Quote of The Day July to August, 2018

Quote of The Day July to August, 2018


Friday, August 31, 2018 Quote of The Day

I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude. Judith M. Knowlton
“I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it’s only a choice of attitude.”
Judith M. Knowlton

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Work Quotes
Doing the work to improve your life is simple, you can do it, and it’s work you want to do— because it’s the most important work that there is.Mel Robbins, The 5 Second Rule

Quotes about Being Strong
I feel good – when I’m strong
When I decide for myself, what’s right and what’s wrong.
David and Jenny Heitler-Klevans, When I’m Strong

Thursday, August 30, 2018 Quote of The Day

You are the guy who'll decide where to go. Dr. Seuss
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You’re on your own. And you know what you know.
You are the guy who’ll decide where to go.
Dr. Seuss Graduation

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Work Quotes
Being motivated is a vital aspect in wanting to work well.Kate Keenan, Motivate

Quotes about Being Strong
Sometimes when you’re treated unfairly it makes you stronger and more determined. Michael Jackson

Wednesday, August 29, 2018 Quote of The Day

If you can't outplay them, outwork them. Ben Hogan
If you can’t outplay them, outwork them.
Ben Hogan, Professional Golfer Sports

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Work Quotes
When we’re inspired, we work the hardest and most creatively. We don’t need to be overmanaged because our energy pulls us along.Kristi Hedges, The Inspiration Code

Quotes about Being Strong
I am often fascinated by the resiliency of some of the people I meet.  Life keeps knocking them down, but in what seems to be outright defiance, they keep getting up, stronger and better than before.Les Brown

Tuesday, August 28, 2018 Quote of The Day

Positive people tend to focus on making changes within themselves. Stephen Shaner
Positive people tend to focus on making changes within themselves.
Stephen Shaner, The Art of Being Awesome People Change Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Work Quotes
I realized that job transitions can be embraced as positive opportunities to find or create work through which you can learn, share your unique talents, and be happier overall.Vicki Morris, Create Work You Love in 8 Weeks

Quotes about Being Strong
Have courage and be strong – because you’re worth it and no one can take that from you if you don’t let them.Orly Wahba, Kindness Boomerang

Monday, August 27, 2018 Quote of The Day

Sometimes one day changes everything; sometimes years change nothing. Irish Saying
Sometimes one day changes everything; sometimes years change nothing.
Irish Sayings Cool Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Work Quotes
…in the midst of the simple ordinariness of everyday life, the work we do has the capacity to be good work that has profound worth and significance.Gordon T. Smith. Courage and Calling

Quotes about Being Strong
Nothing in life has happened to you. It’s happened for you. Every disappointment. Every wrong. Even every closed door has helped make you into who you are. Joel Osteen

Sunday, August 26, 2018 Quote of The Day

Jesus Christ has affected history more than any other person. What he did changed the world forever. Roger Quy
Jesus Christ has affected history more than any other person. What he did changed the world forever.
Roger Quy Change The World Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Stay Focused Quotes
Nothing that is worth doing happens overnight and nothing can be accomplished without dedication and a willingness to overcome any obstacle in your path. Stay focused! Catherine Pulsifer

Cute Love Quotes For Him and Her
God wants you to love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who hurt you, and turn the other cheek. Rick Warren

Saturday, August 25, 2018 Quote of The Day

While it runs contrary to much of modern thinking, generosity has the power to change your life for the better. David Khalil
While it runs contrary to much of modern thinking, generosity has the power to change your life for the better.
David Khalil, Principle 7: The Power of Giving Life Changing Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Stay Focused Quotes
It takes superhuman effort to focus on a task when you’re surrounded by distractions. But when you remove distractions in advance, no such effort is required: concentration flows. Nick Winter

Cute Love Quotes For Him and Her
You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr. Seuss

Friday, August 24, 2018 Quote of The Day

The more you love the least deserving on your list, the more your life will change. Mike Dooley
The more you love the least deserving on your list, the more your life will change.
Mike Dooley Quotes about Love and Life

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Stay Focused Quotes
Stay focused and don’t allow distractions to fill your mind or derail you from taking continued action. To stay focused on the end is another key in reaching a goal. Byron Pulsifer, Beavers: What They Can Teach Us

Cute Love Quotes For Him and Her
Most couples think that love will make the world go around after marriage. But the truth is, love is just one of the important factors you need to take care of.

Thursday, August 23, 2018 Quote of The Day

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves. James M. Barrie
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.
James M. Barrie Sharing

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Stay Focused Quotes
Stay focused, keep going. Tony Clark

Cute Love Quotes For Him and Her
Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Quote of The Day

The important thing is never to stop questioning. Albert Einstein
The important thing is never to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein Question

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Stay Focused Quotes
Stay focused on self-direction and personal growth and away from finger-pointing. Nina Atwood

Cute Love Quotes For Him and Her
The love, kindnesses, and value we have given authentically to others will be our remaining treasures at the end of life. Steve Brunkhorst

Tuesday, August 21, 2018 Quote of The Day

Beginning today, make it a habit to count your blessings everyday. Shadonna Richards, R.N.
Beginning today, make it a habit to count your blessings everyday.
Shadonna Richards, R.N. Habit

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Stay Focused Quotes
Positive thoughts make everything easier. Stay focused and stay positive You are unique, with special gifts, use them. Never forget you have talent Catherine Pulsifer

Cute Love Quotes For Him and Her
Heaven grant us patience with a man in love. Rudyard Kipling

Monday, August 20, 2018 Quote of The Day

 If you act enthusiastic, you become enthusiastic - and it spreads like wildfire! Mary Kay Ash
If you act enthusiastic, you become enthusiastic – and it spreads like wildfire!
Mary Kay Ash Quotes To Live

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Stay Focused Quotes
Without focus, you won’t be able to use the skills that you have worked so hard to build over the years of practice.Jonny Bell, Sports Psychology

Cute Love Quotes For Him and Her
The world should be full of love. Love. Love is the most important thing in the world. Michael Jackson

Sunday, August 19, 2018 Quote of The Day

God created man with the capacity to love. Love is based upon one's 
 right to choose to love.
God created man with the capacity to love. Love is based upon one’s right to choose to love.
Billy Graham Famous Love Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Accomplishment Quotes
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. Helen Keller

Funny Quotes
If you’ve been trembling on a tightrope of fear and worry, may I suggest the best solution ever? A trade. An exchange: your cares for God’s calm. Max Lucado

Saturday, August 18, 2018 Quote of The Day

The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Walter Chrysler
The real secret of success is enthusiasm.
Walter Chrysler Enthusiasm

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Accomplishment Quotes
To help you get that sense of accomplishment that comes with finished tasks, checked off to-do’s and making headway with all of the responsibilities we have that can overwhelm us…. Seeing your accomplishments in black and white is satisfying!Katherine Rayne, Daily Planning with a Purpose

Funny Quotes
Having a new baby is an experience much like sky diving… You may go through a bunch of training and listen to instructors tell you all about what to expect, but the reality is that one second you are safe inside an airplane and the next you are free-falling from thousands of feet in the air.Todd Anderson, 21 Must Know Tips For New Dads

Friday, August 17, 2018 Quote of The Day

Hallmarks of true love . . . A willingness to give and take.  Newell W. Edson
Hallmarks of true love . . . A willingness to give and take.
Newell W. Edson True Love

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Each of us has unsuspected power to accomplish what we demand of ourselves, if we care to search for it. You are no exception.Claire Weekes, Hope and Help for Your Nerves

Funny Quotes
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. Dalai Lama

Thursday, August 16, 2018 Quote of The Day

You can't trust your memory, when you think of an idea write it down. Joe Hinchliffe
You can’t trust your memory, when you think of an idea write it down.
Joe Hinchliffe Happiness

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
It is possible to be busy-very busy-without being very effective. Stephen Covey

Funny Quotes
Anyone can find the switch after the lights are on. Confucius

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 Quote of The Day

If you want happiness for a lifetime - help others. Chinese Proverb
If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day – go fishing.
If you want happiness for a month – get married.
If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune.
If you want happiness for a lifetime – help others.
Chinese Proverb Make A Difference

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Your commitment to achieving what matters most will become the foundation for tremendous accomplishments and contributions. You will become the change you seek to make. Stephen Covey

Funny Quotes
In our endeavors to recall to memory something long forgotten, we often find ourselves upon the very verge of remembrance, without being able, in the end, to remember. Edgar Allan Poe

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 Quote of The Day

It is amazing what can be accomplished when nobody cares about who gets the credit. Robert Yates
It is amazing what can be accomplished when nobody cares about who gets the credit.
Robert Yates Teams

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
We all have different internal motivators and are more likely to accomplish a task when we tap into our own ‘why’ rather than a carrot or stick approach. Dr. Rob Bell; Bill Parisi, Don’t “Should” On Your Kids

Funny Quotes
The more you sweat in practice the less you bleed in battle. Michael Jordan

Monday, August 13, 2018 Quote of The Day

To try and to fail is not laziness. African Proverb
To try and to fail is not laziness.
African Proverb Failure

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
You can accomplish virtually anything if you want it badly enough and if you are willing to work long enough and hard enough; Brian Tracy

Funny Quotes
Don’t get buried in the thick of thin things. Stephen Covey

Sunday, August 12, 2018 Quote of The Day

When we place God at the center of our lives, we find unexplainable joy, balance and peace. Brittany Ann
When we place God at the center of our lives, we find unexplainable joy, balance and peace.
Brittany Ann, Putting God First Peace

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Worry Quotes
Don’t worry about your future. God knows you completely, accepts you unconditionally and loves you wholeheartedly. You can trust Him. Nicky Gumbel

Perseverance Quotes
But if we wait expectantly for things we have never seen, then we hope with true perseverance and eager anticipation. Romans 8:25 NLT

Saturday, August 11, 2018 Quote of The Day

Joy is a choice based on being content regardless of circumstances. M. Ahlers
Joy is a choice based on being content regardless of circumstances. Understanding what encourages joy in your life can help you cultivate it and build up your resources for when circumstances are difficult.
M. Ahlers Joy

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Worry Quotes
Worry often times becomes a guilt-trip and then feeds into regret as a way that one “should have” done this or that. DA Southern

Perseverance Quotes
I hope the millions of people I’ve touched have the optimism and desire to share their goals and hard work and perseverance with a positive attitude. Michael Jordan

Friday, August 10, 2018 Quote of The Day

I really get motivated when I have doubters. Shaquille O'Neal
I really get motivated when I have doubters.
Shaquille O’Neal Basketball

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Worry Quotes
When you feel a complaint coming on, step forward to take positive, productive actions instead.  Use your time and energy to accomplish great things instead of worrying, placing blame or spreading criticism. Les Brown

Perseverance Quotes
He conquers who endures.Persius Proverb

Thursday, August 9, 2018 Quote of The Day

PERSIST. Because with an idea, determination, and the right tools, you can do great things. Author Unknown
PERSIST. Because with an idea, determination, and the right tools, you can do great things.
Author Unknown Determination

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Worry Quotes
What I know for sure is that there is no strength without challenge, adversity, resistance, and often pain. The problems that make you want to throw up your hands and holler “Mercy!” will build your tenacity, courage, discipline, and determination.Oprah Winfrey

Perseverance Quotes
In one word mental fortitude is grit, the ability to persevere and maintain passion for long-term goals. James O’Donnell, How to Become Patient

Wednesday, August 8, 2018 Quote of The Day

Dedication is belief transistioned into action which is transformed into change. Byron Pulsifer
Dedication is belief transistioned into action which is transformed into change.
Byron Pulsifer Dedication

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Worry Quotes
Don’t worry if you have no position: worry about making yourself worthy of one. Confucius

Perseverance Quotes
The key to achieving success is believing in yourself and having the strength and motivation to persevere. Jane John-Nwankwo, Success Is For The Ready

Tuesday, August 7, 2018 Quote of The Day

Everybody has a unique purpose
 in their life. Ben Gothard
Understanding purpose is one thing, but recognizing the importance of having purpose is another. Everybody has a unique purpose in their life …
Ben Gothard, Achieve Greatness: How to Find Your Purpose Purpose

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Worry Quotes
Quit worrying about how everything is going to turn out. Live one day at a time. Joel Osteen

Perseverance Quotes
Perseverance is what keeps your engine going, long after you run out of gas. It’s your crazy factor. It’s also known as hunger. Anthony Frasier

Monday, August 6, 2018 Quote of The Day

Don't give up in times of difficulty. Persevere on as there will be an end to these. Edward Dunedin
Don’t give up in times of difficulty. Persevere on as there will be an end to these.
Edward Dunedin, Inspirational Quotes And Idioms On Life Quotes about Overcoming

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Worry Quotes
If it can be solved, there’s no need to worry, and if it can’t be solved, worry is of no use. Dalai Lama

Perseverance Quotes
… perseverance is a challenge in itself. Fortunately, the benefits of perseverance are numerous and powerful, only matched, in fact, by the resistance you will encounter when you do it.Ian Gibbs, The Sorites Principle

Sunday, August 5, 2018 Quote of The Day

Let go of all your fears and worries and let God take over. Lisa Rusczyk Ed.D.
Let go of all your fears and worries and let God take over. Giving up control can be difficult but the changes you see in your life with be worth it.
Lisa Rusczyk Ed.D., 50 Things to Know About Prayer Quotes about God

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Home Quotes
The secret of a happy home is that members of the family learn to give and receive love.Billy Graham, Day by Day

Mistake Quotes
The most common mistake Christians make in worship today is seeking an experience rather than seeking God. Rick Warren

Saturday, August 4, 2018 Quote of The Day

Stress and unhappiness come not from situations, but how you respond to situations. Brian Tracy
“Stress and unhappiness come not from situations, but how you respond to situations.”
Brian Tracy Stress

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Home Quotes
A house becomes a home when you can write, ‘I love you’ on the furniture. Author Unknown

Mistake Quotes
You can also look for progress after mistakes are made – an employee who learns from her mistakes is a valuable team member. Terrance Sember

Friday, August 3, 2018 Quote of The Day

The key to success is consistency. Zak Frazer
The key to success is consistency.
Zak Frazer Consistency

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Home Quotes
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, gratitude is always possible, and feeling good starts at home. Emma Wright, Feel Good Friday

Mistake Quotes
Self-development will help you better yourself, and it’ll allow you to make way fewer mistakes, helping your business to grow and survive. Monica Bell

Thursday, August 2, 2018 Quote of The Day

The true beauty of music is that it connects people. Roy Ayers
The true beauty of music is that it connects people. It carries a message, and we, the musicians, are the messengers.
Roy Ayers Music

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Home Quotes
Look around your home. Is everything you see something you truly need? If you can get rid of some of your stuff, you will feel a lot less stressed. Ashlee Meadows

Mistake Quotes
The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. Henry Ford

Wednesday, August 1, 2018 Quote of The Day

You must believe you can.  If anyone else can do this, you can do this as well. Tamara Tilleman
You must believe you can. If anyone else can do this, you can do this as well. Yes, you can!
Tamara Tilleman, Postive Mental Attitude: Believe In Yourself Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Home Quotes
I think that when you invite people to your home, you invite them to yourself.Oprah Winfrey

Mistake Quotes
People often make a mistake in their personal development when they focus too much on their weaknesses. John C. Maxwell


Tuesday, July 31, 2018 Quote of The Day

Comfort is the enemy of achievement. Farrah Gray
Comfort is the enemy of achievement.
Farrah Gray Comfort Zone

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Home Quotes
Creating uplifting environment for others through the words we use and showing compassion goes outside of the home as well. Chris Johnston

Mistake Quotes
The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it. Stephen Covey

Monday, July 30, 2018 Quote of The Day

I have never developed indigestion from eating my words. Winston Churchill
I have never developed indigestion from eating my words.
Winston Churchill Funny Quotes about Life

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Home Quotes
I think the most significant work we’ll do in our whole life, in our whole world is done within the four walls of our home. Stephen Covey

Mistake Quotes
Since children have inherited imperfect parents, the likelihood of mistakes being made is inevitable.Jack Stoltzfus

Sunday, July 29, 2018 Quote of The Day

See the best. Forgive the worst. Forget the bad. Always have faith. Melissa Eshleman
See the best. Forgive the worst. Forget the bad. Always have faith.
Melissa Eshleman, It’s Never too Late to Navigate Faith

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Respect Quotes
I was raised by parents who taught me to love and respect people regardless of their race or background. Michael Jordan

Smile Quotes
Make each new day count by helping someone or just making someone smile. Catherine Pulsifer

Saturday, July 28, 2018 Quote of The Day

We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Jimmy Carter
We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.
Jimmy Carter Diversity

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Respect Quotes
If you have children who love and respect you, this too can be a sign of your success. Les Brown

Smile Quotes
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. Thich Nhat Hanh

Friday, July 27, 2018 Quote of The Day

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Maya Angelou
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter Decision

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Respect Quotes
Threats to freedom of speech, writing and action, though often trivial in isolation, are cumulative in their effect and, unless checked, lead to a general disrespect for the rights of the citizen. George Orwell

Smile Quotes
Every time a man smiles, and much more when he laughs, it adds something to his fragment of life. Laurence Sterne

Thursday, July 26, 2018 Quote of The Day

An eagle uses the storm to reach unimaginable heights. Eric Thomas
An eagle uses the storm to reach unimaginable heights.
Eric Thomas Best Motivational Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Respect Quotes
When we respect someone, we are acknowledging and appreciating their role in society or in our life. Jennifer Freed Ph. D., Character

Smile Quotes
A good Dad is able to smile when there is little to smile about.Jake Slope, Jake. How to Be a Good Father

Wednesday, July 25, 2018 Quote of The Day

Never does a man portray his character more vividly than when proclaiming the character of another. Winston Churchill
Never does a man portray his character more vividly than when proclaiming the character of another.
Winston Churchill Character

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Respect Quotes
Consistency is a key element, without which a leader is incapable of getting respect, success or even developing confidence in others. Daniel Transon, The Leadership Challenge

Smile Quotes
Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be loved. Michael Jackson

Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Quote of The Day

Greatness comes from practice. Don't be fooled by the perception of effortlessness. Anthony Frasier
Greatness comes from practice. Don’t be fooled by the perception of effortlessness. Whatever you aim to do, be consistent and persistent.
Anthony Frasier, Don’t Dumb Down Your Greatness Greatness

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Respect Quotes
When you show people kindness and respect, despite petty differences, you are bringing positive vibes into your life and into the lives of others. Jason Scotts, Mental Strength and Positive Attitude

Smile Quotes
Smile if you want a smile from another face. Dalai Lama

Monday, July 23, 2018 Quote of The Day

A negative focus can result in our entirely missing the possibilities placed in our path.  Anne Wilson Schaef
“A negative focus can result in our entirely missing the possibilities placed in our path.”
Anne Wilson Schaef Focus

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Respect Quotes
Respect others. Demand respect; don’t allow yourself to be disrespected by anyone. Nicoline Ambe, Being Dad

Smile Quotes
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. Richard M. DeVos

Sunday, July 22, 2018 Quote of The Day

So God, I cannot pen the thoughts of all Your love and care
So God, I cannot pen the thoughts of all Your love and care,
Far beyond my human power, but God! I’m glad You’re there!
Greta Zwaan, God Is There Christian Poems

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Confidence Quotes
I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.Philippians 1:6

Friend Quotes
As you go through life, you will find that your acquaintances will be many, but only your true friends will share your pain as well as your pleasure.Heidi Catherine Culbertson, Wisdom and Recipes

Saturday, July 21, 2018 Quote of The Day

Cut out any negative people, they will never smooth your path towards a great life. Edmund Ronen
Cut out any negative people, they will never smooth your path towards a great life.
Edmund Ronen, Unlock Your Inner Achiever Great Quotes About Life

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Confidence Quotes
Accepting your weaknesses can significantly boost your self-confidence and self-esteem as you aren’t setting yourself up for failure, but rather you are concentrating on achieving success using your strengths instead. Andy C. E. Brown, Self Confidence

Friend Quotes
It is easy to say how we love new friends, and what we think of them, but words can never trace out all the fibers that knit us to the old. George Eliot

Friday, July 20, 2018 Quote of The Day

You hold the key to your future. The actions you take every day shape your future. Mattias Skarin
You hold the key to your future. The actions you take every day shape your future.
Mattias Skarin Quotes about the Future

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Confidence Quotes
Smile, for everyone lacks self-confidence and more than any other one thing a smile reassures them.Andre Maurois

Friend Quotes
Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends.Jacques Delille

Thursday, July 19, 2018 Quote of The Day

A little impatience will spoil great plans. Chinese Proverb
A little impatience will spoil great plans.
Chinese Proverbs

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Confidence Quotes
People with extreme confidence do not let temporary setbacks slow them down. They have a clear vision of what they want, and they go get it.Beau Norton, Extreme Confidence

Friend Quotes
Although we come into contact with lots of people through the course of our lives, few end up as friends. If we have one good friend, our life is rich.Vincent Thnay, Friends Indeed

Wednesday, July 18, 2018 Quote of The Day

Friendship is not threatened by honest criticism. It is strengthened. Charles Swindoll
Friendship is not threatened by honest criticism. It is strengthened.
Charles Swindoll Honesty

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Confidence Quotes
If you are someone who is in constant doubt and your life thus far has been a constant string of disappointments, it’s time you stop fixating on doubt and spend your valuable time on building a list of things that make you feel confident and assertive. Zak Frazer, Mastering Motivation

Friend Quotes
To be a friend a man should be tolerant, he should have an understanding heart and a forgiving nature, know that all men stumble now and then, and that he who never made a mistake never accomplished anything. Wilfred Peterson

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 Quote of The Day

Having perseverance is all about being able to bounce back and keep moving forward. Jason Scotts
Having perseverance is all about being able to bounce back and keep moving forward. Jason Scotts
Jason Scotts Moving Forward

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Confidence Quotes
Just remember, there are no quick fixes. But, by taking action just a little bit every day, you will build up a powerful reservoir of confidence, self-esteem, and discipline.Scott Allan, Rejection Reset

Friend Quotes
If you want to win friends, make it a point to remember them. If you remember my name, you pay me a subtle compliment; you indicate that I have made an impression on you. Remember my name and you add to my feeling of importance.Dale Carnegie

Monday, July 16, 2018 Quote of The Day

Finish each day and be done with it. . . Tomorrow is a new day. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
Ralph Waldo Emerson New Beginning Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Confidence Quotes
When you’re strong enough and confident enough to speak the truth, you gain respect and influence. Les Brown

Friend Quotes
I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun. Charles R Swindoll

Sunday, July 15, 2018 Quote of The Day

.... on our knees in prayer, is the best preparation to face the challenges of life. David Packer
For most of us, I believe, to withdraw daily from the conflict to recharge our spiritual batteries, to step away from overbearing responsibilities, to meet God in His word and on our knees in prayer, is the best preparation to face the challenges of life.
David Packer, Encouragement Prayer

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Courage Quotes
… how much courage would you need to live your dream and do the things that scare you and are keeping you trapped? The truth is that you don’t need bravery or courage. This is the illusion of confidence… There are a lot of things we should prepare for, but perfection and being good enough before we start holds us back from doing it in the first place. Scott Allan, Do It Scared: Charge Forward With Confidence, Conquer Resistance, and Break Through Your Limitations

Quotes about Change
God never promises to remove us from our struggles. He does promise, however, to change the way we look at them. Max Lucado

Saturday, July 14, 2018 Quote of The Day

It's not about hair color or lack of hair; it's not about crooked teeth or a beautiful smile. It's about who you are. Willow Cross
It’s not about hair color or lack of hair; it’s not about crooked teeth or a beautiful smile.
It’s about who you are.
Willow Cross, Getting Over It Beauty Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Courage Quotes
There are so many important qualities in life … the one that holds so many back from realizing their dreams: courage! Grant Zarzour

Quotes about Change
You can change your world by changing your words… Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue. Joel Osteen

Friday, July 13, 2018 Quote of The Day

Fate and self-help share equally in shaping our destiny. Proverb
Fate and self-help share equally in shaping our destiny.
Proverb Fate

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Courage Quotes
Without moral courage, our brightest virtues rust from lack of use. With it, we build piece by piece a more ethical world.Rushworth M. Kidder, Moral Courage

Quotes about Change
If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change. Michael Jackson

Thursday, July 12, 2018 Quote of The Day

Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.  Mark Black
Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.
Mark Black Relax

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Courage Quotes
Moral courage isn’t an esoteric branch of philosophy; it’s a practical necessity for modern life. Its presence or absence explains some of the world’s greatest successes and failures.Maine Camden

Quotes about Change
You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. Michael Jordan

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 Quote of The Day

Whatever you expect with certainty will become your very own self fulfilling prophecy. Bob Herring
Whatever you expect with certainty will become your very own self fulfilling prophecy.
Bob Herring, Live Your Life – Inspiration For A Great Life Believe

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Courage Quotes
Sometimes we need to take a step back to have the courage and strength to take the next steps forward.Orly Wahba, Kindness Boomerang

Quotes about Change
While we cannot change a past event, we can change our reaction to it, our understanding of it, and what we do with it.Hamilton Beazley, No Regrets

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 Quote of The Day

We determine our destiny by the actions we take today. Catherine Pulsifer
We determine our destiny by the actions we take today.
Catherine Pulsifer Destiny

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Courage Quotes
Faced with what is right, to leave it undone shows a lack of courage. Confucius

Quotes about Change
Progress means not just changing, but changing for the better. C. S. Lewis

Monday, July 9, 2018 Quote of The Day

When you encounter various trials, big or small, be full of joy. They're opportunities to learn patience. Scott Curran
When you encounter various trials, big or small, be full of joy. They’re opportunities to learn patience.
Scott Curran Patience

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Courage Quotes
Talent is a universal gift, but it takes a lot of courage to use it. Don’t be afraid to be the best. Paulo Coelho

Quotes about Change
There are three constants in life… change, choice and principles. Stephen Covey

Sunday, July 8, 2018 Quote of The Day

God gave us the ability to do, not just try. Catherine Pulsifer
God gave us the ability to do, not just try
Give thanks rather than cry.
Catherine Pulsifer, Let God Guide You Poems about Faith

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Coaching Quotes
Coaching helps people stretch themselves in different ways to reach objectives that enhance and give new direction and meaning to their personal and professional lives.Cinnie Noble, Conflict Management Coaching

Words of Encouragement
Your mind is like a magnet – it attracts into your life whatever you think about most. Paul and Tracey McManus, The 7 Great Prayers

Saturday, July 7, 2018 Quote of The Day

Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness. C. S. Lewis
Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness.
C. S. Lewis Love

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Coaching Quotes
… a coach needs to be a truth teller. You have to be willing to “speak the truth in love.” You need to be direct, clear, kind, consistent, and brave, challenging your team member to stretch.Elizabeth Jeffries, What Exceptional Executives Need to Know

Words of Encouragement
Don’t allow anyone to denigrate or inhibit your lofty aspirations. Your dreams can take you much higher and much farther than anyone ever thought possible! Buzz Aldrin, No Dream Is Too High

Friday, July 6, 2018 Quote of The Day

You will never have a completely bad day if you show kindness at least once. Greg Henry Quinn
You will never have a completely bad day if you show kindness at least once.
Greg Henry Quinn Kindness

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Coaching Quotes
The best coaches know what the end result looks like, whether it’s an offensive play, a defensive play, a defensive coverage, or just some idea of the organization. Vince Lombardi

Words of Encouragement
You’re allowed to scream, you’re allowed to cry, but do not give up. Author Unknown

Thursday, July 5, 2018 Quote of The Day

Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise. Robert Martin
Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise.
Robert Martin Encouraging

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Coaching Quotes
Clearly, coaching is not just about the organization or the team. Coaching is about people. Michael K. Simpson, Unlocking Potential

Words of Encouragement
Life is about striking the perfect balance and since nothing in life is perfect, we have to do the best with what we got.Anquanette Gaspard, Blink & You Will Miss It

Wednesday, July 4, 2018 Quote of The Day

Success is never an accident; it's always the result of a plan. Tony A. Gaskins Jr
Success is never an accident; it’s always the result of a plan. They say chance favors the prepared so get prepared and stay ready so that you don’t have to get ready later on, when it is too late.
Tony A. Gaskins Jr., The Road to Destiny Preparation

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Coaching Quotes
As a coach, you need to cultivate an important character trait, which is your desire and passion to help and inspire others. Lily Perkins, Life Coach

Words of Encouragement
To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle. Dalai Lama

Tuesday, July 3, 2018 Quote of The Day

Do what you can, where you are, with what you've got. Theodore Roosevelt
Do what you can, where you are, with what you’ve got.
Theodore Roosevelt Inspirational Quotes

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Coaching Quotes
… coaching is the art of facilitating… What we do with coaching is the art of making change easy.Femke Mortimore, The Quantum Leap Coach System

Words of Encouragement
Be a people builder. Look for opportunities to encourage others to bring out the best in them. Joel Osteen

Monday, July 2, 2018 Quote of The Day

Trust is involved in all the basic elements of a healthy relationship...Harold Duarte-Bernhardt
Trust is involved in all the basic elements of a healthy relationship: namely, love (respect and consideration for another person), communication, commitment and honesty.
Harold Duarte-Bernhardt Relationship

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Coaching Quotes
Risk has placed more importance on the role that trust between the manager and the employee plays in being an effective coaching manager.James M. Hunt, The Coaching Manager

Words of Encouragement
May the light always find you on a dreary day. Irish Proverbs

Sunday, July 1, 2018 Quote of The Day

When we go to Him in prayer, He gives us hope and strength to handle the impossible. Shane DeCreshio
“When we go to Him in prayer, He gives us hope and strength to handle the impossible.”
Shane DeCreshio Quotes about Hope

Positive Quotes for the Day by Topic:
Motivational Quotes
Sometimes, when an idea just won’t go away, you need to pay attention to how God is nudging you. Robin Jones Gunn

Quotes about the Future
Don’t worry about your future or how you’re going to accomplish a dream. God has already lined up what you need. Joel Osteen

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