Excuses Quotes
We hope these excuses quotes and sayings here remind you that an excuse is just that – an excuse!
Do not limit yourself by finding an excuse; only limit yourself by refusing to have an excuse. Catherine Pulsifer
Words of Encouragement |
Some people use excuses to not accept responsiblity, others use excuses as a way to justify. Catherine Pulsifer
Quote of the Day |
Over time, our roller deck of excuses just grew bigger and bigger, but what makes matters worse is when we start believing them. Herby Fabius, Excuses: Top 50 Excuses and False Statements Stopping You from Launching Your Business Idea
Inspirational Quotes |
There may be people that have more talent than you, but there is no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do. Derek Jeter
Work |
Furthermore, the most effective means for eliminating habitual thoughts is to go to work on the very system that created, and continues to support, these thinking habits. This system is made up of a long list of explanations and defenses that can be summed up in one word: excuses. Wayne W. Dyer, Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits
Change | Thinking
Excuses are a dime a dozen. For every reason something can be done, there are a dozen reasons why it can’t be done. Morris E. Goodman
Quotes about Overcoming |
You can find excuses for anything, or you can find solutions and work towards them, which in the end will bring happiness. Byron Pulsifer
Happiness |
Pity that consequences are determined not by excuses but by actions! George Eliot
Action | Famous
People that learn quickly only focus on the information and skills that matter – excuses don’t matter, and they are thought viruses. Kevin Horsley, Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive
Focus | Learning
You can make excuses, or take action. You can see adversity as a friend, or as an excuse to give up or give in. Catherine Pulsifer, Faced with Adversity
Adversity |
If an apology is followed by an excuse or a reason, it means they are going to commit same mistake again they just apologized for. Amit Kalantri
Mistake | Apology
Most people use excuses for one of three reasons: Fear, Habit, Laziness. Alex Fitel, Excuses: How to Stop Making Them and Start Living
Fear |
You probably know or have known people who always have an excuse, never taking ownership for what they could do to make their situation better. If you know such a person, then you know the frustration of trying to help someone who will not take responsibility. Dr. Henry Cloud; Dr. John Townsend, It’s Not My Fault: The No-Excuse Plan for Overcoming Life’s Obstacles
Helping Others | Frustration
Excuses are only for those people who are unwilling to find the solution, who find greater solace in the loudness of their complaints rather than in the action they are taking to implement the actions that carry them steadily forward to their achievement. Byron Pulsifer, My Excuse For My Excuse
Complaining |
You can give in to the failure messages and be a bitter deadbeat of excuses. Or you can choose to be happy and positive and excited about life. A. L. Williams
Happy |
Most people who haven’t reached their potential have a long list of excuses for why they haven’t. Jason Harvey, Achieve Anything In Just One Year: Be Inspired Daily to Live Your Dreams and Accomplish Your Goals
Potential |
To many people, a failed attempt at something is evidence. They consider it evidence that their negative talk and self-doubts were right all along. They use failures as excuses to point out the worst of their own flaws or, worse yet, they don’t do anything about them because they’re too discouraged to continue on. Vic Johnson, Failure Is Never Final: How To Bounce Back BIG From Any Defeat
Discouraged |
Time is a fleeting commodity that can never be retrieved again so do it now, not tomorrow or the next day – now. You often hear that people will make excuses so that they expect to do something tomorrow or the next day. In other words, they put off doing something vital or an action that can take them closer to a goal, or even to start on the path to accomplishment. Byron Pulsifer, Dream Big And Live Life Well
Time |
Excuses only make you feel comfortable staying where you are. James B. Richards, Wired for Success, Programmed for Failure
Comfort Zone |
Don’t do what you’ll have to find an excuse for. Proverb
Don’t We All Want To |
I attribute my success to this – I never gave or took any excuse. Florence Nightingale
Success |
An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie; for an excuse is a lie guarded. Alexander Pope
Honesty |
Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible. Francois La Rochefoucauld
Possibilities |
For many people, an excuse is better than an achievement because an achievement, no matter how great, leaves you having to prove yourself again in the future but an excuse can last for life. Eric Hoffer
Future |
Don’t make excuses – make good. Elbert Hubbard
Good |
You must not give up. Once you give up, you have failed and there are no excuses for failure. It’s important to realize that everyday you wake up you have another chance, you’ve given another opportunity. Life is granted on purpose and for a purpose. Find your purpose daily and live life to the fullest and never give up. M.D. Eger, No Excuse for Failure: What Every Person Who Wants To Be Successful Needs To Know
Never Quit |
I am sure you would agree that nothing would be worse than to one day stand before God and discover that because you made room for Excuses you failed to fulfill your divine destiny. T. Adam McFaddin No Room for Excuses: Your Potential Awaits
Destiny |
However, some people are chronic procrastinators. If you are constantly not getting things done and have a mountain of excuses lined up to ‘explain’ the reasons why you are unable to do them; then look in the mirror and you will see a ‘procrastinator.’ K. B. Bryson, Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination |
Excuses come in many forms including lack of money, too many demands on your time, a terrible boss, not enough education, and so on. It always amazes me that people who have the greatest excuses for underachievement are the biggest complainers. Byron Pulsifer, My Excuse For My Excuse
Achievment |
The BIG BUTTS of life are the excuses, roadblocks, illusions, and distractions that are keeping you from experiencing success, joy, peace, prosperity, and achievement in your life. Rick Butts, The Big Butts of Life – Get Off Your Excuses and Do Big Things!
Experience | Funny
We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse. Rudyard Kipling
Failure |
Uncalled for excuses are practical confessions. Charles Simmons
Making Mistakes |
There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. Art Turock
Commitment |
He who excuses himself, accuses himself. Gabriel Meurier
Adjusting Sails |
It may sound confrontational to say that you’re making excuses, because with an emotion like confidence your excuses will feel like real, justifiable reasons. But however justified you think you are, if you acknowledge that these ‘reasons’ are in fact functioning as excuses you give yourself the opportunity to tackle them so that you can increase your confidence. Charlotta Hughes, What’s Your Excuse for not Being More Confident?: Overcome your excuses, increase your confidence, unleash your potential
Confidence |
Excuses are contagious and they can grow on people. If you asked the 100 most successful people and asked them what they think of excuses, they all would express their dislike for excuses and those who make them because they know that everything is based off of results. Anwar Williams, Make An Excuse To Succeed
Graduation | Successful
During my 70+ years of being on a constant excursion in life, searching for all the things my curiosity leads me to, I have concluded that the word excuse needs to be banished from our vocabulary. Ida Crawford Stewart
Quotes about Life |
If you think that it is not the right time to move forward with an idea, you may be engaging in the ‘excuse syndrome’ where any excuse will be good enough to dissuade you from acting. Catherine Pulsifer. Left Behind
Inspirational Thoughts |
The trick is not how much pain you feel-but how much joy you feel. Any idiot can feel pain. Life is full of excuses to feel pain, excuses not to live, excuses, excuses, excuses. Erica Jong
Joy |
Accepting complete responsibility for your life means that you refuse to make excuses or blame others for anything in your life that you’re not happy about. Brian Tracy, Focal Point: A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity, and Achieve All Your Goals
Blame |
Ordinary people do not overcome typical obstacles because they are hoping someone will rescue them Ordinary people use excuses while self-leaders sense new opportunities. Dr. Loren Murfield, Now What?: Secrets to Sensing and Seizing Opportunities When You Need Them Most
Opportunity |
It is absolutely essential to your personal and professional development to understand that, anything you let get in the way of applying yourself to your goals is only an excuse! Jay Rifenbary, No Excuse!
Goals |
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