Quote of the Day Febuary 2020

Quote of the Day Febuary 2020

Quote of the Day: Saturday, February 29, 2020

Staying grounded in our values will help us ride the emotional roller coaster that comes with family life. Giulia Suro, Learning to Thrive.
Staying grounded in our values will help us ride the emotional roller coaster that comes with family life.
Giulia Suro, Learning to Thrive.
Family Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Dogs are a gift to us. They are loyal companions, trusted allies and part of the family all rolled into one.
Nigel Reed, The dog Guardian.

Is it wrong to be pleasing? The answer, of course, is no. Not only is being pleasing not a bad characteristic, it is good and necessary if families and organizations are going to grow and thrive.
Les Carter PHD, When pleasing you is killing me.

Quote of the Day: Friday, February 28, 2020

Mindfulness involves paying attention with a focused mind, in the present moment, without judgement. DK, Practical Mindfulness.
Mindfulness involves paying attention with a focused mind, in the present moment, without judgement.
DK, Practical Mindfulness.
Mindset Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
ACT is all about doing the things that really matter to you and not letting your mind get in the way.
Freddy Jackson, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy For Dummies.

Addiction interferes with our ability to sense what the right thing is. It also interferes with our ability to sense whether any nourishment (be it food, touch, attention, stimulation) is not enough, just right, or too much.
Christine Caldwell , Getting out bodies back.

Quote of the Day: Thursday, February 27, 2020

Consistency is the difference between failure and success in almost every aspect of life, but especially so when it comes to your health. Clinton dobbins, The simple six.
Consistency is the difference between failure and success in almost every aspect of life, but especially so when it comes to your health.
Clinton dobbins, The simple six.
Success Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The desire for success is part of our nature. And many of us are driven to reach greater and greater heights, which can lead to personal success and societal progress.
Tal Ben Shahar PhD, The Pursuit Of Perfect.

Success is simply holding on and not letting go.
Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Bereavement is hard and if you’ve never experienced it before, it can be unexpectedly devastating and bewildering. For me it was as though I had stepped outside of my world, couldn’t gain perspective, or see the way back in. Theresa Jackson, Loss of a Parent.
Bereavement is hard and if you’ve never experienced it before, it can be unexpectedly devastating and bewildering. For me it was as though I had stepped outside of my world, couldn’t gain perspective, or see the way back in.
Theresa Jackson, Loss of a Parent.
Grief Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The great masters in every walk of life know the importance of breathing; they use it to prepare and recover and to get through difficult moments and critical situations.
Dan Brule, Just Breath.

Grief is the antithesis of this belief: it eschews avoidance and requires endurance, and forces us to accept that there are some things in this world that simply cannot be fixed.
Julia Samuel, Grief Works

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Transforming your life doesn’t mean making huge, dramatic, sweeping overnight changes. All you need to do is do little things differently. Jeff Haden, Transform.
Transforming your life doesn’t mean making huge, dramatic, sweeping overnight changes. All you need to do is do little things differently.
Jeff Haden, Transform.
Life Changing Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Almost every playlist tells the same story: music is not only life-changing, but actually life-creating.
Ted Gioia, A Subversive History of Music

Through positive, consistent visualization, your life will change, it will become the life you have always longed for, always dreamed about.
Louise Stapely, 33 Guided Visualization Scripts to Create the Life of Your Dreams.

Quote of the Day: Monday, February 24, 2020

Wonder is triggered by beauty, by new discoveries, and by our imaginations. Children live in a constant state of wonder. They’re always learning, exploring, and discovering new things. Ainsley Arment, The Call of the Wild and Free.
Wonder is triggered by beauty, by new discoveries, and by our imaginations. Children live in a constant state of wonder. They’re always learning, exploring, and discovering new things.
Ainsley Arment, The Call of the Wild and Free.
Imagination Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
One of the most important ways to boost your results is to imagine how you would feel when your desire manifests.
Louise Stapely, 33 Guided Visualization Scripts to Create the Life of Your Dreams.

Only human beings have the power to imagine a future that could be different from the present.
Michael Mayne, The Enduring Melody

Quote of the Day: Sunday, February 23, 2020

No person, in any culture, likes to be bullied. No person likes living in fear because his or her ideas are different. Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope.
No person, in any culture, likes to be bullied. No person likes living in fear because his or her ideas are different.
Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope.
Fear Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The guilt and the fear can be strong, but you know the single right decision and action. And you know you know, even if it took hindsight to remind you of what you already knew.
Rob Moore, Start Now, Get Perfect Later.

Mindfulness isn’t an intervention. You may hear people say things like, “I was really scared, but then I used mindfulness.” This fails to capture the true nature of mindfulness.
Nicely LPC, Everyday Mindfulness for OCD

Quote of the Day: Saturday, February 22, 2020

Today is a good day to start caring less about the things that matter least. Penelope Brownstone.
Today is a good day to start caring less about the things that matter least.
Penelope Brownstone.
Funny Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The Romans described the hippopotamus as a fire-breathing river horse that sweated blood.
Lucy Cooke, The Unexpected Truth About Animals.

Water’s like me. It’s lazy. Boy, it always looks for the easiest way to do things.
Bob Ross.

Quote of the Day: Friday, February 21, 2020

Changing your thinking is a practice, but one well worth the time. Cyndie Spiegel, A Year of Positive Thinking.
Changing your thinking is a practice, but one well worth the time.
Cyndie Spiegel, A Year of Positive Thinking.
Practice Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
By practicing meditation, we can get used to remaining present, undisturbed by whatever thoughts, emotions, or sensations arise.
Michael Smith, Mindfulness Meditations For Anxiety

Once you deeply feel ego and its methods are repulsive, you will be ready to surrender ego. Thinking, feeling, and acting against ego are your three necessary and ongoing practices for success.
Kevin Everett FitzMaurice, Ego

Quote of the Day: Thursday, February 20, 2020

Meditation is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. Many successful people swear by its effects. Venkat, The Beginners Guide To Meditation.
Meditation is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. Many successful people swear by its effects. Venkat, The Beginners Guide To Meditation.
Venkat, The Beginners Guide To Meditation.
Health Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
What is this state of wholeness anyway? Health. It’s an easy state of being, free of pushes and pulls that limit our animals’ full expression of themselves.
Wendy Thacher Jensen, Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy.

Art Therapy … Uses the creative process of art-making and client-reflection to improve and enhance mental, physical and emotional well-being of individuals.
David Edwards, Art Therapy

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, February 19, 2020

We should learn to listen, act, speak openly, and reflect in order to do what is relevant right now. Everyone can adapt. Thomas Erikson, Surrounded By Idiots.
We should learn to listen, act, speak openly, and reflect in order to do what is relevant right now. Everyone can adapt.
Thomas Erikson, Surrounded By Idiots.
Listening Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
I listen to nothing and it’s silent tunes and rhythms sound harmonic.
Sara Maitland, A Book Of Silence.

The whole art for the new humanity will consist in the secret of listening to the heart consciously, alertly, attentively. And follow it, go wherever it takes you.
Osho, Courage.

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Mindfulness is more than just sitting in a quiet room and reflecting, it’s about achieving a state of being alert and focused but still relaxed. Neal Hoffman, How To Practise Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is more than just sitting in a quiet room and reflecting, it’s about achieving a state of being alert and focused but still relaxed.
Neal Hoffman, How To Practise Mindfulness.
Relax Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The purpose of meditation is to provide mental and physical relaxation. However, correct posture prevents falling asleep.
John Marcus, Complete Meditation Guide

For now, remember that the way of Grace is not about making your ego enlightened. Rather, it is relaxing out of your ego construct as an ongoing process.
Miranda Macpherson, The Way of Grace.

Quote of the Day: Monday, February 17, 2020

Smiling, unknowingly influences how other people will respond to you. Liam Jackson, How To Communicate.
Smiling, unknowingly influences how other people will respond to you.
Liam Jackson, How To Communicate.
Influence Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
In other words, biology deals the cards, but social conditions dictate how the game is played.
Ted Gioia, A Subversive History of Music
During the Medieval period (5th to 16th centuries), the greatest influence on European art was religion. The Church commissioned the majority of art and it was usually produced by monks.
Susie Hodge, Art.

Quote of the Day: Sunday, February 16, 2020

Someday the sort of dangerous, delusional ego—so full of its own self-centered importance it can smash airliners into skyscrapers—may become a relic of our past. Peter Baumann, Ego.
Someday the sort of dangerous, delusional ego—so full of its own self-centered importance it can smash airliners into skyscrapers—may become a relic of our past.
Peter Baumann, Ego.
Words Of Encouragement For Men Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The world around us can get out of control. Nobody follows the exact paths they expect to take in life, and being detoured against our will is the rule, not the exception.
Stephen Guise, Elastic Habits.

Music is part of being human.
Oliver Sacks, Musicophilia.

Quote of the Day: Saturday, February 15, 2020

We are surrounded by wonders. Yet it is so easy for us to become weighed down with chores, worries and work, to become so preoccupied and inward-looking that we begin to forget that we live in an incredible world, full of beauty. Bernadette Russell, The Little Book Of Wonder.
We are surrounded by wonders. Yet it is so easy for us to become weighed down with chores, worries and work, to become so preoccupied and inward-looking that we begin to forget that we live in an incredible world, full of beauty.
Bernadette Russell, The Little Book Of Wonder.
Beauty Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Clarity is beauty. Clarity itself makes beauty, and we easily see this in other art forms, especially music.
Archimedes Plutonium, Science of Art, pictures, painting, visual graphics, camera photography, movie camera, computer images.

Your inner beauty supersedes your outer appearance.
Kate Iroegbu, The Best Motivational Book Ever Written.

Quote of the Day: Friday, February 14, 2020

The world cries out for genuine love, love which heals, unites, and encourages. David Jeremiah, The Joy of Encouragement.
The world cries out for genuine love, love which heals, unites, and encourages.
David Jeremiah, The Joy of Encouragement.
Love and life lesson Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
You may be surprised when I say love is a choice. It is a choice. A lot people make the mistake of thinking love is natural.
Anthony Aries, Relationship Rescue Workbook

Dogs are unique because they love us. That conclusion sounds obvious. It’s not.
Clive Wynne, Dog Is Love

Quote of the Day: Thursday, February 13, 2020

I have taken the biggest lesson of all from animals, needless to say, and discovering that living for the day is the way to live. Jackie Weaver, Real Animal Communication Stories No. 7.
I have taken the biggest lesson of all from animals, needless to say, and discovering that living for the day is the way to live.
Jackie Weaver, Real Animal Communication Stories No. 7.
Life lesson Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
People only get better with experience if they are willing to learn and understand the lessons that are given to them through the bad times in their lives.
Jamie Alderton, Meltdown

Many of us go down a sad path when we let our egos make us suffer.
Mo Gawdat, Solve For Happy.

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, February 12, 2020

When you cultivate quality relationships, not only do you feel better and help your friends feel better, but you contribute to an increase of joy, love, and peace in the world. Tara Bianca, The Flower of Heaven.
When you cultivate quality relationships, not only do you feel better and help your friends feel better, but you contribute to an increase of joy, love, and peace in the world.
Tara Bianca, The Flower of Heaven.
Relationship Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Forgiveness is essential for every kind of relationship we have.
Barbara J Hunt, Forgiveness Made Easy

Like any relationship, a friendship needs to be maintained. Often, any time spent with a friend is a good time, but make sure you don’t take each other for granted.
Lucy Lane, The Little Book of Friendship

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Mindfulness is the practice that quiets the noise inside us. Without mindfulness, we can be pulled away by many things. Thich Nhat Hanh, Silence.
Mindfulness is the practice that quiets the noise inside us. Without mindfulness, we can be pulled away by many things.
Thich Nhat Hanh, Silence.
Mindfulness Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When we practice mindfulness, we pay attention to what is happening in our mind and our body; to our thoughts— the stories we tell ourselves— as well as to emotions and physical sensations as they are arising.
Anna Black, Living in the moment.

Meditation is all about being mindful of everything happening inside.
John Marcus, Complete Meditation Guide.

Quote of the Day: Monday, February 10, 2020

Every new opportunity in life remains only potential until you take that first step forward. Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope.
Every new opportunity in life remains only potential until you take that first step forward.
Richard Daly, God’s Little Book of Hope.
Opportunity Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Look at every change as an opportunity to learn something new.
Hanif Raah, Positive Thinking.

Ritual and ceremony provide us with an opportunity to refuel, reenergize, and even reinvent ourselves. Just a simple beauty ritual can trigger a profound shift into a more self-healing modality.
Shiva Rose, Whole Beauty.

Quote of the Day: Sunday, February 9, 2020

The real history of music is not respectable. Far from it. Neither is it boring. Breakthroughs almost always come from provocateurs and insurgents, and they don’t just change the songs we sing, but often shake up the foundations of society. Ted Gioia.
The real history of music is not respectable. Far from it. Neither is it boring. Breakthroughs almost always come from provocateurs and insurgents, and they don’t just change the songs we sing, but often shake up the foundations of society.
Ted Gioia, A Subversive History of Music.
Change Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
In fact, let’s face it, for most people, life is exhausting. The morbid obesity of change is weighing us down. So we’ve come to the conclusion that the world doesn’t need any more complex theories.
Andy Cope, The Art Of Being Brilliant.

Somewhere along the line, the game changed. We now live in an age of constant connection and information overload.
Graham Allcot, How To Be A Productivity Ninja.

Quote of the Day: Saturday, February 8, 2020

Your thoughts, feelings and sensations are the waves of the ocean – coming and going. There are big strong waves and there are soft gentle waves; they are all water and all part of the ocean. Rose-Marie Sorokin.
Your thoughts, feelings and sensations are the waves of the ocean – coming and going. There are big strong waves and there are soft gentle waves; they are all water and all part of the ocean.
Rose-Marie Sorokin, The Miracle of Yes.
Ocean Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
The human desire to obtain more is a sieve that can never be filled with all the water from the world’s oceans.
Will Bowen, Happy This Year.

We could learn to leave things alone and rest in the awareness – the ocean – rather than being thrown around by the waves. This is what meditation practice is all about.
Gelong Thubten, A Monk’s Guide To Happiness.

Quote of the Day: Friday, February 7, 2020

Our emotions, are artifacts of evolution, having long ago been advantageous for survival, and are now a fixed component of our biological nature. Lisa Feldman Barrett.
Our emotions, are artifacts of evolution, having long ago been advantageous for survival, and are now a fixed component of our biological nature.
Lisa Feldman Barrett, How Emotions Are Made.
Nature Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
From every region of the world there are stories that reveal nature’s resilience and show how restoration is possible.
David Attenborough, Our planet.

The first is that there is great joy to be had in understanding a complex idea, and in doing so glimpsing the underlying simplicity and beauty of Nature.
Brian Cox, Forces of Nature.

Quote of the Day: Thursday, February 6, 2020

We've all felt down at some point. It's inevitable. It could start from a tiny seed of worry or sorrow and snowball into a vast area of your life. Fearne Cotton.
We’ve all felt down at some point. It’s inevitable. It could start from a tiny seed of worry or sorrow and snowball into a vast area of your life.
Fearne Cotton, Happy.
Worry Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Every day, every hour for many of us, we are bombarded with information that keeps us stirred up, worried, and chasing paper tigers.
S.J Scott and Barrie Davenport, 10-Minute Mindfulness.

We get lost in our mental ruminations and incessant worrying, and we miss the actual experience.
Michael Smith, Mindfulness Meditations For Anxiety

Quote of the Day: Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The major problem is that we tend to live our life in our head, in our thoughts and stories, cut off from our actual experience.
Michael Smith, Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety.
The major problem is that we tend to live our life in our head, in our thoughts and stories, cut off from our actual experience.
Michael Smith, Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety.
Experience Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
So mindfulness means to be present. It means being ‘in the moment’, experiencing life directly as it unfolds, rather than being distracted, caught up and lost in thought.
Andy Puddicombe, Meditation And Mindfulness

Every experience that you have is simply one moment in time. Every moment that you struggle within, sit with, or dance your way through will eventually pass.
Cyndie Spiegel, A Year of Positive Thinking.

Quote of the Day: Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How you react emotionally is a choice in any situation and those cumulative choices can make or break your chances for well-being.
Judith Orloff, Emotional Freedom
How you react emotionally is a choice in any situation and those cumulative choices can make or break your chances for well-being.
Judith Orloff, Emotional Freedom
Choices Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
All our power and choice lies in the present moment – right here and now.
Clare Josa, The Little Book of Daily Sunshine

The past exists only in your thinking and only for as long as you choose to hang on to it.
Elaine Harrison, Today Is the Day You Change Your Life

Quote of the Day: Monday, February 3, 2020

Listen to your intuition about what is right for you. Each of us has to find our own way in honoring our needs.
Judith Orloff, The Empath's Survival Guide
Listen to your intuition about what is right for you. Each of us has to find our own way in honoring our needs.
Judith Orloff, The Empath’s Survival Guide
Words of Encouragement for Women

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Be careful of expectations that you set for others, but more importantly, be careful of the ones you set for yourself.
Cyndie Spiegel, A Year of Positive Thinking.

Look at life from unexpected angles today.
Anna Barnes, How To Be Resilient

Quote of the Day:Sunday, February 2, 2020

If we look around, we see countless people who pursued their dreams of a golden mansion, a Porsche 911, and a six-figure job, and yet they’re not happier than before with the moldy flat, the rusty old car, and the cheap job.
Jonas Salzgeber
If we look around, we see countless people who pursued their dreams of a golden mansion, a Porsche 911, and a six-figure job, and yet they’re not happier than before with the moldy flat, the rusty old car, and the cheap job.
Jonas Salzgeber
Funny Quotes about Life

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Lisa, just because I don’t care, doesn’t mean I don’t understand.
Homer Simpson

I like fishing, but I’m not a very good fisherman. I always throw the fish back into the water, just put a band-aid on his mouth, tap ‘im on the patootie and let him on his way.
Bob Ross

Quote of the Day: Saturday, February 1, 2020

Everyone (or almost everyone) is moved by music in some way. Oliver Sacks, Musicophilia
Everyone (or almost everyone) is moved by music in some way.
Oliver Sacks, Musicophilia
Music Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day:
Music can have a profound effect on mood, including confidence level or how relaxed you are.
Corrina Thurston, How To Communicate Effectively

The power of music, whether to put listeners into a trance or rouse them to action, has always been feared, and thus must be controlled.
Ted Gioia, A Subversive History of Music

Positive Quotes for the Day:
When the shadows begin to lengthen on the afternoon of December 31st we experience a feeling of buoyancy as we hurry home. The air is already charged with hope for the New Year, now so close at hand.
Author Unknown

A failure to take precise and deliberate action is the reason why so many New Year’s resolutions resolutions and other goals fail.
Jordan Ring, Now What?

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