83 Wednesday Quotes
Be inspired by these Wednesday quotes to be the best you can.
Wednesday is an interesting day; some refer to it as hump day, a day which is halfway through the week. Once you get over the day you are on the way to the weekend. Some find Wednesday as the longest day of the week, they feel like Friday will never come.
And others look forward to Wednesday because it allows them a day to accomplish their goals. For people who love what they do they would prefer it to be Monday. They hate to see the week coming to an end.
Whatever your thoughts on Wednesday are, give it all you got, be the best you can be, don’t waste this day, enjoy it! Happy Wednesday!
Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison
- Write down the things that are on your mind. The simple act of listing your thoughts can have a cathartic and healing effect.Julia Laflin, 100 Things to Pick You Up When You’re Feeling Down
Tuesday Quotes
If something from Tuesday is bothering you, or if you are worried about Thursday on this Wednesday, write it down, don’t let yesterday or tomorrow ruin your day! - Nothing is worth more than this day.
Johann Wolfgang
New Day Quotes
Wednesday a new day, rather than looking forward to the weekend, live this day! - Wishes are for birthdays and shooting stars, but knowing without a doubt what you want and how you’re going to get it is a concrete commitment.
Scott Allan, Drive Your Destiny
This Wednesday don’t make wishes make commitments. - Success is not luck!
Israelmore Ayivor, Believe and Achieve
Luck Quotes
Luck will not bring you success on Wednesday or any other day of the week. - It is recommended that if an inspirational quote can be read everyday it will definitely help you to rise to your full potential. Emily Johnson
Inspirational Quotes
Read an inspirational quote every day for a week and see the positive changes around you. - The knowledge of “how to do it” is detained in “why should it be done?”
Israelmore Ayivor, 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
Knowledge Quotes
We can all learn “how” but in order to truly understand we need to learn “why”. For tasks you know how to do, ask yourself this Wednesday do you know the why behind them. - Your attitude, more than anything, will influence your effectiveness.
Pat Gelsinger
Attitude Quotes
How effective will you be this Wednesday? Check your attitude and that will give you the answer. - Recently I realized that I have already lived more of my life than what I have left, and somehow that made me even more determined than ever to make the most of my time.
Joyce Meyer, Seize the Day
Time Quotes
Realize that none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow, so this Wednesday may this quote from Joyce Meyer remind you to make the most of your time! - Success comes with the attitude of success filled in one’s mind and
so comes failure with the attitude for failure in the mind. Mahesh Jethmalani, The Ladder of Success
Success Quotes
This Wednesday keep your mind focus on success. - You gotta decide to be happy. Where you wanna live. What you wanna drive. You have to make a decision! Eric Thomas
Self Motivation
Eric Thomas’s quote is a good one to reflect on this Wednesday. We will never be motivated unless we make decisions about what it is we want to accomplish and then take the action steps to achieve it. Our motivation comes from within! - … it’s more blessed to give than to receive is not some moral nostrum … but a prescription for authentic joy. Marc Ian Barasch
Wednesday Blessings - That which you think about, you create. Thoughts are things! And that which you think about, good or bad – you create into your own reality. Author Unknown
Positive Thinking
Check your thoughts this Wednesday, how are your thoughts creating your reality? - Yes, I know some days are more difficult than others. But if you program your mind in a positive way, you won’t have to drag through certain days just hoping to get to Friday so you can finally enjoy life.
Joel Osteen, Every Day a Friday
Positive Life Quotes
It is Wednesday – ENJOY IT! - Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day. Dalai Lama
Meaningful Quotes
Make this Wednesday meaningful! - The difference between winners and ordinary people is winners follow through despite fear while others just dream and take no action. Calvin K. Lee, Words of Wisdom, Encouragement, and Inspiration
Take action towards achieving your goals this Wednesday, even if you can only take small steps, take the step and make your dream a reality. - A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. Rock Bankole, How to Be Happy
Friendship Quotes
Inspirng words to remind us to do good deeds, to be courteous and kind to all you meet this Wednesday. - Wednesday will either make you or break you. You are either on the upward trend or the downward slid to the end of the work week. Give it all you got this Wednesday! Catherine Pulsifer
Motivational Quotes for Work - A champion is someone who does not settle for that day’s practice, that day’s competition, that day’s performance. They are always striving to be better. They don’t live in the past. Briana Scurry, Soccer Goalkeeper
Soccer Quotes
A quote in relation to soccer but also applies to our everyday lives. This Wednesday are you striving for “better”? - Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make it a habit. Gordon Parks
Enthusiasm - You are forgiven for your happiness and your successes only if you generously consent to share them. Albert Camus
Sharing - Life is about making an impact, changing things and leaving things better than you found them. Munmi Sarma, The Obstacle Is You
Great Quotes about Life
A week from this Wednesday how much of an impact will have made in a week. - We fail to realize that, even though clients require us to be competent enough to meet their needs, it is ultimately our honesty, humility, and selflessness that will endear us to them and allow them to trust and depend on us. Patrick Lencioni, Getting Naked
Honesty - Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
Dr. Seuss
Famous Quotes - When we train our minds to radiate positive view points, we will see positive results in our lives. John Vaulkner
Positive Quotes - Never stop learning and never stop thinking and asking, “why not?” Steven Levi, Off The Wall Thinking
Start this Wednesday asking why not and a week from now you will see a difference. - I believe we are all capable of ‘achieving greatness,’ but the problem is that most of us don’t want to do the work. Herby Fabius
Greatness Quotes - Every mistake you make is only increasing your odds of succeeding. Nick Laporta
We all hate making mistakes, and sometimes we beat ourselves up for making them. But if you use Nick Laporta’s words, it will change your attitude towards mistakes – learn from them and keep moving toward success this Wednesday! - No matter the task, perseverance is the ability to keep going in spite of obstacles and challenges. Perseverance is the realization that challenges along the way are only minor detours on the march to success. Byron Pulsifer
Perseverance - You choose to make your faith, trust, and power bigger than the temporary doubts. Molly McCord, Conscious Messages
This Wednesday you have the choice! - We must move forward, we must continue to dream and we must stay focused in order to overcome. Ron Walker
Dream - The first step is you have to say that you can. Will Smith
Believe In Yourself
A great quote to start your Wednesday – believing in yourself and your abilities can make a big difference in not only your day but in your week, your month, your year! - Happy Wednesday! Give your love to all, trust in the team to which you are joined, and do not do wrong to others for your own self gratification. Byron Pulsifer
Teamwork - It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing. Thomas Jefferson
Cute Quotes - Focus on inspiring thoughts and keep positive thoughts and behavior at the forefront of your vision for Wednesday is a day to excel not to retreat from motivation to do a job well done. Byron Pulsifer
Motivational Quotes - A smile costs nothing in money, time, or effort but it is literally true that it can be of supreme importance in one’s life. Emmet Fox
Smile Quotes
Share your smiles with others this Wednesday. For those struggling through the week a smile may be just what they need to have a positive impact on their day and their week! - Wednesday is a day to help others celebrate life. You and only you are accountable for what you extend and give to others. One smile not only increases your value but it gives joy to each person you meet. Byron Pulsifer
Quotes about Inspiring Others - Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment. Thomas Carlyle
Self Confidence
What have you accomplished so far this week? What will you accomplish this Wednesday? Look at your accomplishments and feel good about what you have achieved so far this week! - You’re not going to enjoy every minute of the journey, but the success you’ll find at the end will make it all worth it. Muhammad Ali
Journey - Blessed be your hands that reach out in care and love. Love will always find its own. Joanne Kaattari, Sister Soups
Blessed - Perfectionism is often the deadliest enemy for writers and anyone else who wants to achieve any goal in their life. N.C. Harley
Life - I can accept failure but I can’t accept not trying. Michael Jordan
Giving Up - Our humanity has the tendency to lead us in the wrong paths, but it is never too late to change direction. Pierre Thompson
Change - Happy Wednesday! You are who you are; be happy with what you are called to do. Do not pretend to be like someone else for your gifts are unique to help lead you to the success as only you can define. Have a good day. Byron Pulsifer
Good Day - You see sometimes when we struggle with low self-esteem if you are struggling with who you are as a person, your morals will dip and you will not remain true to yourself. Andrew Wright
Be Yourself - Persistence is the quality of winners. Successful people never, never give up. Lynda Field
Persistence - Get your ideas on paper and study them. Don’t let them go to waste! Les Brown
Quotes about Ideas - I didn’t let the negativity of some family members and friends stop me from getting to where I wanted to get. Eshraq Jiad
Encouraging - Commit to your goals – Once you have set your goals, you have to fully commit yourself towards achieving it. Mia Conrad
Commitment - By working with each other and discussing our visions, energy is given for all to take a part in the future outcome of these visions. Paul Keller
Vision - Reading books written by others who have accomplished what you hope to achieve not only provides guidance, but is an excellent way to maintain your enthusiasm toward your goal. If someone else has reached their dream, you can do it to! Deanna Cosso
Books - Nature has a wonderful ability to bring us into the moment, to help us temporarily forget our troubles, and just be and enjoy its beauty. Sullins Stuart
Beautiful - We have a lot more power over our happiness then we generally believe we do, and until we are able to truly take that fact into our own hands and attempt to convey what we believe to be true and positive, we may stay stuck in a vicious cycle that prevents us from growing and can even cause more stress and health problems then we need. Jennifer N. Smith
Happiness - I’ve already acknowledged the fact that I can’t control how much time I have. I realize that no amount of time would be ‘enough’ I know that, one day, my opportunities will be over. Mike Burns
Opportunity - Give yourself permission to heal, so that you can begin a new chapter in your life. Turn the page and discover what is waiting for you. It’s never too late to become who you have been called to be. Marita Kinney
Words of Encouragement - It is therefore essential that we take some time to pay special attention to nonverbal communication and the kinds of messages we may unintentionally be sending. Robert L. Jestic
Communication - The value of compassion cannot be over-emphasized. Anyone can criticize. It takes a true believer to be compassionate. No greater burden can be borne by an individual than to know no one cares or understands. Arthur H. Stainback
Compassion - Self-confidence and self-esteem are the two most important aspects of your life, because these dictate your level of happiness. Nathan Smart
Confidence - Many men of great intellect insist that unless one has to pay or work hard for something, one never fully appreciates it. Og Mandino
Appreciation - When you are focused on your partner’s good qualities and show them the same kindness, warmth, respect and generosity of spirit that you would your best friend, your relationship has the greatest chance of not just surviving but thriving into its later years. Sophie Winters
Focus - Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. If a man is working towards a predetermined goal and knows where he is going, that man is a success. Earl Nightingale
Successful - If you are going to go big, to dare to change the world and be seen, you’re going to need your sense of humor.Jodi Flynn
Humor - There are numerous examples of people throughout the world who have overcome handicaps to achieve great success. One thing separates these winners from those who fail: they disregard any and all obstacles. These people-and all winners-possess the will to win. It’s a will that starts with a belief in our ability to achieve the goals we dream of accomplishing. Chris S. Salazar
Example - That ability to laugh at myself takes me from being a victim to being a victor. Annie Keys
Laughter - Keep in mind the inspirational quote of Edmund Burke the next time you think you can only do a little. “Nobody makes a greater mistake than he who does nothing because he could only do a little” Catherine Pulsifer
Make A Difference - With a company full of accountable people, extraordinary things, even the entirely unexpected, tend to happen. Roger Connors
Accountability - Never go backward. Attempt, and do it with all your might. Determination is power. Charles Simmons
Determination - Sometimes, due to unforeseen tough times, we get discouraged and don’t achieve our goals. As hard as it may seem, don’t procrastinate in taking renewed action to reach your goals. Byron Pulsifer
Procrastination - We’ve let kindness slip away in our culture, too, trading it for candor, which was not an even trade. Bring kindness back to our society. Anna Quindlen
Kindness - History remembers the dreams that become reality. Rees Quinn
Quotes to Live By - The successful, motivated person realizes that obstacles, failures, roadblocks and issues teach more about success than does achieving instant success. Catherine Pulsifer
This day, Wednesday, is a great day to learn from any failures. It will help help you on the road to success. - Life is full of small treasures that we collect here and there, but every now and then we must say thanks. Danielle Duckery
Thanksgiving - The Amazing thing is what our Mouth can do to control any time of Discouragement. Make sure that what you Say is always on the upside. Charles and Frances Hunter
Discouraged - There are times when nothing a man can say is nearly so powerful as saying nothing.Bruce Barton
Top 10 Quotes - You can find excuses for anything, or you can find solutions and work towards them, which in the end will bring happiness. Byron Pulsifer
Excuses - Did you know that being stuck in your ‘comfort zone’ is the next thing to losing? Those who are winners break out of their comfort zone despite their natural fear because they know that action conquers fear. Byron Pulsifer
Comfort Zone - Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace. Dalai Lama
Inner Peace
Focus your thoughts this day on peace not on what others are saying. - A kind word never broke anyone’s mouth. Irish Saying
Encouraging Poems - Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do it well; whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to completely. Charles Dickens
Best Motivational Quotes - If you want to be recognized, then be a team player. Work unselfishly. Work to help everyone succeed. Encourage one another. Don’t complain and argue. Gary Schulz
Work - Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. Richard Bach
Choices - If you face your fears, you can overcome your insecurities and move forward. Daree Allen
Fear - When you encounter various trials, big or small, be full of joy. They’re opportunities to learn patience. Scott Curran
Patience - Today is halfway to the weekend, but don’t waste the day – Enjoy it! Catherine Pulsifer
Weekend Quotes
Wednesday Blessings
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Wednesday, or hump day, half way through the week is a day to re-motivateand be the best you can be. Don’t let this half way point slow your week down, rather let this day be one where you accomplish more. Share these quotes with others to add a positivethought to their day!
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