Bible says, �Where there is no vision, the people perish.� Les Brown
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  38. The future holds brightness if His will be done, continue the efforts your zeal has begun.Let God guide you onward, sufficient each day, constantly blessing and leading the way. Greta Zwaan, Contentment
    New Year Poem
  39. No amount of sophistication is going to allay the fact that all your knowledge is about the past and all your decisions are about the future. Ian Wilson
  40. Always in motion is the future. Yoda
    Funny Quotes
  41. We are ready to act on those futures we have been planning since we were five years old and decided we wanted to be superheroes. Now is the time to go be superheroes, whatever that means to you. Valedictorian Alexander Johnson
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  42. How We Think It Is, Is How It Is � It’s easy to confuse what has happened in our past as what is going to happen in the future. What we fail to realize is that what happened in our past does not have to equal the future. If you believe that it does, then it does. Robert Norman, Positive Thinking
    Positive Thinking
  43. Starting today, you have the opportunity to build on your good works and your hopes for the future through creating a plan that will benefit the causes most important to you. Kathy LeMay, The Generosity Plan
  44. The Future . . . something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. C. S. Lewis
  45. People always find it easier to be a result of the past rather than a cause of the future. Author Unknown
  46. By having a clear vision, even a short vision of what will happen in the future. We will be less worried and feel a little bit confident, and calm because we can manage our life in the world that is changing every second. Ly Nguyen, Time Management
  47. I don’t live with the past; I am living for to-day and to-morrow. Thomas Edison
  48. You are the best author of your own future. Catherine Pulsifer

  49. You are the best author of your own future. So, the next time you sit down to write your own story, remember that you are the creator of the best chapters that could ever be written. Catherine Pulsifer
    Wisdom in Stories
  50. Setting goals allows you to track your progress, as well as to have a plan for your future. Without setting goals, you will face the risk of aimlessly wandering in different directions – a situation where success may become unattainable. Charles Kenneth, How to Achieve Lasting Success in Life
  51. We do not need a crystal ball to predict the future. We can have the gift of foresight though by understanding how cause and effect works. Every choice and move that we make has a consequence. Jeffrey Lehman, Success
  52. What is past is past and it does not forebode well to relive past mistakes or transgressions. Move forward rather than being stuck in the past. No one can redo the past but everyone can create a better future. Byron Pulsifer, Personal Development Goals
  53. By working with each other and discussing our visions, energy is given for all to take a part in the future outcome of these visions. Paul Keller, Peace
  54. From the most complex of problems to the more creative of solutions, your mind is a place where discipline rules because that discipline helps you to maximize the potential of who you are or who you become in the future. Marshal Lightwill, Discipline Yourself
    Discipline Quotes
  55. Savor the moment. Most people fear the future. Sometimes you see yourself worrying about what will happen. The best thing to do is to banish all your worries about the future. John Rogers, Motivation Secrets Book
  56. The past is only an imaginary time or experience that is used to teach us lessons for the future. The future is where you apply the lessons of the past. Dr. Lauren Cunning, Hardwiring Happiness
    Teacher Quotes
  57. Have a vision for yourself.  Matthew Lewis Browne

  58. Have a vision for yourself. You need to have foresight into your future – your goals, your dreams, what you want to achieve for yourself. Matthew Lewis Browne, How to Say No
  59. Kids. As clich� as it may sound, they really are the future. Robert Young, Parenting : Raising Confident Kids
    Inspirational Sayings
  60. Your past, present and future are moulded by your thoughts. Remember – your thinking is your life’s autobiography. James Borg, Mind Power
    Poems About Life
  61. Learning from failures is a wonderful skill. The trick is to have them be the springboard for future successes. Matthew Turner, The Successful Mistake
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  62. Technological life in the future will be a series of endless upgrades. And the rate of graduations is accelerating. Kevin Kelly, The Inevitable
    Inspirational Thoughts
  63. Deal with the issues of today not those that are possible in the future. Byron Pulsifer, How To Attract Positive Energy
    Positive Quotes
  64. Remember, when all of your peers are going out late at night to party, they are just wasting their life and they will cause themselves much pain and sorrow in the future. Joe Zeller, How To Wake Up Early
    Quotes about Life
  65. The future hasn’t arrived yet. Do your best to try to shape it in the present moment, but always remember some things are just out of our control, and that’s fine. Robert Washington, Inner Peace and Happiness In 14 Steps
    Happiness Quotes
  66. Simply put, coaching bridges the gap between where someone is now and where they want to be in the future. Christie Ruffino, Treasured Tribes
  67. You do have a future. There is light at the end of that inky black tunnel. Willow Cross

  68. You do have a future. There is light at the end of that inky black tunnel. Willow Cross, Getting Over It
    Funny Quotes about Life
  69. The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better. Paulo Coelho
    Success Poem
  70. Your dreams and intuitive flashes are unique. If you can dream it, you can become it. It may not happen quickly. But if you are dreaming it, then it CAN be your future at some point. Vicki Morris, Inspired Work
    Graduation Poems
  71. Letting go of the bad memories of the past can really help you have a free feeling now while you take each day into the future. Zac Dixon, Self Esteem
  72. No matter who we are, thoughts that could become the future flash into our mind every day. It is our duty to filter the thoughts into those we don’t want and those we do, and cling to the thoughts that can make us (and others) happy. Chad Grills, The Happy Life
    Happy Quotes
  73. When are aware of your own behaviour, strengths and weaknesses you will make better career choices that may influence your future development. Franz Badenhorst, Live Your Life w/ Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  74. It’s not the decisions you make when everything is rosy that usually shapes your future . . . Akanbi Adedamola, Channeling The Power of A Small Win
    Hope Poems
  75. Young people, from lack of experience, are often puzzled over the future. Bill Calhoun, Can’t…Can!
  76. And while imagining a better future, let’s also imagine a better self. Unless we give our power away, we are in charge of creating our future. Vlad Zachary, The Excellence Habit
    Imagination Quotes
  77. Most times, we are afraid of things that may never happen. Often we project into the future. Clodagh Swanson

  78. Most times, we are afraid of things that may never happen. Often we project into the future. Clodagh Swanson, Time To Shine
  79. Most of us have spent more time studying a map to avoid getting lost on a trip than we have studying our life so we’ll know how to proceed into the future. Dan B. Allender, To Be Told
    Inspirational Poems
  80. When looking at behaviour from a gene�s-eye-view, individual animals can be regarded as �survival machines� by which genes survive to replicate, leaving more copies of themselves in the next generation Tristram D. Wyatt, Animal Behaviour.
  81. �We must educate our children to enable love and compassion for all living things. By doing this we can create a peaceful future for all. Holly Davis, Animal Communication With All Species.
  82. When you begin to feel like some potential future reality is happening to you in the moment that you are focusing on it, you are rewriting your automatic habits, attitudes, and other unwanted subconscious programs. Dr Joe. Dispenzer, Breaking the habit of being yourself
  83. For many people, the only thing that seems certain about the future is the uncertainty of it all. Others cannot see beyond the pain and suffering. We cannot blind ourselves to real problems the human race faces, but there truly is hope for a joy and peace-filled future. David Brickner, Future Hope
  84. According to scientists, cheerful temper and a belief in a brighter future can strengthen your body and hold up the old age because optimism doesn’t simply protect your nerves – moreover, it strengthens the immune system, repels bacteria and allays pain. Vanessa Angel, You Live the Life You Want to Live

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