65 Laughter Quotes

65 Laughter Quotes

Let these laughter quotes remind you to laugh more often. Laughing has many benefits from relieving stress to a feeling of happiness.

  1. May laughter fill your home, relieve your stress, and strengthen your friendships. Do not let a day go buy without laughing; it is good for your health.
    Friendship Quotes   |  
  2. Never will I allow myself to become so important, so wise, so dignified, so powerful, that I forget how to laugh at myself and my world. Og Mandino
    Motivational Quotes   |  
  3. Can I give you a handful of laughter
    A smidgen of giggles to boot,
    A cupful of tease and a comical sneeze
    Followed by a hilarious hoot.
    John McLeod, A Handful of Laughter
    Funny Poems
  4. That ability to laugh at myself takes me from being a victim to being a victor.  Annie Keys

  5. That ability to laugh at myself takes me from being a victim to being a victor. Annie Keys, The Grandma Chronicles
    Inspirational Quotes  |  
  6. Can I offer an hourful of happy, throw in an odd chuckle or two. The time spent is worth while if the mirth brings a smile to the friend I am writing this to. John McLeod, A Handful of Laughter
    Smile   |  
  7. The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter. Mark Twain
    Funny Quotes   |  
  8. Think about how much better you feel when you hear a funny story. Laughter is good for the digestion, good for the psyche, and helps us cope with the stress we face in our daily lives today. J. Thomas Murphy, Laughter is Still the Best Medicine
    Feeling  |  
  9. While humor does come naturally to some (but in my family, we don’t make nose jokes), everyone can learn the joy of making other people giggle. What a gift to the world! Mary J. Schirmer
    Joy   |  
  10. Just imagine if we laughed more frequently, if we had the unmitigated courage to touch each other, it would be just the beginning of paradise – now. Maya Angelou
    Courage   |  
  11. Sisters are for sharing laughter and wiping tears. Author Unknown
    Sister   |  
  12. To look upon the earth with glee for all beauty is in me. To grasp the clouds way up high there is more before I die. Byron Pulsifer
    Beauty   |  
  13. Humor is a great way to lighten any atmosphere, and laughing is a surefire way to brighten your outlook. J Fischer

  14. Humor is a great way to lighten any atmosphere, and laughing is a surefire way to brighten your outlook. J Fischer
    Attitude   |  
  15. I spent my childhood with rustic, innocent and hard-working people, who taught me that laughter can come easily and in abundance, if one has a childlike heart, full of love and innocence. Dr Madan Kataria, Laugh For No Reason
    Poems about Life   |  
  16. When life is getting you down, and all you need is a laugh.Find the friend that makes you smile, they may even be your staff. Catherine Pulsifer, A Poem of Hope
    Hope Poem   |  
  17. A sister will always notice her sister’s first gray hairs with glee. Allison M. Lee
    Funny Quotes about Life   |  
  18. Remember that sometimes people laugh when something is actually funny, but often they laugh when they lack the imagination to understand the situation. John Barrett, SoS-Life Enhancement
    Imagnination   |  
  19. Be happy, be glad, look forward with glee may the year for you be as happy as can be. Catherine Pulsifer, New Year Wishes
    New Years Quotes   |  
  20. Tell the funny story on yourself so that the laugh is on you; always laugh with others never at them. Wilferd Peterson

  21. Tell the funny story on yourself so that the laugh is on you; always laugh with others never at them. Wilferd Peterson
    Famous Quotes   |  
  22. Laughter therapy is not only a therapy to cure; laughter and good humor are, in fact, a way of seeing and living life from happiness and not from anger. Menahem Belilty, Laugh, I’m Not Kidding!
    Happy   |  
  23. Affection is one of those traits that we can observe when we go to the park and watch parents with their little children as they cuddle and laugh together. Byron Pulsifer, Waste Not Affection
    Appreciation   |  
  24. I believe, along with many other people, including medical doctors, that humour and laughter are one of the quickest escape routes out of states of anxiety and stress. Colin G Smith, Laughter And Humor Therapy For Rapid Stress Relief
    Believe   |  
  25. Laughter can serve as a bond to bring people together or as a weapon to humiliate and ostracize its victims. Robert R Provine, Laughter: A Scientific Investigation
    Wise   |  
  26. War is a game played with a smiling face, but do you think there is laughter in my heart? Winston Churchill
    Peace   |  
  27. It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you always have the power to choose either. Marge Powers, Anger: What’s Up With That?
    Anger   |  
  28. I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh. Maya Angelou

  29. I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t laugh. Maya Angelou
    Trust   |  
  30. Frowning’s outrageous, will eventually age us,
    Makes us tenacious, while looking crustaceous,
    Laughter’s contagious, it’s quite advantageous,
    For we feel vivacious when it shows us as ageless.
    Della L. Dickie, Wrinkles of Laughter
    Age   |  
  31. I realized it was a very serious, wonderful thing to be able to make people laugh and/or cry, to be able to play on their emotions. Lucille Ball
    Influence   |  
  32. At almost any time, you can measure how well you are doing in your relationships by one simple test: laughter. How much two people, or a family, laugh together is the surest single measure of how well things are going. Brian Tracy, Maximum Achievement
    Relationship   |  
  33. A smile is the beginning of laughter, and laughter is the feeling of being happy, which we all need every day! Byron Pulsifer, Just A Smile
    Inspirational Poems   |  
  34. Laugh trouble away if possible, and one usually can if he be anything of a philosopher, provided that self-reproach comes not from his own wrongdoing. Andrew Carnegie, The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and the Gospel of Wealth
    Trouble   |  
  35. One way to keep from becoming bitter or broken is to look at the lighter side of situations. Laughter is a powerful reliever of stress, and can be a great healer. Vivian Eisenecher, Recovering Me, Discovering Joy
    Stress   |  
  36. Laughter is the fireworks of the soul. Josh Billings

  37. Laughter is the fireworks of the soul. Josh Billings
    Top Ten Quotes   |  
  38. Laughter is what makes a home warm, and what makes a work place human. Catherine Pulsifer
    Home   |
  39. Each day brings its own colours to be chosen, mixed, pigments of joy, happy moments, smiles and laughter…. And which will you choose? For ‘Life’ is choice… John McLeod, Awakening
    Choices   |  
  40. Find a reason to laugh
    Just look at funny giraffes
    Watch a funny show
    A transformation you will go.
    Catherine Pulsifer, Laughter Is A Gift
    Motivational Poems   |  
  41. Laugh often friends tho’ passing years bring, sometimes, smiles and, sometimes, tears, for mirth forever warms and cheers. Laugh often! John McLeod
    Friend   |  
  42. Cultivate the habit of laughter. Og Mandino

  43. Cultivate the habit of laughter. Og Mandino
    Habit   |  
  44. There have been studies that have shown that laughing with a group of people causes the group to become closer. Matthew Moore, Sales: The Art Of Sales
    Teamwork   |  
  45. Laughing and smiling releases happy hormones like endorphins, helping you balance the chaotic and negative emotions you get. Daniel Brush, Anger Management
    Balance   |  
  46. One of the easiest ways to reduce your stress and unwind after a difficult day, or even on a day to day basis, is to do something that makes you laugh. Rebecca Turner, The Stress Cure
    Relax   |  
  47. Family Game Night – Pull out your favorite board games and start letting the laughter and fun pour in! Ricky Gomez, Frugal Living
    Family   |  
  48. There’s so much living to be squeeze into the cracks of one little day. You can make someone laugh, smile, hope, sing, think. Regina Brett, God Never Blinks
    Hope   |  
  49. Love is the carrier of laughter.  Dr. Lauren Cunning

  50. Love is the carrier of laughter. Dr. Lauren Cunning, Hardwiring Happiness
    Love   |  
  51. A smile makes you happy, it makes others happy and it helps with stress. And best of all, it often turns to laughter. Norah Deay, How To Become The Go-To Person
    Happy   |  
  52. Laughing, even when a situation is not particularly funny, is a great way to improve your outlook on a situation. Laughing will also improve your mood and possibly the mood of those around you. Jason Scotts, Mental Strength & Positive Attitude
    Positive Attitude
  53. A leader that displays enthusiasm creates a trickle down effect and is evidenced by improved performance from followers. Like laughter, it can be contagious. Lanze Thompson, Transcend from Management to Leadership
    Leadership   |  
  54. Laughter is your response to what you find humorous, and often it mirrors who you are. Sandra V. Abell, Feeling Good About You
    Humor   |  
  55. I am grateful for my children, their laughter, and their playfulness. Rosemary Peck, The Little Book of Tough Self Love
    Children   |  
  56. Laughter is the measurement of happiness. Creed McGregor

  57. Laughter is the measurement of happiness. Creed McGregor, Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness
    Happiness   |  
  58. Take note of people who smile and laugh and often, they’re attractive. People are drawn towards them. When you are filled with laughter you are filled with God’s Spirit. Michael Crenshaw, Thirty Days of Joy
    God   |  
  59. Children mostly love to bake and eat cakes too. Spend fun times teaching them how to mix and bake. Get flour sprayed all over, dough slinging matches and a whole lot of fun and laughter for free. Manidipa Bhattacharyya, 50 Things to Know to Truly Engage With Your Child: Simple Tips to Spend Quality Time Together
    Teacher   |  
  60. This may sound ridiculous, but yes, there are many who found laughter yoga therapy very effective. K.M. Kassi, Stress Management
    Laughter Is The Best Medicine   |  
  61. Laughter is a very special gift. We have to be very careful that it is used appropriately and not at the expense of others. But if you want to give the best “medicine,” help others learn to laugh. Floyd Kendall, March On
    Helping Others   |  
  62. Laugh a lot. It’s fairly well known that laughing releases natural endorphins. There are even classes you can take to exercise those laughter muscles! Paul Bailey, Your Little Steps to Self Confidence for Life
    Confidence   |  
  63. It's not about the laughter, but what it took to create the smile. Paul Evans

  64. It’s not about the laughter, but what it took to create the smile. Paul Evans, Success is NOT an Accident!
    Success   |  
  65. Stop taking yourself so seriously. You are just one human among billions of others around the world. Make your spouse laugh and focus on making them smile. Claire Wilson, Marriage Help and Counseling
    Marriage   |  
  66. I do hope that I make God’s heart happy more often than I make it sad. I know that my sorrow adds to his sorrow. My goal is to make him laugh out loud! I would love to hear that, wouldn’t you? Michael Lee Joshua, How Great Is Our God Devotional
    Goals   |  
  67. Laughter is generated by wit or by relief from the straitjackets of tension. Paul Z. Jackson, Your Lifepass To Creativity and Confidence
    Confidence   |  
  68. Laughter makes you young. Love makes you beautiful. Finnish Proverb

  69. Laughter makes you young. Love makes you beautiful. Finnish Proverb
    Valentines Day Quotes   |  
  70. To be happy also means that you are willing and able to give to those less fortunate where you are able to help other people feel good – a little smile, a chuckle, a good listener. Catherine Pulsifer https://www.wow4u.com/agehappiness/”> Age and Happiness
    Good   |  
  71. If you really know the great benefits of laughter for your health, you will make sure that laughter is also encouraged at home. And, if you are alone, put on a super funny comedy movie or TV show and laugh out loud as much as possible. Catherine Pulsifer
    Health   |  
  72. Deep down, despite their chuckles, people like to see other people lead hopeful, optimistic, authentic lives that they hope to someday emulate if only they had the strength of character. Justin Todd, How to Create Anything Despite Limitations
    Character   |  
  73. Determine to live life with flair and laughter. Maya Angelou

  74. Determine to live life with flair and laughter. Maya Angelou
    Determination   |  
  75. Allow yourself to laugh and when you do, share your laughter with others. Catherine Pulsifer
    Sharing   |  
  76. Watch something funny. Laughter is great medicine, especially for what worries you. Michelle Stewart, De-Stress Your Life
    Worry   |  

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