61 Love Yourself Quotes
Be inspired by these love yourself quotes. If you do not love yourself then you cannot love and help others. We are not talking about conceit but we are talking about being yourself and accepting yourself and being good about yourself.
- Let go of judging others and yourself. Your life will get easier. You’ll like yourself more.
Emma Wright, Feel Good Friday
Life Quotes - Love yourself. This is not about being self-centered; this tip has something about appreciating your worth and what you can do.
Mick McPherson
Self Worth - You cannot love yourself if you do not accept yourself as you are.
Angelina Talpa, Love Yourself
Love - When you begin embracing your uniqueness, people will also start accepting you for who you are. There’s no need for you to try to fit in, because people will see how special you are, if you let them see it.
Jennifer N. Smith, Self-Love
Diversity - I connect to myself through love and kindness.
Gabi Garcia, Listening with my Heart
Kindness - I think contemporary portrait painting has much to do with this association of likeness and soul.
Anthony Connolly, Painting Portraits
Art - Genuine self-love is the starting-point of any meaningful psychological and spiritual development.
Tara Springett, The seven golden keys for love, success and happiness
Comforting - You must think well of yourself. You must see yourself as worth celebrating, worth loving, worth having.
Angelina Talpa, Love Yourself
Inspirational Quotes - Loving yourself is not an act; it is not something you initiate. It is something you allow.
Wes Beavis, Escape to Prosperity
True Love Quotes - Loving yourself is the foundation for finding inner peace, happiness, and the ability to love others.
Lori Deschene, Tiny Buddha’s Guide to Loving Yourself
Ability Quotes - Loving yourself is feeling, deeply, in your own heart, the quiet, steadying gift of your own intelligent love.
Daphne Rose Kingma, Loving Yourself
Feeling Quotes - Acknowledging that you have caused everything that happened and is happening in your life is the first step to genuinely love yourself.
Veronica Smith, Loving Yourself
Quotes about Love and Life - Love yourself, life will be fine and happy.
Life is beautiful live it to the full,
Love is abundance share it with your friends.
Vanessa Nanthakumaran, Poems
Poems about Life - The more you love yourself, the better you perform.
M. K. Soni
Words of Encouragement - . . if you don’t love and respect yourself, you’ll have a hard time loving anyone else because you’ll always be trying to get something from the other person that you can only give yourself.
David D. Burns, Feeling Good Together
Respect Quotes - Find ways to love yourself. Learn to speak kindly. These are the magic words that open all doors.
Raven Mardirosian, 365 Ways to Keep It Real, Heal Yourself and Be Free
Be Kind Quotes - One way to love yourself and take charge of your life is through the practice of gratitude. Practicing gratitude increases self-awareness.
Veronica Smith, Loving Yourself
Gratitude - If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love others.
Dalai Lama
Famous Quotes - Acts of self-love make us feel safer.
John Crawford, Anxiety Relief
Short Love Quotes - Some people find it hard to spend a few minutes on loving themselves. The shadows of shame whisper that it is selfish or that others need you. Give yourself permission to be loving with yourself.
Troy L. Love, A Year of Self Love
Daily Motivation - Let the child within come forth and experience love and humor, and feel what it does for your body.
Inna Segal, The Secret Language Of Your Body
Deep Quotes - Loving yourself is one of the most important pre-requisites to mental and physical wellbeing.
Hanif Raah, Positive Thinking
Positive Quotes - “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.”
Harvey Fierstein
Quotes to Live By - When you put yourself on the path to knowing yourself, embracing yourself and honoring exactly who you are, without excuses or defenses, you will experience the illumination of self-enlightenment.
Iyanla Vanzant, Until Today!
Enlightenment - Be yourself, love yourself and live the life you are meant to live.
Darice Cairns, Journey Within
Suicide - By being gentle with and taking care of ourselves, we will discover that our first and foremost contribution to the planet is just that: our selves.
Pat Hanson, Invisible Grandparenting
Grandmother - Take is easy; remember we don’t shame flowers for being too big or too little, too short or too tall, too pink or too red, we just embrace them for their unique beauty.
Akankssha Arora, Genius in Making
Pregnancy - Going out with people who enjoy being the center of attention, will allow you to be yourself and enjoy your time in your own way. There is no weight on your shoulders to act like an extrovert.
Eric Christian, Introvert
Time - Once you start to love yourself truly as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses – pounds and all�you’ll naturally start to take better care of yourself, mind and body, heart and soul.
Brian Alman, Stephen Montgomery, Keep It Off
Soul - As I take control of my mind, I also take control of my body’s health.
Nicholas Mag, 1290 Mental Triggers to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your …
Control - Show yourself some love. For not until we are able to express some overdue love for ourselves, can we effectively love someone else?
Roy Lee Brown, Daddy, When I Grow Up Will My Vote Count?
Inspirational Thoughts - Give yourself a proud smile and show yourself some love.
Kacy Duke, Selene Yeager, The SHOW IT LOVE Workout
Self Worth - One thing I have learned over the years is that to be something you are not or to pretend you are one way outwardly but totally different inwardly, or at home, or with everyone else but a few, you are causing inner emotional turmoil.
Catherine Pulsifer, Being Someone Else
Inner Peace - . . unless you value yourself, you won’t have the motivation to exercise, get enough sleep, eat healthfully, and care for yourself.
Doreen Virtue
Motivational Quotes - Good health is necessary to get the most out of our experiences, so don’t neglect to take care of it.
Bill Calhoun, Can’t…Can!
Health - We have never been taught how to relax, how to take care of ourselves in a positive, nurturing way (not just going on a vacation or out for an expensive dinner). Twenty minutes of deep relaxation a day will aid your mental growth, improve your physical health and emotional stability, and possibly even increase your spiritual awareness.
L. John Mason, Guide to Stress Reduction
Relax - You need to take care of your own health first before you take care of your family, friends, or job obligations.
Samantha Westwood, Rise and Shine!
Family - It may sound selfish, but there comes a time when we have to take care of #1. I am by no means suggesting that we should be slackers, but there are times when you need to take care of yourself and get some needed rest or medical treatment.
Carolyn Denise Owens, Timeless Wisdom
Time - When you take care of something good, that something good takes care of you.
Eric Thomas
Good - Most highly successful people take care of themselves. They understand the importance of continuous self-improvement.
Trevor Poulin, Always Say the Right Thing
Successful - But it takes taking the time to know who you are to be able to deal with the onslaught of negative messages that you’re bound to get. So for me, I came into this with a pretty clear sense of myself. And some of that comes with age. Some of that comes with experience.
Michelle Obama
Negativity Quotes - Give yourself the greatest gift ever; the love for yourself, and always remember to love without fear as if there is no tomorrow.
Uganda TheGoddess
Finding Yourself - Be who you are. Give yourself the O.K. to break the mold and exercise your God-given freedom.
Charles R. Swindoll, Encouragement for Life
Motivational Poems - If an individual is able to love productively, he loves himself too; if he can only love others, he cannot love at all.�
Barbara Kopitz, Morning Meditations
Good Morning Quotes - I will allow my inner love to grow each day and remind myself that I am worthy of love. I deserve love, care, and respect. I love and care for myself completely. The great love that I hold within my heart also spreads out to others, allowing me to share my love with people around me as well.
Guru Meditation, Guided Meditations for self Healing.
Healing Quotes - … retirement is not an end, but rather a new beginning, an opportunity for growth, creativity, and the discovery of one’s authentic self.
George McHenry
Retirement Quotes - If you peg your identity to the things you do, you are facing a never-ending cycle of identity evaluation.
Janeen Latini, Love to Lead. Lead to Love
Wise - “You are a piece of a great puzzle, and if you don’t play your role, the puzzle will never be complete. Your piece is unique, just like you. I have trust in you, and I know you will be a leader first of all for yourself and also for humanity.”
Alain Bezeau
Graduation Congratulations Quotes - If we’re not self-aware, it’s almost impossible to master the skills that make us stronger team players, superior leaders, and better relationship builders – at work and beyond.
Tasha Eurich, Insight
Teamwork - Before you can care for others, you must care for yourself.
Melandy Falling-Jones NP-C, Nurses are The Plug
Nurse - I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself.To cut yourself out of stone. Henry Rollins
Encouraging Poems - The more secure he became in who he was, the less he was threatened by who they were.
John Penberthy, To Bee or Not to Bee
Quote of the Day | - While your parent�s behaviors and attitudes were influential in your development, they do not have to continue to impact you. You can overcome the negative impact and become the person you want to be.
Nina W. Brown, Children of the Aging Self-Absorbed
Quotes about Overcoming - Love, reason, and productive activity are one�s own psychic forces that arise and grow only to the extent that they are practiced; they cannot be consumed, bought, or possessed like objects of having, but can only be practiced, exercised, ventured upon, performed.
Erich Fromm, The art of being
Selfish - “When we compare ourselves to others, it’s easy to come up short, because few things are equal.”
Kristen Moeller, Waiting for Jack
Short Quotes - “When there is a shift in self-image – in the very basic way we see ourselves – we feel something fundamental change within us, whether we are aware of its origin or not.”
Vivian Diller, PH, D., face it
Quotes about Change - Regardless of anything that has happened to you, you have to take ownership of how you feel, how you respond.
J. Q. Hannah, Lessons from the Heart Room
Feeling Quotes - Recent generations have grown up in a world obsessed with self-esteem, constantly being reminded of their wonderful and special qualities. It’s far more tempting to see ourselves through rose-colored glasses than to objectively examine who we are and how we�re seen.
Tasha Eurich, Insight
Self Esteem Quotes - No one else can convince you to love yourself. It is a fulfillment you will explore on your own. If you want better relationships, abundance, health (mind and body), and everything you�ve ever dreamed of, you can achieve it.
Calista J. McBride, Happy To Meet Me.
Empowering Quotes - Don’t judge yourself by other’s standards, develop your own. Don’t get caught in the trap of changing yourself to fit the world. The world has to change to fit you.
Barry Gordy
Change The World - It is very important to learn how to talk to yourself, listen to yourself, and make friends with your feelings and emotions.
Marta Tuchowska, Motivation in 7 Simple Steps
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