Thought of The Day December 2020
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Thought for the Day: December 31, 2020
It’s not your new year’s resolution that will make your dreams come true but your ability to make things happen. This is just another year!
Mpumelelo Meslane, My Noble Motivational Quotes.
New Years Resolution Quotes
Thought of the Day: December 30, 2020
The new day brings new hope. The lives we’ve led, the lives we’ve yet to lead. A new day, new ideas, a new you.
Karen McNally, Jane Marcellus, Teresa Forde, The Legacy of Mad Men.
New Day Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 29, 2020
Declaration Today, I choose to keep going in the right direction, to persevere, to persist. I am not focused on how fast I get there. I am focused on how consistently I move toward the vision God has shown me for my life.
Valorie Burton, Get Unstuck, Be Unstoppable.
Focus Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 28, 2020
Life is a series of moments, and forever is a series of lives.
Bill R. Path, Moments of Forever.
Moment Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 27, 2020
Humility willingly chooses to be less so others can be more. Humility also doesn’t say that we don’t have value ourselves; but it does recognize and acknowledge the value of others.
Mari Keisling, Living in the Light of God’s Love.
Acknowledge Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 26, 2020
Knowing ourselves is our birthright. Knowing ourselves is our freedom. Knowing ourselves is no one else’s business. Knowing ourselves is nirvarna.
Chobo, Melody and Silence.
Freedom Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 25, 2020
Christmas is this pine-scented, tinsel-strewn timeout where, like it or not, everything just… stops.
Adam Kay, Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas.
Christmas Sayings
Thought for the Day: December 24, 2020
May this Christmas and the coming year bring your dreams to birth and may the gift you are to the world continue to grow.
Margaret Kyle, The Midwife’s Story.
Christmas Quotes
Thought of the Day: December 23, 2020
The enlightened have awakened from the dream and no longer mistake it for reality.
Jed McKenna, Spiritual Enlightenment.
Dream Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 22, 2020
That’s why it isn’t always summer but that’s also why you can always have summer if you have warmth in your heart.
Bob Norton, Two Strangers – One Soul.
One Line Quotes About Life
Thought for the Day: December 21, 2020
Most heroes live quiet, unassuming existences. They lend a hand and help, without any expectation of gratitude or fanfare.
Ray Madaghiele, Ray of Hope.
Gratitude Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 20, 2020
If you are not living your best life, you need to examine not only the things that are getting in your way, but the reasons why you are letting them.
Domonique Bertolucci, The Daily Promise.
Best Life Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 19, 2020
We all desire and deserve to live a life wherein we feel that we are successful in our ability to express our unique talents to the world around us.
Sandra Masters, The Happiness Book.
Be Yourself Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 18, 2020
If one soul finds this truth more quickly and easily here amid the trees and flowers, for him is the old road greater than religious dogmas or social systems.
Frederick John Lazell, Some Summer Days in Iowabooks.
Truth Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 17, 2020
A seeker is one who is open. Who is experiencing life here and now.
Chobo, Melody and Silence.
Experience Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 16, 2020
Actually in my opinion you never completely find yourself because you are always growing as a person and learning throughout your life. It is a process.
Robert A. Bofman, Coffee House Poet.
Growth Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 15, 2020
Self-forgiveness stems from the realization that whatever you might have done, or even whatever the other person might have done, has less to do with the action itself, but more with the judgment you have placed against yourself for judging in the first place.
Barry Ferguson, Collision Course.
Forgiveness Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 14, 2020
Accept that we are all equal in God’s eyes and you will have accepted God’s greatest gift.
David Nelmes, Seeing God.
Gods Love Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 13 , 2020
Being a humble man does not mean you are without pride in yourself or respect, nor without condence.
Charles D. Dangerfield, Filling a Void.
Pride Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 12, 2020
Introverts get to the point. Your ability to say more with less is something to be thankful for. After all, this is the secret to being truly heard.
Michaela Chung, The Year of the Introvert.
Thankful Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 11, 2020
Development is conceived not as continuous growing , but as the unfolding of latent powers toward a definite goal .
John Dewey, Democracy and Education.
Goal Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 10, 2020
Education is an art the practice of which must be brought to perfection in the course of many generations.
Immanuel Kant, Educational theory of Immanuel Kant.
Education Quotes
Thought of the Day: December 09, 2020
Most noble is that which is most just, but best is health; And naturally most pleasant is the obtaining one’s desires.
Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle.
Desire Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 8, 2020
To labor for the promoting of righteous conduct among the people of the land; to be serious in regard to spiritual beings, and to hold aloof from them; — this may be called wisdom .
Confucius, The Wisdom of Confucius with Critical and Biographical Sketches.
Wisdom Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 7, 2020
Of course, while talking about accepting responsibility is good, actions always speak louder than words: You are writing a gospel, A chapter each day, By the deeds that you do, And the words that you say.
David Keane, The Art of Deliberate Success.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 6 , 2020
Pain can stop you in your tracks. Pain can cause you to lose focus, dignity, and hope. Pain primpts us to face who we are and where we are. You have to allow your loss of pain to lead to others’ gain.
Helen Narh, The Success Guide for Teens.
Pain Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 5, 2020
Life could never be boring to a mart: to whom casual objects offered such a wealth of interest.
Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness.
Bored Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 4, 2020
Besides, with love one can live even without happiness. Even in sorrow life is sweet; life is sweet, however one lives.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground.
Life Is Beautiful Quotes
Thought for the Day: December 3, 2020
Whatever we may wish to think, we are creatures of Earth; our life is part of the life of the Earth, and we draw our nourishment from it just as the plants and animals do.
Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness.
Life Quotes
Thought of the Day: December 2, 2020
For the important thing about a train of thought is its conclusion.
William James, The prinicples of philosophy.
Inspirational Thoughts
Thought for the Day: December 1, 2020
You can hear what your mind has to say but you have to know how to listen.
Lama Yeshe, The Enlightened Experience.
Listening Quotes
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