70 Focus Quotes
Be motivated by these focus quotes. By focusing we can see results that are amazing. What is the focus of your life. Let these quotes encourage you and give you some thoughts to consider and think about.
- In turn, then, you can be an inspiration for those who have not yet begun to try. They can look at you and what you accomplished and take heart from your efforts. This is a good way to focus and move yourself forward. T. Whitmore, Fearless
Inspirational Quotes - Focusing on what you don’t have keeps you too preoccupied to enjoy the things you do have! Andrew Farland, Change Your Perspective Change Your Life!
Stay Focused Quotes - Awareness creates what it focuses on. The most basic �things� you create with your life force are your thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Tara Springett, Enlightenment through the path of kundalini
Comforting - Learning how to rein in your thoughts and focus is going to help you to achieve your goals in life. Without focus, you can never achieve anything. Eric Phillips, Focus
Life Quotes - “By celebrating the small stuff and feeling gratitude for it, things you never noticed before will come into focus.” Jane Trumbull, Complaining isn’t a Solution!
Thanksgiving - “Our focus is our future, and what we focus on will multiply in our life.” David DeNotaris
Future - “Some people will focus their mind on discovering or inventing more reasons why they shouldn’t pursue their dream than they do in making a list of why they should pursue their dream.” Byron Pulsifer, Dreams To Reality
Dream - If you focus on what you don’t want, then that’s where you’ll keep steering your ship. Clare Josa, The Little Book of Daily Sunshine
Cute Life Quotes - Taking time to evaluate your level of happiness places your focus on happiness and will cause it to increase. Will Bowen, Happy This Year
Happiness - The casual inspiration will come and go, but the inspiration which has become firm by continuous focus, will ever stand with us to shine in our action. Sanjive Kumar Sharma, Inspiration And Vichar yoga
Action - Grace, poise, focus, clarity, energy, and calmness are needed in everyday-life situations. Breathwork promises these benefits and more; it promises to lead you to self-mastery and a transformed life. Dan Brule, Just Breath
Keep Calm - We get what we motionally focus on! Focus on what we want with passion and excitement, and presto! It�s on its way. Lynn Grabhorn, Excuse me, your life is waiting
Passion - “Doing acts of mercy gets me out of myself. It gets my focus off of me and onto other people.” Rick Warren
Helping Others - “Focus means eliminating distractions, not just from other people, but the things we do to distract ourselves.” Catherine Pulsifer, Using Time Wisely A Secret
Procrastination - “Since you need to push yourself to follow a new set of habits, you need to keep your focus on your objectives. You need to remind your mind of your main reason to adopt these new habits.” Kenneth J Hutchins, 10 Powerful Habits of Successful People
Quote of the Day | - Forget about regret, just focus.
Focus on today, not on the past.
Focus on what you can do, not what you didn’t do.
Catherine Pulsifer, Regret Today
Poems About Regret - Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. And it will leave you unfulfilled.Barack Obama
Positive Quotes - “Given that we cannot manage time, we must focus on what we can manage. And what we can manage are the choices we make and actions we take with the time we have.” Nancy Morris, Procrastinate Now
Choices - “Studies show that retaining memories can be learned through series of exercises, cerebral trainings, and practical tests. This will require a lot of focus and concentration until the brains get used to it.” Frank Knoll, Memory: Renew Your Memory
Knowledge - Concentrate on what you do want rather than what you don’t. Andy C. E. Brown, Self Confidence
Motivational - “Without goals, you will end up going nowhere, or, you will end up following someone else’s map! Develop your map today – set your goals and focus!” Catherine Pulsifer, Focus
Graduation Quotes - Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be. Eric Thomas
Great Quotes About Life - “To focus means to bring your attention to the center, to concentrate on one thing intently in order to gain clarity.” Cheryl Richardson, Life Makeovers
New Beginnings - Be honest about your reason for turning down the requester. Resist the temptation to make something up. The best approach is to be direct, honest and respectful. Damon Zahariades – The Art Of Saying NO
Honesty Quotes - “A negative focus can result in our entirely missing the possibilities placed in our path.” Anne Wilson Schaef, Meditations for People Who (May) Worry Too Much
Optimistic - “The only thing that can grow is the thing you give energy to.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Famous Quotes - Instead of focusing on what is wrong with a person or relationship, recognize what is right. And focus energy on the many positives instead of harping on the negatives. Amy Cooper Hakim; Muriel Solomon, Working with Difficult People
Relationship - “Too often in life, we focus on the things we cannot do. Sometimes we cannot do things because of financial limitations, health limitations, family limitations, educational limitations, and so on. Sometimes, we end up limiting ourselves from achieving success in reaching our goals.” Catherine Pulsifer, What You Can Do
Success Quotes - “Focus is the key to accomplish what is necessary – easy word to spell, it contains only five letters but it is probably one of the most powerful words there are in order to move forward with confidence and with the expected results.” Byron Pulsifer, Stop and Focus
Confidence Quotes - “It was better to focus on the good and what we had than to focus on what we had lost and were losing.” Paul and Tracey McManus, The 7 Great Prayers
Good - “We often need an outside source to show us our need for an adjustment in focus, and when we finally acknowledge our need, the truth presents the wonderful ability to see clearly again.” Ben Baughman, Untracked
Attitude Quotes - Toddlers know that there are far more important things to focus on than how our hair looks or how we are perceived by others. Doug Motel, Toddler Wisdom
Children - “Take five minutes to center yourself in the morning – set your intention every day.” Oprah Winfrey
Purpose - “Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting and, of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. These are all lessons in life. Kristi Yamaguchi, Olympic Figure Skating medalist
Sports Quotes - Prioritizing sharpens your vision so you can focus on the most important things. Myles Munroe
Vision - Christmas is the microcosm of our lives – both the rough and smooth come into focus. Beth Kempton, A Little Book of Festive Joy
Christmas Quotes - So rather than trying to do too many things at once, switch over to a mindset of focusing on just one thing while you are working. Timo Kiander, Work Smarter Not Harder
Work - Take the changes in stride, and understand that you may have setbacks. Instead of focusing on that, make sure to keep moving forward. Esther King, Lifestyle Of Minimalism
Words of Encouragement - Getting rid of the things in your life that are not adding value will allow you to take the time and focus you have put on those things and place it on the things that are adding value. Kathy Stanton, Minimalist Living And Loving It
Simplicity - I am grateful that God focuses on our faith and not our failures, and as you read you will be reminded, “… that failure is one of, if not the best teaching tools that we have.” Pierre Thompson, My 6 Woes
God Quotes - To improve your focus and effectiveness, try to find an optimum working style; one that suits you (and your job description) the best. Timo Kiander, Work Smarter Not Harder
Motivational Quotes for Work - One thing at a time: It is important that we focus on the task that is at present in hand. John Hughes, Memory Improvement Secrets For Impeccable Concentration, Mental Clarity And Focus, That Gets You Results Fast
Poems about Life - We must continue to focus our energy on our strengths and not on what we don’t have. David DeNotaris
Encouraging - To work toward a better world, one must be focused, as nursing has always been. Mark Lazenby, Toward a Better World
Nurse - A focus on flexibility also means less friction in regards to changing customer needs. Resistance to the needs of the customer can result in intangibly damaging waste events in the areas of reputation or service perception. ClydeBank Business; Benjamin Sweeney, Lean Six Sigma
Customer Service - Recognize how focusing on what you do want, what you do intend to accomplish, also defines what you choose not to do in your life. Meir Liraz, Small Business Management
Accomplishment - If you keep getting stuck in past memories, you can’t fully focus on the present and create good memories for the future. Donald Hill, Home Organization
Memory - Persistence only works when you are clear and sure of the objectives of your efforts. Without this focus, you can still practice persistence but it will not give you the results that you want. Thelma Barnes, Practice Persistence
Persistence - Talent is the result of hard work and focus; it is not an innate gift. People are capable of growth in pretty much every trait and ability. What one person can do, so can you. Joe Gaebel, Bridging the Gap Between Strangers
Motivational Poems - Successful teams are involved in proper planning, leading and controlling in management and also directed and focused on a particular task that contributed by everyone in the team. Hiriyappa B, Team Building And Group Dynamics Management
Teamwork - Time will not bring fulfilment, as it doesn�t exist. Your whole life happens now, and the thoughts we call time (memories and projections) are merely tools we can use to plan and learn. In relationships, our focus on time can deaden our experience with others. Oli Doyle, Mindful relationships
Wise - Not taking breaks from a big task may also lead us to become burned out. The constant stress from one task may overwhelm your mind. Mental fatigue will affect our ability to focus and solve problems. John Morgan, 100% Focused
Stress - Most of the time, we get stuck on a problem because our focus is too narrow. When we repeatedly use one technique and accustomed ways of thinking, we limit our ability and stifle creativity. Jennifer April, What Everyone Should Know About Super-efficient Learning
Problem - We know that we need to walk more, talk more, and focus more from time to time. With mindful walking, we can also set and take on challenges beyond our comfort zone. Hugh O’Donovan, Mindfull Walking
Sunset - Affirmation isn’t intended to make you delude yourself or simply throw a blanket over the negative aspects of your life. The intention is to magnifyyour focus on the positive reality you desire and the possibility thereof. Jason Thomas, Affirmation
Positive Thinking - Change your focus; change your life. Being able to communicate is life-changing. People skills are among the best skills to have and that is what communication boils down to–relating to people and people relating to you. Rock Bankole, Cheryl Jerabek, How to Talk to Anyone with Power and Confidence
Communication - Goals are like a map. They help us determine where we want to end up, and give us personal direction on which to focus our energy. Catherine Pulsifer, Focus A Direction
Goals - Whether trying to change our family, our company, or the world, we are powerful only when we focus on what WE can do. John B. Izzo, Stepping Up
Quotes about Change - At times we tend to focus on the negative aspects of our lives and we forget the blessings that we all have.Catherine Pulsifer, Too Blessed to Be Stressed
Blessed - It’s nearly impossible to achieve focus and self-discipline separately. Being disciplined in your pursuit of long-term goals is only possible if you can consistently focus on the decisions and actions that lead to accomplishing those goals.Peter Hollins, The Science of Self-Discipline
Decision - Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself.Mark Twain
Doubt - The oldest and still most powerful tool for instilling critical thinking and mental self-evaluation, is questioning. In order to glean and gather as much usable information as possible, and to change individual perceptions about something, leaders and managers must remain focused on interjecting questions to employees, rather than offering answers.Timothy F. Bednarz, Effective Questioning Techniques
Questioning - Just as the sun’s rays, focused through a magnifying glass, can create intense heat and fire, your intelligence and abilities, focused and concentrated on a few key activities, can enable you to accomplish much more than the average person can and in far less time.Brian Tracy, Focal Point
Time - Am I too focused? Do I work too hard? Why do I work so hard? All of these questions run through my mind daily as I share my thoughts with people. I can tell by their reactions that they think I’m lost or even crazy for that matter, because of my intense focus to achieve what I desire out of life.Kelly Cole, Get Locked-In
Achievement - Sure, some people are born with the genes that make them better-looking or happier than the average individual. But what really elevates a regular Joe or Jane to superhero status is laser-sharp focus, perseverance, and the ability to keep on going when everyone else would have quit.Ian Tuhovsky, Self-Discipline
Never Quit - Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.Denis Waitley
Failure - To concentrate fully, you need to focus on what you’re doing or thinking of. Focusing helps in memorising so when you need to try and remember any specific kind of information, focusing will have helped you do so a lot easier.Your Tao, Make Attention Great
Encouraging Poems - As soon as you focus, things will start coming together… Once I focused on this one opportunity … big things started happening.Brandon Webb, Total Focus
Opportunity - Instead of expecting to do things completely right the first time around, focus instead on meeting your output goals. Once you overshoot your output goals, you can invest more time in increasing the overall average quality of your work.Patrick King, Instant Focus
Top Ten Work Quotes - For leaders to get results they need … three kinds of focus. Inner focus attunes us to our intuitions, guiding values, and better decisions. Other focus smooths our connections to the people in our lives. And outer focus lets us navigate in the larger world.Daniel Goleman, Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
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