62 Progress Quotes
Be inspired by these progress quotes. Words of wisdom about what and why progress occurs and why we always must strive to keep moving forward.
- Part of life is understanding that real change and progress comes with dedicated perseverance but also realizing that challenges, obstacles and roadblocks will appear from time to time. Robert Rivers, Happiness Is Possible
Quotes to Live By - Despite our deeply rooted prejudices against ‘filthy lucre’, however, money is the root of most progress.Niall Ferguson, The Ascent of Moneyprogress link ot money
Money - Actively recognizing progress towards your goal will ultimately end up inspiring you and have you pushing even harder.Denzel J. Wellington, Goal Setting
Goals - Progress isn’t made through fear. … Fear is the coward’s way of leadership. Michelle Obama
Fear - I have followed many a weary mile behind a plough and I know all the drudgery of it. When very young I suspected that much might somehow be done in a better way.Henry Ford
Famous Quotes about Life - The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. Gandhi
Greatness - Have you ever needed to do a thorough cleaning of your home, only to find out that you just can’t get inspired until you start a bit of it? That’s because progress is going to help you improve your motivation, and in truth, progress is the greatest motivator. Monica Bell, Passive Income
Motivational Quotes about Life - You need to place the right people in your life, and you need to make sure that the way in which you live your life and the environment in which you do is in and of itself is one that is conducive to your progress, and if it’s not, you need to do everything within your power to change it.Rachel Rebecca Wisdom, Mind Gym
Change - Since the days our grandfathers were born, we’ve invented television, the computer, the Internet, the iPod, the cell phone, the flu shot, hybrid cars, the GPS … all of us were born in homes with electricity and indoor plumbing, and many of our grandfathers, as boys, were still finding their way by kerosene lamps and using outhouses. You’d think all of this progress would have made us a smarter, safer, more sustainable society. And yet we’ve somehow lost our way.Erin Bried, How to Build a Fire
Smart - Excellence without effort is as futile as progress without preparation. William Arthur Ward
Effort - Life is a progress, and not a station. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Famous - If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress. Barack Obama
Inspirational Quotes for Students - Don’t let pride ever cause you to stumble,
Baby steps are still progress and keep us humble.
It’s better to move slowly then to turn or hide,
Keep your eyes focused, let God be your guide.
J. Allen Shaw, Results
New Year Poem - Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin
Inspirational Quotes - Strive for progress, not perfection. Author Unknown
Not Perfect - Time and again, I’ve seen people make the most progress when they combine their knowledge of themselves with real world actions. Alison Cardy, Career Grease
Being Yourself - Doubt increases with inaction. Clarity reveals itself in momentum. Growth comes from progress. For all these reasons, BEGIN. Brendon Burchard
Growth - Procrastination can be categorized as habit, and that habit, if continued repeatedly and turned into a life style, transforms into a bad habit that can pull us back from progress and delay our success. Mark Thomas, Procrastination Cure
Procrastination - Can you imagine what a pessimist who lived only 200 years ago would think about the world we live in? Airplanes, electricity, automobiles, television, remote controls, the Internet, fax machines, telephones, cellular phones, and so on – and all available to us because of that spark of open-mindedness that allowed progress, growth, and creativity to flourish. Wayne Dyer, 21 Days to Master Success and Inner Peace
Words of Encouragement - The most important thing is to make decisions. Whether the decision is right or wrong is secondary. You will soon receive feedback that will help you to progress. Marc Reklau, 30 Days
Decision - It doesn’t matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off! You cannot make progress without making decisions. Jim Rohn
Funny - Great steps in human progress are made by things that don’t work the way philosophy thought they should. If things always worked the way they should, you could write the history of the world from now on. But they don’t, and it is those deviations from the normal that make human progress. Charles Kettering
Cute Life Quotes - The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress. Charles Kettering
Cool - We are not at the end of our progress but at the beginning. We have but reached the shores of a great unexplored continent. We cannot turn back . . . It is man’s destiny to ponder on the riddle of existence and, as a by-product of his wonderment, to create a new life on this earth. Charles Kettering
New Beginnings - Problems are the price of progress. Don’t bring me anything but trouble. Good news weakens me. Charles Kettering
Funny Quotes about Life - Through substitute activities, therapy, and hard work, grieving individuals can work through their anger and progress to live more balanced lives. Valerie Orr, Picking Up the Pieces
Anger - As time progresses, increase the amount of time spent for self-improvement, and less time on the mental junk food. Create a healthy balance, it’s no different than indulging in some cake here and there. Moderation, moderation, moderation! Curt Hinson, Sleeping Giant No More
Balance - However, it is one thing to be consumed by your future financial goals, and another thing to be making progress and enjoying the process with a more balanced life by doing what brings you joy. Maggie Thompson, Codepency
Future - If we heed Martin Luther King’s call today, we can launch a struggle that can catapult our nation into a new century of even more exciting progress toward the ideal of peace with social justice. Dorothy F. Cotton, Why We Can’t Wait Martin Luther King Jr.
Peace - Just as the tension of the wind against the sail causes the sailboat to move, so stress is necessary for us to progress through life. Vivian Eisenecher, Recovering Me, Discovering Joy
Stress - What was astonishing to me is something that should be more apparent to all of us: the exercises that caused people to increase their progress dramatically were those that took the pressure off, those that did away with the crippling perfectionism that caused people to quit their goals. Whether they were trying to lose a pants size, write more content on a blog, or get a raise, the results were the same. The less that people aimed for perfect, the more productive they became. Jon Acuff, Finish
Encouraging - If you’re climbing the ladder of life, you go rung by rung, one step at a time. Don’t look too far up, set your goals high but take one step at a time. Sometimes you don’t think you’re progressing until you step back and see how high you’ve really gone. Donny Osmond
Life - When you set out to accomplish something, recognize that slow, steady progress over time can lead to big success. Erica Hudson, How To Achieve Your Goals
Success - Landmarks of our lives represent places we have been and experiences we have had which have affected our lives. As we look back on our lives and identify specific events that have affected our progress, we will find sign posts pointing us toward God’s purpose for our lives. William Johnson, Destiny
God - A person with a clear purpose will make progress on even the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress on even the smoothest road. Thomas Carlyle
Purpose - Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress. Thomas Edison
Motivational - Every difficult goal that, at first, may be viewed as an insurmountable obstacle can be resolved when you implement a strategy that requires only one-step at a time. Each action taken moves you forward, continuous progress is seen, and the final goal is closer and closer until it is accomplished. Byron Pulsifer, A Mountain Of Dirt
Accomplishment - To make progress, to reach towards our dreams, we need supporters, role models who are encouraging. Rebecca Jane, Mindfulness My Way
Encouraging Poems - To get happier, try gratitude, giving back, savoring, encouraging your optimism, and celebrating progress. Jonathan Harnum, Practice Like This
Gratitude - Every day that is wasted by doing nothing that makes your life better is an absolute waste. If you decide that you would rather go to the movies, watch TV, or go out with your friends that is a choice you make not to further your own progress. This is not to say that there isn’t a place for relaxation but relaxation is not to be used as an excuse not to move forward. Byron Pulsifer, Dream Big And Live Life Well
Time - I receive a blessing every time the missionaries we support report progress in their ministry, and when they count the new believers, I rejoice joining with the legions of angels. Pat Gelsinger, The Juggling Act
Blessed - Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family. Kofi Annan
Knowledge - Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. Nicholas M. Butler
Optimism - Kids react positively when praise follows positive effort and earned progress. Jacquie McTaggart
Children - It is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition. Larry Page
Dream - The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. George Bernard Shaw
Persistence - The great thing about a computer notebook is that no matter how much you stuff into it, it doesn’t get bigger or heavier. Bill Gates
Amazing - Remember that progress would be impossible if we always did things the way we always have. Wayne Dyer, 21 Days to Master Success and Inner Peace
Possibilities - If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Frederick Douglass
Inspirational Quotes about Life and Struggles - Good health is a duty to yourself, to your contemporaries, to your inheritors, to the progress of the world. Gwendolyn Brooks
Health - Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. Plato
Discouragement - Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.Gandhi
Honesty - A little progress each day adds up to big results.Author Unknown
Quote of The Day - Progression is the essence of what makes you stronger, leaner and more fit.Matt Schifferle, Smart Body Weight Training
Workout Quotes - Every time we made progress we did it by challenging the conventional wisdom. Ed Miliband
Wise - Focus on your progress, not your goals. Anna Barnes
Inspirational Quotes - Thanks to technological progress, economies have not only grown, they have also transformed – producing very different output, in very different ways, at different moments in history.Daniel Susskind, A World Without Work
Transformation Quotes - It’s so easy to fall down a rabbit hole of distractions and side conversations, but the very act of tracking your time makes it less likely for you to fall. Sanya Weathers, Working From Home for Newbies
Work From Home Quotes - Peace of mind comes from knowing that this too shall pass and good progress comes from good habits. Brendon Burchard
Inner Peace - You are a work in progress; which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once. Author Unknown
Believe In Yourself - The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Helping Others - Challenges, failures, defeats and ultimately, progress, are what make your life worthwhile. Maxime Lagace
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