63 Family Quotes
Share these family quotes and may they remind you of the importance of these special people in your life. Our families are the people we grew up with, our relationship with them is usually one of love and support.
You will find quotes that we think are the best and reflect the culture today. Also to bring a smile to your face read our funny quotes.
Inspirational family quotes provide inspiring thoughts along with a collection of famous family quotes that offer positive thoughts.
- While at work, keep a picture of your family on your desk. This reminds you that there is another world of yours at home. M. K. Soni
Work - Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements. Queen Elizabeth II
Best Quotes - We start with our family, we may stray as life goes on but we all end up with our family – appreciate them!Catherine Pulsifer
Appreciation Poems - Staying grounded in our values will help us ride the emotional roller coaster that comes with family life.Giulia Suro, Learning to Thrive
Motivational Quotes About Life - You must read to your children and you must hug your children and you must love your children. Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens inside your house. Barbara Bush
Success Quotes - My family might be crazy, but they’re my kind of crazy.Eileen Cook, You Owe Me a Murder
Quotes to Live by - Family brings hardship. But it also brings much joy. This is the irony of family.Glenn T. Stanton, Leon C. Wirth, The Family Project: How God’s Design Reveals His Best for You
Life is Hard - I can’t imagine moving out of this life without leaving behind a healthy family – not a perfect family, but generations who will continue to love each other. Our family isn’t perfect, but I couldn’t be more thrilled with every one of them. Best of all, we enjoy each other. Gary Smalley
Not Perfect - Children crave to feel needed, valued, and recognized as a part of the family. To a child, belonging means to feel noticed, included, accepted and loved. Richard O’Keef, How to Get Kids to Behave
Feeling - Many just attribute an unhappy marriage to their inability to persuade, but a marriage and a family is about compromise, understanding, and effort. Dr. Rachel Venturini, How to Persuade
Effort - Set goals with your family also. Help children learn this process early in life. Meir Liraz, How to Improve Your Leadership and Management Skills
Goals - One of the greatest ways to lead your family is to be vulnerable enough to show your emotion. This doesn’t mean you need to be out of control, but it does require you to be authentic. Jerrad Lopes, Step Up
Be Yourself - Teenagers can also be good decision makers at home. When there is a family discussion happening, make sure you include your teenager in the discussion if the topic is healthy enough to involve them. Marvin Ryan, Self Esteem
Decision - Family consists of people that love and care about each other mutually, and no matter what our background is, we can have people to call family.John Shea, Strategic Empathy
Love Quotes - In fact, if we admit it, most of us have never bothered to stop for a moment and think what we want our family to look like, or more accurately, with what kind of values we would like to characterize our family.Nurit Levi, Change Your Child`s Negative Behavior
Thinking - People often stop learning about each other because they feel like they already know all there is to know. Family is notorious for this.C.J. Kruse, Her 28 Day Marriage Challenge
Learning - In our families, parents save so their kids will have a great foundation for living a better life; because they love them.Pinkie Bagele Taolo, The Letter
Love and Life - There is no such thing as a perfect family. Behind every door there are issues, the difference is accepting and encouraging each family member as they are not as we would like them to be.Catherine Pulsifer
Encouraging Quotes - Families are the first in our lives, as we grow we drift a bit but always returning to those who love, encourage, and support us the most, our family. Catherine Pulsifer
Growing Up - When your children are in college, don’t treat them as 8-year olds any more. Think of them as young adults and try to maintain a healthy relationship so you’ll be a close family five years from now. Lee Binz, Senior Year Step-by-Step
Relationship Quotes - Because parents are the linchpins of your relationship with your grandchild understanding family relationships and how to deal with them successfully is critically important to being an effective grandparent. Arthur Kornhaber M.D., The Grandparent Guide
Parents - A few dollars can make the difference to what a family will be able to afford. When you buy food in bulk, it works to reduce the cost of food and helps you to buy more. John Michaels, Learn How To Give On The Cheap
Make A Difference - Dogs are a gift to us. They are loyal companions, trusted allies and part of the family all rolled into one.Nigel Reed, The Dog Guardian
Dog Quotes - Unplugging from the work is the biggest challenge for remote workers. Make sure to shut down your system and spend your evenings with your family and friends.Alya Sran, Office Away From Office
Work From Home Quotes - Each one of us is responsible for the world – each one of us must give a hand to build our world in a humane manner, crossing faith, fate and family.Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice, To Make A Society That Needs No Law
Justice Quotes - May I say at this point that every person and ever family has problems and there are problems in everything a person does, the important thing do they really want to do something?John Barrett, SoS-Life Enhancement
Problem - Families are like fudge… mostly sweet with a few nuts. Saying
Funny Sayings - The optimum number of children in a family, the number that’s most likely to ensure that your family is a happy one, is the number of children you have right now. Linda Blair, Siblings
Children - No one’s family is normal. Normalcy is a lie invented by advertising agencies to make the rest of us feel inferior.Anita Baker
Funny Quotes about Life - The great advantage of living in a large family is that early lesson of life’s essential unfairness. Nancy Mitford
Funny Family Quotes - Be sure to appreciate your family each day and thank God for their presence in your life.Clarence Shuler, Your Wife Can Be Your Best Friend
God Quotes - You are born into your family and your family is born into you. No returns. No exchanges. Elizabeth Berg
Funny Quotes - Family life contributes immensely to an individual’s happiness. Only in a happy homelife can complete contentment be found. Dorothea S. Koppliln
Happiness - No matter the family and who or what they are made of, a family’s a family when they all come from love.April Claxton, Goodnight Just The Same
Inspirational Quotes - Above all I want it to be the sort of food that will draw the whole family together.Gordan Ramsey, Ultimate Home Cooking
Food Quotes - What better word summarizes the relationship between children, parents and grandparents? Even in the midst of conflict, confusion and miscommunications, we can thank the Lord through faith that we are blessed to be a family.Rich Bimler, Grandparents: Play, Pray, Proclaim
Grandparents Day - Some of the most important conversations I’ve ever had occurred at my family’s dinner table. Bob Ehrlich
Kitchen - We get married to feel the blissful belonging and love of family life, and we feel happy amid of our loved ones and children. Subhashree Rout, Live Your Balanced Life Now
Happy Quotes - My family. I realized they are the most important part of my life. Throughout the year I had many challenges, but my family were always there offering support and encouragement. Catherine Pulsifer
Support - This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It’s knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not work.Mitch Albom
Daily Inspiration - The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you.Kendall Hailey
Life Quotes - If we don’t fight together against the attacks on the family unit, we’re going to keep experiencing the same cycle of painful results. Instead of dysfunction passing through generations – why not health, honor, and love? Gary Smalley
Experience - Is it wrong to be pleasing? The answer, of course, is no. Not only is being pleasing not a bad characteristic, it is good and necessary if families and organizations are going to grow and thrive Les Carter PHD, When pleasing you is killing me
Character - Family life is full of major and minor crisis – the ups and downs of health, success and failure in career, marriage, and divorce- and all kinds of characters. With all of these felt details, life etches itself into memory and personality. It’s difficult to imagine anything more nourishing to the soul.Thomas Moore
Daily Motivation - My family provided me with the proper information and inspiration for me to overcome the challenge of blindness.David DeNotaris
Overcoming - “That is not to say that children who feel jealousy or who act out of jealousy have poor family values (after all jealousy is a completely normal emotion,) but it is important to stress family values with a child who is experiencing jealousy to try to help them to understand why their behavior may not be acceptable.” Sophie Banks, On Children and Jealousy
Jealousy - Not only has there been a change in the nature of aging, there have also been huge changes in family life over the past 50 or so years. These too impact on the grandmothering role, and challenge the stereotypes of older women. Doreen Rosenthal, New Age Nanas Being a Grandmother in the 21st Century
Grandmother Quotes - All human behavior has a purpose. You will be far more effective at changing your child�s behavior when you understand the motivation for it.Jane Nelsen, Positive discipline for pre-schoolers
Motherhood - Families need a media that represents the diversity of their audiences, that encourages imaginative play and shared learning among family members and that minimizes oppressive, stereotyped, and overcommercialized contents. Gee Elisabeth; Lori M. Takeuchi; Ellen Wartella, Children and Families in the Digital Age
Diversity - Special people in our life sometimes can become our family, it doesn’t mean they have to be blood related, it means appreciating those who care and love you. B. B. Butler
Appreciation - In the family, happiness is in the ratio in which each is serving the others, seeking one another’s good, and bearing one another’s burdens. Henry Ward Beecher
Helping Others - Families come in all shapes and sizes, and they don�t have to fit the perfect dream ideal to make you happy.Jennifer Lopez
Dream - God’s dream is that you and I and all of us will realize that we are family, that we are made for togetherness, for goodness, and for compassion. Desmond Tutu
Compassion - I know why families were created with all their imperfections. They humanize you. They are made to make you forget yourself occasionally, so that the beautiful balance of life is not destroyed.Anais Nin
Beautiful Quotes - Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important.President Barack Obama
Positive Quotes - . . . though our family life was simple, I wasn’t aware that we were poor. Maybe we didn’t have many possessions, but we never went hungry, were cold, or lacked love.Yanni, Yanni in Words
Simplicity - Sister is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship. Margaret Mead
Sister Quotes - “The family is the corner stone of our society. More than any other force it shapes the attitude, the hopes, the ambitions, and the values of the child. Lyndon Baines Johnson
Attitude Quotes - No family is perfect, but God can rebuild broken walls and restore lost dreams. By the grace of God we must do all we can to keep families strong and full of the hope that comes from fulfilling God’s ideal. Dr David Jeremiah
God’s Grace Quotes - “To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others. Pope John Paul II
Joy - Your own family can negatively influence your life. Often it is done unintentionally. Sandra Leon, Success And Happiness
Influence - The very first team we ever encounter is the family we are born into, and then as we grow we move to schools and colleges. Derek Stanzma, Team Building
Growth - A person’s family life and home environment have a huge impact on how their personalities and priorities are formed.Florian Hewitt, Einstein: Famous Scientist, Committed Pacifist, And Timeless Genius
Best Family Quotes
What makes a quote the best family quote, or a better question to ask is what makes one’s family the best? Is there such a thing as a perfect one? Read the words of wisdom offered by others on these questions.
Family Quotes to Make You Smile
Families are funny and these quotes reflect just that. We are sure you can relate to some of these quotes and they will leave you with a smile.
Inspirational Family Quotes
Be inspired by these quotes. Sometimes we all can use a bit of inspiration and some positive words when it comes to our families.
Famous Family Quotes
Read the thoughts of famous people about families.
Funny Family Quotes
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