66 Mistake Quotes

66 Mistake Quotes

Let these mistake quotes encourage you to accept, learn and move on from the mistakes you have made. Be encouraged by the words of others regarding errors you have made.

Published by: Catherine Pulsifer and Ben Gillison

  1. “We all make them, the difference is what we do after we make the mistake, how we see the mistake – a learning experience or a failure.” Catherine Pulsifer
  2. Good people make mistakes and hurt others - then they
 learn from their mistakes
 and TRY not to make them again. Bob Anderson

  3. “I stopped doing the things in business that had made me so successful in the first place, a devastating mistake business owners often make.” Tom Corson-Knowles, Systemize, Automate, Delegate
    Quotes About Being Successful
  4. “Good people make mistakes and hurt others – then they learn from their mistakes and TRY not to make them again.” Bob Anderson, Grandfather Speaks Again
    Inspirational Quotes
  5. If you want to grow, you need to get over any fear you may have of making mistakes. John C. Maxwell

  6. “If you want to grow, you need to get over any fear you may have of making mistakes.” John C. Maxwell, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
  7. Each life is made up of mistakes and learning, waiting and growing, practicing patience and being persistent. Billy Graham
  8. “One must never forget when misfortunes come that it is quite possible they are saving one from something much worse; or that when you make some great mistake, it may very easily serve you better than the best-advised decision.” Winston Churchill, Churchill: The Power of Words
  9. Admitting to a mistake means refusing to use other people as
 scape-goats to avoid responsibility but rather 
courageously owning up to every single one of them.
  T. Whitmore

  10. “Admitting to a mistake means refusing to use other people as scape-goats to avoid responsibility but rather courageously owning up to every single one of them.” T. Whitmore, Fearless: Embrace the Resistance
  11. “The most common mistake Christians make in worship today is seeking an experience rather than seeking God.” Rick Warren
  12. “The mistake I made, was the same as many others, was to limit my thinking and still continue to believe I am still who I once was.” Sam Rivers, You Are Not Who You Were
  13. The most important part of you will always been what's on the inside. You will make mistakes, everyone does, but that's why pencils have erasers.
   Amy Hughes

  14. “It is okay to experience painful, sharp pain from time to time. You will need it to become a better pencil. The most important part of you will always been what’s on the inside. You will make mistakes, everyone does, but that’s why pencils have erasers. You can always make a change. Lastly, make your mark and continue to write, never give up.” Amy Hughes, NBCC 2016 Valedictorian
    College Graduation Quotes
  15. “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” Henry Ford
  16. “Many people make the mistake of basing the quality of their own successes on other people’s standards and expectations. You’ll achieve far more personal satisfaction trying to impress yourself than you will trying to impress someone else.” Kory Livingstone, Quiet Determination
    Inspirational Thought
  17. The greatest mistake you can make is to believe that you have to do everything on your own power. Catherine Pulsifer

  18. “The greatest mistake you can make is to believe that you have to do everything on your own power. Do not assume that asking for help or guidance is to admit defeat. In fact, it is just the opposite. To ask for help or to accept help to accomplish a goal is to also ingrain into your own spirit that you will help others over obstacles or hurdles as well.” Catherine Pulsifer, Perseverance An Essay
  19. “What type of language do you use with yourself when you notice some flaw or make a mistake – do you insult yourself, or do you take a more kind and understanding tone?” Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion
  20. “Forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made.” Cindy Cashman, Wisdom for Mothers
    Wise Quotes
  21. What do you do with a mistake: recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it. Dean Smith

  22. What do you do with a mistake: recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it. Dean Smith, Basketball Coach
    Positive Quotes
  23. “We are all mere mortals and making mistakes is part of living a long active life. Yet, we still should be able to learn from those who have come before us.” Mike Finley, Graduation!
  24. “Most people claim that they feel like they’re trapped in a rat race, without an exit. While we can all feel this way from time to time, it’s important to know that there is a way out.” Debeena Harris, Mindfulness
    Words of Encouragement
  25. You make mistakes. You try to learn from them, and when you don't, it hurts even more. Aretha Franklin

  26. “You make mistakes. You try to learn from them, and when you don’t, it hurts even more.” Aretha Franklin
  27. “Yet one thing that I have learned over time is that when you make a mistake, recognize it, admit to it and figure out why the mistake was made. Then do everything in your power to avoid making the same mistake again.” Dr. Marshall Hennington, Words of Wisdom For My Daughter
  28. “Mistakes are to be learned from. What successful people never do is punish themselves by reliving their mistakes over and over again by thinking of them.” Gwen Stapleton, Developing A Sharp Mind
    Positive Thinking
  29. A  person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new. Albert Einstien

  30. “A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.” Albert Einstien
    Famous Quotes
  31. “It’s okay to make mistakes. Mistakes are our teachers – they help us to learn.” John Bradshaw
    Teacher Quotes
  32. If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are … a different game you should play. Yoda
  33. The greatest mistake a man can ever make is to be afraid of making one. Elbert Hubbard

  34. “The greatest mistake a man can ever make is to be afraid of making one.” Elbert Hubbard
  35. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Max Lucado, God Is With You Every Day
  36. “So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because that’s where you will find success. On the far side of failure.” Thomas J. Watson, Sr.
  37. Your capacity to learn from your mistakes and move on will be key to your ultimate success and achievement. Amy E. Dean

  38. “Your capacity to learn from your mistakes and move on will be key to your ultimate success and achievement.” Amy E. Dean
  39. “Most people tend to move on from their mistakes without looking back, but this just deprives them the opportunity to carry out the crucial exercise of understanding what went wrong.” Rupert Johnson, Build for Success
  40. “There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn; whatever steps we take, they’re necessary to reach the places we’ve chosen to go.” Richard Bach
  41. “There are no mistakes, no coincidence.All events are blessings given to us to learn from.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  42. Pick a side and be bold. And if you're wrong, admit it.  Jeff Goins

  43. Pick a side and be bold. And if you’re wrong, admit it. Jeff Goins
  44. “Mistakes can help us to fine tune our skills, learn better ways of doing things, and get our priorities straight.” Angela Agranoff, Overcoming Guilt and Shame
  45. “The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything. Do not be afraid to make mistakes providing you do not make the same one twice.” Theodore Roosevelt
  46. “Never ever believe that each task must be done perfectly. We are humans and we all are bound to make mistakes, whether a few or many, little or big, or rarely or frequently.” Lindsay J. Hallie, Positive Thinking
  47. “Many a people habitually raise fingers on others, but how many dare to point fingers on themselves when they have committed a mistake, whether intentional or genuine?” Amit Ahlawat, Seven Ways To Sustained Happiness
  48. People have the right to make their own decisions, even if they're making a mistake. Scott Curran

  49. “People have the right to make their own decisions, even if they’re making a mistake.” Scott Curran, From God to You
  50. “So many women live everyday life with thoughts of regrets, wrong choices, and life-altering mistakes. I have now committed my life to help women find the courage and faith to move beyond their past and embrace a new future of laughing and dreaming again.” Audrey Meisner, Like Yourself, Love Your Life
  51. “We make our mistakes, we fall yet we learn something new and we rise again. That’s the design of humanity, this is our destiny.” Angelina Talpa, Love Yourself
  52. “So what if you make mistakes? That’s what it means to be human and that’s how you learn to become better.” Amy Pendergrass, Productivity: Stick It!
    Inspirational Quotes for Kids
  53. “I used to give myself an incredibly hard time inside my own head. If I made a mistake it wasn’t just a question of noting and adjusting. No. My mind would be off; criticizing, prophesying doom and failure and generally beating myself up.” Jenny Clift, The Music Inside
    Failure Quotes
  54. “Mistakes are a sign of trying, and it is always better to try and fail than to fail to try.” Robert Washington, Inner Peace and Happiness In 14 Steps
    Cool Quotes
  55. “One of the most common mistakes individuals make is attempting to cram in so many “relaxing” activities that they only become more stressed and exhausted.” Jamaal Watson, Stress Management
  56. Mistakes arm you with new knowledge that you can bring to the situation. Tom Meitner

  57. “Mistakes arm you with new knowledge that you can bring to the situation.” Tom Meitner, Living with Intent
  58. We all make mistakes
    and we all do dumb things
    But never doubt you have what it takes
    Kate Summers, We All Make Mistakes
    Poems About Regret
  59. “Over the years I’ve come to realize that mistakes are just lessons, life lessons almost like school. Once you’ve learned a lesson lesson in class, you move on to the next lesson because now you know it. Well mistakes are exactly the same.” Rashard Royster, Mistakes
    Quotes on Life Lessons
  60. “By failing, a lesson can be learned. One can learn to avoid the mistake that caused the failure.” Glen Mizrahi, Simplicity
  61. “Learning to stand on your own feet comes by making right decisions and by overcoming mistakes.” Robert Mitchell, Transition
    Quotes about Overcoming
  62. “The moment we learn to forgive ourselves for mistakes and look forward is the moment when we will better manage our emotional state.” Nicole Smith, Success
  63. “I don’t forgive people because I am weak. I forgive them because I am strong enough to know that everyone makes mistakes.” Author Unknown
  64. “Despite the best of intentions, nonprofits will make mistakes, and those mistakes can cause harm to clients or participants.” Mario Morino, Leap of Reason
  65. Holding a mistake over someone's head does not rehabilitate them. E'yen A.Gardner

  66. “Holding a mistake over someone’s head does not rehabilitate them.” E’yen A.Gardner, Husband Rules
  67. “The biggest mistake in executing change successfully is to switch into a program without encouraging enough excitement and sense for importance of this issue to the employees.” Max Cesar King, Make Winners!
  68. “A strong leader is one who is open to criticism and welcome feedback. And why not, he or she is only a human being, bound to make mistakes.” Daniel Transon, The Leadership Challenge
  69. “If you make a mistake, be big enough to admit to the mistake. People will think much better if you make an admission after a mistake.” Keith Boyer; Matt Riley, Psychology and The Art of Persuasion Box Set
    Peoples Expectations of a Coach
  70. “Recognise your own shortcomings and be prepared to learn quickly, including from your mistakes. If you don’t jump into the deep end at some point, you will never learn to swim.” George Ilian, The Life and Business Lessons of Richard Branson
    Funny Quotes about Life
  71. “A moral dilemma may occur because of a prior personal mistake. The predicament of the situation is self-inflicted.” Oyvind Kvalnes, Moral Reasoning at Work
  72. “Honesty and maturity are two key factors that separate those people who can successfully change their lives and those who are destined to continually repeat the same mistakes over and over again.” Sarah Devnil, Build Healthy Habits For Fun And Profit
  73. Don't put other people down. Emma Jones

  74. “Don’t put other people down – a big mistake that a lot of opinionated people make is always putting those around them down.” Emma Jones; Zach Raymond, Influence and Persuasion
  75. “Being able to spot mistakes and communicate clearly on how to improve is a core managerial skill that will enhance employee performance efficiency.” Steve Gold, Elon Musk: The Business & Life Lessons Of A Modern Day Renaissance Man
  76. “Stop flogging yourself over the past mistakes and hurtful memories of the past.” Kellie Sullivan, Confidence
  77. “People who work for a living make mistakes. Always remember this. People who pride themselves on making no decisions or any mistakes probably are not very valuable to you.” Steven Rosenthal, The Ten Commandments of Supervision
    Top Ten Quotes
  78. “Probably the biggest thing you can do for yourself when you are trying to learn a new skill is give yourself permission to be imperfect. You are going to make mistakes when you first start, and you may find that you goof up in embarrassing times, but that is no reason to not see it through.” Adrienne Stevens, Psychology
    Did We Fail
  79. “Self-development will help you better yourself, and it�ll allow you to make way fewer mistakes, helping your business to grow and survive.” Monica Bell, Passive Income
    Personal Development
  80. Your ability to understand and direct kindness over yourself over failures and mistakes is an important matter. Mia Conrad

  81. “Your ability to understand and direct kindness over yourself over failures and mistakes is an important matter.” Mia Conrad, Self-Compassion
  82. “One of the biggest mistakes executives make is thinking they can steamroll diversity and inclusion initiatives.” Serilda Summers-McGee, Change the WorkGame

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