Grandfather Quotes Page 2
Grandpa’s offer support and encouragement unlike others. Catherine Pulsifer
Words of Encouragement
Grandfather was both wise and interesting because he was born into a world that had no cell phones, no airplanes, no cars, no antibiotics, no television, or even radio. James Francis Klima, Stories My Grandfather Told Me
Grandfathers are wonderful because they listen and show genuine interest in what you have to say. Author Unknown
Our grandparents are full of wonderful wisdom from the past. Their experiences and trials serve as wonderful lessons that can be passed on to you. Cyndi Kinney, Grandfather’s Wisdom Interview Lapbook
More and more, when I single out the person out who inspired me most, I go back to my grandfather. James Earl Jones
Inspirational Quotes
Becoming a grandparent has been life changing, but beyond the sheer joy of it all, there is some very real responsibility that has weighed heavily on me. Like every grandparent, I hope to give even better counsel than I did with my own kids. Mike Huckabee, Dear Chandler, Dear Scarlett
Life Changing
If you have a grandfather, visit him. Spend time listening and talking with him. Call him, write to him, give him a hug, and tell him how very much you love him. Carolyn Booth,Grandfather By Another Name: Heartwarming Stories About What We Call Our Grandfathers
To be able to watch your children’s children grow up is truly a blessing from above. Byron Pulsifer
My Grandfather was the most selfless person I know. Cat Dugdale
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. Erma’s Angel
Most of all, Gramps taught me that I could recover from embarrassing mistakes. James Shaw, Defensive End
My Grandfather – He was a great man, kind and considerate and a real pleasure to be around. He was, after all, the epitome of the image of a grandfather. He would play with his grandchildren, would do all sorts of funny things that did not seem to bother a man like the teacup parties, or playing on the floor. Catherine Pulsifer, Forgive Yourself
Funny Poems
A Grandfather shares his wisdom, his stories, and most importantly a love that is different from all other loves. Catherine Pulsifer
Grandma and Grandpa, tell me a story and snuggle me with your love. When I’m in your arms, the world seems small and we’re blessed by the heavens above. Laura Spiess
I will always remember my great grampy who died. Rest in peace dear grandpa you are always on my mind. Cody Lynch, My Thoughts on Remembrance Day
Veterans Day Poems
A Grandfather is one who delights in providing love and support, plus a bit of spoiling, to his grandchildren. Catherine Pulsifer
Grandfathers are for loving and fixing things. Author Unknown
Now that I am a grandfather for a few years, I’ve come to the shocking realization that I don’t know as much as I thought I knew. Or, maybe it is that I just can’t remember what I already knew. Byron Pulsifer
Funny Quotes about Life
If you want to know where I come by the passionate commitment I have to bringing people together without regard to race, it all started with my grandfather. Bill Clinton
My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there. Indira Gandhi
The closest friends I have made all through life have been people who also grew up close to a loved and living grandmother or grandfather. Margaret Mead
My grandfather was a giant of a man . . . When he walked, the earth shook. When he laughed, the birds fell out of the trees. His hair caught fire from the sun. His eyes were patches of sky. Eth Clifford
Funny Quotes
A child’s eyes light up when they see their Grandpa. Catherine Pulsifer
He was gentle and kind, thoughtful, caring, considerate, practical and productive. A true gentleman at all times, and was the only person in the world I could describe as Stoic. Cat Dugdale, My Grandfather Died on Saturday at 6.30pm
Of course, there is no greater adventure than being a husband, a father, and, now, a grandfather. It’s what keeps me young. Jerry Zezima, Grandfather Knows Best
Grandfathers are just antique little boys. Author Unknown
Funny Sayings
Grandfathers are magicians who create wonderful memories for their grandchildren. Author Unknown
One of the greatest privileges in life is that position awarded when one becomes eligible to be a grandfather. It is a second chance to encourage, guide, and protect without the daily encumbrances of going to work. It is an opportunity to help shape the attitude and bahaviour of a small child. Byron R. Pulsifer
Perhaps my love of motivation has been passed down from my Grandfather! Catherine Pulsifer, My Grandfathers Collection
Grandfather Quotes, page 1
Don’t wait until your Grandfather is no longer with us to express your love and appreciation for all that he does. Grampies are special people in our lives and we sometimes don’t realize how special they are to us until it is too late. Say I love you Gramps more often!
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